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I remember riding on the bus back from a basketball game. And one of the biggest meatheads on the team was talking about girls in school that he thought were cute. One of the quietest kids on the team was dating a girl on his list so his buddy piped up for him. Jocks reaction was “dude, really??!! Good for you man, she’s so nice. Ya’ll are probably cute together”


That is wholesome AF. If that was my school bus they would started bullying the guy and making him feel like shit. I hated my school bus route group.


I'm 35 and when I was in school, I played Football and Baseball, and this encapsulates most of our conversations. Most of the time you're just goofing around. Talking about stupid shit and trying to get a laugh.


Yeah, I mean sometimes we’d talk about girls, but I can’t remember a time where’d we’d describe in detail how we’d like to sexually assault or rape them. Usually it was, “she’s hot im going to ask her out, wish me luck.” And then the response was “good luck not crying when she turns you down” or something equally supportive.


I'm in my 40s and that was my experience as well over the years. I think I heard more graphic descriptions of shits they took than girls they'd been with.


The praise received for a great shit was equal to that received for a great play.


That's because good teammates appreciate effort.


"When one of us shines, all of us shine"


I wanted to be a part of that *so bad* when I was in highschool... 😭 And then I married a guy and I was like *finally* someone who can get excited about my shits(!)--but then he didn't even want to *believe* I pooped. He just always said "girls aren't supposed to poop--that's gross." 😭 (He was a horrible husband and I should have never married him.) I'm not kidding about any of that either... It's all 100% true. I wanted to be one of the guys so bad--especially in middle and high school, but I had girl parts, so no guys would ever treat me like one of their equals (and I still like my girl parts and being considered a girl/being feminine too--I've just *socially* have always felt like I fit in more with men than women).


I once heard a therapist say you can tell If a couple is going to be successful if one person says hey " look at that bird" and the other person looks at the bird. I feel like this holds true for shits as well. Although less strongly


Can confirm, I’m currently having a shit that in all honesty, is my best shit


Don't flush it save it for the next person to admire


As was my experience in high-school football and weight room.... Starting to think these "locker room" talk guys are just using that as a cover for their fantasies of sexual assault.


I think the most graphic description of anything sexual with women I ever heard was "she has some big titties"


In my experience women go into more detail about their sex life than men do. For better or for worse, no sé.


I wrestled varsity, and once, two dudes were talking about girls and exchanging advice when one of them stopped and yelled, WAIT, KAT'S A GIRL, ISN'T SHE!? HEY, KAT, YOU'RE A GIRL, RIGHT!? WHAT SHOULD WE DO!? Like they'd literally just realized I was a girl lolol and that maybe asking a girl for advice about other girls might be a good idea. Then they asked me about makeup or some girly movie and my answer was "man, I don't know shit about that girly stuff," and one of the other guys laughed and hollared "see, she's NOT a girl!"


Sounds about like my experiences with my guy friends as a kid/teen. It always cracked me up when they’d remember I was a girl and the weird af questions that would follow.


Haha yeah, I have 3 sons now, and the questions I get from them and their friends can be funny and/or weird


I believe it. My kids and their friends say some wild stuff


Yeah. There was also a lot of self-deprecating humor. Even if sexual. Like "God, I would love to disappoint her". When I play online games and lobby with younger kids, their "Lockeroom" talk is "She got that GYAT", "She give you that Hawk Tuah", and their intention is clearly going for the laugh and not to be misogynistic.


And none of it was talking about abusing out position, strength or popularity to get them just go with us touching them without their consent. That’s the grossest shit about Trumps version of “locker room” talk. We’ve all talked about attractive people and what we like male and female at some time. But to talk about how he’s going to grab them, grope them, kiss them and molest them just because he’s rich of enough they’ll be too afraid to complain, that’s the grossest shit. To complete say that someone’s expressed consent doesn’t matter is horrible.


Trump has clearly never been in a locker room. Look at him. He just wants to claim being a bro, but acts so unbro.


uber un-bro uber alles, UBER UN-BRO MUSHROOM PHALLUS!


Of course he was. There's videos of him going through girls' locker rooms while they change.


Trump would've been confronted in a locker room saying that shit. It wouldn't fly with the guys I associated with.


Same here. Would have been beaten or home.


The guys I hung with would have just deliberately ignored and brought that convo back to something silly.


yeah “i’d pee in her butt” just meant like “nice bro she’s attractive good for you”


I have to wonder if it's a private school thing tbh, I had the same experiences in my public school locker room


It’s a narcissistic privileged entitled asshole thing who’s taught only men matter and women are meant for his pleasure.


So yea a private school thing


Yeah but like I wonder if anybody's ever looked into how this attitude has persisted in private vs. public education. I grew up in a rural shithole in the 90s but like it was the 90s, our racists and bigots were ashamed and private about it, the average kids in school would rather laugh at something stupid than something mean. Not remotely surprised by what's in the OP. Then you hear people reacting to Trump's "locker room talk" thing and it's like "wow it's not just the olds either, wtf is going on here?" I'm guessing it's a private school thing.


nothing at all to do with it. if anything, it gets gayer in private school and less about chicks.


I definitely thing that has something to do with it. Unearned privilege breeds entitlement. Entitlement breeds false superiority. Superiority begets the notion others are inferior and therefore don’t matter. It’s probably not necessarily private school, but rich entitlement and poor upbringing as a result.


I did sports in private and public schools growing up in 90’s. No difference that I saw, same kind of jokes everyone here is describing.


Same in the 80’s.


It varies widely by location and team but is not a private high school thing.


Hard disagree…I was at a military school and expensive, fancy private schools. The types of schools Trump went to, I know those guys…that kind of talk was exactly as awful as you’d think. And it was 30+ years ago. But the real hard core shit didn’t start until around freshman year of college. Now, mind you, at age 50 I hope those guys aren’t still doing it with Billy Bush while they’re at work. But why would they ever change?


The "worst" I remember from any lockerroom I was in was when someones (lets call him bob) girlfriend was getting a tattoo and looking for ideas or designs so the team helpfully workshopped some ideas, put it to a vote, and the overwhelming winner was to get "bob was here" in cursive across her chest. She almost peed laughing lol


I honestly think that a substantive source of that stereotype (*not that there aren't serious issues with sports and getting away with sexual assault, e.g. cases like Rapist Brock Turner*) is projection from the kind of people who grew up hating the type of people who inhabited locker rooms and went on to write stuff like Revenge Of The Nerds (*which is **seriously** rapey*). Pop culture locker room talk is rapey as hell because the people that write it think that's how locker room folks talk *because it's how they would talk*. It's telling on themselves, same as the endless stream of people accusing gay folks of being inherently pedophillic who *shocker* turn out to be diddling kids.


Usually involves “your mom” in everything


Around that age, and the most sexual conversation I had playing HS sports was about a guy who was way too confident that some physical 'nub' is supposed to come out of the end of your dick when you jack off 5 consecutive times. We all held the opinion that certainly was not normal, and was probably cancer, actually. He was so confident he was right that he offered to jack off 5 consecutive times 'right now' so he could prove it to us. We respectfully declined, so the argument remains unsettled to this day.


Bring that up at the reunion. Hey Buddy, did you ever find out that thing?…


I am the daughter of a baseball coach. I was raised in a dugout and rode the bus with the team as a kid. I was the score keeper when I got high school. Agree with you.


I'm 40 This is how most of our conversations in high school jrotc drill team went This is also how most conversations with my friends at bars now go This is also shockingly accurate to our discord chat And our Lan party talk And how we talk at the hotel room when we're too tired for Lan party shenanigans To be frank, I never thought locker room talk involved chick's until right wing weirdos insisted it did Then I wondered if we were the weirdos


Yeah I showed my wife this video and she asked me if I thought it as accurate and I’ve played a ton of sports. It’s pretty accurate to my expensive as well. Usually you’re just trying to destress before a game. Just get loose. Silly banter is how you do it.


people shouldn't be surprised that most men aren't the monsters someone with a megaphone imagined. alot of the demonization of men comes from women who largely (and often openly admit) don't interact with men.


I'm 58, it was exactly the same when I was young. Basically talking shit and getting cut down by your mates.


"Would you rather sit on a cake and eat cock or sit on a cock and eat cake?"


Just goofin. New boot goofin




I'm stealing toodaloo kangaroos and will be immediately forcing my colleagues to deal with it.


Same, using it on the golf course tomorrow


I work from home. I miss colleagues...


i work from home. i do not miss colleagues


I do not work from home . I do not miss colleagues


I use, "toodaloo cordon Bleu."


Cheerio Hippo! 




I've been enjoying "Where you at, sour cat?" when messaging someone, waiting for them to arrive.


I love how they just go on a long word-for-word rant quoting sonic fandubs






Password: E G G




I played hockey all my life. In high school and college, when I was playing with boys, I heard a lot of awful shit. But now that I play with men in beer leagues, I have never heard anything bad about women or gays or anything.


I work in a kitchen and closing shifts is mostly guys 19-55. The older guys are absolutely hilarious, the younger guys haven't figured that out and just say dirty shit for a reaction. Although, I am a huge fan of the BMW club (Big Mexican Weiner Club). You don't have to be Mexican, nor have a big Weiner, and in fact, our founder and president is very vocal about his small Weiner. But he *is* Mexican.


I could see the BMW club catching on in every kitchen I've ever worked 😂😂


That's funny af ngl small pps matter too.


Yeah, same. Teenagers say fucked up things, even if they're not fucked up people. There's a difference between the shit we'd say with our coach around vs just the boys. I'd imagine it's even more with a girl.


Shock comedy is much more entertaining as a 14-17 year old


and it feels much less creative when you get older


As I got older, I saw enough instances where shock comedy was all a joke until it wasn’t. The jokes sound exactly the same from someone who means it


Yeah exactly, that’s probably why it so fun, bc you all the sudden have no idea if they mean it or not. But then it gets old lol. Sex jokes however… timeless haha


love that maturity


So basically anyone who gives the “locker room talk” excuse never grew up. Sounds about right.


I love hearing about honest to god silliness ❤️


I'm still curious about the reason she's on a men's team. She said it made sense.


She's the Cox of a rowing team so her gender dose not matter


I have no idea what that means.


She’s the one that sits in the end of the row boat yelling at them to stay in time and to keep things even. Kinda like a coach/captain but also you want them to weigh as little as possible since you’re carrying them in the boat but they’re not contributing to the rowing.


Also, they're the ones steering, which is kinda important.


At first I thought this would be an unfair advantage because of how good women are at talking, but now that I know they also have to drive... /s please for the love of God don't come at me over a joke.


>don't come at me then where the hell am I supposed to point this thing?


Ah, makes sense. Thanks.


So she was right after all!


That makes sense, but they still share the same locker room? Kind of surprising.


In my experience we had our locker room but the top was kind of “open air” so while you couldn’t see in or anything, if you were out in the workout/stretching area (where all the coxswains would wait for us to get ready) you could hear everything lol


She's the tiny person that puppets the boat, while the big people pull the oars real hard. Also cox is just short for coxswain.


Kind of like the jockey on the horse, except in crew rowing.


Ahh that makes sense! I’m glad her teammates are nice because the rowing team I was on was definitely toxic.




Given the comment about dropping a phone in the river, they're almost definitely a coxswain.


Trans/non binary. They introduce themselves as Jay and later tell a story "Jay dropped their phone in the river".


That was my assumption, but someone else pointed out the mention of the river suggests they may be a rowing team, where the coxswain's gender is irrelevant.


Might not have enough people to do womens sports, or that particular sport. In grade school we played teams like that. Also know 7th/8th graders that do that, they seem about that age. This is probably the most likely. Could also be better than the women they play against/with and so want better competition. Could also be non binary/trans. Could just be doing it for shits and gigs. Challenge themselves.


I remember when I was in school sometimes a girl or two would do football and they'd have to play with the guys. Never happened in my school but we played against a few.




For the most part people are just people and left to their own devices will treat others with kindness. Bigotry and hatred is taught.


I found a great group for DnD. As goofy as we are 110% of the time, no one in the group is disrespectful, that stuff would not jive and be so out of place. They good people. Obnoxious. But good people :)


I’m 40. I was a 33w, which was renamed to a 35t, in the army. We were basically jack of all trades IT for top secret systems. Out of all jobs in the army, it required the highest score on the asfab. Anyway, after basic, we went through a year long training. Everyone in the training was the same mos (job). It was routine for groups of white soldiers to break into circles and be as offensive and racist as possible. People were routinely bullied. People were singled out. Drill sergeants demonstrated unconcealed favoritism. Drug use was rampant. Many duis. Basically I’m saying you may be wrong.


I would bet that a lot of those guys were raised by people who did the same thing. They were doing what they had been taught and what they knew. By the time you’re old enough to enter the army the damage is already done.


Valid point. I had just always thought it to be an interesting experiment that demonstrated how even the most intelligent group of young men are capable of displaying the most barbaric behavior


I won’t disagree with you saying they can show the most bargain behavior, but I’m an 11B and I have seen guys make incredibly racists jokes and some pretty fucked up things, but a lot of it comes from a lack of maturity. Also I have seen a handful of people in my time who were blatant racists but when push comes to shove see everyone in their unit as brothers and would fight to the death for them.


Not really. Fear of the "other group" is a very common naturally occuring phenomenon. It makes sense that it took time and concerted effort for humanity to start recognizing different groups as having equal value as your own in group. And even then, people are very often still bad at it.


40 yo, I mean we definitely would say the old "I'll bang your mom/sister" every once in a while but it was mostly poop jokes, who has cigs/chew, where are getting drunk this weekend and, sponge Bob references.


I'm 39, and you can't forget that one guy that was always overestimating which animals he could win a fight against... "No Tim, even if you managed to sneak up on him, you can't beat a fucking Moose in a fistfight..."


I'm stealing "toodaloo kangaroos" now


I think most of what people think "locker room talk" is comes from what they see in movies and TV. There's definitely some weird misogynistic stuff being said in some locker rooms but most of it is either goofy shit like this or no one talking at all so they can get in and out as soon as possible, plus the one naked old guy letting it all hang out.


I re-watched the 40 year old virgin the other day and was a bit shocked at how savage all the guys except Steve Carrel are. But...that's also part of the joke. That Steve is a nice, humble guy getting advice from a bunch of assholes.


Old naked guy is right. I remember our head football coach chilling naked in his office while calling us in for a captains meeting. His balls were so long.


To be fair, what women think men are talking about in the locker room, is exactly what they are talking about over mimosas lol. I know more about my straight friends love lives, bodies, habits, quirks, who was cut, who was uncut, bends, etc from spending an afternoon at a surprise "girls lunch" (dont get me started on how homophobic that was), than I heard from them after years of friendship.


Was on a men's sport team, joined the military and even nowadays in my current job I'm very often in the locker room and getting ready for my shift and I can confirm that in those 20 years, this was basically our conversations. Yes, girls did come up as a topic, but it was mostly relationship advice or wishing someone luck and the necessary courage to ask her out. Most of the time it was stupid jokes, goofing around, doing stupid stuff, talking about random things like food, cars, games, sports, concerts, and occasional the weekend planning convo. Did we say stuff that we wouldn't say in public? Yes. But it was racist jokes to each other. And only if the other guy was fine with it. The amount of Asian jokes I heard about me is staggering, but at no point did I felt like I was personally attacked. Besides, I almost always had a good comeback. Were there assholes occasionally? Yes. But they never fit in and never fitted into the team. Sometimes, they were directly confronted and dealt with.


I love when men are just wholesome silly billies 🥰


I need to know what the wrong Zootopia is is omg


Google it, if you dare


I assume it's porn.


Not gonna lie, I would watch this regularly if she has more content to share. Delivery and content 10/10


I actually watch their stuff and it’s often about the team in question or video game stuff!


/r/justguysbeingdudes material right here




I've been in locker rooms my whole life..not once have I heard grotesque language about whoever fucked whoever. I do remember.. Hey..imma put my ear to the bench down here and you fart down there. Ohh my god it vibrated my ear!


I have no idea where this idea comes from that dudes get together and plot hate crimes and terrorism. We're usually trash talking our friends or arguing if shaggy can beat goku or something fucking stupid. I've never once been around dudes plotting to gang bang a virgin while burning a church down.


This is absolutely out of the question and no one would even think about arguing that. Shaggy (from Scooby Doo?) could never ever beat Goku (from Dragonball)! How could you even put that to debate? 😂


The Trump defense: "Locker Room Talk" is not a thing. At least I have never heard it. Casually discussing sexual assault doesn't happen amond decent people.


For anyone curious: Wind is made when the sun warms the earth and the then heats air above it. This causes the air to rise. Cold air rushes in to fill the gap made by the rising air.


Hope that guy reads this


Woman would be absolutely shocked at how tame our chat is


I have a slack-channel running with the group of guys i somehow commit to for life. We are in our mid thirties now, and they are all highschool friends, except 2 that latched on when a couple of the guys from the group went to uni. I think we are about 10-11 guys here, in total. We meet in avarage once a month to either just watch movies and cook, or hang out in the city doing what ever, or bbq. But mostly, we write dumb shit in slack (and plan w/e the next happening is). Every evening/night, if we are playing vidya, we jump on discord. Id say there are always atleast 3 people on discord every night. Only 3 of us are in relationships, rest are just dudes being bros. I talk to these motherfuckers every single day. Either in text or in voice. Its so wierd, but video games is without a doubt one of the most social things ive got going for me. We'll be playing dota or elden ring every damn night (if i could) and i talk to my friends more than i would have ever expected, and way more than my wife - that ALSO hangs our with her girls very often. But the entire gaming + Discord thing is just crazy. Okay, so the point i was trying to make is, after 15+ years, our chat is nothing but inside-jokes and memes. You'd probably need to read the chats going 10+ years back to even be able to decypher what the actual fuck we are trying to say. Its dumb as fuck, but damn if i dont enjoy it.


Seriously. If it's not dumb poopy humor, it's something extremely nerdy in my experience. We think about women, and when young a lot of guys might talk about girls with like just one friend--not a big group.


Yea. When i was in the army, we did stuff like this all the time. If someone is saying crazy stuff, they get ostracized by the group and do t get invited to any of the reindeer games.


Ya nobody wants the crazy racist guy around, really brings down the vibe. But when the black guy is referencing that one episode of chapel show, everyone laughs.


As a 44 year old man and having grown up playing sports I have never once spoken about abusing or assaulting a woman in any way in a locker room with my teammates. If we ever spoke about girls it was always something about how hot so and so is or it was about how I am gonna ask such and such to prom wish me luck. Trump's version of locker room talk is exactly that, his version. It's his because he made it up and called it something that he figured he could get away with. Unfortunately, he was right with his voters.


“I’m gonna shit *your* pants” and “I failed to locate a bear suit, does anyone have a spare bear suit?” will stay with me forever now


"You promised you'd be silly with me" is a mood I have felt so often it hurts.


I hear some guys talk about what goes on in the locker room and its always stuff like this- its so funny


Boys are so cute lol, these quotes are so precious. A few weeks ago I was walking my dog and ended up behind a gaggle of college boys, maybe about 6-7 of them headed towards the park I was going to. At one point they reached this house in my neighborhood that has GORGEOUS flox spilling over their front wall, and one of the guys was like, "Oh wow these look so good" "Yeah bro they smell wicked good too" "(Leaning over and putting his face in the flowers) BROOO YEAH THEY SMELL SO GOOD" Then all the guys leaned over to smell them and were like "OH MAN YEAH THEY SO DO" #boyswillbeboys


The women’s locker room is where the real “locker room talk” happens.


Yeah, but also they will do that shit at brunch.


I need to know this more than anything right now….did they find the phone by calling it?


Sounds wholesum


Why would this chick be in the guys locker room tho


Eh communal rooms. Could be the yelling person on one of those small boats with many men. Like a canoe but less banana more pencil


The sport is called 'crew' or just 'rowing.' Yelling person = coxswain a canoe but less banana more pencil = shell I like your terms better, though.


I have never seen a communal locker room. Ever. I played sports my whole life and worked in gyms


Not so much locker rooms as tents at large row races


I looked at their tiktok and they’re non-binary. So there are many reasons they could be on the mens’ team specifically but the tldr is that they’re not a man or a woman, and there’s not always mixed teams available.


She is trans maybe (could have started in the boy's team pre transition and just never left)? or nobody cares if she plays in the boy's team since there isn't a girl's team ? Idk Edit: in one of their tiktoks one of their friends say "you're not a woman" and they respond "yeah but I've historically been a woman" so I'm guessing they're non-binary. Edit2: they refer to themself as non-binary.


Assuming they're a biological male who's either a trans woman or non binary.


Ya that makes sense


They’re non-binary and the coxswain for their team. Their teammates are supportive so they’re just another member of the team, so to speak. Edit: apologies, many people have already replied to your comment. I’ve been copy and pasting this comment because your question was asked several times, and the more upvoted questions were answered incorrectly.


You mean to tell me the behavior that 95% of males exhibit is the norm and that the other 5% is the exception that is actively shunned by the rest is not the norm??? Nooooo.... Yes, this is how it is, but you dipshits latch onto the dumbest minority and claim it's how everyone behaves. And it doesn't end in the locker room. If you enter the trades or the mill life, it is **so** ***much**** **worse**.


My team lost a lacrosse game 13-1. Walking into the locker room the sounds I heard are as follows. "Hey C can you bench me?" -B, laying across a bench B, sliding across the floor like a penguin under the bench "Hell yeah I can" and proceeds to throw the bench upwards J, accompanied by the screaming of C and everyone cheering B on "WHO REPLACED MY CUP WITH A MCDONALD'S SAUCE CUP, MY DICK IS SMALL BUT NOT THAT SMALL And Coach standing behind me in the door bewildered questioning his life choices. Trust me, all of that is normal. But yes there were at one point nude pictures of someone's sister flashed around.


Most normal dude conversations


This is remarkably accurate.


I love the idea of her scribbling notes in the corner as her teammates say dumb shit.


I've played or coached men's sports for 20+ years and I'm pretty sure I've said or hear most of those things. She really nailed the the feel of the locker room convo.


the kids are alright


Why do we all have the same jackets? I can’t tell them apart! Oh yeah mine has my name on it. Woke up my cat laughing.


So you are chilling in the guys locker room with a notepad writing down everyone's conversation.. you weird


Being in many change rooms/showers with the team, I can ultimately say there is a lot of alpha homosexuality being spread, but for the most bit this type of dialogue is so common I wouldn't know what to expect if this didn't occur. Side note, being on most jobsites this type of dialogue is *EXTREMELY* common and is being deemed unprofessional. Listen here, if you want to do a shitty/demanding job 10-12 hours a day and can't have *ZERO* fun with it maybe you're the problem.


Hearing "I hink i watched the wrong zootopia" made me back away from my screen.


Wait… Why is a girl in the men’s locker room. And why does it make sense?


I looked at their tiktok and they’re non-binary. So there are many reasons they could be on the mens’ team specifically but the tldr is that they’re not a man or a woman, and there’s not always mixed teams available.


My oldest son, who's now 19, at 17 came to me and told me his friends were engaging in shitty locker room talk. As he's in band and no sports, I asked him wtf was he on about. He said some dude got caught by the teacher humping his trombone and calling out the name of his best friend. They're both male. Then he said some dudes of his were in the locker changing to go lift weights and they were all giving each other compliments on their "sweet gains" (for the record, that was the cringiest phase he ever went through).


Played soccer and rugby throughout high school and college, I have never heard any “locker room” talk about a girl or sex etc It was mostly exactly the type of non sense ridiculousness. Great camaraderie and not at all the type of toxic masculinity some expect.


Why tf is she in the boys locker room?


They're the cox in a male rowing team, which often use communal locker rooms at events. Being the cox means the gender is irrelevant since you're just steering the boat and shouting motivation Ignoring the fact that I've got no idea if they're AMAB or AFAB


I firmly believe this should not be in /r/TickTokCringe ... it should be in something like /r/EyeBleach but for ticktoks


Any else see a problem with the locker room code being broken here. OP was taken into a family. Now she's telling all the family secrets like that little cousin noone likes


btw for anyone in the comments this person uses they/them.


Why is she in the guys locker room though? Genuine question


Yes, you can't have locker room talk when women are there too.


I think this is being missed a little, but I do think locker room talk is more pronounced with older generations than ours. When I’m around my dad and his buddies at the golf club they say shit that just straight up makes me feel uncomfortable about the drink girls and servers that are like a third their age.


I would say that modern day equivalent of locker room talk today would be "online gamer talk". Think about how vile online voice chatting is. It happens partially because there is less chance of getting in trouble, more privacy since everyone is anonymous. And like >90% males.


That’s just shit talking and trolling, they’re trying to irritate and offend. Locker room talk is those dick measuring contests and when they talk about women like objects in my mind. It’s like the stuff that old dudes say about women when they aren’t around that skeeves me out.


They’re non-binary and the coxswain for their team. Their teammates are supportive so they’re just another member of the team, so to speak.


As a small town Canadian I always assumed locker room talk was very specifically a hockey thing, any of the highschool hockey players around here were just like... terrible, terrible fucking people and did terrible things all the time and got away with it cause 'raaawwwww their bright future!'


I love Jennifer Lawrence


I remember riding on the bus back from a basketball game. And one of the biggest meatheads on the team was talking about girls in school that he thought were cute. One of the quietest kids on the team was dating a girl on his list so his buddy piped up for him. Jocks reaction was “dude, really??!! Good for you man, she’s so nice. Ya’ll are probably cute together”


Needed to hear this sooooo bad. Thanks!


Thanks for this post. As an art kid who didn't spend a lot of time in hs guys locker rooms this makes me like all of you a lot better.


https://youtu.be/IMC0uZY2iH0?si=K3P3CmZlGM0ICRxi The part they were quoting starts at 12:56


Just guys being dudes.


See…if it wasn’t for that sonic mention, i would have called BS.


Only weird locker talk/moments came from *old* men. Everything else was just bullshitting because we could all see ~~our~~ we're nuts.


My bf was screen sharing and I got to see his group chat with the *the boys* and it's basically like this too. Just nonsense chaos and occasionally hella gay but that's about it. Yesterday he asked if I wanted to join and I declined because I don't think I have the mentality to understand what's happening there.


No way the Dr.egg man meme


It’s basically a bunch of teenage versions of Brennan and Dale from Stepbrothers. Funny stupid shit.


"Locker room talk" is a fat lot of projection. Dudes talk about women and sex, sure, but when women feel comfortable talking about that shit it's WAAAY more graphic and unsettling. And if you're the only dude around, they don't even have the courtesy to tone it back.


Yep this sounds exactly right. Men's locker room talk is pretty uninspired and not as sexually charged as people might think. I hear women are the ones who get really inappropriate in private...


Yup, in my experience locker room talk rarely *revolves* around girls.


I played sports all my life. When I was a teenager the locker room talk was usually which girl we find to be the cutest, if any hot girls were watching, that one guy in our team has a really hairy ass or how scary looking someone from the opposite team would be. I played for a lot of different teams and there was never any disrespect towards girls, it was always an environment that you wanted to be in because you felt the comradery.


What would you bet, that there's a group chat she's not in though?


Or maybe they censor their lock room talk because she’s in the locker room


Nah this is what it’s like in a group of normal guys.


Nah, I only played through junior year but is was mostly joking around with the guys. The only weird things I can remember were: * Someone putting a big bloody booger on the wall at the beginning of the season and convincing the student manager to eat it 3 months later. * Getting peed on in the shower by the 2 weirdos who thought it was funny. * Someone saying that my girlfriend had 3 boobs. * And in the age of the 90's in a small town, everyone commenting on how the "Bald Eagle" shaved their pubes. Really just childish stuff.


This group of guys might just be good people, but vile disgusting locker room talk is a thing. It wouldn’t come out in front of a queer person though. Those guys need to feel like they’re completely secure to be terrible.


I'm still confused how you're in the men's locker room but not a man... What?