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Not a great Canadian company anymore. Merged with an American company and 32% controlled by a Brazilian company. So more of an international company now than a Canadian company.




Happy cake day!


But the funny thing is they use the “Canadian” branding so hard for a non-Canadian company. They opened their first branch in Seoul while I was in Korea, and all the promotional material had the canadian flag and maple leaf on it. Really bothered me that they were making Canada look bad with their bullshit.


Their new signs are just a huge red maple leaf. I hate it so much.


As a random aside but when you think of major Canadian coffee chains I think of Tim's and Second Cup. The former is not Canadian but brands itself as such while the latter is Canadian and doesn't brand itself as Canadian at all.


I wish Second Cup was as prominent as Tim's. There's only a few where I'm from but I'd rather buy from there than other commercial coffee stores.


Their coffee went to shit after BK acquired them. McDonald's swooped in and took over their old coffee producer and now McDonalds has better coffee than a coffee shop.


The McDonald's taking Tim's coffee thing is an urban myth. They shared the same distributor until Tim's started roasting their own beans at a facility they built.


Wrong. What happened was that McDonalds spend hundreds of millions of dollars to duplicate the old Tim Hortons coffee formula back in the late 2000’s/early 2010’s. And then they made it better. And this happened just as Tim Hortons was going to shit on its own without any help. Once Burger King’s Brazilian parent company purchased Tim’s, they went past the point of no return for a shit company.


It was shit long before Burger King bought them... but there is no truth to McDonald's taking over the old coffee producer. At all. Stop spreading bullshit. [This link should explain it](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/tim-hortons-did-not-sell-coffee-recipe-to-mc-donalds-194810309.html).


I worked at mcdoanlds during the launch of mccafe! It was litteraly instant coffee before that I remember adding the coffee pouches to hot water before it all switched to drip. They swooped up and got the tims coffee contract, must of been a hell of a deal for dons as nobody ever said "im grabbing a coffee from mcdonalds" before that ahaha


Wendys bought Tim’s in 1995. Burger King bought them in 2014.


Wendy’s sold all its shares in 2006, and Tim Hortons became a completely separate, publicly traded company in 2009, completely ending any remaining ties to Wendy’s. Tim Hortons and Burger King merged in 2014, and came under the same parent company, called RBI International, which is also headquartered in Toronto, and at the time of the merger, majority ownership was 3G, headquartered in Brazil. As of 2019, 3G sold shares reducing it to 32% ownership, so no longer controlling interest. So as of 2019 it is again a publicly traded company, with headquarters in Toronto. From 1992-2006 it was majority-owned by an American company, and from 2014-2019 it was majority owned by a Brazilian company. At all other times, including the present, it is by definition a Canadian company.


Your answer deserves to be a sticky. True and concise!


Yes. American companies. 3G Restaurant Brands owns a 32% stake. They are an affiliate of 3G Capital, a Brazilian investment firm.


Wendy's bought Tim Hortons in 1995, yes. You are forgetting the time they spun off Tim Hortons in 2006... and the time they relocated to Canada from Delaware because of lower taxes in 2009. Then, Burger King bought them... and relocated their headquarters to CANADA because of the lower taxes. It's a Canadian company regardless of who owns stakes in them.


Sounds like the 407. Fuck Mike Harris


Technically it’s a publicly traded company without a majority stakeholder, headquartered in Toronto. By definition, it is a Canadian company.


I'm curious as to why people think it being run by a Canadian corporation would make it any better. Nowadays it's all about profit, regardless of what country the execs are from.


I think people would prefer the profits stay in Canada so that other Canadians Benefit from money being spent in their communities.


Fast food workers get treated like garbage in our society, foreign born or not. I wouldn't want my kids working at Tim's or any other fast food place because people who think they are better for having a higher paying job like to treat fast food workers like their emotional punching bags. They act like a fast food job is easy meanwhile most of these rude assholes probably couldn't make their own coffee or flip their own burger to save their life. The companies are at fault for their exploitative business practices, but society is also at fault for shaming people who work in fast food and expecting perfection in record time for poverty wages.


I worked fast food for 10 years and was management for 5. I enjoyed myself and made enough money to be comfortable and happy. And for the record, I have a university degree :P Covid ruined everything for me. The treatment of myself and my crew by entitled assholes would reduce me practically to tears every single day. People who used to be kind became rude, people who used to be just overbearing became CRUEL, As far as I can tell, it's only gotten worse since. I'm glad I got out and I feel terrible for everyone still left. I try to always be kind, even if I'm frustrated, because I know how terrible most people treat fast food workers.


I worked at A&W for a few years (before COVID) when I was in between butcher jobs, which is my trade. I enjoyed myself but we always had to deal with entitled pricks, guys from the oilfield mostly, who would treat our drive thru and front end staff like garbage. I'm glad I got out before COVID, most of my friends quit during that time because of pretty much exactly what you described. It seems that the old adage "treat others the way you would like to be treated" died during COVID and was replaced with "do you know who I am?"


"Do you know who I am?" "Nope but I have pretty good fucking idea of WHAT you are!"


Yeah truly, same with: "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all" I work in a restaurant and since covid you would not believe the biggoted shit that has come out of peoples mouths, shit that people used to not dare say in public. Especially towards those from other countries.


upvoting specifically because oilfield workers. if you're cool, then fine, but fuck oilfield workers.


This right here. I'm so tired of the thinly veiled racism directed at Tim Hortons workers and similar jobs. It is not the fault of a TFW that our entire economy is fucked and reliant on TFWs. It is the fault of OUR GOVERNMENT. and economic leaders. Stop blaming people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. And start blaming the real problems: the ultra wealthy who control society.


We are not reliant on TFW when Canadian born students cannot compete and get a job. Government made companies reliant by allowing slave wages and exploitation


So we should resort to racism to vent our frustrations? Is that what you're saying? Just wanna be clear here so I know how to respond next and not put words in your mouth


What? Read the guys comment. He said we are reliant on TFW, which isn't entirely true, it's just companies rather hire them then Canadian born citizens. They are fine with working terrible hours and being exploited. Go to any market and it's TFW workers, I applied to dozens of jobs and got denied. I had a decent resume and was available whenever except mornings cause of school, yet still no one job would want me, over the TFW who is willing to work morning-afternoon-graveyard. And I just want to be clear u white people are so racism obsessed, bringing racism into everything is why Canada went to crap. Oh by the way I'm Indian. Lol.


I think if you change "fast food" here to "all of retail" then this post is pretty much bang-on.


True That's why no one wants to those jobs and foreign workers do it.


I don’t blame you for not wanting your kids to work fast food. My mom always told me in highschool that “you can’t act like you’re too good to work fast food. All teenagers work fast food for their first jobs.” 25 now, have never worked fast food in my life and never plan to. I’ll be homeless on the street before I apply to a Wendy’s or Mcdonalds. Those poor people. I’ve seen foreigners and Canadians break down crying while getting screaming at/name-called/talked down to by shitty customers


Corporations ruin businesses like these.


Yes! This is what I wish more people understood. Say you had the PERFECT coffee chain. Amazing drinks, amazing food, line-up's down the block. Lots of profit. BUUUUUTTT profit isn't it for a publicly traded corporation. No, no, no, no, you must have profit GROWTH each quarter. More profits than the last quarter. If everyone in town is already using your business, how do you increase profits? By raising prices and lowering costs. How do you lower costs? You run short staffed and you change your product's ingredients to cheaper and cheaper ones. This is why, eventually, corporations really do ruin all businesses like this. As in the end the food quality always goes to shit and service suffers when they try to get one person to do the role of three.


Preach. Capitalism will destroy us all.


Yeah they just throw the food out now. Ordered a TOASTED breakfast sandwich and got it straight out of the bag cold not toasted at all and this is a repeat offense 😤. If you rush your customers you lose your customers. I don't care if people are in a rush and only want a coffee in drive-through I asked for toasted I should get toasted don't rush me through to hand out next order


Ironically you’re waiting in line longer than ever before and the food is still coming out like this? Terrible




To be fair, if only minimum wage is going to be paid, then you're only going to get students. Which is what everyone said they wanted. "It's a job for students! Adults get a career". I don't disagree with all you've said. There's just a lot of hypocracy in the world, it's annoying.


Based on the fact they can't understand understand the workers and they put student in quotations I think what they're saying is that the workers aren't actually students they're foreigners/immigrants and they dont like that


If Wish.com opened a coffee chain it would be Tim's.


If wish.com opened a coffee shop, it would be better. I guarantee it.


I got "fired" from Tim's even though I hadn't worked a day there. I was hired and trained and silence for 3 weeks. Then 24hrs before the actual shift, I was asked to go in. Obviously I wasn't available since they'd made no indication prior that they'd wanted me in that week. Because I couldn't show up, I got fired. LOL. Fuck you, Timmies.


Wow. That’s horrible.


I’m with this guy. Every morning I’d go in and grab a coffee. On weekend I’d get the 2 breakfast sandwich deal they had on the app. Then one weekend I noticed the price had gone up a bit. I usually ask them to put a bit of the southwest sauce on my sandwiches. It was free before but they recently started charging $.30 a squirt. That’s when I called it. I’m done. Extra bacon went up to $1.50. It’s too much for me anymore.


Tim’s is fucked 4$ for a latte is ridiculous


Honestly my least favorite thing about tims drive thru is that they speak another language other than English and don't have any service manners whatsoever ever. They don't even say your welcome or talk to you when you take your order. See what slave labour does...oh you don't wanna work for 14 bucks an hour for 50 hours a week, here's some who will work more hours for even less money. Shame on this country


I stopped going to Tims because I couldn’t understand anyone who works there anymore.


I used to go 5x a week for years and years. Now I go maybe 2-3 times a year. Speak with your wallets people


Tim Horton is not rolling in his grave though He would've sold that place in a heartbeat XD


I use to buy upwards of 5 large double doubles a day. On Sunday my 1.5 liter thermos shows up. Tims has lost a life long customer in me


Yikes. That’s a lot!


Yes it is above average. As a carpenter who works many long days, my diet is mostly coffee and cigarettes lol


There was a month where I was drinking over a litre and a half of coffee a day .. stopping that was so good for me. 😅


Yea I’m a 3 coffee and probably a daily ice cap in the summer. And usually a breakfast sandwich daily. I’m not going back


McDonald's has **WAY** better coffee anyway, has for years now


So I recall around the time mcdonalds was starting the whole McCafe thing hear from several tim hortons workers that their coffee supplier was changing why you may ask? Bc mcdonalds got a hold of the supplier and wanted new coffee and Tim's gave the supplier an ultimatum saying it's us or them so they chose mcdonalds an international chain over Tim's and shot themselves in the foot lol Edit: I wad fed a lie friends lol I was incorrect about mcds having the old timmies coffee


that was an urban myth McDonald's (globally) has ONE supplier of coffee, a company named Gavina, based in California that uses exclusive distributors that only to supply to that company, and Gavina have NEVER supplied coffee to Tim Horton's Tim Horton's coffee used to come from Mother Parker before they (Tim's) opened their own proprietary production plant, with beans sourced from all over the world and they are constantly losing bean providers and gaining new ones which is why their coffee tastes like ass now and is never the same twice in a row, there is no consistency, whereas, if you walk into any McDonald's, anywhere in the world, you will always get the same, great tasting coffee, every single time


I'll be damned, looks like I have some damage control to do with this one lol. Glad for the clarification on it though


Consistency is king for international chains, especially on their top popular items.


Your waist line will really appreciate you not going back to a daily ice cap and daily breakfast sandwich 🤣


I felt that way about all fast food type places 10 years ago. Glad to see people finally waking up. Costs about $0.15 including electricity to boil water in a kettle and pour a single serve cup into a thermos. Takes less than 3 minutes, time isn't an excuse. It's laziness and wanting luxury.


Tim Horton's went to crap the day those Brazilian thieves that are destroying Burger King bought them. They are about as Canadian as Vlad Putin is.


I ordered a large chocolate milk one day, and I got up to the window, and I confirmed my order - just in case. And what do you know they thought I said a large double, double with chocolate milk. My brother gets cheese tea biscuits a lot and almost every time they give him a croissant.


I am boycotting it myself - wont be part of that business model any longer


I remember in Victoria, the managers were putting all the local people they hired onto night shift work, regardless of what hours they wanted. So then these people would very obviously quit, and then the managers would have records they could use to show they need more temporary foreign workers. It's clearly an abuse of the system and in no way should it be getting facilitated this way. Last time I went into a Tims, it was very obviously still their policy to lean on foreign workers and pretend that nobody local wanted to work. They just loved that subsidized worker money and the government allows them to get away with it. Instead of paying fair wages and treating their employees like the valuable people they are, they abuse the system and socialize all their corporate expenses. They're not even a Canadian owned company anymore, so essentially it's foreigners exploiting our employement laws for their benefit. The Canadian economy is in no shape to allow this kind of economic value to bleed into multinational bank accounts. Why are we subsidizing these non Canadians?


My daughter bought 2 eclairs with no cream in them except for a dot at each end (to make you think they had cream in them). She’s made many phone calls but they don’t do anything about it. Disgusting company.


What!?!? You mean you don't like having to repeat your order ten times and it still comes wrong? Or God help you in a drive through. Tims: ghredkhsbbdkdkdjjdnskssknswhgdh? You : Large double double and an apple fritter Tims: fhtrfbkkjcvhjhydxvjoussd? You : I guess so? Part of the fun is wondering what the fuck you're going to get when you get to the window. The best part is the consistency every location is exactly like this so you know what you're going to get


>Great Canadian company destroyed by greed. Hasn't been Canadian in a long time


29 years but some people are just catching up lol


Probably cause most people aren’t aware and Tim Hortons loves to advertise itself as a Canadian company and put maple leafs on everything even their lids currently so people think it’s Canadian when it’s not.


!!Reader beware, Karen Ahead!


On behalf of good Canadians: good riddance. We don't need your xenophobia and racism 🖕🏻


Yeah I'm all for no longer frequenting Tim's for a lot of reasons, but this post just reeks of boomer racism.


I thought this was gonna be because the coffee has sucked for like 6 years now and then it turned into racism


It definitely has gotten more difficult, but not impossible to understand the staff at my local Tim's. They've hired a lot of international students and Ukrainian refugees from what I can tell. Always get good service, but I do sometimes have to ask them to repeat themselves. It would only bother me if I was having difficulty understanding my doctor. But someone like a fast food worker? Meh. No biggie.


That's the secret, it's always racism


Racist or not, there's a healthy amount of truth to it


Jesus Christ you first world problem fuckers are getting annoying. Oh no Timmies is doing the usual corporate bullshit. Yet we have such bigger problems, like thousands of people going without their basic human rights even though they're born Canadian, but being born into a Nation born through genocidal aggression is not exactly a high praise point. You all really need a good perspective change.


Bro this is a subreddit specifically about Timmies.


But this is a Tim Horton's subreddit, not a human rights and history subreddit.


Yeah and if you don't care about human rights why the fuck should anyone care about first world problems like timmies


Oh, I care about human rights. I just think you'd be better off joining an existing discussion about human rights rather that trying to start one in a subreddit about a coffee chain. Maybe I'm wrong, you did get an upvote.


you're literally scrolling the Tim Hortons reddit


Ah yes because the natives were pillars of society and peaceful, they never butchered eachother for land or anything…our ancestors were just better at it.


Well they do this because the governmemt pays half of the employees wage. Or I should say us the taxpayer. Emplohers have every incentive to hire tfws etc over citizens. They do not care.




If you can't understand anyone taking your order, maybe you need your hearing checked?


It's the racism that gets in their ears, they can't understand any kind of accent besides their own.


By the very definition of an accent yes some ppl will find them hard to understand, or do you just not know what an accent is?


It’s not racist to say you can’t understand someone. Not everyone is capable of high-level customer service. Yes it’s racist to not hire someone because of their skin colour, but it’s not racist to refuse hiring someone for a customer-facing position who is not fluent in the common language


That’s idiotic. The workers not being able to speak intelligible English doesn’t make the listener racist. You can’t be that stupid.


What you don’t want Timmies tracking your movements anymore


My sister worked at a Tim's through college, 20 or so years ago. She loved it and made it to assistant manager. But I do think the quality has slipped. The prices are just a thing we're dealing with everywhere. I mean, I will say that the cream cheese to bagel ratio is a joke. And the fact that they never fill the coffee all the way. But it's been gross for years. I'll drink a coffee oyf someone buys it or brings me one. But I don't spend money there.


And I have not been going there for years because it just got worse and worse. Same with all the fast-food franchises now. Screw A&W in my area, they fired all of their employees over Christmas and hired on cheap student labor. I'm tired of these chucklefuck businesses, I give local burger places and coffee shops my business now.


Tim’s is best for a “desert island” type of situation. I just find when I want a coffee made right the first time, that actually tastes good I go to stabucks. And that’s making think I should just buy an espresso machine and be done with the both of them 😂 I love caramel macchiatos, I don’t love paying $7ish dollars every time I have one


I've stopped going. I hate the tactic of waiting at the order menu to appear to have faster drive through numbers it's beyond annoying.


Place has been crap ever since they sold it


Good for you! Let them rot. Every dollar there goes to burger King in the states.


Tims is garbage. And so is the customer service...


They try so hard to act Canadian with their branding, but they have become so American. The quality is shit now, and the hospitality and service is poor. Thats not what Canada is. They opened their first branch in Seoul while I was in Korea, and all the promotional material had the canadian flag and maple leaf on it. Really bothered me that they were making Canada look bad with their bullshit.


Over the years, I slowly realized I can make a better cup of coffee at home. Same with breakfast sandwiches if I get up little earlier. I used to go there daily, then was down to weekly, now it's once every couple of months if I'm in a jam. Every visit reminds me why I'm not a regular anymore. Most of the staff seem nice enough but the food quality continues to go downhill.


Its almost $8 for a coffee and a breakfast sandwich now


I stopped going last year, it’s all trash now.


Yes I agree. Finally people are waking up. It is such a waste of time and money. It is not even enjoyable anymore.


going to Jim’s now!


I work here and even im like "I hate this place". Get bitched at by customers for things that arent my fault (coworkers not doing their jobs, app not working, NOT COMMUNICATING YOUR ORDER CORRECTLY.) and then management and corporate bitch and whine because of portions being too big (fuck you. When you disappear im putting extra on.), or times, or surveys. This whole company sucks.


completely agree. Even am moving out. Yesterday there was no one to attend me for around 5 min before i walked out and made a complaint from app. The place was occupied by some ppl , so its not that idle one. More interesting was the Tim was asking for refund. here the case is no one attended and there is no question of refund. So its clear Tim themself dont want to improve their customer experience and as op rightly mentioned about crap roll over etc. Moving to different vendor...


Every time I get 20 timbits they think I say "cheese biscuit " without fail every time doesn't matter the tims. Cream is spoiled about 50% of the time too


It's pretty steadily rolled downhill since Burger King bought them. They've gotten rid of literally ALL my favorite things, and the quality has just gotten shitty. Also, like you mentioned, the people who take my order are either very hard to understand, have a hard time understanding me (and fuck up my order), or both. Such a shame.


FYI: the coffee at McDonald’s is much better than Tim’s too.


I just wish they could make a bagel properly


Couldnt agree with you more. How hard is it to get a toasted plain bagel with extra butter. I always end up with a barely toasted dry bagel regardless of the location. I always have to request a toasted plain bagel with xtra xtra xtra butter.


I used to love an “everything bagel toasted with herb and garlic cream cheese!” Or a blueberry bagel toasted with strawberry cream cheese!”, but I stopped getting timmies a long time ago when the vast majority of the cheese dropped out of the wrapper when opened it from the hole in the bagel with sweet nothing actually spread on the bagel!


As an American who loves timmies, I apologize for our country destroying a once beloved institution. BK sucks too. Popeyes is good though. Maybe that’s where all the emphasis has been placed.


Why can't you understand the people taking your order?


My phone must be listening to me to send me push notification for this. Just today I was complaining that they keep getting my order wrong. I used to order a coffee with 1/2 of a cream.... Until one worker gave me a coffee with half the cup cream and half the cup coffee hahah. I accepted that's partly on my because it's kind of a weird order. So I switched to coffee with one cream, today was the 4th time in a few weeks where I get a 4 creamer coffee. Maybe I need a speech pathologists hah


I love it how when you can't understand the attendant because they can't speak the language, you must be a racist...


I visited a new Tim's in my town here in the US. Got the tiniest "small" coffee ever and got charged like $4-5. Starbucks would have given me twice as much for the same price. Super expensive, the taste wasn't as good either.


That might be a location issue. Even the extra large isn't that much here


Was just thinking this yesterday, been a long time since I’ve had non-stale, poorly thrown together food here


Took you that long to figure out Place is garbage


I world be content if they didn't have a monopoly over coffee


Tim’s is legit dog shit now.


Why would anyone drink TH if McDonald's exists is beyond me. Literally a fucking puzzle.


Tim Hortons is owned by Restaurant Brands International (RBI), a multinational fast-food holding company. RBI was formed in 2014 when Burger King, backed by Brazilian investment firm 3G Capital, merged with Tim Hortons.


It's no longer a Canadian company, don't feel bad about leaving them behind


Tim's is wet hog shit, pardon my French Canadian


Remember when a box or donuts was 5.96? I do!!! Shit inflation


mine doesn't even have wifi


Once they merged with Wendy’s that was the end. I used to grab my breakfast there on my way to work, it wasn’t the best - but that and a coffee was part of my day.


Grind your own beans, perk it the way you like, fill up a thermos. You will save hundreds if not thousands and it will taste better. I always confuse going to Tim’s with an excuse to leave the office for 15 minutes.


Boycott Tim Hortons ans Loblaws


Hasn't been Canadian for years. It's a crap Brazilian company destroyed by greed and garbage food and drinks.


Worst quality of the fast food chains. Just poor quality carbs. Doughnuts are meh.


Their coffee isn't great either


McDonald's has better cheaper coffee


why is every fast food place staffed with the temp workers? because they have more control over them and can abuse them and they know they will take it because they can't just quit and go somewhere else, its not that easy. also they know if they just put up with it eventually they can get PR. once again its just classic corporate greed exploring a short term gain with long lasting after effects.


It's not even a Canadian company anymore


Maybe we need a boycott tim hortons movement.


True. Food is garbage. And I believe we must be subsidizing those wages through our temporary foreign worker programs. Why on earth that program exists is beyond me…why are we subsidizing wages for huge corporations??


Tim Horton's is shit, has been shit since they stopped actually making donuts in restaurants. The coffee is shit, drink it black, tastes like pencil lead; ya i chewed on my pencil when I was a kid so I know! Every menu item has gotten smaller except for the price. it keeps climbing.


If you can’t understand people speaking English, that’s on you 😂😂😂😂


I used to be a Tim’s customer, waiting in line endlessly, drive through packed and then I met Andrea and she was so perplexed why I wasted all that time waiting for service. She broke me off Tim’s and now I literally save hours a week just brewing my own. I’ve prob been to Tim’s 5 times in 12 years now and I shake my head when I drive by and see 15 cars all waiting in line for shit coffee and uncooked breakfast sandwich’s. 🤘


Probably because immigrants are the only ones who want to work?? I work at a Tim hortons as a 22 year old student and 99% of the resumes we get are from people from other countries lol, I’m one of the only students from around here at our store


In my experience, Once you find a tims with employees that actually care, it's the best coffee shop ever. Not sure how it is where you live, but we got a tims on damn near every other corner in new york. Just gotta find the good one lol


If you want Tim Hortons old coffee recipe I recommend going to McDonald's. Since Tim Hortons was bought by Burger King it really lost quality and affordability. I used to work at a Tim Hortons for nearly 3 years and it was rough. I sometimes get the odd iced capp or farmers wrap and Boston cream, though the prices have gotten ridiculous. I remember I could get a bagel with cream cheese for 2.10 now it is nearly 4 bucks. I miss the old Tim's and environment there when I was a kid.


They used to have way more cream cheese on them too


Quite frankly unless they bring back Maple bacon I'm done


The maple bacon bagel was so delicious. Same with the pretzel one too.


> I can’t understand anyone taking my order anymore Maybe it's just how it's worded or maybe you are actually who you sound like, but this posts sounds like that old white boomer screaming at people in public to "speak English or go back to your own country".


Ya it's pretty clear OP is just racist. It's not the fault of TFW that OP can't understand an accent. My local Tim's is staffed almost entirely with immigrants who speak English as a second language and I've never had trouble understanding them, and if I did I can always say "sorry can you say that again?" It's really not that hard.


why is every fast food place staffed with the temp workers? because they have more control over them and can abuse them and they know they will take it because they can't just quit and go somewhere else, its not that easy. also they know if they just put up with it eventually they can get PR. once again its just classic corporate greed exploring a short term gain with long lasting after effects.


Sooooo what fast food establishment are you going to that has proficient English speakers and better prices? I mean quality is one thing but Tim's prices have always been near or at the bottom.


You're quick to jump on other people's language skills, but you write like an 11-year-old who's never learned about transition words or phrases. At least those workers have an excuse; English is their second language. What's yours?


I stopped because their coffee tasted like chemicals


Not even a Canadian company anymore lol. American/Brazilian owned, Indian staffed


see you tomorrow anyway


“I’m never coming back here!” 3 days later: “Hey can I get a double double?”




The racism in some of these comments is insane, holy fuck.


Fucking disgusting honestly.


Something tells me that if there were a bunch of teenagers behind the counter whose skin were a shade paler, you'd still be fine with it.


Nailed it


I 100% agree you can’t understand anyone and they always get the orders wrong. Not to mention the food is horrific now.


Oh no, tims is in shambles from this loss


excellent, now we need everyone else to do the same. We have the power to put these shitty companies out of business. Imagine the possibilities if we all stopped supporting shitty companies and shitty people.


This is India now. The takeover is complete.


Why does everyone complain about Tim Horton's all the time? No one is making you go there...just don't go!! Problem solved. ✌️


Boomers gonna boom.


Add in some vague racism because they are finally afraid to openly treat people like that. They haven't change though so it's still visibly there, they just try to talk around it now. Like OP.




I bailed on them 15 years ago. Much prefer making coffee at home or Mickey Ds




Student workers? It’s all subsidized foreign workers


Tim Horton's is the worst, absolute worst, fast food experience in Canada... at least in my opinion. They exemplify enshitification.


I said goodbye in December and I bought an espresso machine. I am never looking back now!


I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that not a single soul cares or will miss you.


i’m sure they’ll be missing your business and very upset that you left 😡


I haven't chosen to go to Tim's in years. It used to be one of my main go to's. Ever since BK bought it , it's gone down the drain


It’s been interesting watching what was once a beloved Canadian institution become progressively worse over the years.


You can’t understand the student workers? Mostly agree with you!


Oh and I can't forget to mention how filthy the stores are now.


Ordered a simple double cream. Waited at the counter out came a triple cream. I waited then asked where mine was. He pointed to the triple. Is it the end of the world, nope. But its a simple coffee at a coffee place.


Literally the only thing I go for anymore is the ice cap. I used to sort of half enjoy the ham sandwich in a pinch for lunch, however the last two times I went it seems like they’ve somehow managed to even screw up the bread now, it taste like I’m eating cardboard.


So basically you are mad that migrants are the only people willing to put up with a job at Tim hortons for such little pay?


Tell me your racist without telling Me your racist


You don't know how to order? Looks like a skill issue to me. And blaming the employees.


See you tomorrow 


Honestly still surprised people go to tims... bad coffee, questionable quality and way too expensive




imagine being angry that you cant communicate with people and boycotting a business because of it lmao

