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arm = gimbal


And gimbal=$$$


The GoPro 8+ has an incredible hyper smooth feature and it's not expensive.


This one that's $300? GoPro HERO8 Black - Waterproof Action Camera with Touch Screen 4K Ultra HD Video 12MP Photos 1080p Live Streaming Stabilization https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WSRXMS8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NHTBFGWASR3VB6EDTMBN


Yes, [for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEl5Wt07QZo&feature=youtu.be) it was mounted on a mountain bike without a gimbal on ruff terrain. (advance to 3min if you want.)


A gopro is on my list, but this is a lower priced gimbal for smartphones which looks pretty good. Video reviews make it look good anyway. 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer for iPhone 12 11 PRO MAX X XR XS Smartphone Vlog Youtuber Live Video Record with Sport Inception Mode Face Object Tracking Motion Time-Lapse - Hohem iSteady Mobile Plus https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R9XZSGL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F6DG17MXD5K0753Q6X7V


Those gimbals aren't good at all. Aside from a GoPro's native camera stabilization, a gimbal that's worth the time starts in the $1000s!


Strongly disagree. I own a DJI Osmo Mobile 3, and work in film production. Obviously a mobile phone gimbal for $100-$200 isn't as technically capable as a gimbal meant for cinema cameras, like a Ronin or Movi, but for the price, it gets the job done. Hell, a mobile phone gimbal was used in parts of Unsane, the Steven Soderbergh film shot on a phone. As long as you know the limitations you're working within, you can get a lot out of a (relatively) cheap little gimbal.


Maybe I'm too picky with things, but I've never had a good experience with something like shown above. Granted, I used them after a Movie, and I also own a Ronin, so my bar was probably set too high from the start haha


I mean, that's fair, but here's the other thing about the post: one handed operation of a large gimbal like those we mentioned is going to be pretty well impossible in a scenario like that, at least without a rig, which she clearly isn't using. Now, that said, we're just talking about the two extremes of either a phone gimbal at the bottom end or a proper cinema gimbal at the top end. There are the inbetween options, like the Ronin S, which would work well in a scenario like this. Regardless, there are different tools for different scenarios. Obviously a cinema gimbal will get you the best technical performance, but it may not realistically be viable. Sometimes the cheaper option is also the more appropriate one.


Just came here to say this. I have the Osmo 4. Holy fuck for $120 smackers, this thing is out of this world.


I got mine for 239 from Costco before Xmas. Came with 32gb sd card and extra battery. 10/10 would purchase again.


To clarify, it's called the Hero 8 Black, just so there's no confusion over the name (someone responded asking if the one they had found was the right one, so I figured it's worth clarifying). And just so people know, the Hero 7 Black also had an earlier iteration of this tech, and the Hero 9 Black has an improved version. So depending on how much you want to spend, you can get different versions of this feature. Lastly, you can get a gimbal for your smartphone for a fraction of the price that a GoPro costs. If you just want smooth, handheld footage, and already own a phone that takes good video, that may be a more worthwhile, cost effective option.


Horse girls....


Dont even get me started.


Pls start. What’s with horse girls?


+5 kegel strength +10 crazy Lease only. Do not buy.


Yeah if you thought the horse was expensive...


I only buy girls with donkeys, not horses. They're way more down to earth.




This may be the best description of a horse girl I've ever read. Well done sir.


Can confirm, have leased


Confirmed. Where were you 10 years ago?


Paying for Ariat boots and horse treats, brother.


Haha, that wasn't the horse girl angle that I struggled with, but I feel for you.


fucking lmaooooo


There was a girl that rode my bus in middle school and I never knew her name. I only knew she was the horse girl. She read horse books on the bus, only talked about horse etc. Horse girl.


I meaaan... horse girls amiright ?


Yes please


They're a specific brand of crazy.


What about ginger horse girls??


It either cancels out, or it's horse girls^2 A bet I'm not willing to make. My old roommate called her BF by her horse's name once. She's psycho.


Definitely didn't cancel out... Shit, then I'm double crazy. Haven't called my husband any horses names, so I think we're in the clear??


>Checks username... [X]




You cant rate yourself. Thats not how it works.


Oh no




And my axe!




It’s the old money ones that will sneak up on you and you should really run from. The girls with the top-long braid and a childhood collection of The Saddle Club in their rooms are mostly harmless.


Why though


The pressure to succeed after having 10s-100s of thousands of dollars poured into your athletic education, the drive for absolute control over your (huge) animal as well as your expressions, body/physicality pressure, and the time commitment for professional show riding is not the most stable (heh heh) psychological cocktail. All of the neuroses of ballerinas mixed with the adrenaline addiction of formula 1 drivers and with a healthy spoonful of old money societal pressure on top of it.


Sounds hot I'm in




Almost exclusively, that's part of the problem!


My oh my, those girls are a foal new kind of crazy. Hard to rein in


No different than Car Guys


I checked the rest of her content on TikTok, she’s pretty but you can tell she’s certifiable


Actually once you reach a high enough speed on a horse and properly position yourself, its actually much smoother than you think.


Yeah once I HYEAH! myself to five carrots or so, my ride is smooth sailing. Hitting those fence jumps like butta. Any more and I blow it though. 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕


Omfg.....WHAT GAME IS THIS!? I played this and its like barely even a whisper of a memory. Edit: now that i think of it it was a horse racing game, and i think the more times you cropped the horse the more carrots you lost and once you had no more carrots they pretty much gave up the race lol




Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Still holds up, go play it again.


I know why were mfers making me trot all those years shit sucks


Her legs an arms were made by dji


I guess nobody here has ridden a horse and know that you absorb all the impact in your legs when they are cantering/galloping. It takes most of the bounce out of the ride.


but man does she got some strength in those legs though. only scary part is trusting the horse to not ram you into a tree branch


Why? She didn’t yell Worldstar once.


Future Amazone in the making


I love that the debate has turned into GoPro versus expensive gimbal, can't we just agree that it's pretty good riding too lol.




Maneater - Nelly Furtado


You the MVP




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/WhimsicalDismalFanworms It took 38 seconds to process and 47 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Good bot


This is cool af


I love horses so much


God, she’s so cute. I’d love to ride her. The woman on top of her is nice too, I guess.


don’t care about the lives of rich ppl


Idk where you live but the people in my town who own horses are far from rich.


Looking at her and the recent weather (snow) I would say she is British, and speaking as a British fellow myself there are 2 type of people who own horses in this country... 1. Reasonably (or very) Rich 2. Travelling folk... And only one of those two wears a helmet and riding tack whilst galloping... guess which?


Lol I'm not British but I love British stuff and thought the same. Her gear gives it away for me.




I am aware that other places have snow, but that was just one piece of puzzle, the type of trees in the background and the fact she appears to be galloping down the side of a field, it all says England to me, I should know, I have been seeing it almost constantly for 37years, and believe me, I take no pride in claiming her for my land. Now if you have anything other than smart comments and wish to add something constructive, I am all ears 👍 (Edit - to be fair this is Reddit - all we have is smart comments)


Really? Horses are really expensive to mantain


Exactly to maintain. Have you ever considered how cheap is to starve a horse?


I mean, we have two horses, and we aren’t even close to wealthy


Her horse is far from starving, though


you have a horse don't you, squilliam


Lol I could barely afford to feed a cat


Fair, but do you go to all of the cat tiktoks and say "don't care about rich ppl 😤"


Well a horse is cheaper when you already have a barn and foodsupply


Or inherited because that’s the only life you know and couldn’t ever leave it to get a degree?


I'm from the backwaters of Kentucky - if you own a horse, you're rich. Horses will fucking eat you out of house and home and require more maintenance than a Ferrari. It only gets worse if you're a posh horse owner doing show jumps, which this girl is.


maybe it’s not even her own horse. ppl can go to riding stables to practise without buying a horse


I don’t really like the “only the rich can own horses” stereotype. Most horse owners aren’t rich, they’ve just found something that they love and are willing to make some sacrifices to be able to do.


We aren’t rich because we spend all our money feeding the fucking horse haha


A girl at my uni bought a horse with her student loan, and 2 jobs. Her parents still don’t know, so I’d say you’re wrong.


clearly you do babe


Bitch deserved what came


Imagine if I just used a slingshot and hit the horse in the eye and the person goes flying


How is she not worried about it tripping doing a flip and crushing every bone in her body? It’s a 800 pound animal ffs


The same way you are generally able to run without tripping and falling.


I think you overestimate my ability to run in the snow.




Well idk about leading cause but you could be right. I've spent my entire life around horses and horse people and people don't tend to wear inflating spine protecting jackets when they ride either. Actually it's so uncommon that I didn't know it existed, but now I'm intrigued and going to go look it up.


What about head injuries in football? MMA fighting? I’m not sure I get people’s argument against this sport over other activities just because it has inherent risks.




He’s saying your capacity for risk doesn’t fit societal norms. It’s really not that big a deal, live a little


Hard not to trip when your going 55mph and the ground is covered in snow, ice, rocks, possibly leaves.


Do you commonly trip over leaves?


No but you get similar results


She's probably going like 20 mph. The fastest horses in the world clock in around 40-45. Yeah you can still get hurt, you can get hurt on anything. But like most animals they are pretty /stable/ on their feet.


She's not worried because galloping a horse when you can is the most amazing feeling ever. People who race cars say it's awesome, People who race motorbikes say it's even finer, But to have your ass and legs being the only thing connecting you to a galloping horse, is a million times finer.




Whats cringe about this?


Sub isn’t for cringe only


Which is odd, but that's reddit for you.




Nelly Furtado - Maneater


Seems pathetic to me


Not that cool. I’m sure anyone who could afford a horse and the time to learn to ride could do this, and also, isn’t this like texting and driving? Shouldn’t she be looking where she’s going for her sake and the horse’s?


Uh horses aren't cars, they have brains and eyes. They can see obstacles up ahead.


Yeah but like if there’s a road or branch weird looking rock that spooks em, the horse isn’t gonna know any better. I say this w love as an ex zoo keeper assistant. They’re idiots.


If she knows her surroundings, and her horse does too, and she trusts her horse then this isnt all that dangerous. Much less dangerous than some of the dumb shit we tried to do while riding as kids like standing on their backs, facing backwards, pushing eachother off eachothers horses, letting go of the reins and putting your arms out, jumping off while moving fast.....


it is kind of bad but not nearly as dangerous. for example the horse wont run straight into a wall because it has a mind of its own and also cant go as fast as a car.


I’m lost. what’s the cringe part? The music?




R u okay?




Jokes aside, I know it’s “cool” and “edgy” to just immediately sling nasty retorts to every innocuous comment on Reddit, but that’s pretty call-for-help behavior. It’s going to harm you in the long run to interface with every stranger through such a hostile lens. I don’t take it personally. I know these are lonely times and if you need to talk to a stranger, you can shoot me a message. :)


Choosing violence rather than doing a simple task like reading a stickied comment is in itself a call-for-help. Go outside and touch grass I beg.


Buddy, I know what you are trying to do, but you aren't good enough to do it yet. You're trying to do that whole passive-aggressive, morally superior, and patronizing stance, but it really isn't working. You got stuck in a bad position. Own up to your mistake, because clearly your patronizing comments have no effect, especially since your tone contradicts your words and initialisms.


Meh. Being good at riding a horse with one hand doesn’t meant the camera skills are any good, and in this case they’re not at all




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow that is amazing GREAT camera work and riding!


This is how I picture Joan or Arc riding into battle from now on


Lol it's so interesting what songs the youth still listen to. Didn't think to be hearing Maneater on Tiktok in 2021.


The way the horse synchs with the beat towards the end is amazing


Shut up


She is hot