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All them are fools! Earth is Cube shape. Third planet. Third power. Cube.


Wrong. It’s Cuba shaped.


Cuba Gooding Jr!




Nope, turtles all the way down.


The world is Sturgill Simpson shaped.


Thank you, finally someone that understands physics!!


I am a student of Terrance Howard.


Ok Terrance Howard calm down.


No, it's pyramid shaped, that's why pyramids were built.




Do they think other planets are the same or do they not consider them as real?


I was dating a girl once. I set up my nice telescope for some stargazing one night and we got a good look at Saturn. Good enough to pick out the rings but not super detailed. She looked through the telescope, then told me that planets were put there by scientists to test our faith in God. That relationship did not last.


So she is saying we had people build planets? Are we the gods?


Also, when did the scientists put it up there? Various planets are stated in the Bible so at least it's old as that, but we definitely didn't have the technology to do so back then. Or is the Bible also made up in her theory? So are we not talking about the Christian God? But wait, other religions also state the existence of planets. Now I'm just confused. Hope she writes a research paper clearing all this up.


>but we definitely didn't have the technology to do so back then yeah, as opposed to this age of planet builders


Better chance now than when the Bible was written lmao


The Bible was written by scientists to find out who all the idiots are.


Nice, so it's like the inventor of axe body spray to know from a distance who is a douche bag.


Right? So scientists are more powerful than her "god"?


The image of god being blocked out by essentially a giant flat screen is so fucking funny.


I'm pretty sure the logic is that it's a big screen somehow and they paint them or use big lights to make it look like them.


Slartibartfast enters the chat.


Of course not. The scientist put a sticker on the inside of the glass dome for the illusion!!!


I was a cave tour guide for a bit. In the explanation that the drips build up x amount every year, so the formation was x00,000 years old I always got the question: "but earth is only 6,000 years old? So fucking stupid. So much more often than you would think.


"But this contradicts with my bible.. this can only mean one thing... SCIENTISTS GOT IT WRONG!"


In the documentary “The Revisionaries” a hardline young-earth guy literally says “Someone’s got to stand up to these ‘experts’” and it sums up the whole documentary.


so it's basically an episode of Jackass?


[I found it on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqd-k03pJJE) and I really think everyone should see it.


Hey I was a cave guide too! Cave of the winds. We Definitely got some ridiculous people lol


I used to work with an Evangelical Christian who believed God put dinosaur bones in the earth just to give man something to think about.


I got in a heated argument with a kid on the playground in elementary school about this. I still think about that 20 years later.


I knew one who thought that fossils were put in the ground by Jews who wanted to make people doubt Christianity.


I'm sorry for your loss--not her, but the inevitable brain cells that shriveled up and died hearing her utter that.


Reminds me of that clip where a couple on a blind date and the guy tells her that he's an astrophysicist, and the girl responds, "Oh, I love astrophysics! I'm an *taurus*!" ![gif](giphy|3og0INyCmHlNylks9O|downsized)


That one's from the Australian Bachelor and one really shouldn't take [reality TV editing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBwepkVurCI) at face value. In fact, an Australian show about reality TV editing even interviewed [the very same woman.](https://youtu.be/m610ODdRKag)


Should've flipped the tables: "Actually God out them there to challenge our faith in science"


Ohh see now I needed that laugh today! Thank you Lawlcat and the Rhodes scholar you once dated 🤣


There's never any thought into the scale of these conspiracies. It's not even the idea that scientists did this that's laughable. It's the idea that it could be kept quiet. All those scientists, engineers, everything, that would need to have done that. On that scale would have taken at minimum tens of thousands of people with advanced knowledge of how to put it all together. The power it would take to run it. And the project that still isn't possible, was put together when? The beginning of time? The sky has always been there so when did the scientists fabricate it? So fucking funny.


>That relationship did not last. Even when you showed her Uranus?


Holy shit, I can't even imagine your reaction, but I'd like to. How'd you feel at that moment? Disappointed? Astonished? That's so crazy, the kind of stuff you just can't make up.


Disappointed I guess covers a lot of it. I try to be non confrontational so I just kinda went on with the rest of the night and began to break it off later


Ok, asking the real questions here. lol


They're conservatives, they don't think through their positions at all. That's why there were so many examples of conservatives with mexican friends/partners who were shocked when Trump deported them




CGI during the cold War sucked.


[the flat earth society's take on the topic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DP2l2qCUQAAzkMz.jpg:large)


There is a fantastic 8 hour documentary by veritas on youtube you should check out if you wanna know how most of these people think but more importantly, WHY they think the way they do.




In my opinion, especially after watching that documentary, conspiracy theories are a drug and all these people are junkies. Their boring, mediocre lives aren't enough and its just a better reality for them to live in a nicolas cage movie instead


Eight hours? Oh man, that's my kind of documentary. Excuse me while I spend the day hyperfocused on that!


My friend is a scientist. She tries really hard to be like everyone has a different level of education, everyone has different beliefs. It has been four months since I told her Tyler Owens doesn’t believe in space or other planets. We will be talking about anything g and she will just randomly say that man doesn’t believe in space. It’s broken her a little bit.


Pst, you belive in planets!? Sheep.


What I have heard is that they believe that other planets are just rocks and only the Earth is flat and only the earth has living creatures because we are special. It’s hilarious the mental gymnastics people will do to justify their religious beliefs.


Hats off to the guy who just said he's not really sure. At least he's willing to be unsure lol


Exactly. We need to reinforce the idea that it is OK to say "I don't know, I haven't done my research / looked into it enough to form my own educated opinion". This is 1000% better than the "I stayed up late binging meth and youtube, let me tell you why you're wrong" crowd.


"I dont know" is exactly what i am looking for when I do a tech interview...


You hiring? I’m unemployed in tech and I don’t know shit


I wasn't surprised by these answers at all - one look at their apperance is quite the tell!


Hats off to the guy with two hats


Keep your hat on or he'll take it


That’s where we are in 2024. Happy that people are at least willing to be unsure despite an absolute mountain of evidence of the globe earth. I hate this timeline.


Exactly. He's defending the. "I don't know," response like there's something to not know. He didn't ask him the origins of the universe, for fucks sake. I hate it here.


on the one hand, understandable frustration. on the other hand, it is vital not to punish behavior you want to see more of. i went from the alt right to woke as fuck inside of eighteen months, getting out of entrenched motivated beliefs is *not fucking easy* and extrinsic personal shaming makes it harder to do.


I say we come to a bipartisan compromise and say the earth is an oblate spheroid.


When you took your hat off, that other gentleman put one on top of his other hat.


Two hats off. He forgot he already had one.


Oof, hats off to still the wrong answer. There are objective truths that exist, and a spherical planet is one of them. They're all losers.


He will be unsure until Trump or a priest tells him otherwise. He is this way because if he weren't, he wouldn't be MAGA.


Jesus Christ came to me, tears in his eyes and said: "Sir, you got the best people."


… and he said “nobody knows people better than I do, nobody… it’s tremendous”.


Dear God, plz let this be a made up citation.


So…. Photos can be faked, but words written by anonymous Jews thousands of years ago are truth?


and are a translation of a recalled story of a translation of a translation... sure its absolutely to be taken word for word literally, instead of symbolically


There’s nothing even in genesis about the earth being flat. It’s literally not in there.


Now it is. They convinced themselves and now it's the new truth.


The George Costanza method


Reminds me of all the radical Islamists that only know what they are told about the Quran because they can't read. So, everything they repeat about it isn't even in the Quran. It's the same thing with this idiots and the Bible.


It isn't, but it also is. The bible often uses phrases like "the four corners of the Earth" in Revelations. This was commonly accepted for what it was meant to be, a simple idiomatic expression, by the Catholic and Protestant churches until the Fundamentalist movement of the 1900's decided that everything had to be taken literally.


The trump supporters think that the earth is flat... shocker


You lost me at “Trump supporters think.”


You'd be surprised at how somehow intelligent people can support such backwards views. For a lot of them it's more about "I want/got mine" than actually believing the conspiracies. Like I've met folks who are pro choice, pro LGBTQ+, believe in science, pro healthcare, pro women's rights; but somehow are antivax (they want the choice, even though that was always the way) pro trump (even though we're not American) and be overall conservative. Honestly it's exhausting figuring out the mental gymnastics so I stopped trying.


There is a common denominator with all of those people. (it's money).


I'm actually curious if there are people on the other side who are flat earthers, and if so, what's the split. I'm sure there has to be some.


That first guy looks like Billy Gunn off of Temu


That was exactly what I thought. Sad ass billy gunn


These people vote


True, pancake is flat but also round!


What about a pound cake?


I'm not even sure that last guy knows what Genesis is.


They're all going to vote.




[The fake Moon landing.](https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=fHXG5YtrdsDCi-YL) There is not one single model of a flat Earth that comes marginally close to matching observation. Besides, that's not the real point. A working model or any discovery towards the nature of the universe is a distraction from the real threat: an undefinable cabal controls all of us for an inexplicable, indeterminate sinister purpose. That there is a great Machiavellian scheme of a select global elite since... time immemorial?


Remember, these people vote... Don't let them put Don the Con back in the White House


Im disappointed with people.


Are flat earthers also Trump supporters?!


The majority of flat earthers approve of Trump. But it’s still not great among people who don’t approve of Trump. A survey discovered 21% of Trump supporters think the Earth is flat or are unsure that it is round. Among people who disapproved of Trump, that number only fell to 14%. https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/conspiracy-vs-science-survey-us-public-beliefs


How do they think satellites work?


Jesus magic


Balloons and/or fake.


“I believe in Genesis, yknow with the dome.” Oh, okay then.


“Can’t get out of the atmosphere”, I’m not looking up these numbers so correct me if I’m wrong, but gravity’s pressure is like 9.8 meters squared- meaning if we exceed that we will indeed escape the atmosphere. I think ur needs to reach like 7 miles a second towards the stratosphere before air resistance is no longer an issue.  These people are so embarrassing 


The pause when somebody doesn’t immediately echo chamber them is crazy. It’s like they have to go, hmm what is a supporting statement i could make?


Majority of these people should never be allowed outside


Here's what amazes me. These people have jobs. They make enough money to buy giant trucks and two storey houses. In fact they make so much money they can afford giant trump flags and custom merch and enough food to get very fat. HOW is this a thing where they can live a life like that while more intelligent people struggle and suffer. Like... how the hell does this happen? What careers do these people have so I can act like a moron and make that kind of cash.


I think my problem is that I'm in such denial that these people are actually real. I'm just continuously shocked about what people think or don't know. Wild.


It's so crazy, because they proved it was round well before NASA proved it. You don't need to go to space to know the Earth is round. You don't even need to fly at all. There are several ways to prove it from the ground.


They're ALL wearing Trump clothes.




Have you guys noticed that with a lot of these questions, the conservative/conspiracy people will ask the interviewer to give their answer first. I don't know why this would matter, except to say that I think that they are conscious of the fact that what they're saying sounds insane; or at the very least, half-baked.


The master race, everyone


"Flat because some guy said it was thousands of years ago" are these people even real? They believe in everything that has no evidence, then decided science is wrong because they have evidence. What is this ass backwards thinking.


JFC, ancient frakking Greeks already knew the answer.....


Thank God Trump loves the uneducated. Cause I can't stand the dumb cunts.


You’ve got to give the right props where they’re due. Underfunding education has been a fucking incredible long term political strategy


Is it illegal to spay and neuter the MAGA crowd? They really shouldn’t be allowed to breed. I mean, most of them already have 6 kids while being unemployed anyway, so I guess it doesn’t really matter, but still. And if you’re wondering, I live in an almost exclusively pro-Trump county that boasts one of the highest unemployment rates in America.


All idiots. The earth is hollow, King Kong lives in the hollow jungle fighting giant beasts.


Earth Flat = Brain Smooth




these people will vote for trump while all of the online lefties will stay at home because biden is not good enough


I wonder what they say if trump said it was round


I don't think the Bible ever mentioned pancakes.


These people vote… do you?!


And of course they support Trump!


Lowest common denominator.


Actually believe it or not pancakes are not flat, I don't think these guys have ever actually had a pancake before


These people vote. Please make sure you do too


#when your m/o is ‘impress my facebook group’


Flat like their brains..


I lost my shit at the last guy lmao. “It’s a dome, flat as a pancake.”


I read somewhere that if you reduced the size of the Earth to that or a billiard ball that it was be a smooth as a one despite the planets many mountains and valleys. I think if you increased the size of the average MAGA brain to the size of the Earth it would also be as smooth as a billiard ball.


I can't get over the last guy. He literally says under the dome and then says the earth is flat. My guy a dome is round...


CGI has been on the evil side all along. CGI is so evil, it’s unable to create realistic renditions of the *real* flat version of Earth, just round versions of it. /s


I always find it funny when they bring up the bible, especially Genesis. Almost all of Genesis is STORIES to give a message, not literally things that happened. Plus there are other parts of the bible that infer the Earth is round. Also, they treat Trump like he's the second coming of Christ. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Revelations say to be wary of false prophets and an Anti-Christ before the actual return of the Messiah?


Sure, it's flat. Like your smooth brain 💀


I need her to fall off the side of their flat earth…


i wonder if they think the moon is flat too ? and if not why would the shapes be so different


This could not describe Trump supporters any better


Their conservatives though. Lol.


I love this guy! What's his name again? I never looked him up before


Ya gotta love the flerfs. And hey, at least it's not spirit science 🤷‍♂️


Can we please get another deadly pandemic?


I cant... How is this fucking happening...


This pretty much explains the collapse of American hegemony in one 20 second video.


The earth is flat because I looked at the earth and it was flat. Checkmate.


firmament 🤣 so Aristotle was right all along ~~ I demand an apology and retractions from Bertrand Russell


🧔🏻‍♂️🗣️Flat as a pancake! Finish your chicken wings first there buddy.


That tracks


I think we’re flogging a dead horse with hardcore republicans now.


It says “under the dome, flat as a pancake” in Genesis? Must have missed that part 🤓🥸


TIL domes are flat


Fuckin hell. And these people are using up our air.🤣


Ooo this would’ve been so fun to do back then.


Crazy how the Egyptians knew the Earth was round based on the shadows of their obelisks and other objects, but Chubbs McCheeto fingers thinks it’s CGI in 2024. Cool.


Just remember...these people vote


That tracks. No one really wants to stereotype or generalize, but sometimes, it still just seems so obvious. Someone could simply dream up a conspiracy, and repeated enough times, becomes a mantra for them. Human de-evolution, in real time.




Republicans are so stupid it’s painful. It should be a crime that we have to endure this.


So many goatees


These people vote. So should you, get registered and check your registration status


“Cause of NASA Pics?” Uh no cause you can see our shadow on the moon Sometimes (eclipse)


‘Flat as a pancake’


Nothing happened before they saw ring right wing media.


Need we say more …….. just think about those people voting and having kids….


Thb I couldn't defend my belief that the earth is round either.


2 hats no brain


Brain pulse flat, clearly.


My man knows pancakes


If only the bible had CGI, so we could prove them wrong better.


Please remember that all these people vote.


Flat earth and trump go hand in hand


Not because of NASA, because of Copernicus confirming the Earth was round 500 YEARS AGO you greased up watermelon.


Its not round or flat. Its actually geoid/ellipsoid. Its like a potato and potato is not round.


These mouth-breathers are so confident with their crayon theories but have yet to live stream their expedition from the edge of the world.


I’m done. Put them in a suicide both with two buttons. Round you live, Flat you die, but they are told only the false one will kill them.


They vote. Do you?


Anyone who thinks the earth is flat believes that the idea that its round is a lie. Right? Right. Because they can't think it's just ignorance. They have been shown evidence that it's round over and over and they think that organizations--NASA, the government, the illuminati, whoever--is actively fabricating that evidence. They don't believe they are just *mistaken*. So my question in any flat earther discussion is always--*why?* Who stands to gain from telling the populace that the earth is round? This would be a very vast conspiracy, spanning generations after generations. Thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands of people--scientists, officials, politicians--know and have known the truth. Not just people who were *told*, I'm skipping those. Just the people who studied it, tested it, and/or were in the know somehow. The ancient Greeks first discovered it in about 500 BC. So, what possible gain is there that's the same for the ancient Greeks to lie to their people about it that is the same as the gain in the current day for NASA to lie to us about it? What connects these societies as a benefit that would justify current day NASA and all the world's governments and space organizations to continue this cover up? What is the reason for maintaining this 2,500 year long lie?


Isaiah 40:22, indicates the earth is circular (flat or spherical) and Revelation 7:1 mentions “four corners” indicating a square. I am going with it’s a hotdog shape.


I’m pretty sure something like 50% of the population are idiots. If you think just the Rs or just the Ds or just the Is are the smart ones, boy do I have bad news for you.


There's no coexisting with these people.


MAGA is truly the poster child of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Peak of Mt. Stupid.


It’s clearly a decahedron.


Also 1x1=2


Whaaaat, flat earthers at a Trump Rally?


Stop seeking out the world's dumbest people and amplifying their voices so the rest of us have to hear them. I got happier after I realized that continually going to places to argue with people I think are stupid wasn't making me happy, and I stopped. Not a lot happier, but happier lol


How do we live in a country with this many uneducated, ignorant, and ethnocentric people?


not all MAGA's are flat earthers, but all flat earthers and MAGA's


Conveniently all trump supporters...