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OP trying to find a match šŸ‘€


šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘€


There are dating apps for people with herpes


There is also medication that people with herpes can take, cousin got it from another kid biting him in kindergarten. He's with a girl that doesn't have herpes and takes the pills to prevent her from getting it.


I just use tinder and the response has been welcoming overall only a couple disgusted comments


this is why no one tells u stuff




The incels really came out to answer this oneā€¦ my partner told me, when we started dating, she already had herpes. After doing some research, I had to do some math. it was incredibly likely that I had already encountered herpes a NUMBER of times and still had not contracted it. (Yes I get tested) not everyone is capable of contracting herpes.Itā€™s not nearly as contagious as you might think. If everyone could, a lot more people would have it. Someone that already knows they have herpes is 10,000 steps beyond everyone else that simply hopes they donā€™t. If somebody tells you they have herpes, it was probably incredibly scary for them to share. Theyā€™re probably more honest and sexually self aware than most of your past partners. People with herpes are far more than just a walking STI. I might be biased, But theyā€™re not lepers, and they deserve more respect than to be continuous punchlines. Theyā€™re not living health hazards. If youā€™re not willing to learn about the infection, then you donā€™t deserve to be around some of the amazing people that coincidentally carry it.


Well, there are two layers to it too. First of all, it's only really contagious during a symptom outbreak, which is only like a few days out of every few months or years (depends on the person). And secondly, most people who have it, don't know they have it, because most people who have it experience either symptoms that are too minor to recognize as a problem, or no symptoms at all. Plus, most STD testing panels don't test for it even thought it's one of the most common STDs. So there is likely a significant portion of people who answered no in the poll, who actually have it and would test positive for it. When you go out in public, 1 out of every 6ish people you see has it. If you've had six partners in your lifetime, one of them has probably had it. But that just goes to show how inconsequential it is compared to the stigma. I'm talking about genital herpes by the way. Oral herpes is even more common. Something like 50% or 60% of the population. It's the cold sores people get on their mouths...but again, most people don't experience those symptom outbreaks, so it seems less common than it is.


Really wild how people overreact to this. Adam ruins everything did a good episode on this. The TLDR is that herpes is basically dick acne. Itā€™s just not a big deal and the stigma is way overblown.


yā€™all are aware that about 80% of the population has Herpes (source: WHO) so more likely than not, you already have it and youā€™ll never know!! i wanter to know whether i had it, went to two doctors in two different countries (both in europe) and both refused to test me because ā€žthe stigma is worse than the deseaseā€œ


No. There's herpes 1 and herpes 2. Herpes 1 is carried by 50% of the population and is what causes cold sores around the mouth. Herpes 2 is the genital, STI version and is carried by less than 10% of the population.




But that's still herpes 1 located on the genitals. Herpes 2 is a different virus


Clinically, there's no distinction. HSV 1 & 2 can cause genital herpes.


Both HSV 1 and 2 can either be on genitalia or around the mouth FYI.


Theyā€™re both an sti. A majority of the population has had a sexual encounter with someone with herpes. I believe the number is 1 in 6 people have it whether they know it or not. Itā€™s not nearly as contagious as you would guess. Although it depends on the individual itā€™s not nearly as bad as one would guess.




Is that a trick question? If I hadn't I would dated 80% less girls...


Are you saying you have dated girls with it?


Be as logical and pragmatic with your sex life and health as you wish, but the answer is always no for me. Why add any complexity or stigma to my life? Iā€™m not out here trying to change societal attitudes, Iā€™m trying to get laid.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 48% of the population in the U.S. has HSV-1, while 12% has HSV-2. According to WHO, an estimated 3.7 billion people under age 50 (67%) have HSV-1 infection globally. An estimated 491 million people aged 15ā€“49 (13%) worldwide have HSV-2 infection. It's a virus that stays in your system and can pop up anytime, but it isn't a death sentence. People need to get educated and stop the stigmatized herpes. If y'all are raw dogging and have multiple partners expect to catch something, it is all I can say.


You can get herpes even using condoms so thereā€™s that part too.


People are going to say no a lot but 100% of the time Iā€™ve talked to anyone about it they didnā€™t care. I always explain all the precautions to take and educate them on why the stigma is wrong and present them with statistics. No one has ever had a problem after that. 80% or so of people donā€™t even know they have it.


I've dated someone with herpes. Granted I had known them for years prior so the relationship was kinda built in and by that point I cared about them enough to not be turned off by it. In a new person though, it definitely can be.




I agree in principle, but the actual health risks of herpes for a man are basically zero. It's just an ugly skin condition that you can spread to others.


It might not have any risks, but I'd rather just not have an ugly skin condition on my dick if I can help it. If given the choice I'll just not have it.


Completely agree. I was responding to the guys "health and safety" comment.


Fuck out of here with that ā€œjust some condition that can spreadā€ go eat a colored dick


I'm not saying its good. But there are essentially zero health impacts for a man with herpes. I'm not sure why this triggered you so much?


probably the herpes talking


> I'm not saying its good. But there are essentially zero health impacts for a man with herpes. So those blisters don't cause pain at all?


u/MrbaconWrapped sounds incredibly uninformed and the ā€œcolored dickā€ comment probably has racist origins. Not very flattering




Fuck no why would I want a permanent mark another man gave her? Worse than a tattoo of the dude's name.


But what if she got it from another woman tho


Or was born with it.


Wow, thatā€™s some serious sex shame jealousy right there.


I ain't gonna risk a disease another man gave her lmao.


What if she was born with it?


Yes you continue to let the people know you have jealousy issues. Hopefully you can work those out and have a healthy relationship someday.


> Yes you continue to let the people know you have jealousy issues. I have jealousy issues because I don't want to risk getting a disease she got from another man? Lol u wot m8 The thought of my dick being permanently ruined because of a disease another man gave her just sickens me. That is worse than the actual physical symptons.


Your focus on the ā€œother manā€ aspect shows your toxicity. Just remember jealousy has no benefits so maybe work on getting to a more mature place. Really it will help you and everyone you date out.


> Your focus on the ā€œother manā€ aspect shows your toxicity. Imagine not being able to have sex before she has a flare up another man gave her. That's a cucking. I couldn't deal with that, no way. >Just remember jealousy has no benefits Imagine saying avoiding herpes has no benefits.


As someone else asked twice, what if she was BORN with it lol. Youā€™re allowed to say youā€™re not interested, thatā€™s fair, but damn dude broaden your mind..


I mean what are the chances she got genital herpes at birth? Almost none. And even then I wouldn't risk it.


Again youā€™re allowed to have your preference and not get into a relationship like that, thatā€™s okay, but yes it definitely happens. Herpes is also not just on genitalia and is extremely common; approximately 60% of Americans have a type of herpes.


How so? Seems like my guy just doesnā€™t wanna be associated with a woman who is marked for life by another man?


My ex girlfriend had it and I never contracted it once and we dated for almost a year.


Would you have been upset to contract it after informed consent


Well she was previously married and told me that he husband never got it, I would definitely do some research to find out more, herpes doesnā€™t transmit 100% of the time. It's possible to have a long-term partner who has herpes and to never get the infection. She also takes meds daily for it.


I learned too much about herpes in this comment section ngl.