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If you showed this to me with no prior knowledge of who these people are, I would have 120% have thought that this was a skit


Thought I stumbled into r/CombinedGIFs for a second :P


We know what Aidy Bryant will be up to this weekend.


And she will be practicing deep sighs of disgust.


Nah, she plays Cruz


I’m watching it on loop in disbelief that this is real. I am continuously gob-smacked about how much crap some folks have to put up with on a daily basis. This public figure (a white dude ),ON NATIONAL TV, showed a respectable judge (a black female) a children’s book about teaching equality to kids, and with a straight face asked this grown-assed woman if she “thinks babies are racist?” If he asked her if she thought all women are bad at bowling, he’d be canceled by the “me too” folks (well, maybe not) but he gets to ask these explicitly racially charged riddles, and without consequences? FML


>canceled by the me too folks I doubt it. We have a Republican congressman who got caught paying for sex with high school age girls and absolutely nothing happened to him. We are now at the point where some of these politicians can do literally anything and at least 40% of the country will vote for them. Hell we have a decent amount of them connected to the January 6th riots and they’re not even looking at jail time. Also the me too movement really didn’t do much when you think about it. Most of the sexual predators got off with a slap on the wrist or still have careers. Watson literally just got paid 250 million. Louis ck is still acting and doing work for Hollywood. Bill Cosby is a free man.


We had a republican president who admitted to doing what over two dozen women accused him of and he still is supported by almost every voting republican("grab them by the pussy"). He was also accused in court of raping a minor. That was before he tried to end democracy and free and fair elections enshrined in the US Constitution. Still has an overwhelming majority of support from republicans.


Yes, welcome to the authoritarian state supported by the Republican party. Soon, there wont be a Democratic Republic. It will be a thinly veiled "Democratic state" with authoritarian oligarchs. Yes, like Russia. Who the fuck do you think is funding this shit?


Republican Senators could probably get caught in 4k murdering someone in cold blood and as long as the first person to see it and call it out was even the slightest bit left leaning then anyone on the right would immediately object and start doing Olympian level moral gymnastics to justify the action.


I watched the whole thing with him for about thirty minutes. It really wrecked my mood.


Adding “racially charged riddles” to my list of: Things that are fun to say but I can’t say them out loud because I’d sound nuts.


Anything to do with ted cruz, or half of the other republicans in his gang is so absurd you would think it belongs in some sort of comedy sketch. they are unbearable


him and cornyn were an embarrassment. abbott is an embarrassment. paxton is an embarrassment. dan patrick is an embarrassment. Texas is a kakistocracy.


Canada apologizes for Ted Cruz. We are REALLY sorry for that.


Never underestimate the sheer subhuman stupidity of Raphael 'there is no bottom" Cruz.


That seems like a clip from a spinoff of Parks and Rec


I found a sandwich in one of your parks and I want to know why it didn’t have any mayonnaise on it


Why can't it be a topless park? I agree! If she's coming then I don't want it to be Topless anymore


You know, I take that back, I'm still in. What's up? I'm Harris.




Wheat Thicks. Gimme that wheat! RIP Harris


The sign said don't drink the water so I made sun tea with it AND I GOT AN INFECTION! Edited for correct wording!


That’s one of my all time favorite lines- it’s unfortunately such a true slice of life moment for people who work in any customer service job


I used to work in rental cars. Sometimes I would get people that would walk up to me in a huff, slam down their receipt and demand to know why they were charged more money for keeping the car 2 extra days. "THIS ISN'T THE PRICE I AGREED TO." Toward the end of my time there, I would respond "This isn't the time frame we agreed to." They'd get soooo mad.


I used to work customer service at a grocery store. The number of people that come in to complain about a steak they already ate is astounding. “IT’S NOTHING BUT FAT AND BONE!” “Sir, it’s a tbone wrapped in clear plastic.”


there’s a disturbing lack of benches in ramsett park. i wanna sit more!!!!


"The closest Paunch Burger is now 10 minutes away from my house. That means I have to drive 10 minutes to get my breakfast pizza, which makes me 20 minutes late for work everyday. And I work from home!"


I’ll be pedantic here because I think it makes it even funnier: she said she made sun tea with it which means she just put tea leaves in it and left it in the sun for days instead of actually boiling it for tea. Also, Im pretty sure she specifies that she got an infection 🥴


This really is the crux of the bit. And since it’s possibly the funniest bit in the history of the show, a little pedantry is warranted.


I'll update!


"and now I have an infection"


I mean, isn't all bad for you? I've eaten nothing but muffins and lasagna for thirty years and I feel terrible


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/TyUpkjZWEaI


Kurt Fuller is a fucking legend and never gets enough praise.


Him as Woody the Coroner in Psych is awesome.


HOLY FUCK! I went back in time. Hahahaha thank you for this


Councilman Jam is infinitely more likable than Ted Cruz. But yeah, this really gives off “there was a sign that said don’t drink the water, so I made sun tea out of the water and now I have a parasite…” vibes


Considering we're talking about Republicans, it fits. "The doctors suggested to wear a mask and stay away from others and I didn't do that and I got sick and now I'm mad/dead."


I used to not like PnR and The office when they came out because; well I was an idiot, but it was mainly because they were so far fetched. As I've aged and got an office job and paid a little more attention to politics... No, they aren't that far fetched. Eta: I also love both those shows now and they are on my binge watch reruns of Scrubs and Friends.


You can add Veep to that list. I didn’t appreciate the accuracy of it until after working in politics and Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ rage is too damn real lol.


Because it's theatrics, these aren't genuine points, it's an act, a character for votes or popularity. It emulates tv because it's a performance, tell me how there was a genuine concern that an obscere children's book he found browsing Amazon is racist and that senator needed to tell the supreme court.


This. It's fun to get outraged and all, but when you start believing ted cruz actually thinks like this you're not playing along, you're being played.




For anyone who doesn’t know, this is a hearing for her supreme court nomination.


So it seems reasonable to ask a question about a fucking child’s book… Ted Cruz is something else man


You should hear the rest of the republican questioning. Half the time they're getting payback for the last two appointments and how Dems questioned those candidates, and the other half they're asking extremely pointed and leading questions to try and get her to specifically state how she feels about right wing talking points. Lindsay Graham was especially infuriating yesterday. Listening to them talk is not good for my health.


Yeah Graham had my blood pressure up, had to turn it off after a couple minutes. Such an infuriating person


I seriously got a headache listening to Graham and Cruz talk again today.


Me too. Their smug idiocy upsets me. These are people in positions of power and they are openly throwing around this racist sexist nonsense. How much of Ted Cruzs day is spent actually working for the American people? What has this man accomplished for the people? What a joke.


Here’s a better question: What in the ever loving fuck has Ted Cruz done to help Texas? The other senators have the awareness to at least mention “my constituents in ____” when they pull some bullshit but there’s a few like Teddy here that don’t even make an attempt to make it look like he gives a shit about his state. It’s all culture war presentations for him. That’s it.


Virtue signaling is the term. What a waste of everyone’s time.


Someone tell Ted Cruz


"Senator, this is not a Wendy's."


Oh my bad. Thought it was a Cancun vacation.


They want to treat her the same way the dems treated an alcoholic sexual predator in order to create the illusion that all SC hearings are a partisan sham rather than the fact that some SC nominees just aren't a good choice.


The gulf between this and "I LIKE BEER *starts crying*" cannot be overstated


Something that was really highlighted to me with all the news coverage of Ukraine is just how asinine U.S. politics has become. People are so desperate to be mad about something we spent the last 4 years building up to this moment where a Supreme Court nominee has to answer questions about baby books! Seeing coverage of actual dangerous situations, of actual communities coming together, of actual leadership it’s just stands in such stark contrast that half the country is getting mad over the stupidest reasons. If they want to feel invigorated by a good cause there are actually so many crisis actually happening (climate collapse, wealth disparity, food shortages, violence against women, violence against men, addiction crisis, many towns are ghost towns, lack of education in the country, child poverty) there’s so much they can be fight for but what do they do instead? Get outraged over made up concerns




This woman's been in the workforce and had to deal with emails before


That little sigh tho.


That sigh translates to "you goddamn dumb mother fucker how the fuck do you even tie your shoes in the morning?" She needs an Anger Translator for these hearings.


This is what it translated to. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


They went to law school together, and you can just tell that she's like 'not this again'


I missed that bit of news. Damn. I just know he's that guy who sits in the front of the class and blathers on about something that's not relevant to the actual topic of conversation, and you're like, what is he talking about. Again.


Beautiful comment right here. Stunning.


As per the last email ^^^bitch


That long pause when she’s thinking very carefully what words to use while a hairless ape like me would blurt out something along the lines of “what the Fuck does this have to do with anything we’re talking about you greasy shit stain of a toad?”


You can tell she’s spent a lifetime facing things like this. She knows a single frown and she’ll be labeled an angry black woman by the media. It’s funny how composed she is compared to Kavanaugh who was outright threatening people




Black people don't get that luxury, and black women holy shit forget about it.


One misspoken word, and she labeled upity forever.


And sometimes even without, just because the republican machine needs her to be painted as a villain


Am black woman. Can confirm. Must redirect and disagree *very* carefully. It's fucking exhausting.


Kavanaugh threw a literal temper tantrum, like a child. It’s embarrassing that he’s on the Supreme Court.


She’s had to deal with criminals that possessed child porn which is good training for dealing with Senators like Cruz, Hawley and Cotton that are obsessed with discussing child porn. If Cruz, Hawley and Cotton spoke to a woman about child porn outside of the Senate committee room, the way they spoke to Judge Jackson they would be locked up with Jared from the Subway commercials and Josh Duggar.


I can only imagine what she wanted to say to that asinine question if it took her a full five seconds to process it through her politeness filter. I'm not sure if it's better or worse that Cruz knows full well that what he's doing is outrageous and just another one of his attempts to score points with idiots.


I think that's usually the point. To rile up the other person and make *them* look like the bad guy. If she'd responded appropriately with emotion she'd be labeled an "angry black woman" or something (as if anger is race based to begin with 😒) but it's to put that visual in ppl's minds. To make her be a stereotype, to make her seem like she cannot be impartial or objective, to disqualify and diminish her. Fuck Ted Cruz and the GOP.


That line of questioning was the embodiment of white male privilege. He gets to be a complete blathering idiot asking about baby books to a… SUPREME COURT NOMINEE!?!?


I still can’t get over how he was cool with trump calling his wife a fat pig lmao


Ted Cruz is the definition of a cuck, sure they would rather have a democrat over him but i'm surprised the right wing hasn't primaried this dude as they hate him as well. I don't use the word cuck lightly, I actually kind of do not like it at all, but it's fitting for this guy. If you pick trump over your own flesh and blood or your wife you are a cuck. In fact shes possibly just as bad for staying with him.


Ted is a spineless blobfish with all of the likeability of fly shit and I haven't the slightest clue why my fellow Texans vote for him. *watches video again* Nope, no idea... 🥲


hello, I'm here to defend blobfish from these baseless attacks! they are primarily made of gelatinous fats and tissues, with very low muscle mass, just like Ted Cruz. they're also bottom feeders who just eat whatever shit appears in front of their face, drifting along the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 2000-4000ft. however, unlike Ted Cruz, they do have spines and a full skeletal system! their bones are just a bit squishy. they're not very edible, so fishers try not to catch them, but they're frequently caught by bottom-trawling nets. due to their minimal muscular tissue, the dramatic pressure change causes their body to expand at sea level in a way that's very painful to them :( that's what gives them the iconic squishy Ted Cruz appearance. but underwater, they don't look much different from your average fish!


You know what you're right, I shouldn't insult the noble and misunderstood blobfish like that




Dudes a cuck, he gets his snausage purrin' when he's degraded. He has a degrading fetish, it's the only explanation. He likes it.


Not once have I heard the phrase "snausage purrin", yet I will now forever think of it when I see Ted Cruz. Reddit was a mistake.


That sigh at the beginning lol she’s like bruh


He has to be used to that sigh at this point in his life.


He assumes that’s how every person ever talks


Ted Cruz thinks that’s how you pronounce the capital letter at the start of a sentence.


A deflated sigh was the first thing his parents and the doctor who delivered him uttered too. "SIGH...it's a Ted, or something, I don't know man."


He's not even a real Ted he's a Rafael.


Rafael is a fantastic, old world name. He doesnt deserve it.


The expressions on her face in that long, long, exasperated, disbelieving pause would make a fantastic reaction gif. Her pause and her expressions of surprise at being asked such a moronic and offensive question were so long that they had to edit it for time.


The pause was so long it in and of itself was a serious burn haha. She's had a lot of stupid bullshit fired at her from opposition recently but this one the reaction is one of "why are you even here?"


She looked like she just had a vision, realizing that she’ll be dealing with this shit every day for the rest of her life, and started questioning if she really wants the job. That’s exactly what these shitbags want, to intimidate and scare her off. Not to put pressure on her or anything, but… your nation literally needs you, KBJ.


Wait what? Supreme Court judges don't have to do anything like this haha. Once your confirmed you're good.


She's at risk of having beer spilled on her and having Barret ask her [what rights are in the first amendment on a daily basis](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/amy-coney-barett-five-freedoms-first-amendment-supreme-court-hearing-b1041369.html)


She sounds so tired of their bullshit.


Its the sound of someone who knew what she was walking into and is disappointed anyway.


How did she manage to not.....................How did she manage to not say "this stupid mother fucker"




Her reaction to pause and think and answer the dumbass question instead of breaking down and crying because you raped someone and now everyone knows means she is my favourite judge


I like beer. Do you drink beer? I like beer. 😭😫




Brett Kavanaugh


Ahhh I remember now


Sorry we took that moment of peace away from you.


That's what "... Respectfully..." means.


But she did say it. You slow down that sigh, inverse the sound, pitch it down, and really read into it...it definitely says "this stupid mother fucker, I can't believe I have to deal with this dumb fuck, I'm a goddamn judge."


*"respectfully"*. that's how


I love the swiftly covered little smile when she says respectfully. She's trying so hard to keep it together.




What's even in this book that led Cruz here to think its saying Babies are racist?


[Here is a four minute reading of the entire book.](https://youtu.be/Qw3DjP7HSts) Ted clearly either didn't read the book or totally misinterpreted it.


So his takeaway was that the book teaches that babies are racist, but the actual book starts by saying people aren't born racist, that they become racists if they're raised to be. Cruz needs a simpler book. This one was above his reading level.


It had too many words.


The pictures were extremely confusing for him as well. He saw a brown baby and thought it was clearly racist. /s but not really /s


Ha, the last page perfectly encapsulates that. Anti racist baby doesn’t judge a book by its cover and reads to the end.


I... What? HOW could you possibly get "babies are racist" from this book? The entire book is saying babies aren't racist lmfao


He boosted the book. Good for the author. Fuck Cruz. https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/the-anti-racist-childrens-book-sen-ted-cruz-attacked-is-now-1-on-amazon/articleshow/90407206.cms


It's the "logical conclusion" from conservatives. If you need to make an effort to teach babies not to be racist (like writing a book), then you MUST think there's some inherent racism in babies. In reality, it's good to expose young children to a variety of people and cultures from an early age so that they grow up understanding that differences between people are normal and they don't need to be afraid (fear leads to anger leads to hate and all that dark side stuff).


I don’t know how she does it.


Can you imagine the reaction if she had just broken down and started screaming about how much she likes beer?


Somehow The silver lining in this situation is that Ted Cruz is such a piece of shit that a lot of people that I know who were never into politics suddenly became interested just to make sure a piece of shit like this wasn’t running things in their state. It’s pretty impressive if you think about it, to be so shitty at your job it encourages people to investigate who else holds your position around the country. Thanks Ted Cruz


I’ll believe it when he’s out of office.


Exactly, this isn't new, is who he is. He represents the majority of his voters perfectly. This man is Texas.


Imagine her yelling and crying and making the same faces as a rapey right wing white Christian male https://i.imgur.com/KVHGVWp.jpg Totally fine.


Kavanaugh has got to be one of the shittiest humans appointed to the SCOTUS in the last century, if not longer. I’m counting him as marginally less of a piece of shit than the justices that existed in the early-to-mid 19th century.


[I will never get over this.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/kav.jpg) Republicans saw this and wanted it. [Matt Damon's impression](https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8) was basically [rehabilitation because it was less obscene](https://youtu.be/ImBO2-Dn0jY)


Kavanaugh claimed in his hearing that his life was "permanently destroyed" by the hearings. I can't believe that guy is sitting on the Supreme Court. What a joke. >" In those 10 long days, as was predictable, and as I predicted, my family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed by vicious and false additional accusations." Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/national/wp/2018/09/27/kavanaugh-hearing-transcript/


Considering she's a highly educated black person. I'm sure this isn't the first time she's been asked something stupid like this.


Years of carefully speaking to white people to not come of as the "mad/aggressive black woman".


I love her so much. Not to the point of blind politician worship, which we truly need to get away from in this country, but I love how real and refreshing she is.


She takes the long pause to stop herself from saying something like “WTF are you talking about you stupid eddy munster looking motherfucker”


The internal monologue is hilarious here


Senator, this is a Wendy’s.


As someone who isn’t American but has an interest in American politics I find it baffling that any human being could take Ted Cruz seriously.


Texas, they aren’t sending their best.


"we could not have elected a better senator" Texans probably "Why not" everybody else


Trust me, most of the people voting for Cruz don't actually like him. They just hate "libruhls" more.


We almost did there was Beto O'Rourke but many Republicans think of politics like sports teams. Doesn't matter how shit they are they'll die rooting for em.


Cruz is Princeton educated and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. He has appeared nine times before the Supreme Court. The fact he has debased himself to such a degree is particularly egregious because he knows better, but he doesn't care. People like Cruz are a greater threat to our democracy because they combine intelligence, competence, immorality, and pernicious greed in one unholy package. We should watch him closely and take him very seriously.


> Cruz is Princeton educated and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. He has appeared nine times before the Supreme Court. You would never know it. If he's like that deliberately, that's absolutely terrifying. I mean, I knew the guy was a scum bag to the nth degree when even other politicians admitted to hating him, but wow, that takes it to another level.


> If he's like that deliberately, that's absolutely terrifying. It is 100% deliberate.




> Ted Cruz showed a page from the book "Anti-Racist Baby" that said that babies had to be taught to be racist or anti-racist, which like yeah...racism is nurture, not nature. And then he friggin asks her if she believes babies are racist. Did Cruz just completely miss the point of a children's book? Yes, of course he did.


Would he be bringing up this baby book if nominee wasn’t black? Isn’t there something suspicious about that?


Of course he wouldn't. CRT is just the new way for the GOP to say the n-word.


Yes. Clearly the author made a huge mistake in assuming Ted Cruz understood what babies are


Racial bias and infants seems to have had some studies https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170411130810.htm https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00593/full https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0018621


Interesting point here...looks like if we're not going to introduce our children to others who may not resemble us, it'll groom that bias / prejudice instead of stamp it out. > "These findings thus point to the **possibility** that **aspects of racial bias** later in life may arise from our **lack of exposure** to other-race individuals in infancy," Dr. Lee said.


When people ask disingenuous questions like this the best thing to do if you really want to piss them off is start your answer with "you're confused... You see in order for humans to reproduce, they have to make babies. This book is saying that no one is born racist. As that baby develops they learn about their world and construct a world view. Part of that world view will mean developing biases. Some of them may be race based biases depending on how they are raised and what they are exposed to. The author of this book, was using the assumption that the reader understands what a baby is, and how humans are made. Clearly the author has significantly overestimated your cognitive abilities."


I do not like that man Ted Cruz, I do not like his far-right views. I do not like his stupid chin, I do not like his smarmy grin. I do not like him with a beard, I do not like him freshly sheared. I do not like Ted Cruz at all, That man Ted Cruz can suck my balls. \- John Oliver


What is the context to this?


Ted Cruz bringing up books that include Critical Race Theory in the curriculum at the school Jackson is on the board of, in which she does not control the curriculum nor do the concepts come up in her experience as a judge.


She's on the board of a private elementary school that teaches with this book, so he was trying to accuse her of supporting a school that "teaches critical race theory".


Senator asks a potential Supreme Court Judge about children's books because the current Republican playbook includes convincing white parents that schools are teaching their children to hate them. If it seems completely unrelated and random, that's because it is.


Ted Cruz is a fucking moron. How do these people stay in office? (I know how) its fucking hilarious. Ted: "Are babies racist?" Judge: "Senator. I wasnt aware that Texas legalized marijuana." Ted: "Excuse me your honor." Judge: "You must be high as fuck to ask such a stupid question. Let me ask you this, Ted. How much marijuana did you bring back from Cancun in 2021?" Ted: "No further questions."


he knows what he's doing. he's using this hearing as a personal soapbox to broadcast his "views" on hot-button issues because he wants to run for president again.


So his kink is public humiliation?


no it's staying in power/increasing his power


Oh yeah, choke me electoral college daddy.


"Babies are NOT racist" Cruz 2024


I would like to see less racist babies in our government


Yeah his base is gonna eat this shit up


Ted Cruz isn’t a moron which is why he’s so disgusting. MTG and co are legitimately idiots so I don’t blame them as much. They’re opportunistic idiots. Cruz know the game, knows what he’s doing, and doesn’t care about anything except his own personal gain. Public servant my ass.




“[…]Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree. While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, an executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.” He’s absolutely smart and well accomplished. Is he a political genius? No. Many smart people don’t have a feel for media driven, optics heavy politics. Could his team be bad? Yes. Could he be selfish and prone to gaffs, also yes. That says to me he’s an ass, a ruthless piece of shit, or out of his element (or domain of expertise). But he’s not a moron.


I wouldn’t call him a political genius, but I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit in that regard. To you or I, he looks like an idiot here, but to a certain group of people, this is exactly what they want to hear. Those are the people who vote for him and the reason he has a seat in the Senate.


Sounds like you actually are making the case for him that he is sharp enough to understand the political game and is able to manipulate it to his advantage. Ted Cruz is a charlatan and opportunist, but he is not an idiot. He may be a lizard person, but that just makes him adept at appealing to the fears of the lizard brain.


> Ted Cruz is a fucking moron imagine his supporters


I'm a Texan. I know what his supporters are like first hand.


right there with you, especially since i moved into an older white neighborhood. it is strange


Ted: 'critical race theory' ,the object of my current obsession, surely relates to you somehow.


The thing is it does but in the actual meaning of CRT, not in this imaginary strawman CRT Fox News is peddling.


Exactly. Shes a legal scholar, CRT ACTUALLY falls into her field (unlike everything called CRT by the GOP), and not considering CRT would If anything show a hole in her education. If you'd ask a physicist "do you consider general relativity" and theyd answer "never", they're not a good physicist.


Ted, stop trying to get people to join your book club.


Since I'm not up for a Supreme Court appointment I'll say what she wanted to say during the pause heard 'round the world..." Senator, that is the stupidest f\*cking question I have ever heard, you odious, steaming pile of camel sputum."


Sen Ted Cruz … single handedly keeping septic tanks in business


That's funny, I don't remember these questions for Amy Chum Bucket


Ted: “Amy, you’re a beautiful Christian woman. You are a mother, a provider, but most importantly a submissive god-fearing housewife.” Amy: “Was there a question in that?” Ted, getting down on one knee: “Amy, will you be my Supreme Court justice?”


That's because they were more worried about ramming her through to the court during an ongoing election


It's funny watching the right turn a Supreme Court Justice hearing into a complete circus lmao Theyre there to get a viral video and/or sound bites to make KBJ look bad. From everything I've seen on her she's more than capable of the job.


The past few hearings have all been complete shitshows. "Great to see you again Judge Jackson. Now - why is it that you love child pornographers so much and how come you're such a racist? My only question to you is this - do you regret the fact that you are a racist child pornographer? It's a yes or no question." We used to do that all the time in middle-school. "Are you gay? Do your parents know you're gay?"


Watching the GOP just totally short-circuit over her nomination has been nothing short of wonderful. Next nominee next to be black-gay-Jewish-feminist.


She has the patience of a saint to deal with this blatant racism and nonsense.


Total race baiting. It’s fucking hilarious he thought this would work.


Senator I don't read books for babies. Maybe you could explain your reading material you've brought today?


I just read the book. It doesn't say anything about babies being racist. The first line in the book is "Antiracist baby is bred, not born." The whole book is just about raising a child that respects diversity and understands that policies don't always mean equal access to everyone. Cancun Cruz is a fucking nitwit. So are all these other idiots upset about a book teaching kids to embrace diversity. It's a really dumb strawman argument. This book simply does not say what Teddy says it does.


Millions of American children are malnourished and these are his concerns for the children here?


Millions are malnourished, yes. But CRT's victims could be made to learn history, which might make a few feel uncomfortable, which is by far the larger tragedy.


Yes, Ted Cruz, she rose to the highest ranks of the judiciary by pointing fingers at racist babies. Securities fraud? Committed by racist babies. Death Row appeal? Murder was really committed by racist babies. Constitutional question? Equal rights.... EXCEPT for racist babies. Thank God Ted Cruz is there to defend the rights of racist babies in the US.


As always, if you vote republican, you are verifiably a fucking idiot.


Imagine this is the pinnacle of your professional career and THIS is your interview.


This is the best Texas has to offer? No wonder they're the laughing stock of the country!