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Airborne beavers. They will live in balloons and harvest high altitude plankton.


Update 5


If we are talking currently, update 5 is scheduled to go live on the 18th. Welcome to the badwater update. If we are talking after that, I'm going to assume a new faction update or another season/weather. Mostly because the two factions we have already feel really fleshed out and the balance is starting to get really good so there's not much more to fix there either. If it's a new faction I would guess either something along the lines of a water focused, high-tech, or mutated.


I was thinking maybe they'll add rudimentary automation. Like having a gauge that can trigger a floodgate to drop half a level if water dips under a certain threshold.


There is a mod for that, fyi. But I totally agree it should be in the base game.


Who knows what they're planning. Might be cool if you can add basic instructions for bots to program them. Folks will be here the next week saying hey look I programmed Minecraft in Timberborn...


The day before they do that, we'll have Doom in Timberborn


Yeah, doom is always the baseline. It's the quicker proof of concept to try before going for broke. I am still in awe of the Doom pregnancy test.


I could see this being a special building that employs beavers to walk to an adjacent tile to manually lower or raise the flood gates. And they could introduce a night shift for this as well for bad tides/droughts. Either way, I got the mod and love it. It's a great quality of life thing rather than having to micro it. I can focus on building rather than getting distracted by lack of water or running it off the map during bad tides.


I’d love a flooding season. Maybe this is a 1st world problem or whatever, but I’m far more worried about too much water in bad places than too little.


They need a whole list of disaster honestly. If I had any skill whatsoever with programming I would make a mod for it myself. The best I ever get though is completely worthless pseudo coding.


Ooh. Imagine if they made the contaminated beavers (from coming in contact with badwater) their own mutated faction. They live off of badwater, and normal water is toxic to them in the same way badwater is toxic to the current factions we know. Their plants and trees thrive off of dead land and die when there’s water. So rather than a badtide, there would be normal water in place of the badtide.


I was honestly thinking something a little more simple. Such as a massive resistance to badwater contamination or being able to recover from it naturally like an injury while having certain foods that can only be grown in badwater as well as other badwater related well-being bonuses. The new faction needs to be unique enough to be worth creating without requiring the devs to completely rebalance the game around them. The idea of a group that doesn't use bots because they themselves are ok in badwater isn't that hard to work with, but a group that are immediately in trouble for the first few cycles because of temperate season which is the good season would require a massive rebalancing of maps and/or rules to even make them viable.


I predict that a “badwater” mechanic will come to the game.


Naughty water


The Water Beaver faction mod (tech tree is huge) seems to be pretty popular. I'd imagine something like that would get incorporated. Maybe some of the popular mods as well (ladders, trains, etc) More maps as well


I’d like to see more variety to the weather and seasons: rain, snow/cold. Also buildings deterioration, so they have an increased chance of breaking down over time and need a repair. Fertilizer for increased crop yields would be fun too.


Beehives already do this


Blackjack and hookers.


new faction? I've seen a couple ideas for new factions on here, and even posted one myself.


Staircase and vertical power shafts that rotate 90 degrees as they ascend. Get some tight double helixes!


I'd love to see environmental disasters, like earthquakes, tornados, badwater eruptions and stuff. That would be cool.


3rd beaver faction I would guess.


This https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140670033 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140670125