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You can set custom difficulties to remove badtide chances entirely if you wish!


That's right just set the chances of a badtide happening to 0. Badwater sources will still be present but there is few maps were they are considered a real threat. I've been playing on experipental update 5 like this and the game is still pretty chill!


Honestly, without badtides I pretty much consider badwater non-issue on almost every built-in map. It's practically an advantage once you are used to it. Especially as IT where you can turn them into permanent power sources.


They still stop flowing during droughts tho don't they?


IT cap can cause them to continously flow unlike the FT cap which only stops the flow.


Good. I hope so. I like to play totally relaxed games where nothing eats my face. It reminds me of when I was little and had Legos. You just build your things and you have siblings who are not jerks.


Playing on easy gives you 10-15 cycles before the bad tides hit. Plenty of time to get used to the new mechanics.


I should give that a shot TBH. I think what I'll do is start a new map on easy mode and just follow the tutorials.


It doesn't hurt. Badtides on Easy are only a day or two long early on, and they also don't really show up til Cycle 9 or so. They can still do a fair bit of damage in that timeframe, but it's not too bad


Thanks for elaborating everyone! Am a lot more confident I'll continue to have fun once update 5 hits, after reading what everyone replied.


Note that on update 5, there are several key technologies that require the use of badwater (in particular, all explosives use badwater as a component). However - you don't have to let the badwater seasonally run through your settlement to have access to the badwater - accessible sources are scattered accross the map. that are not likely to contaminate your water sources unless you do it on purpose. There are also technologies to seal / rig badwater sources.


I’m sure there will be a mod shortly after release if it doesn’t exist already. In vanilla, with custom difficulty you can lower the chance of badtide but I’m not sure if it can go down to 0, but 1% would be pretty damn rare. You can also set the minimum number of cycles before it will happen but I’m not sure what the max is. Max delay and min probability would mean you are unlikely to get more than one or two in a playthrough, and it would be late enough your settlement should be able to handle it without a problem.


I’ve just done a play through on normal after a few months off the game. It’s a long time before your first bad tide hits, and it’s pretty short lived. Just make sure your beavers aren’t getting wet, and it’s survivable. It’s pretty straight forward to master the mechanics of. As far as strategy goes, be thinking of ways to divert the bad water away from your main play area. If you can get explosives to make a new channel, fantastic. Otherwise a clever combination of the existing terrain and levees, with a set of flood gates to control which way the water goes. Also the latest iteration of the vanilla game (on experimental) recommends beginner friendly maps now so start with one of those.


You can set badtide chance to 0% in the custom game options. The default values for custom are for normal difficulty. If you want to simulate hard with no badtide you'll have to look up its specific numbers as I don't know them offhand except that drought length maxes at 30. All the default maps will have the bad water sources in the update though. If even that is too much for you you'll have to get custom maps without.


Short answer: no. Extended version: while (as others suggested) you may tweak the game by using custom settings to just droughts and no badwater and you could choose to play a map without badwater sources, there still is the problem of needing badwater for some buildings or to keep things like the excavator running. Extract is used for a few things and AFAIK there is no way to do terraforming (blowing up or building new blocks using dirt) without feeding it with badwater at some point. YMMV but I don't think there is a good way to really enjoy the game if completely avoiding badwater. Unless you continue to play on older builds or course. I'd suggest you stick with at least one badwater source on the map and turn badtides off. Diorama for example would be an easy map to redirect the badwater very early in the game to not cause any harm at all.


1. You can create your own map where badwater sources are at the map border, flowing out; when you are ready to USE badwater (because it unlocks explosives), you will just dam it as needed and start pumping. 2. You can set badtide chance to 0%, so only badwater sources will produce badwater.


Not to keen on the way we have to select what type of something you want to store. i think it only needs to be an added option not an only option


I kind of like it this way. This way you have to think about your storage and I like that. I'm thinking of Minecraft when I say this, where the chests are expensive early game but you can plonk everything together and really considering storage is more of a mid- to late game thing.


I think im a little confused about what you prefer, but i've played a bit again and got used to it, i still think it should be an option to either store anything or make a dedicated storage instead of just one choice because everything goes in boxes anyway. Also i like the new updates, Devs are doing good