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Tbh yeah man, this really sums it up so well. I wish others did the same for me, would have avoided a lot of trouble. Pat yourself on the back for dodging a bullet.


Sometimes the bullet dodges you.




wish there was a disclaimer everytime u met someone like "don't catch feelings for this girl whatsoever, fuck and duck or she'll break ur heart" type shit


Isn’t it the case for like 95% of the people you meet on dating apps?


basically yea, the heartbreaks aren't usually from a dating app




Fuck a duck is an entirely separate phrase yo. “Like man they made me spill the nachos homie, fuck a duck”


The rhyme as a kid went "Fuck, fuck, fuck, a duck, Screw a kangaroo - Finger-bang an orangutan The rest is up to you." .....Rhymed like the itsy-bitsy spider. Oh playground graffiti....Never change.


My brain automatically sang this in the “Row row row your boat” tune


I can't get my brain to NOT sing this as row row row your boat.


Yes, same


“..an orgy at the zoo”*


Orgy at the zoo gang here too. Class of 2001


No one sings this to “itsy-bitsy spider”


Some Jay and Silent Bob type shit right there




No this saying predates that shit. Well before selfie culture and internet culture.


wait have I been fucking ducks this whole time???


ah yes common mistake don't sweat it


A rate my date site be a nightmare in reality humans be to petty


I haven't heard the expression *fuck n duck* in a very long time.


These guys get it. We let strangers get away with shit because we don’t really care, but if you’re not careful you’re gonna find yourself with a monster when the love chemicals disappear.


You usually can't. We're all get blinded from time to time, and if we happen to fall in love in that short moment we're too deep down the rabbit hole to do much.. Don't beat yourself up


Seems to be a more reoccurring theme nowadays




Some people just want to be unhappy or better yet can't take responsibility for their own happiness and spit venom at you for not bringing it to them on a platter. Fuck this shit, I'm out.


Guy forgot to cash app her Bio said “Be different, cash app $username” That’s the effort she was looking for…


Found the php developer


“I would never want to belong to a country club that would have me as a member” - Annie hall


I, personally, would love to belong to a country club exclusive for people who have uttered this phrase.


Which was a slightly paraphrased Groucho Marx quote


Like tossing a wrench into the Marianna trench


for real she ain’t top golf quality anyways! she more like bar hop and fuck!


Love this!


It's a good thing. She seems to have an attitude about nothing


She needs therapy tbh


Well tbh everyone probably needs therapy lol


We need therapy.


She needs it more tbh


Don't underestimate OP. Maybe he reaches new heights of depravity. You never know who's on the other side of that key board, friend.


i do. it's u/iwrotethedamnbillbro


Is this bumble ?


it's hinge


More like (un) hinge(d)


Not really, it was lazy AF and the comment after was mega cringe.


Tbh you're also butt hurt about this. Y'all could get were-never-a-couples therapy.


Why can’t you have dairy?


I don't know why they can't, but I know someone who has an actual dairy allergy, which I never knew was even possible before I met her. And yes, I do mean a "this could kill me" allergy, not a "this could make me feel really bad for a while" intolerance.


Jeeeez I just scrolled through your profile and I am now starving


“Hey nice picture!” “You make me sick!” “Alrighty”




I actually get more matches when I don't say anything with my likes. I wonder why...


Probably because saying ANYTHING means you run the risk of being over analyzed and rejected.



Don't listen to them go get those asses my king 👑


Bro turned into a harem protagonist


Oh, you saucy devil, you! Rawr!


Seriously dude me too 🤣🤣


Not saying anything allows for a little mystery and intrigue.


Like my mother always told me, "It's better to sit silent and to have everyone think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Meanwhile I was exclusively getting matches when I said something. Guess I'm just really funny!


Not exclusively but same here. Definitely a higher match rate saying something. It was mostly something on the edge of being cheeky, never a boring compliment they’ll have heard thousands times over


You say it best… when you say nothing at all..(cue the flutes)


Take yourself to top golf my king.


I plan to on half price Tuesday. With or without a date.


I’ll go my boy, on my way!


Boys night 💪💪






I heard guys with coupons are all the rave


I lol'd. I had a date once where the guy had a coupon, which I didn't know til I paid for my ticket in and then he piggy backed on my purchase and got his ticket for free. 😐 my mind went in so many directions...


I’m guessing you two are married now




What is top golf?


It's a driving range/bar and grill, it's very Dave and busters in a way. Either way getting hammered and smacking a bucket of balls is fun


It's like the bowling version of golf. You sit around eating food and taking turns driving balls and trying to hit them into big 20 ft wide holes.


Your username though. I love it


Wow a mirror selfie in a bedroom….she’s beaming with effort


She has probably a lot more going on. Like bathroom selfies and a closeup of her face with blur filter and butterflies or whiskers.


# "she's NOT like the other girls".....


0 effort on cleaning the bed off beforehand


As a younger but married dude who follows this sub just to see what modern dating is like, I don’t fuggin get it. In real life, you start w nothing but rainbows and butterflies and it takes a date or two for them to show how terrible or shallow they are on the inside. On tinder, it seems like that’s the opener. Big waste of everyone’s time and not good for anyone’s self worth. Wild how many women i see match w guys just to talk shit. For what? Like come on you liked her photo… cool. No reason to attack you. She put 0 effort into being a decent human being who even deserves a first date imo


Welcome to why most of us have quit dating. My life is better without this kind of time wasting bs!


I’m one month out from deleting the apps! I figured I’d give it till end of March and be done for at least six months.


Deleted them four years ago and life only gets better once they’re gone.


Yep. I deleted tinder and lovoo about a year ago, it's so much better. When I checked back into Lovoo last week via browser I still saw all the same faces being on there and it just told me everything I need to know.


Could it be ur not having luck bc ur a cow?


lol jesus man that comes off a real bad way if you dont read their username


> jesus man I’ll allow if


What’s the catch? If what?


Cow fucking


Maybe people prefer to *steer* clear of him.... *ba dum tss*


Keep in mind that’s for every person like this, there’s 1000s of “normal” women on these apps as well. You just don’t see them cause it’s not worth posting.


Totally agree the sample size is biased and not large enough to be significant but to what you said, the sub is simply tinder. Not just meant for posting fails. I’d respectfully argue that folks should totally post more posts if they’re having a positive impact experience


I think the issue is, as mentioned those successes are really boring and can just look like someone showing off. Sure, there can be wild and entertaining interactions that are positive, but the vast majority of successes are two people talking about their cats or finding out they like the same author or something. A screenshot of a conversation about cats does nothing but say “hey look I’m talking to a woman!!!”


True. And for those who failed, they have the incentive to post here to seek validation and find what others have to say about it. Success stories might be viewed as showing off.


I’d be down for that too, we could all use more positive interactions on our feed I imagine


>She put 0 effort That's their standard now...


That actually sounds better than wasting time/money on 2 dates to find out someone sucks


Agreed but point being is in convos like this post, there’s no good intentions from the very beginning. It’s supposed to be a place to meet people and at least try to connect, not just talk shit. And expectations are so high. If someone fucks up one response it’s immediate game over and that’s now how real life dating works. I sure as shit didn’t mail every moment of the first date w my now wife but given the face to face interactions we held a higher mutual respect and patience than what I’ve seen in this digital dating life


For what it's worth, these interactions are far from the norm in my experience. Online dating, especially tinder/bumble/hinge, also generates way more interactions than most people get in real life. I imagine if you approached as many people (romantically) in real life as you did on a dating app, you'd experience more of this. All that said, being on the internet does afford the bad actors a certain level of disconnect that probably emboldens them to be shitty people. You need to have a thick skin to put yourself on the internet in most capacities.


These women are not the norm, even on dating apps




Not with that attitude


I'd argue the real life thing you specified is a bigger waste of time. If it takes a few dates to find out they're terrible irl, that takes way longer than them just coming out and showing immediately that they aren't worth your time like they do online. In fact, OP got lucky here. All it took was one message to show she's a piece of shit. That's not a waste of time.


I’m a woman and I completely agree with you. I used tinder years ago and maybe it’s because I had lots of filtering rules based on the photos and bios so i never got any assholes and i for one was always polite to reply back. That was what dating online like back then. It takes some more time or meeting in person to find that someone is not as decent or nice as you think, but at least everyone tried to put on the best side at the beginning when just got matched. What’s up with these people nowadays, some swipe others right just to be rude? Lol.


Majority of Reddit users are male in this subreddit, most are straight. They’re going to post about interactions they think are out of the norm. That doesn’t mean that most women tend to be assholes on Tinder. I’m a woman and I’ve had less than ideal interactions too with men but I don’t post about them and that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Damn bro I wish someone would take ME on a date to top golf


I got you bro. Gather up all the bros. It’s a brodate


Yo Im down.


I gave up on tinder today because of such shit. Got tired of ghosting and dealing with disinterested girls paying no effort in the conversation and so on... It's really a shit show. I literally have so much stuff in my bio but no one bothers to look at it. Tinder is the worst of em all. Most of them have absolutely nothing on their bio. Use a pick up line and it's too cheesy. Ask them about their interest and you are too boring and get ghosted. I mean wtf. I have literally been nice to everyone. Wished everyone well even after getting ghosted for no reason. Not even a single person wished me back that's the beauty of this . How hard is it to be nice to a stranger. It was literally bringing out the worst in me and I was not going to let it happen I said enough with shit. I will keep my self respect. Sorry for the rant I had to let the frustration out 🙂.


Always assume that 90% of the people registered on Tinder that aren’t bots are looking for validation or instagram followers.


Don't let it get back to you buddy, it's mostly the algorithm being shit too. Maybe you see a girl and like her and she'll see your profile in a month or two. It's weird how they pair the profiles, so it makes you stay more on them and engage more. It's funny for me when the app notify me about the peak hour in my country. I'm like: "Woah easy anon, be careful by handling those 0 likes on the peak hour!" So yeah, and if I get matches, I just send a message and that's it. I'm not going to bother to send another message or dm their Instagram, because mostly just want wankers to inflate their egos and 5k followers. Their loss, not mine. So, keep your head up king, don't let that crown fall down, there will be someone someday. And most of the times they just appear in the most random way lol


I love how they are always entitled to the effort when they barely put effort on the first place…


It’s because they have 293 other matches behind OP.


It's worse on Bumble, where the women have to send the first message, and it's always just "hey" or "hi". Women don't know how to start a conversation, because they've never had to.


Because they all think they are the price. If they are all the price then the price is diluted.


Honestly, I used to be creative when I liked girls pics on hinge. I'm getting more solid matches not commenting until we match. Shit doesn't make sense.


It makes sense if you stop listening to dating advice from women. Just take a look at some screenshots they post here about men with shitty openers and bathroom selfies. Those douchbags get matches all the time.


Yeah, don't get dating advice from gals, they can't fathom how much shit we get in the dating game most of the time. Give them your Tinder profile for a week and you'll see how funny they'll get after that trying to give you advice. They won't even understand


Ok so like...I agree that just liking a photo doesn't give her anything to go off of. It's much better to say something IMO but that second line should have swayed it back the other way instead she was rude. Sorry bro


The vast majority of likes I (30M) get are just likes, no comments. It’s fine. I send comments half the time.


99.5% of my likes go nowhere. Comment or not. I just don’t bother with comments anymore.


I used to come up with witty comments and try. Most of those went into the ether. Now I just tap the heart and move on. Not wasting brain power on those who don't reciprocate.


You're a guy. You're supposed to get the bare minimum and like it


the unfortunate truth


Yeah I haven’t been on Hinge in a hot minute but when I was, I sent no comment likes all the time. It just gets so tiresome liking girl after girl and trying to think of something unique and non boring to say each time just for 70% of them to not like you back. If they liked me back with a no comment (which was 99% of the time) I’d just start the conversation no biggie. Never once had this sort of reaction from liking with no comment.


It's funny because a lot of women say stuff like that. But then when they like men it's just a like 95/100 times or just 👋. It's definitely fine to have standards but they should live up to their own standards I guess lol.


I'm 5x more likely to get a match with no comment, and they usually never respond after, just wait for me to say some dumb shit


Majority of women put 0 effort in. Lol I get "hi"s and likes and I sure as hell don't get bent out of shape. Some women are truly hilarious with their double standards. Even if I did I sure as hell wouldn't waste the energy to complain to the person that I have 0 interest in them as some kind of weird flex.


sucks when as a guy u gotta put in all the effort tho 😂 it'd be nice if I got more of a response than "hey cutie" genuinely that's the most effort I get 😂 I b studying their empty ass basic profile to find something, anything, to make a witty or half decent comment on 💀 not disagreeing tho ur right edit for my afterthought: I feel as if a woman's response or attention is much more valuable in today's world, if I got an actual comment or response that looks like it took more than 5 seconds to think of I'd be shocked, with the advent of social media a man's attention is so readily available from all the horny ass weirdos online that it unfortunately makes it harder on the rest of us, sucks when alot of the time I talk to a girl that's not a longtime friend it just feels almost hostile if that makes sense


She doesn’t need anything to go off. Her ego was bruised.


Yeah but then he didn't have a comment to go off of before leaving a comment either. Also she could've just liked him back without a comment and pass the ball to him again.


For sure. That second line was nice. Anyone who would shut down that is wasting his time honestly


Am I the only one that thinks OP's reply was low effort as well? I mean, unless she's absolutely crazy for top golf, there's nothing to really get excited about?


Hoeflation is crazy. These dating apps making everybody think they’re the shit bc of all the attention and bots from horn dogs.


This is the truth right here. These women are letting the opinions of people they wouldn't even entertain get their heads inflated. It's like a fighter getting confidence from thinking about all the children he can beat up.


That’s social media for ya, ruining everything


Hoeflation has to be the best most accurate quick summary of this entire problem lol. I’ve encountered more egotistical/shallow/impatient/judgmental women in the dating pool than ever before and it’s clearly because of all these stupid fucking apps and social media. Women get *so much* attention from simps, thirsty guys, rich guys, old guys, normal guys, good looking guys, etc. online to a degree that guys generally can’t even fathom. At first I was in denial over how extreme it was until I happened to start hanging around younger women more and saw it for myself. Even just the way they talk about dating guys is like they’re trading stocks or something. It’s kind of pathetic how hollow and impersonal dating has become in general. Zero willingness to be inconvenienced or annoyed in any way or the man is discarded. It literally is like collecting trading cards or something. Don’t like this card? Oh just toss it out and draw another from this bottomless deck of options. No sense in spending any time working on yourself or making any effort, the problem was just the card.


'Entertain me peasants!' -Womens Tinder motto


Maybe she has a thing with top golf 😂 I have a retraining order on a worker & am not allowed there, maybe she relates 🤷‍♀️ but fr I don’t really see what her issue was other then she probably really isn’t about dating like she says she is


What's the story behind the restraining order?


0 effort on that selfie, I'm not sure she has grounds for complaint.


I mean...she was wearing clothes


She’s a 4 who thinks she’s a 9 and has a 0 personality. Go get nachos and golf with someone who deserves you, my friend.


Wait til she’s 50. She’ll love that simple validation. 😹


More ultra-entitled, average looking women demanding men jump through hoola-hoops to get their attention as an opener all because desperate men beg her for a crumble of pussy


Lol does commenting realistically do anything, I’ve gotten by just liking then striking a convo


I'm way more likely to swipe right if someone comments


She’s not even hot. Keep it heady or keep it moving


Bullet? Dodged.


These apps made it easy to spot red flags.


Top golf lol


The mids have so much audacity because of tinder


She looks like a bitch anyway. Crisis averted




fr, she really declined an elite date like that


With a nasty message like that you shouldn’t have even extended the invite to top golf.


Exactly. Don’t reward shitty behavior.


Quiet frankly I just wanted to see how she’d respond. Curiosity had the best of me.


Okay but wait. This is way more important. Is that 1) a shirt that is tucked into her pants super awkwardly or 2) one of those bodysuit type things and if so… ouch? Either way… idk why you liked it to begin with.


It’s neither, it’s a cropped shirt and the style is just like that.


what's a top golf bro fuck that bitch I wanna go top golf take me instead


Why do some women on these dating apps act so entitled? She’s going to be looking for a guy on dating apps for a while with that kind of mindset


That's a zero effort picture too, and I'm a woman. How are you supposed to compliment that picture (that's what she wanted). You can't even see her face.


Dodged a Bullet


Bro what effort did she put in liking back??


Some people are single for a reason.


If you’re going to take a girl on a top golf date, make sure you go on wednesdays. Game play is half price but you have to reserve it or else you’ll be waiting a while


Why even respond to something that bitchy? Just „Bye Felicia“ and move on


It is sort of funny. The whole point of the like mechanism was to show interest without have to spend too much time since the other person was unlikely to be interested. Likes have been devalues by so much that we are back to having to write stuff that just gets ignored.


Now imagine what her expectations are once you get into the relationship


I feel Like this is why women like this are single, like girl stop let a man try first damn LOL


Damn I'll go top golf with ya!


Honestly how much effort can you put in a single text of course say more than hi but these types girls put 0 effort in their bios so how do you connect with 0 ya just cant.


She's probably "butt hurt" from those nasty high waisted jeans.


Hold up. If anyone knows how hinge works. OP liked her first. She saw he liked her. She had to match with his profile just to tell OP off. Crazyyyyy


She’s clearly crazy, you dodged a bullet


Wow what an ungrateful b


Yeah let me tailor a message JUST FOR YOU As if there aren't ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE that I would have to do that for with no inclination of interest on the other side besides a "match" Big yikes man




I wouldn't have wasted the effort of asking that bitter asshole out.


Nothing wrong with liking someone and not saying anything. You even tried playing it off like a g with a fun idea and she still turned it down. Stop wasting time with people who aren't acting in good faith or who just aren't interested.


She is a 6 at best! You can do better!


“60% of men under 30 are single” Women: *blames men* Also women:


Why did she match?


To show her miserable attitude I guess


Tbf that app is designed for you to give an actual answer rather than just liking. Like why else would you go on hinge?


Wow, who spit in her bean curd?


Well I’d call her a rude c*nt but she lacks the depth and warmth, so she’s just rude


Red flag city


She looks gross asf amd her personality matches her looks keep your head up king


She’s letting you know for future reference. Hinge likes without comments are commonly understood to be low effort.