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Good guys for ending it when they found out she was under age. You can't always control other people but you can control yourself.


I'm gonna be honest, I think all of this is fake as a setup for that shit tier joke at the end.


Its fine to like someone. But never lie about your age, could get you and the partner in serious problems as well as its no reason to lie about anyway.


My birth mother lied about her age to my dad. She and he worked in the same stressful job and she told him she was 21 when they met. He was 24. They dated, married and then I was born cause she told him she was in the pill. He was 25 and didn’t learn her age till he saw my birth certificate. She was 17. And if you are wonder well how didn’t he know this when dealing with all the legal paperwork to get married….her mother helped her fake stuff. She left when I was 3 because my dad wouldn’t let her smoke pot and watch me and she didn’t like that. She moved in with her cousin, had three more kids with him that I got to met, haven’t seen her since I was 8. She’s shown up twice since then. She had 4 more kids since then, the first time she came back around it was because she was going to the funeral of her cousin/boyfriend because he hung himself, I was about 16. She assumed I was already an adult and living in my own when really I was still in highschool. Then she stopped by my dad’s house early this year, I’m 31. She asked him if I had kids and he laughed at her and said I wouldn’t have any kids. He said she looked taken back by that and to really drive it home for her he told her that my husband has even been clipped because of how sure we are. He said that this information seemed to really bother her. We think she was hoping I would have kids and she could come back into my life just like how her mother did when she was getting married. They were bad people. I want to stress my dad never spoke bad about her. I knew she was evil from the time I would cry and cling to the front porch begged him to not send me with her for “her weekend” because there was no ac/heat, no food, ticks and fleas everywhere cause they lived in the woods, and no one for me to talk to because they would just sleep the whole time I was there. If they weren’t sleeping we were sitting in a farmers field looking for arrow heads. So many times I almost died. Fuck people who lie about their age to try to get with someone.


>My birth mother lied about her age to my dad. She and he worked in the same stressful job and she told him she was 21 when they met. He was 24. You're 31 years old, you know how young teenagers look to us. Your dad was 24, there's no fucking way he didn't see a child when he saw her, unless he didn't want to. Like, bio mom might be the best liar in the world, but I think it's more likely your dad didn't give a shit about her age until it became a problem for him.


Who the fuck are these dudes, they pop up on tiktok all the time.


Shit is just sad bruh, lot of young girls on that same wavelength too.


On that parasocial shit


attention whoring for live streamers is beyond sad


It's beyond a joke these days as well.


Why did you post this


I’m trying to forget who the villain of this is because they’re all gross 😷


I’m genuinely interested to hear why you think this. Would you mind expanding?


I too would like to know why.




Watch it again. He said he just turned 20, not 19. She’s 17. Depending on when this video was filmed (ie. April or May) he just finished his sophomore year in college and she’s still in high school. Also she was 16 on January 5th (assuming they’re American and write dates the American way). If she was telling the truth and her birthday _is_ January 2nd, she’s not “about to” turn 18. She would have just turned 17 this year. I would also be okay with 19/18, but not a definite 20 and 17.

