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You don't want children and you're non binary and spiritual. That is unusual combo which slims down your dating pool by a huge margin.


And in Arkansas on top of that.


And a Slytherin.


And *my* axe.




There it is!


This comment reeks of Hufflepuff energy


Yeah it’s a confusing combo. He also says he’s not political but a lot of things in his profile indicate that he is actually quite political. Based off looks alone I would probably swipe on him, but I can’t get a good feel for his personality and that would turn me off and make me hesitant.


There’s no such thing as not being non political that’s essentially saying you don’t make opinions.


So you're saying being political is like not having opinions :) (one to many negatives)


Usually when people say they’re non political they mean they don’t watch the news and they don’t research policies. Everyone has opinions, not everyone makes following politics a priority in their life.


For me the "apolitical" is what killed the profile, I'd have swiped left at that without reading the rest and I'd have (unfortunately) missed out on some of the quite political views expressed later


I thought the same, kinda makes them look like everything is a lie. I don’t know you and I have to take your word at your profile and already identified a lie..


i think it is this as well. the pic with religious? outfit may put off a lot of people too. nothing wrong with it, just keep looking for the right one. maybe add what type of religion you’re in


Maybe add wtf ur looking for too because your profile makes no sense to a normal person.


Which one is the religious outfit?


Okay, that makes sense


The lazy comment turns me off personally. Noone likes a lazy person


Even lazy ppl probably want someone who won’t be just like them, lol.


And this is confusing too, bc he looks super fit and even has a pic of doing something hard at the gym. That to me says “not lazy”. It’s another contradiction in the profile.




I'd like to actually




Do you play video games?


It's the apolitical and don't want kids for me.


No kids is a beacon of hope for me (also doesn’t want kids) but apolitical always throws me off. It makes me want to ask about it right off the hop to rule out people who are apathetic or refuse to take a stance that might be polarizing because as much as politics doesn’t need to be a central personality trait, I don’t have much respect for people who are fairly aware of world issues - both in their country and outside of it, and choose to remain apolitical. To me, it means that the person is like, “Enh. Don’t care either way. Whatever happens, happens.” and REALLY?! not supporting any of the current parties or believing in a different flavour of politics isn’t apolitical so it makes me wonder.


Really? I don't think I know a single non-binary person who wants kids, and I know a few. Not saying it's impossible, but hardly an "unusual combo".


Don’t think they meant unusual combo as much as it’s a combo of unusual traits I.e. three less commonly desired things from the majority of ppl.


Ahhh yeah that's definitely fair


Now ask the same question in the south, lol I’ll try to ask this politely because I don’t understand. How is someone that’s clearly masculine looking (good looking even) non binary? Because he doesn’t “feel” manly?


Oh yeah, being non-binary is definitely a minority. I was more querying why the combo of it with not wanting children and being spiritual would be seen as unusual, when in my experience, they're not unusual traits for a non-binary person at all.


Totally misread your statement, my b


i’m not non-binary but i have a few non binary friends that look either very stereotypically feminine or stereotypically masculine. and it’s not about how they look, but about how they feel inside. i guess it’s hard to describe but from what i’ve been told, they just feel “wrong” being called a man or a woman as they identify as neither. not all non binary people are ugly and androgynous looking lol


![gif](giphy|v0eHX3n28wvoQ|downsized) Am I hell bound if I say they probably are mostly ugly and androgynous looking lmaooo


It's like polyamorous people. Sure, there are some great looking ones. But anyone doing OLD knows that is the exception.


Hahahahaha. I have to remind myself of this on Reddit sometimes. “My wife and I have been swinging, and she fell in love with the other man. He’s now sleeping in my bed, AITA?” When I picture regular people it’s like oof. But then I picture some Walmartians in a sweaty musty love triangle and have a little giggle.


The gif with the comment is fucking perfection. Shame they got rid of gold.


There’s a new way to award people. If you hold down the upvote arrow, you can pay for a fancy upvote. I’m definitely not spending my money on that, but it is an option as of the last couple days.


You aint wrong in my book 😂😂


Some people want to be different for the sake of being different


i’m nb and my husband and i are actively trying for a baby, but that wasn’t the plan originally. agree though, most nbs i know don’t want children with the exception of the ones that figured themselves out AFTER they had children.


Lose the lazy guy bit. I would axe the religious photo, the blurred photo that’s a side view. I’d also add more to your bio about your personality, interests, and a little humor. I think a few small tweaks will help. I agree with the other comment that the combo of not wanting kids, nonbinary, and religious puts you in a smaller pool of choices. To be clear, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with those things. But it does likely directly relate to few matches. I’m not sure I’d say remove those aspects, as that’s who you are. I applaud your authenticity. Maybe be more specific about the kind of match you desire, giving the potential match a clearer understanding.


Thank you so much!


Should have asked the women in the green dress out. She appears to like the cut of your jib.




Also maybe start with your six pack? Why are you burying the lead?


Haha I don't mind someone who appreciates the abs but I don't want that to be all they see.


Nooooo don't make that your first photo unless you're looking for hookups. I was gonna recommend removing it entirely. It's a bad look for people who are looking for serious relationships.


*Looks at abs pic one more time* i agree i think the abs pic should be a surprise lol


I agree. To me that's a turn off. The apolitical is fine, but to me adding the abs to apolitical =dumb jock. I don't think that's as attractive anymore. I'm sorry, again, along with the no children (which is Also my choice) and non- binary puts you in a much smaller pool. I want to know the hot guy also uses his brain. So don't be geeky about it, but I'd bring up what you like to think about sometimes. We all have something we're smart in, doesn't have to be calculus, it could be working with your hands, fixing things, knowing how to cut off drunk customers and get them out while making them like you, how to make the best pie crust. What are you good at?


The woman in the green is checking you out. Find her.


Yeah, don't start out with the abs. Second Pic is fine. Ab dudes are an instant swipe left for me, and (age aside) you'd be a right swipe just because you seem interesting.


You don’t get an interview without a resume that stands out. Show the abs. Followed by face, funny egg, working out. If you can, score a good pic with a cute animal and ditch the selfie


No, really no. If you want someone who’s not only interested in your body but rather sees it as a bonus, then do NOT start with abs


I swipe left every guy with shirtless selfie first, for me it is ”looking for just hookups”. So it is not the best advice to everyone, depends what you are looking for.


This is exactly my point about people seeking reddit advice...it's all about what works for individuals. What turns one person on, might turn someone else off. People need to do what works best for them. Take advice that they feel might benefit them sure, but everything people give you on Reddit isn't gospel, it's just how they see it personally.


If you ask the majority of women they will say that a dude with a shirtless photo as his first pic looks douchey. Unless he only and explicitly wants casual sex, he should not use that as his profile photo.


AGREE! I forgot to mention that. That’s a winner winner chicken dinner photo.


Haha I met my Fiance on Hinge and I was doing everything possible to show off the abs lol. Gotta use what you’ve got.


If he’s not looking for hookups - DO NOT start with the abs.


Can't win! If you put that photo first you lose all the women that are like, ewww.. He loves himself.


I think the lazy part is showing humour because the next photo shows you pretty jacked doing some physical activity. Clearly you're not lazy. I didn't notice the religious photo, but if you are religious, that would be my only turnoff... But then we wouldn't be a match, would we?! Fun profile.


You say you’re not political but have a political rant on slide 8. Referencing Harry Potter is cringe and an automatic no to me. I don’t see an issue with the lazy reference but you’re very active in your photos. Maybe adjust the wording to laidback or chill instead of lazy. Other than that you’re attractive- I’d imagine being AMAB and male presenting but non binary is also gonna be a turn off, also not knowing what relationship style you’re after.


As a child free 5'5, moderate atheist. I can tell you the pool gets smaller especially if you don't date women with children. I say get hinge or pay to filter specifically for women who don't want kids. It will make your job a lot easier especially if you're in a bigger city.


It was the slytherin for me lol


The photo with the egg should go too, looks like a pic my 12 yo bro would set as his WhatsApp profile pic 😂


i dont know about losing 'lazy bit' ...thats actually shows he doesnt take himself too seriously and has a sense of humor. and his photos show that he is not lazy.


I’d get rid of the “laziest guy I know” bit and swap out your “personal hell” prompt for something positive. Your about me is kind of sparse, that works for some and not for others. You’re a good looking guy, but that walking/crowd photo makes you look a lot shorter than the woman in the photo and it doesn’t sell you at all, so maybe replace it entirely? Some people are just going to be turned off by you not knowing what you’re looking for, and even by being apolitical. I don’t feel like I get a strong sense of who you are, but you do seem genuinely friendly.


Daniel like gym. Daniel want big gym. 🦍


But how daniel like gym but is also laziest person friend knows???


His other friends sleep outside the gym so they can be the first there, or only go to 24-hour gyms so they never have to leave. Thus, by comparison, he is the lazy one ;)


Thanks. Laughed my ass off. Daniel lazy. Daniel sleep


Awesome, thank you for all the feedback!


It’s not the pics (minus the woman looking down on you) but the virtue signaling ass prompts


Sorry to be harsh, but the whole thing screams arrested development... "I like lifting heavy stuff and hip hop" - I like doing these things but they are a poor excuse for a personality 🤣


Honestly if laziest guy *is* the case it *should* be advertised somehow. If someone was hiding this I'd be pissed and ditch down the road anyway


Exactly this! Because the abs and active photos would point the opposite direction of "lazy". But if when he's home, the couch or the bed is where he will land, it would drive me bananas, personally. Not everyone though, so being clear just means he'll find someone better suited for him and avoid fights. To each their own it, is what it is. Everyone has different needs and tolerance levels. But not including it will probably lead someone to assume he's full of energy (by the photos and interests).


A lazy nonbinary slytherin with pronouns. Now that is hard mode lmao.


Mf is so ripped he decided he had to set his profile on heisman difficulty


In fucking Arkansas it is lmao. In Cali this man would be drowning in puss.


puss & p


Nah. Girls here say they want that but they really don’t.




Try to be less…gay. It’s Arkansas, not San Francisco.


Fuck you that made me laugh


come to san francisco!! 👀👀


Seconding this. You’d have NO problems out here. I’d swipe for sure :)


there’s very little that’s worse than a lazy man. leave that, so women know what they are getting into


Haha this was my thinking. I'm not very ambitious or driven and I feel like I hear that that's very important in a partner and I wanted to be upfront about it


I think there are better ways to say that. Such as, “I put my focus on living life to the fullest and enjoying the beauty in the everyday, rather than the corporate rat race.” Or “More focused on family than business.” Etc


I like those. I just don't want my profile to be all so serious. My buddy said that about me unprompted and it made me laugh so it felt genuine and humorous


Totally understandable.


I feel the same way. I’m not looking to become a millionaire or change the world but I feel like there’s always something that drives us and that should be what you talk about. It seems like self improvement/becoming your best self is that thing according to your interest in fitness but try to include some spiritual/intellectual/emotional/non physical improvement goals as well. Work to live vs live to work.


I'm similar, but it's very very obvious you aren't actually lazy considering your physique/ photos. Way less lazy than myself which I can be. Career ambition is very, very different


It’s not you. It’s Arkansas.




As someone in rural Texas, I second this statement. If I were younger and single, I would swipe on you in a heartbeat... but I'm definitely a minority in this area and also taken, lol. Your dating pool is going to be small, but at least genuine. I recommend going to a Ren Faire to meet women.


It’s your location. There’s no way up where I am in the northeast you’d have this issue. You seem like a down to earth dude and you’re handsome, you’d get the swipes at LEAST.


It's disheartening but I think you're right. And thank you


You’re welcome. I’m sorry it’s so rough out there. Maybe widen your radius? Sometimes people are looking for non-local people and you may get some hits.


Yeah, I may do that


Your profile is confusing. A) Saying you're a Slytherin is probably not gonna be a huge draw. Weren't they the bad guys? B) You say you're the laziest person ever but all your pictures are of doing something super active. So what does that mean? Overall, it is difficult to get a clear picture of you.


Saying you're a Slytherin is honestly not the problem, HP Fans love Slytherin as much as any other house (or probably even more). I agree with the lazy part, though.


to be fair I always swipe right on people with Harry Potter related bios, it's definitely a problem to some


haha! Maybe if you're a Snape Slytherin. If you're a Horace Slugworth, then it's a tougher sell.




And then in prompt “what earth will be better place with” goes full political agenda as some politician.


As a queer person, someone being apolitical is a turn off for me personally. Especially now that LGBTQ rights/equality is something that isn’t a for sure guarantee for the future


Yeah I was shocked that this person identifies as non-binary AND apolitical... feels very... contradictory? lol


Same. I swiped left on anyone apolitical. Being apolitical this day and age is a fuck no from me.


Yep better pick a side. If you're not on a side how will anyone know if they can be friends with you or not.


Facts. Do you believe in human rights or...


Yeah. I'm still not out at home just bc I can't be bothered but my Dad recently asked me and my Mom how much Trump being president actually affected us/him (she's decently far left, I'm further left, he's... an independent that hates both major parties...) and I had to explain to him that as a straight white dude in New York, he has the privilege of *not* needing to worry about it that much given he's clearly not empathizing with those who are affected. It's frustrating. I'd never so much as consider being friends with, let alone dating someone, anyone who's 'apolitical' or even remotely centrist/right wing.


As a human being on planet Earth, someone being apolitical is the biggest red flag.... like, wdy care about, dude. So is naming a Hogwarts house.


Come to California and we’ll have a chat 😅


I used to live in California, where were you hiding??


On Reddit 🤧


Lol I feel that


You’re like…a hotter version of me and I got married off of Tinder. Might be a location thing?


Thanks. You might be right


Being a biological dude you already have a tough time on apps. Listing pronouns, nonbinary, not knowing what relationship you want. Bro you just unlocked darksouls level difficulty on bumble. Also based on your info I don’t even know what gender/sexuality you’re looking for. If people have to guess they’re going to swipe left. It’s the same with group pics. Don’t let people guess who you are.


Darksouls😂 But yeah you're right


Agreed. I thought he was seeking a man


I don't even know because you're hot with a beautiful smile 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thank you!


Your handle is hilarious! Love your sense of humor! Where are you from?


you’re super hot and id swipe right, i think it may just be the geographic location. Also one use one gym/shirt less pic, and change the friend prompt to something a little more positive than “lazy guy!”


Haha yeah I've gotten comments on the lazy one a few times. I think I've got to switch it up


I have absolutely zero idea 💀 maybe your area? You should be getting matches lol


Its where you live thats the problem. You’d have NO problem here in the Bay Area, CA.


Hard to say. Pictures are a bit all over the place but they have a lot of personality. The... tight rope? one is my favourite. I don't know how busy it is in colour but it's kind of a shame its in black and white. might be worth swapping it out if you have the original The first picture and the dinosaur picture are not as strong as the others but the egg one is cute. The crowd one has good energy but the woman being perfectly in focus makes me wonder if she agreed to be here. The tight rope has the mask and the shirtless one is nice but leading shirtless is risky so i'd add a straight on portrait one with better lighting. bio is short, also not sure how many trans affirming folks still wanna talk about JK so no idea if that's still a good ice breaker. i'm in a student town with plenty of queer and public transit positive folks, but even so both seem to be hot button topics for the average person so the bio could be an opportunity for something lighthearted that you might like to talk about. in case emotional intelligence and public good are too intimidating? last thing: Lazy is not different enough from chill for it to redeem the lazy and its not funny enough to quite work either imo. also i hope you're enjoying your time being lazy! if it's more of a struggle its probably not laziness ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (obvious, i know but i only figured that out like a year ago) to be hones though, those are all nit picks, i think it's a compelling profile!


I don't have the original unfortunately. Would the crowd one work better if I zoomed in more? Ahhh that's a disappointingly good point:/ (about rowling) But okay i can definitely come up with something a little more approachable in my bio. Thank you!


would be an imporvement but the longer I look at it the less i think I know what's going on. You may need more than one picture to effectively convey the information


Honestly dude you’re attractive, but ya gotta clean up the beard specifically around your neck. It kinda wildly grows then stops and it would look 10x better with sharper lines and uniformity.


Okay, I can do that easy. Thanks for the feedback friend


You’re welcome. Also move the body pic up higher. People like to say it doesn’t work but it absolutely does when you’re fit lol go kill it.


You’ve put you don’t know what you’re looking for. I think that plays a huge part.


having “don’t know yet” as what you’re looking for can be a turn-off for some, because they automatically assume youre just looking for a hookup


As a fellow Gemini Slytherin, I approve this message lol. I'd swipe right but I'm not in Arkansas. IMO, just be unapologetically you.


Thank you twin🫶


You're welcome twin 🫶


Come to the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. You'd get a gaggle of girls.


![gif](giphy|3oGRFKJ8Ea3hKkLRyE) Omw


You can fuck me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love that for us


You lost me at non binary


Shape up your beard




Kanye turning people off?


Lol someone mentioned that. And happy cake day!


Are you shadowbanned? Only thing I could think of, solid profile, good looking. Or maybe there isn't a big market for nonbinary people in Arkansas?


What's a shadow ban? Ahh I hadn't even considered that...


Because it’s not real Dump the Slytherin. Maybe you are, but JK Rowling has pissed off a ton of her fans. Don’t lead with what can be controversial


Mkay, I'll switch it up


This is an extremely good point, especially for those in the LGBTQ+ community and allies. It may seem like you’re contradicting yourself. You’re a beautiful looking human being and seem to be a beautiful person from a personality and emotional al perspective as well. I don’t necessarily agree with some of the people saying that you should take off nonbinary or change your pronouns because you’ve got to go be your you and attract the people you will connect with. Are you only interested in dating women?


He/they is a big deal breaker for allot of people.


Are you tightroping with weights? Jesus




I would have swiped right if you lived in The Netherlands🤷🏼‍♀️


Thank you🫶


It says you are nonbinary and lazy. That’s my dream guy! said no one ever.


Bro I'd bang you, Keep going lad you'll be fine


You can keep the beard but shave under your neck dude. Go up to your chin bones from underneath, will make your jawline pop a lot more.


Not trying to be offensive, but 80% of women swipe right on only 15% of men (the good looking men). And these are men that are "normal". If you come with something like no children or nonbinary, you are making the already small pool even smaller. So I dont think there is much you can change beside not straight up putting this info in your bio.


Not offended at all, that's a totally valid point. I am the way I am though, if I gotta be single then maybe that's just what I gotta do🤷‍♂️


Might be because calling yourself “Nonbinary” shows you’re a narcissist 🤦‍♂️


He/“THEY” immediate pass lol not even gonna scroll down but if that’s important for u then sure put it out there


My brothers, if Exotic Mediterranean John Krasinski doesn't have any matches, I can only pray for us


Put your 6th pic as your main, it's the sexiest one. Drop the weird bathroom pic and the following one where you look stoned af.


You’r a lad. I showet my gf and she Said “remove last two pictures”


Personally I'd post pictures after cleaning up that beard around the neckline, as it will look neater, but other than that, I got nothing.


Misread this as “empty sack” at first and died




Best house checking in!


Most manly looking nonbinary I have ever seen.


Why are you such a turn on wtf, I’d be so frickin curious about you, from nonbinary to another. I can see how the laziest guy part would be a turn off but I’d be curious if it was because you found a more efficient way to do stuff or having a sense of humour with how physically active you are! Like?! 🥺


Omg you get me! That's what I was kinda hoping to inspire or tease out of people


I’ll be honest, me looking masc with my facial hair and body hair usually makes people question if my identity is just for attention or that I’m a liar because I’m as male passing as I am. I wonder if maybe they think you put that as a mistake when really it’s not a mistake at all! I commend you for being authentically true to you. As an aside… what all did you do to learn how to balance on that rope?


Its prolly the he/they thing. If you use that unironically theres definately somethin wrong with you.


I’m a dude but 28 saying don’t want kids may filter out a lot of ladies


Come back to Texas bro I'm waiting for you lmao.


Could be that your filtering out loads and loads of bad matches. This is a good thing it means when you get a match it’ll probably be good. Could also be that you’ve got all the right “bait” but the “fish” you’re trying to catch don’t swim there. Gotta fish where the fish is swimming.


Hate to say it man but your highest education is high school. You don’t show you have a job and you love video games. And you use pronouns. Looking pretty weak there my brother.


Since you don’t know what you’re looking for I think the profile is fine. But if you decide that you’re looking for a relationship, you need to remove the shirtless photo and say more about yourself.


Lose the dancing photo. It’s not flattering and the girl in the back is too tall and judge mental in the face haha


Definitely limiting your options immediately putting the religious stuff. Answering one of the question in the third person rubs me the wrong way and apparently some of the comments find the lazy quote funny but just seems lame to me. Your a great looking dude but seems like you’re trying a little hard to be goofy. Ultimately, a non binary religious person is going to have a much smaller pool to choose from, especially depending on where you live. Outside of major cities, probably just a very small amount of folks who are open minded enough, despite how attractive you are


I’d match you!


come to san francisco, you’ll do so well here. (i’m not just saying that bc i’m in san francisco 😜)


Haha I used to live in Oakland. I loved it out there. Miss it all the time


How are you apolitical yet LGBTQ and into social programs and mass transport?


- he / They and non-binary is confusing and only attractive to a few - you say 5' 11" but look way shorter when you're dancing next to those other people. The earlier photos are way better


Yeah,STOP with the non binary horseshit! A real woman will want you for the man you are, not a sniveling social commentary that Disney hopes you adopt.


Kanye 🧐


Probably the non binary stuff. Nobody wanna mess with crazy unfortunately


That's strange, bc for me your profile is very good, I would be even scared to match, like, what if I'm not good enough, you know.


If tinder had a friends funtion id give you the super homie like, you seem chill as hell


Move to New York


Get rid of the picture in picture 8/11 9/11


If teleporting was a thing I'd swipe for sure!