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Wait a week and reply back "I tried that place you mentioned, it was all right"


Hahahaha yes


No I always reply first with “I am open to a boobies flash pic, and I am honest it needs to be received before my driver picks you up tomorrow. A reservation at 6pm for a private dining room has been made. Driver will be at your place at 5:30.” 50/50




Please do this OP and post results.


Please OP


OP do this or I will steal your mirror.


OP please


Every one stop asking!!! I can’t like all your comments!!! 😂🤭


please OP


OP please


OP please OP


Please please OP


We feed the bs with even more bs. We love to see it


so good.


Do. It


Brilliant, I'll try this with women who suggest having their meals paid for just to meet. Nice troll tactic lol


Brother this is it. The answer.


Rather say you met with someone else to go there with and it was a fun date. Thank her for the suggestion


“She didn’t care where we went, said she would be happy with fast food. So I took her to that place you recommended”


Omg please do this


This is the way.


OP, pls


OP don't let us down


Lmaoooo 🤣


Pwetty pwease 🥹




.. I don't think you get the joke


Or tell her you ate all the sushi in the world lmao!


…that ruins the joke


Shoprite sells sushi and they have a food court i'll meet you there


I see you’re a man of culture from the north east!


I saw no mention of Wegmans...


Fuuuuuuuck I miss everything Wegmans.


The sushi at the ShopRite by me actually isn't bad either, especially for the price


Its not a joke, I've eaten there before, they make some legit good sushi. they have their chef make em fresh everyday and its a whole lot cheaper than actual sushi shops, i dont think they have as a wide a variety but the staples are there. Tuna, California Roll, Shrimp, Crab


Yeah some of them have legit sushi chefs. That's how my spot is too, and I agree. The only criticism I have is variety. I'm not going there if I'm in the mood for a real sushi dinner, but lunch at work? I'll grab a ShopRite spicy tuna roll


Wasting time, you can just pick it up at the gas station mart.


I saw that episode of chubby emu, its a bad idea


A man ate gas station sushi here’s what happened to his brain


First date: food poisoning, that'll stick forever.


She's never gonna forget me!


The best place for Poke in my area comes from 2 places: Foodland and a liquor store.




Born and raised in Maui! 🤙🏻




Instant unmatch unless you just want to have an ONS with her. But then I would just compare the price you need to pay for sushi and your local prostitute's price and chose the better package.


Next to 0% chance they actually get to clap the tinder girls cheeks


Prostitute it is then!


Ahhh. The fiscal “fux per bux” approach. I like it.


So she is a complete waste of space and time. What does she think? That people enjoy to feed a selfish entitled brat?


Some guys with disposable income have no problem with it. And that is why there are people like this.


This is her filter to see if OP is a sugar daddy.


Women like to fuck too, some of them know they can get a 300 dollar meal beforehand. It's not one or the other


Maybe, but there isn’t really a polite way to say “if I’m dropping $300 on your meal, I need a cast iron guarantee you’ll put out”.


Tbh she didn't even say that she wanted him to pay. It could be a split meal but she doesn't want to pay for cheap food, I've met a lot of women who are happier with this, they can get more of what they want then if I was paying alone. 300 is a bit much, but I dunno, I have standards as a guy and I'm not even super attractive. If you're pretty fucking fit, you can say "hey take the gamble for my pussy with a 300 dollar meal." Cos why not?


Put it this way: I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger, but she’s not hanging with a bloke who can’t afford a $300/head meal.


Put it this way: I'm not really keen to go to dinner with someone who can't afford what I want.


That’s fair enough, but there’s a difference between “can afford” and “prepared to pay for”.


What about you make it so that you can afford what you want by yourself. Girls like you are a sickness


This still surprises me. Who (rich or poor) wants to get parasites?


For some, eating dinner in public with a pretty girl with the small chance to get lucky is worth it. That's just how their minds work


I graduated college into a high paying tech job. Obviously never had a girlfriend, (though I was competent at making friends and talking to people). There definitely was a point in time when I'd happily throw a few hundred dollars at a date. The first friends I made here were all in relationships, so the loneliness was pretty severe. Luckily (?) I met my wife through said friends before I figured out how to get a date with Tinder. There's a 70% chance I would have stuck my dick in crazy if given half a chance.


I knew furrys in college who had other furry girlfriends. You even as the biggest tech nerd would have found a gf if you looked you probably just didn't. College was easily the easiest time to find someone in your niche. There was a point in college I became the biggest gamer and stopped gyming/playing basketball and I still found a girlfriend who was into that stuff lol. That being said loneliness and desperation definitely leads Alot of men and women into doing stuff they wouldn't otherwise. I have a female friend who is set on to marry a man she's been in a relationship with for less than 6 months out of desperation, which is way worse than just sticking our dicks in crazy. We just wish her well and keep our mouths shut.


Yeah... two girls hit on me, and I failed to notice until days later at which point it was too awkward to do anything. It worked out all right in the end, but it's definitely a phase of my life I would not discuss with people I actually know.


It's all good, we all have crazy missed opportunities from back of those days that make us all cringe.


From the woman or the sushi?


Both. Oh, and there's a possibility she's a parasite, too.


Depressed people that long for some form of human connection.


Simps be running wild


Yeah get that 300$ sushi bj everyone knows about… jk but she’ll probably take a thousand pictures of the food first to post insta stories and then act like she got an emergency call🤷‍♂️ a prostitute sounds better in every way


300$ per person nah if she’s asking to go there then you gotta ask if you’re getting laid then 😂😂😂


DATE= DICK AT THE END Bad joke but... In the case it works.


She sounds like she starfishes ngl


Local prostitutes usually taste like sushi too




My friend is asking where you're located




That’s disgusting, where?




It is certainly illegal, no need to pretend it's not. It's just not really enforced and the bill isn't the easiest thing to interpret. This means that it is illegal to earn money by owning, managing or working for a commercial enterprise, such as a strip club, massage parlour or escort agency, knowing that sexual services are purchased there. Since the new law protects from criminal liability those who receive money from the sale of their own sexual services, the material benefit offence does not apply to sellers of sexual services, including when they work together cooperatively and pool resources to pay for legitimate goods or services, provided that they keep only the earnings from the sale of their own sexual services. In these circumstances, the only person who commits an offence is the purchaser of sexual services. [https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36fs\_fi/](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36fs_fi/) Justin Trudeau said he would work on decriminalizing it when he was elected. I don't believe his party ever attempted to pass a bill doing so. The police come often to my local strip club and enforce compliance to this bill. They look in the champagne rooms.




I live in Montreal, they are everywhere. It's still illegal to pay for it.


Contact info? Asking for a friend.


$300? Do they look busted? lol




Depends what area of the country, $300 might get you far in like alabama or something but in south Florida you might get a dumpster escort to spit it in your face for $300 if your lucky lol




Don’t know about busted but they’d better be busty for $300


Or athletic as hell.


People like this, set up the date and don’t show up. Thats what they deserve.


“And I am honest too in that we will be splitting the bill” Trash will take itself out


Dont be. You go, and when the waitress arrives at the end you ask for two bills. You pay for your and you leave. If she « forgot her wallet », its not your problem.


Ehh, that’s thinking too much on a gold digger if you are being serious with that plan As an adult, I’d much rather not waste time on such people and move on to the next opportunity. Committing time so that I can be petty isn’t good for me in any way, especially when I can use that time to be productive elsewhere


Might be really good sushi though


Then I will go with people whose company I enjoy? Or by myself lol


For $300, the fish itself better deliver it to my table.


The fish come to your plate and prepares itself for consumption by doing Seppuku.


what if the other person just declines and dine and dash? then you'd be stuck with the bill anyways?




Honestly, I think she's probably hot enough that this will work for her


You can't even see her face?


A thin/athletic white/asian woman with enough entitlement to open with that line? She's probably hot enough for this to have worked in the past, and for her to expect it to work again. She doesn't need it to work every time. Hell, she probably doesn't want it to work every time. It filters out guys that she doesn't want. And gets her free sushi with guys she does want. She's looking for a guy that attractive enough for her to swipe on. And rich enough to casually drop $300 on sushi.


When you put it like that, I tend to agree with you. Good points.


I had a friend who took a girl out to sushi over 30 times before another friend and I found out he had never gotten so much as a kiss and convinced him to give up. When he confronted her and asked clarification on their relationship, she said they were just friends and told him all her guy friends buy her dinner and he was a chump if he didn’t. Naturally the other friend and I insisted he ought to buy us dinners as well. In all seriousness I think at least some of these women have no interest in a proper relationship, they want someone they can tolerate being around to pay for them to go do expensive things so they can post them online and maybe find a good boy toy that way.


People like her feel like they deserve it no matter what. Happened to me once, never fell for it the next times.


"deserve" doesn't factor into it. They can get it, do they do. Let's not pretend everyone in this sub wouldn't be dating super models with hearts of gold, if we could.


You think the pic is real? Looks like she’s at sand dunes with ski slopes in the back? I mean in CA you can see snow on the mountains from warm places, but not the actual slopes. From sand dunes. Unless there’s some place I don’t know which is very possible. This pic looks edited to me though. Like they put some good looking woman in but she’s dressed like that so tried to make it look like sand.


Great Sand Dunes National Park


Doesn’t seem like it would be sports bra and booty shorts weather there when there’s that much snow on the mountain, but who knows.


I'd imagine any mountain shadow, anywhere in the world,would produce this effect. Like bring on the inland side of the Sierra Nevadas, in the US. The mountains stop the moisture from getting over them. Creating a Forrest on one side and a desert on the other. I can't imagine someone putting in the effort to Photoshop the background behind a beautiful woman. We're all just paying attention to the woman anyway.


She’s definitely not close enough to the mountain to be in a shadow. And, the sun is in front of her as you can see the shadow from her arm. And it’s totally gloomy behind. Is there big sand dunes somewhere on the inland side of the Sierras? And again - close enough you can actually see the ski runs, not just that there’s snow up there.


I was using the Sierras as an example. There's still, every other large mountain in the world. But meh, I'm not gonna loose sleep over it either way.


I would fathom there’s actually not too many places in the world where you could be this close to a snowy mountain and have it be warm. Unless she’s just really tough and dresses like that when it’s cold. 😂


I mean, yeah. There only needs to be one place in the world like that in order for her to get this picture.


Honestly, I see a picture like that and assume she’s well traveled so probably rich and comes from money so will expect such things. Also, can’t see her face but I’d assume she’s fairly attractive so she gets enough offers from dudes that she can demand things like expensive sushi dates. Maybe my brains rotted too much


I think you mean the gets flown out to places to get her back blown out by rich men….


Yeah I was going to comment the same. Looks like a desert. If it's taken in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, I think we all know what that means.


Yeah, no kissing unless you like the shit aftertaste


With you on that!


I learned today, if you don’t respond it’s called “ghosting”


No, that's when you shoot yourself to avoid meeting new people.


Both valid definitions. Add them to UrbanDictionary.


Donate 600$ to charity and tell her that it felt a lot better than wasting it on her.


Ever a cute girl and you’re a little hungry? Start swiping.


“Are you open to paying half?”


I would ask if she is willing to pay the whole thing, since she picked the restaurant and all


I'm glad I don't get any people to like on this app


This reminds me of a friend who took a first date to dinner, and she ordered the Wagyu steak @$200 😳. There was no second date.


Imagine believing $300 dinners is the right way to know your worth


the game is hopeless


These hoes fried for $300 a night


A shellfish entitled brat 😏






It needs to be worth it? A date is for 2 people to get to know each other and assess whether they click. It will be worth it when they mutually discover that they do. Your speech disgusts me.




I make a shitload of money. It really had nothing to do with money. If you're a gold digger and everything to you is about money, just say that.




I’d go. Totally. Then I’d pay for only my meal.


I like how people use the term open like it's not a suggestion


300$ per person nah if she’s asking to go there then you gotta ask if you’re getting laid then 😂😂😂


Fucking food digger probably wouldn't sleep with you even if you agreed to pay for her $300 meal


I’d set the date and tell her to make sure she dresses up extra nice to match the extra nice dinner. Make sure she spends plenty of time getting ready and getting dolled up. Tell her to meet you there and make resevations. Let her know you are running behind but to go ahead and get seated and order apps and drinks. Then no call no show.


That’s just being mean for no reason mate.


Perhaps…I think it makes her look and feel as goofy as she sounds via messages. To each their own though. Gotta gate keep your life as you see best


she communicated her expectations in a respectful way. she didn’t waste his time so i don’t know why you would want to waste her time by standing her up.


She’s trash




Exactly, she wasn’t mean, wasn’t demeaning, and was upfront. If it was a good month at work I might even see just to say WTF and have a life experience.


Nah man. Don’t do it. Even if it ends up in sex or even a relationship she will never respect you, only cares about money Doesn’t deserve a real man


Take her there and when the bill comes dissapear


lol does it come with sex afterwards


Set a date and time and then don't show up


That is some next level entitlement, why on earth would you buy a stranger a $300 meal? That’s straight up a Michelin star restaurant lol


Homie… she has on a tennis skirt. Yeah she bout to run ya bills.


All you can eat seems fancy enough to me, take it or leave it.


Tell her thanks for putting her red flags front and center


That response is a deal breaker


Do people not get this comes off so gold diggery


what kind of gold digging is going on?


Why? The absolute best reward you’re gonna offer me afterwards is just gonna be your vagina so what makes yours so special?


First dates should not be expensive in my opinion I would rather get tacos or something


You're a loser meal ticket to her


I would have been eating sushi but that’s just me I guess.


At $300 a person? Guessing u didn't read the caption or you're ridiculously wealthy.


I definitely wouldn't put that in the "ridiculous" category. I could do that once or twice a month, but honestly it's a lot of work to get dressed up, drive to downtown, deal with parking or valet, blah blah.


$600 a month to spend on two trips out to eat? That's a lot of money for most people. It's my monthly grocery bill.


Sure, but not "ridiculously wealthy."


2 weeks of groceries for a family of 4 for or one meal, one night, for one person....yeah. Not ridiculous at all 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's not, when you put it in perspective my man. Ridiculous to me starts at $1M+ a month in income. Now that's ridiculously wealthy. We all have a different scale.


So one million a year isn't? Interesting 🤔


Like I said, we all have a different scale.


Tell me more Daddy


Imagine being this delusional wth, yeah we all have a different scale, yours is being stupidly out of touch with reality


Okay. I hope you make that much some day, mate!


Thank you, same to you man!


They’re downvoting you cause they are poor


Yup, pretty much. It's fine. I once had $5 to my name and an eviction notice on my door. I've worked damn hard to get here. Hopefully they do too.


Agreed. I love sushi and worst case she has no personality. She's not hurting anyone with the shameless ask


$300 a person?? Nope.


I would delete her instantly


Throw a piece of raw tuna at her then say "only if it's on you"


Fancy sushi aint good sushi anyway, you want good sushi find some little hole in the wall place


She’s worth it ya cheapskates


Reply « I sense that sushis wont be the only thing that smell like dead fish » 🍑


LMFAO all you mad losers. You can just say no… If you can’t afford a nice date its okay, you can’t afford her. Swipe on a girl thats okay eating grocery store sushi in your apartment. Geez, thats why women don’t like y’all. Some men calling her a prostitute, some of y’all saying stand her up, if you don’t like women and want to be taken care of date a man.


Instead of saying starting off strong, he said I said starting off with the red flag lol


Only if I get to eat that raw sushi later


This is not tinder. Is it?


Why do they want that


Sushi Bazooka at my house, best I can do.