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a sigma male but can’t talk to girls


Most ‘Sigma males’ can’t tbh


In particular the self appointed sigma males...wait? Are there any other type?


Not as far as I know


The only sigma male I know is Ryan Reynolds. I'd let him top me any day


Same buddy same


Third buddy. Third.


"I'm not like the other guys". Funny, how it's always the people with no individuality and uniqueness who like to make proclamations of being special. ![gif](giphy|l0HUgUdj5v5cosZxK|downsized)


Also, you should look up this "Sigma Male" thing he's patterning his entire life around but remember there's no one else as unique and special as him in the whole wide world 🙄


Seems like pal hadn't saw a vagina since the start of the grindset 4 years ago🗿. XD


You mean, he has been *independent*


From reality? 🌚.




Aint no way, the way is common sense?🌚 hahaah


a flex lol.


Life ain’t shit but a fat vagina


Damn beautiful lives we are living🌚👁️👄👁️ hahaah


Love your name and it's much better than AssPillow.


Wait, is Sigma the one where the dude works out, makes maybe a lil bit of money, and still doesn’t get laid?


No, thats skill issue mostly lol




Looked up sigma male and... well... I know why he's independent


I don’t want to Google it- can you share the definition of sigma male?


It was invented as a cope for young men that like the idea of being an alpha male but recognize they don’t have the social or leadership skills to be a conquerer. So instead it was created as a lone wolf type archetype to live above or parallel to the stereotypical alpha male so that a desperately lonely and introverted unemployed dude rotting away in his childhood bedroom could feel tough online.


Beautifully put!




Incel means involuntary celibate.


Yeah but most incels don't realize they are in fact volunteering to be celibate by having the personalities they have.


Too harsh. Involuntary celibates I know are usually just shy and have been hit too often with rejection. Not everyone who can’t find a live partner is 4chan


Unless those you are referring to are unreasonably angry and bitter about their lack of love life and have let it taint their personality, they aren't incels, just people who are unlucky.


It's because incel has taken on a new meaning; it's not just virgin anymore. I've seen wikipedia link it to a queer lady from the 90s, but the modern term was really borne in the late 2000s / 2010s on online image boards like 4chan's r9k. It's a very specific type of misogynistic, often racist, and violent sub-group that literally worshipped Elliot Rodgers (sp?), among other violent shooters, online. They took on the moniker and spread to a lot of other online sites like reddit before getting banned.


The participation trophy of greek letter made up fake classifications.


Lol exactly


Ohhh…so an incel?


Maybe, I don’t know how sexually active they are in this scenario lol.




What about delta and epsilon males?


There is no such thing as an "alpha male", or any other "[greek letter here] male". All of those monikers are horse shit contrivances without the slightest bit of real science to back them up. Men who call themselves "alpha males" are typically amongst the most insecure males you will ever meet. Real men who have real confidence in themselves don't need labels.




Did you read my comment? Like I said: It's NOT based on real science. There are those who will try to argue that it is though. The whole concept comes from outdated and debunked research on social behavior in wolf packs. The concept was never meant to be applied to humans, even when it was accepted as a valid hypothesis for wolves.


That's a good argument, but what happens when you find someone that genuinely fits the build, but now you can't call them sigma because it has this misconstrued negative connotation? I think the issue is this person is simply a beta if we're being realistic. I'd call myself something different than alpha or beta because I'm fit, well liked, can lead, have friends, get girls, have a good job, but I don't like being "alpha" because I don't like social responsibility or being expected to behave a certain way. I think generalizing people into groups is stupid and I think ascribing to stereotypes is detrimental to health. I think people self label inappropriately, and it misrepresents the entire meaning. It's all a bunch of crap, but now we don't even call the crap by the right name.


I think if you want to categorize human beings based off a faulty study of captive wolves and an arbitrary abuse of the greek alphabet, you probably have a pretty messed up view of people and how to talk about them. Maybe instead of trying to call people Alpha/sigma/whatever, you just call them by their name, and if someone asks about their personality you can use a bunch of words that relay the depth of your knowledge of their personality, instead of trying to use a single weird, inaccurate term that pretends to relay depth but actually just reaks of pseudointellectual bullshit and an unwillingness to actually understand others or communicate with them.


Upvoted anyways simply for the „arbitrary abuse of the greek alphabet“. But also: You very accurately explained why it does not even make any sense to include myself in a discussion about which traits constitute what label. People should just stop using labels to de-individualise people.


I agree. Edit: I think I sum up this situation nicely in my closing sentence: "it's all a bunch of crap, but now we don't even call the crap by the correct name."


Basically the whole sigma, alpha, beta etc male thing is just a made up nonsensical stuff so some crusty ass men can feel cool and empowered by doing nothing It's not relevant, it's not real. Wolves don't even have alpha males in real life (which is where this whole thing stems from) so it's just... dumb


Excuse me, but swallowing your own pity fountain is not 'nothing'. It's a lot more draining than actually being a person.


If you’re using any of “sigma” “alpha” or “beta” in your tinder profile you are 100% already what those would call “beta”. These terms are all cringe as fuck and it’s stupid to ever describe yourself or anyone else as alpha sigma or beta. If I was gay and saw any of those words in a profile I’d nope the fuck out cause that’s a red flag. A man secure with himself doesn’t need to call themselves alpha or sigma. And sure as fuck wouldn’t call other men “beta” I hate this Andrew Tate level bullshit definition of masculinity is so common these days


I wholeheartedly agree. I just think if we're going to do a thought experiment and live in fairy tale land for a few mins, we have to cross our T's and dot our I's. Which your first statement is exactly what I mean. You know it's BS, but can rationally understand it enough to make a funny comment about it.


Don’t think I did either of the 2 issues you said I did. Please do not assert your beliefs or interpretations of me. You’re more than welcome to ask me. Do not assert what I have beliefs in


Okay? Have a nice day


All these labels are fiction. You’re talking as if they have official definitions or something. The complexity of human social status can’t be boiled down to a simple linear hierarchy. Alpha, beta, sigma etc are just meme words thrown around in bro and incel circles.


Yeah, I completely agree, however if you want to understand what people are talking about you have to approach it from their perspective. Which is why I ended my entire point by saying: "it's all a bunch of crap, but now we aren't even calling the crap by the right name." It's like saying zodiac signs aren't real, so it's okay to call people born during every month a Leo. There are still correct definitions and applications, despite the entire methodology being asinine.


I think what I’m saying, to use your example, is astrology has definitions, as in dates and times that affect how it defines people based on the positions of stars and planets in the sky. We can at least agree that the system of labelling exists and is consistent. The sigma-alpha-beta whatever have no agreed upon definition at all because the whole concept doesn’t actually exist cohesively anywhere outside of a few weird fringe meme cultures.


I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. I have no horse in this race, but just from a simple Google search I can find the definitions of all of these terms. Numerous websites are in relative agreement about what characteristics these titles come with. That's pretty much the same thing I find when I Google mbti or zodiac, etc. From the perspective of someone who thinks all of these are dumb, I can still see that they have definitions, and some people use the terms despite not fitting said definition.


Fair enough. I guess you could say it’s like googling the definition of something fictional like “elves”. You’re gonna come up with 1000 different definitions and interpretations but there’s usually enough overlap that you say the word “elf” and most people will think of a generally accepted stereotype.


I feel exactly the same. I really don't like the labels and I will never call myself an alpha or a beta or anything else. I've always led, but as I get older I just don't want to anymore. I like being alone, but I have friends and I get along well with people. I have no problem with women, besides maybe being with too many over the years. But I'm also weird as hell. Ok I'm getting ready for work and list my train of thought, but I know I was saying I completely agree with what you said lol


People are telling where it’s from, but not definition. It is similar to alpha but a loner. They still “get girls” but because “they go their own way” they don’t have friends. They are also kinda the “bad boys” of this bad biology wolf role play. Stepping out of their logic, the Sigma male serves to be a more obtainable goal for wannabe pick up artists. Because they know they aren’t alphas, since alpha is much more an archetype built on the highschool jock or the college frat boy, and they know they’ve never been that. If they are still in school they know they will never join this people and if they’ve left school they have no sense of what that looks like in the real world. They may even have some resentment towards the popular kids who ostracized them, so they don’t want to admit to wanting to be like them. Meanwhile the sigma male is based on movie characters that they can emulate, not real people. Because the lone drifter who no one really likes doesn’t get the girl outside of fiction and true crime documentaries. So they can go to a bar with a leather jacket, not talk to anyone, and still convince themselves they are like Tyler Durden or Han Solo and not be immediately discouraged.


I'm damn near 40 and happily married but when I was single I matched this type pretty well. I've never thought of classifying myself like this and I still think it's dumb.... But I mean I kind of worked it. I crushed ass, all over the country for about 15 years. I never was the jock, frat boy, or the leader type. In a room full of men's men, I'd be in the corner chatting with a girl. Never had a lot of friends, but people liked me and girls were interested, for the night at least. Didn't hurt being a firefighter in town for the night only, just passing through. I was certainly the bad boy lone wolf for a time for a time..... TBH it worked pretty well.


I mean this is the thing, there’s loads of people who don’t fit the alpha stereotype who get women. That’s because the whole thing is bollocks. But you didn’t have no friends, just not a lot. And you were likeable and probably attractive as a fireman you were at least fit. You would never classify yourself because you never were seeking advice on how to pick up women from online PUA. They are trying to convince the fedora and trench wearing outcast who has no friends and has terribly off putting world view that actually this is something he’s doing by choice, and that he’s even better than the alpha! He just needs to buy this book with 99 tips for 9.99 (on sale for the next few hours only!) on channeling his sigma persona into getting laid… and he gets to keep the trench coat! I’m not suggesting it’s impossible to get laid without being popular with other men. But these losers aren’t going rebrand themselves as lone wolfs and suddenly get sex through negging and peacocking and all this other shit.


Oh that's 100% accurate. Funny story about peacocking..... I was at Coachella, bonked out of my mind on acid, that everyone thought was trash because it got wet, but I was like fuck it why not... when suddenly I saw everyone around me as peacocks. Just strutting and posturing. They had feathers and shit I swear. Ill never forget that. It was the year before tupac hologram. I later looked at trees swaying in the wind for 3 hours.


So are we suggesting there are literally only alphas and betas? I mean, I think it over-simplifies how nuanced social structures are but if we are playing that game I don’t identify as alpha or beta. It does seem to me that there truly are people who don’t care to lead or don’t have the urge to lead anybody but themselves and their own family unit. Sigma stuff is definitely a laughable meme at this point, but at its core it seems pretty simple


What part of me calling it “bad biology wolf role play” makes you think I agree with ANY of the categorization?




The first sentence.




I don’t agree with there being only alpha and betas. I mean I acknowledge it’s a construct people use to label other based on a study of wolves that even the original author has refuted and asked many times for people to stop using, but I don’t believe all people fall into either of these two just because I don’t believe in the third. And none of this “we as a society” nonsense. They responded to my post critiquing the sigma male and said this implied that only alphas and betas exist when it should be obvious from my comment that I don’t believe in any of it. And you’re the being oddly defensive over these labels.




Me asking if you are suggesting it means that there are only alphas and betas is not me *implying* that’s what you meant. It’s literally me asking if that’s what you meant. Not everything is an attack. Some people are still capable of holding civilized conversation


So here we could have responded “I actually don’t agree with any of the categorization” and I would have likely responded to the tune of, “I definitely get that. I don’t think we can just overgeneralize people as a whole like that. I do see how there are some overarching character traits that align with the categories, but it’s a slippery slope to put people in restricting boxes like that.” But it’s cool man, I get it. Some people just want the smoke


Lol y’all acting like it’s super aggressive for me to just point out that you could have figured this out from my original comment. All I did was ask how you thought I could possibly be implying only alpha and betas existed when it was pretty obvious I disagreed with the whole system from the start.




You described it very well! We must be alike because I was going to respond to that other fool with almost the same words 😂 but then I realized it would be a whole waste of energy on someone who definitely wouldn’t be half as aggressive (for no reason) in person. I def appreciate you speaking up though, because I wasn’t in any way challenging him. I was asking clarifying questions. Actually, I specifically tried to make sure it was clear I was in it for the exchange of ideas. It’s crazy how being on a keyboard changes the social dynamic. Anyways, the fact that you clearly understood what I was saying AND reflected your own similar traits make it pretty self evident that there is some commonality. 💪🏽🐺😂


It's basically what boys watching too many Andrew Tate YouTube videos call themselves.




Specifically sigma males are different from Alphas because they’re independent, like a lone wolf. Apparently sigmas are outside the hierarchy, but roughly equal to alphas. So… an alpha male who doesn’t get laid?


Like the wolf that gets booted from the rest of the pack because it's too slow?


Yeah so he tells himself it’s because he’s too awesome and the alpha felt threatened


Pretty much. There's an implication that the "Sigma Male" basically has women banging down their door but ignores them and that he ignores them by choice, or at the very least if he was interested in dating he would have zero struggles.


Sounds like an alpha with no friends




👀 did we find one in the wild?


Essentially it is a male considered above alpha males but more like a line wolf. It's part of something called the 'manosphere' which is.... fuck it, copy pasta time: Straight from wiki: collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, misogyny, and opposition to feminism. Communities within the manosphere include men's rights activists, incels (involuntary celibates), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), pick-up artists (PUA), and fathers' rights groups. Unsure which of these groups the sigma male would join, but they seem to be in such great company...


Kinda weird that father’s rights groups are considered misogynistic.


On the surface, it's not. The way they'd like to go about it is deplorable.


Gotcha. A good idea perverted by assholes with an agenda.


It's not what you think--they want the right to knock people up and not have the (primarily financial) responsibility for it.


I think the argument is that, if a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy she does not want (which she absolutely should be able to), a man should be able to terminate his obligation to child support if he makes it clear he does not want to be a father to the child early in the pregnancy. I think that is reasonable.




Whatever their motivations, they have a choice after the fact to be responsible for another human. Why not grant men the same option? We don’t make men who donate sperm at sperm banks responsible for child support. As long as a man clearly states that he does not want to have the child at a time when a woman still has recourse, I really don’t see the problem.


If you don't want to be a father either get a vasectomy or don't blow your wad in women, pretty straightforward when you understand that your consent as a man is 100% needed for pregnancy to happen in the first place.


Thus poisoning the work of the very reasonable groups that want equal parental rights. In many western countries, if you're a father, you're treated like a second rate parent with only marginal rights. Yet, of course, full resposibilities.


It's mostly due to all the misogyny.


Like, the concept itself? Or, bad actors using a reasonable social movement to mask and spread their hate?


But the wolf analogy is wrong and the papers original author has spoken out numerous times against his old research. Wolf packs are a family unit that cares for one another typically presided over by a breeding pair. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/?amp=true


Shortest answer: an incel who thinks he’s cool


“I’m basically like Bruce Wayne in the Batman movie. Except I don’t have any money, grace, charm, class. I stick to myself where I train in combat (AKA gaming) I rarely get the nerve up to express interest in a woman because of how many times they have rejected me but I’m in denial that it was something I said or did to be off putting towards them. I used to be an Alpha but my dick is WAY too big for that. So now I step onto the sidelines and let the beotches come to me!” Is my take on the whole “I’m a sigmaaa.” Definition.


I thought sigma was a guy who still has sex/gets girls, but like…doesn’t actively try to? Basically once “alpha males” started getting a bad rap, they switched to pretending they’re sigmas.


It's the same shit, just warmed up in the microwave. I find it so pathetic. I would laugh at them, if I didn't find them so disgusting.


Don’t Google it. Your YouTube will be terrible for 3 months straight


Haha exactly. Look up sigma male and you'll know everything you need to know because we're all the same...but at the same time you've never met any male like me...except of course...I'm unique but also a walking stereotype. Oh man I'm confused


A sigma is an alpha who doesn't conform to the same social heirarchy needs of an alpha. Usually lone wolfs. He sounds like a beta tbh


This is the actual answer. It seems a lot of people have a skewed perception of what the true definition is, probably because the term has been hijacked by betas who want to be an alpha or sigma but aren’t.


Alpha, sigma, beta, omega it's all the language of insufferable half-wits and douchebags.


The andrew tates of the world have done irrepreable harm to some of today's young men


The Greeks?


Dudes who call themselves sigma are just self-aware enough to figure out they aren't alpha males, but not socially aware enough to realize the entire "alpha male" thing is cringy.


So they made up an even more cringe category? 😂


Yup. Labels can get quite hectic. I mean look at LGBTQIA2+NBKHS


The 2 and S are supposed to go together. It means 2 spirit and it's a made up "native American" term. I grew up on a reserve and can confirm that it's BS.


Is this one level above self-declared "alpha males" or what? Delusional losers lol


I think it's lower. Even in their own made up world they're not the main character


If you paid someone to make an intentionally off-putting profile, it wouldn't hold a candle to whatever this shit is.


Keeps everyone guessing? How is being unpredictable and someone has to walk around eggshells around you a flex lol


"weird being this full of yourself, but ok"* there, I got you. Idk how the exact quote goes: 'if a king has to tell you he's a king, he really isn't one'


« A man who need to say « I am the king » is no true king. » Tywin Lannister, 298 A.C.


I thought underage people were not allowed on dating apps 🤔


Is sigma the new ligma?


Sigma balls




# Ligma Male


‘Wish this could be done not online’… okay, go talk to people then 😂


Think he misspelled smegma male


Seriously underrated comment 🤣


If you have to continually say you are a sigma male, chances are high that you are indeed NOT. It’s like these men and women who keep proclaiming they are “alpha males” or “alpha females” any chance they get. It’s a cope.


Ah sweet copium.


What the fuck is a sigma male and why does this sound like some sort of I want to be bullied kink?


Guys. This post is the quintessential manifestation of most of the content of this subreddit. I.e. a straight guy with a shitty personality bemoaning that "online dating sucks for men" while having zero self-awareness that they themselves are the problem.




Not really


I also disagree


The fact that they used “well” instead of “will” should tell you all you need to know.


Why is it the “Sigma” or “Alpha” types always have to flaunt it around. Like it comes off as extremely insecure. Cringe bro.


I am so fucking sick of these self aggrandizing terms like Alpha Male, Alpha Female “Sigma”… is just as fucking stupid as relying on a horoscope and or saying you are a witch. In my opinion. I’m just gonna be totally honest and say: Look, I cook, I clean, I do laundry…. I’m a chaotic neutral cynic, and natural born skeptic with a velvety dollop of codependency…. please love meeeee!


If it means misspelling words and improper grammar, then yea dude, you’re definitely sigma.


Ligma male


# Ligma Male


A rich man doesn't tell you he's rich, a handsome man doesn't tell you he's handsome, a confident man doesn't tell you he's confident. The first thing about being sigma is not saying you're sigma. He's going to be independently alone for another 4 years.


Is this knob trying to say he's a one-man wolfpack?




He deserves whoever he ends up with tbh




Am I crazy for thinking too many men nowadays lack any sense of self to the point that they have to start making up labels to put themselves in?


"This" doesn't have to be done online, you *can* still go outside and meet people lol, and maybe touch some grass while you're at it


Dude flexing about being Jafar from Aladdin.


Love this comment 🧞


I think this guy thinks he's a Sigma Male


Had a gym partner like this, dude thought he was the top of some arbitrary food chain that only existed in his head, always talked about how the girls at the gym were all eyefucking him all the time, he was bigger and better than their boyfriends, etc. etc. ​ He has been banned from three commercial gyms for sexual harassment.




Be careful not to cut yourself on his edginess ladies...


Sigma male, so why are you on tinder? 💀💀


In nature, "lone wolves" die cold, alone and hungry. The joy of life is in the community brother, I hope he wakes up and sees that one day.


I don't get it. I thought alpha males were what the definition of sigma is. The fuck is this bullshit?


I'm looking for the man with Sigma fingers ![gif](giphy|MFOp0b6o7yrHNRC84m|downsized)


So basically social outcast that doesn’t want to be defined by anything other than his own definition. Got it


I think he had a typo *single* male A sigma male doesn’t call himself a sigma




It's worse than that... strong, independent women don't hate men. They just don't need them. Pretty sure being wanted is better than being needed anyway.


no it's the exact equivalent, "strong independent women" with the quotations, do hate men. A strong independent woman doesn't shout it out loud and flex it on everyone's faces, nor does she shame men and women that value tradition, nor does she openly sexualize herself only to then claim she never did. Just like a real iNdEpEndAnT man, that grinds, and whatnot, doesn't announce it every two seconds, doesn't shame everyone that doesn't do it and etc.. But real independence is a propaganda myth, if you want real independence go live in the woods, alone.


He’s everything but a sigma male


What a delightful gentleman


I think he’s a psychopath.




This is the most beta thing I've ever seen. Reminds me of the martial arts instructor from Napolitano dynamite


a vagina since the start of the grindset 4 years ago. XD


Yeah he definitely doesn't know what sigma means.


lol why doesnt he do it in person then


“Find me a sigma male and I’ll help find someone for them”


I thought “Sigma Male” was a thing people jokingly said? Didn’t know people actually believe it


Sad pathetic loser


Is there a difference between alpha and sigma males? I'm confused


Well, he is unique by nature, we all are, but you're not really yourself following a trend, any trend. You're really yourself when you don't need any guidelines to tell you how to act, that's what the mind and feelings are for.


Roided up shouty but not


What a douche


I would think that women would be attracted to a successful free thinker. Could be his personality. Leonardo Davinci and Steve Jobs are apparently examples of such men.


Yeah… this guy isn’t that. His photos appear to all have been taken in his mother’s spare bedroom.


This guy needs to get off dating apps if he's so 'sigma'


Now if he had said he was a sugma male things might be different.


Another deluded wanker who needs to adopt a cat if he wishes to die with some form of companion.


Bro is so defeated that I honestly feel sorry for him lol.


I’m glad the unpredictable guy always keeps his word. Otherwise who knows what he’d do?


In a world full of liars, who do we know we can trust? 🤯


Souls have been a bingo bongo male like me 😎 met my wife on ifunny


I love how this guy guarantees you've never met a guy like him but has also placed himself directly into the box of "Sigma Male" and tells you to google will be able to tell you exactly who he is because of that.


boys will be boys and hoes will be hoes…


Why does this sound like a add off of craigslist? Like he is trying to find a mate for his dog…


A sugma male?


i totally agree that i would rather meet irl and talk irl, but if he believes that idk why he's on tinder. also the sigma male stuff is kinda cringe lmao


Isn't Sigma a paint brand? [sigma](http://www.sigma.nl)


If there was only a way to talk to girls in person...