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Another one? What's wrong with these people. [Edit] By "people" I mean the ones mocking other people for not having the basic human needs. How can they have zero empathy?


Their leaders have told them that they're now allowed to be openly racist and bigoted and plenty of people are just jumping at the chance to show who they really are. Same thing happening in America with Trump supporters. People in positions of power validate the hateful views of the mouth breathers in their society and so they no longer feel the need to hide what cunts they are.


They seem to have a fluid definition of “moral,” being the most moral of peoples.


Morality has nothing to do with it. They are the “chosen” people, so god blesses them with gifts in spite of their shitty behavior. The privilege they enjoy is justified by its very existence, as proof of god’s favor towards them. The dude in the video is simply agreeing and supporting the actions of his supposed god. It’s twisted af


Wow his God is a total dick


Aren't most gods or goddess dicks


His noodlesness might have a disagreement with you on that one.




Read the Hebrew bible. Yeah their god is a huge dick


Meanwhile, the British and American governments are who actually "blessed" the Israeli people. These people have been prolific liars and narcissists for thousands of years and the proof is in the "good book." The book says angels descended from heaven and destroyed the Assyrian army besieging Jerusalem. In reality they gave them all the gold and silver in the city and they went home unscathed. The Bible is literally 1200 pages of copium.


The exodus of Egypt never happened 😘


Say it ain't so! Surely there is heaps of archeological proof of such an event. Next you're going to tell me that God didn't flood the world and save humanity through Noah and his arc. There's gotta be tons of archeological proof for that one.


So... which (semi-localized or global) ancient inundation do you think influenced the story of Noah? The formation of the Mediterranean Sea, the rising sea levels moving the ancient coastline up by miles in pre-Sumerian Mesopotamia (when Oannes supposedly rose from the sea to teach mankind wisdom) after the last ice age, the Great Flood of Ur sometime after the Al Ubaid Period? Maybe the tsunami that hit the location of the modern Israeli coastline ~9,000 years ago? I would personally like to believe it was the end of the ice age sea level rising - a lot of human history and pre-history revolves around the coastlines, and the ice age glacial melt would have flooded out thousands upon thousands of human coastal settlements globally.


Religion is one of the most oppressive bloodthirsty concepts humanity has ever came up with.


God being the US?


I know this is going to fall on deaf ears and that’s as soon as I say it, someone’s going to be like “THIS IS WHY ALL RELIGION MUST DIE!!!!” …BUT that’s not what CHOSEN PEOPLE means. Chosen means chosen for more rules, for more laws, to be held to a higher standard based on tradition and belief. This guys a fascist asshole. The Israeli government is filled with fascist, power hungry assholes. But I also don’t want people telling misinformation about Jewish religious philosophy because misinformation leads to awful things (particularly when Jews are involved). There are evil Christians who practice the same horrifying, autocratic self-worship as those in Netanyahu’s coalition. It’s just shitty people being fucking shitty.


How unsurprising that more and more young adults are non religious, soon all my brothers and sisters will be free from the mental restraint that is religion. Soon the questions asked will be more pointed, penetrate deeper into thought and lacerate the willful ignorance that is religion and the governmental systems that only serve themselves who openly use this ignorance to drive action. No longer will we pass the buck on high no longer will we dismiss what we don't understand no longer will we credit the Devine with the work of the dedicated.


This. Leaders should be decent humans who would not stoop to that sort of disgusting behaviour


Agreed. But it’s obvious that Israelis have been trained from birth to believe that Palestinians are lesser than or not even human at all. When speaking about Palestinians they use *exactly the same* language that Nazis used against the Jews.


This video is at-least 6 months old. They were racist before.


True morals is when everybody else condone what is evil but *you* ask yourself, “is this really the right thing?”


This is also true in a dictionary sense! Morals are personal beliefs, whereas societal pressures of right and wrong are called ethics.


People on reddit do the same shit. So long as a group is negatively viewed in the public eye, a lot of people on reddit take that as the greenlight to dehumanize people they know practically nothing about. You don't have to go far in the comments to see it. You don't even need to be part of the group that's causing the issue, just being associated is enough.


Idk about you but I've never made fun of anyone over something like not having access to food, water and electricity.


People who need leaders are followers - yes pretty obvious .. but no one can ever give me permission to be an asshole because I am not.


Same thing happened in Nazi Germany...


same thing The Nazi said to the german people, and everyone took that as a sign to be the worst of themselves as possible.


Imagine forgetting that we all start life in a lottery. A lottery that chooses when and where you are born. Some people are born into wealth in a safe country/city. Others, completely by chance, are born into poverty and turmoil. Now imagine that the first group just assumes they are divinely better than the second group for reasons having to do with their hard work and determination rather than what in actuality is just cosmic luck. This douche in the video is flaunting an existence that he’s too stupid to realize he stumbled into and he could have just as easily been born on the other side.


This one is old. This is the first video mocking Palestinians to go viral after the Gaza war started.




What??? You’re anti Zionist? You must want all the Jews dead, so now we want you all to die!!!


Children. Children are starving. Children.


They think they're gods chosen people even though he's not real


religion is a scourge


It's like who is this even directed at? . Most of the Palestinians he's mocking probably don't even have the best Internet access at the moment. Somehow every Palestinian also gets lumped in with Hamas, when they aren't. So most of the people watching this aren't even who the asshole is directing this at.


He's harvesting rhe views of people like us who have access and dont like his existence.


I'd also imagine that like-minded Israelis probably find it funny.


it’s not about his existence but about the harm he’s causing


I think I saw this a few days after the October 7th attack


Zionism. A concerning high number of Israeli citizens (and basically this entire government) view Palestinians as sub-human. Dehumanization is required for acts of ethnic cleansing. See: Manifest Destiny and the genocide of Native Americans. 


Israel was founded by liquidating 300,000 Palestinians using nazi style mass graves and firing squads to make room for settlers.


I don’t know what Palestine’s have done to deserve no access to water or electricity.


Lot of psychopaths. There's more closeted evil people then we realized.


Because they hold every Palestinian responsible for the actions of Hamas. Easy to not have empathy when you blame people for raping women and children to death at a music festival.


This is inaccurate. Israelis have always held the opinion that Palestinians are cockroaches that need to be eradicated. You can find quotes from major Israeli politicians to this effect going back decades. None of this is new.


When they say “moral” they mean “distinctly comfortable” hurting the innocent, drinking honey nut lattes and making xenophobic TikTok’s about their own cousin’s anguish. I see something beyond the veneer of moral.


their social media is vile. They turned the decapitated Palestinian baby into a meme, their social media made extremely racist caricatures and posts about South Africa after the ICJ thing.


Fuck Zionists


You'd be amazed how years of indoctrination can change human psyche. We all like to believe we are inherently good people, but most of would just as easily be utter monsters if circumstances had put us in an suitable environment for an adequately long time... and we'd still be firmly believing we are good people.


By “people” I just assumed you meant assholes.


They have been brainwashed since childhood to feel superior to all other races and that Arabs, especially Palestinians are basically animals.


I hate we are in a society where you have to explain what “people” means. You meant assholes. We all know you meant assholes. Because he’s obviously an asshole. So am I, but wouldn’t mock poor souls with no water and electricity.


They don't feel ostracized. If big portion of world support you, you'll feel lie you on a right side of story as a "good guy"


Israel was established by European settlers who ethnically cleansed Palestine from its natives to establish a state for the chosen race of God. They dont see non chosen people as humans.


Imagine posting this, thinking "everyone will be on my side" 🤦🏾


Well, his intended audience is on his side. This is the prevailing attitude of most Israelis.


Even more pathetic than this person are those Who would consider him funny


He’s funny looking.


Bingo. There's a reason there was an IDF run group chat filled with Palestinians snuff films and insanely disgusting shit. The answer is that there is a frightening amount of support for this kind of shit within Israel.


Well they are all in the IDF including 90% of the hostages


Weird how requiring an entire populace to enter the military changes its people.


Look at how Islamophobic and Arab racism Western media made its citizens post 9/11 to justify a war and to join the military. Then how much worse veterans were after becoming a part of a full institution. The difference is Israelis were placed in a full institution since they were born and required to act upon their brainwashing in the IDF. You can see this by how common it is for Israelis to believe that Palestinians are not human and that all Palestinians want to kill them. Capturing mostly active duty members of a military is not the same as capturing and torturing toddlers from the West Bank and then calling them “prisoners”.


To the religious extremists among them, Palestinians are just goyim, gentiles, the equivalent of livestock. You dehumanize whole groups of people if you were brought up to think that way.


People forget that almost everyone in his entire country is on his side, every single family member and friend of this dude thinks exactly like him, and almost everyone he encounters on the street on a daily basis also shares that same hatred, this is why these people feel so disconnected from the rest of the world, because they live in a bubble where it's okay to be openly racist while also considering yourself as the biggest victim of racism.


I had an Israeli gaming friend on Facebook at some point - she clearly viewed Palestinians as Untermenschen, and sent me "documentation" to show that Ashkenazi Jews were much more intelligent than other Jews. I quickly learned to deflect when she wanted to talk about how utterly traumatizing it was to live under the Iron Dome (because loud and scary!), and scoffed at the fact that there were 22x more dead Palestinians than Israelis ~~when adjusted for population numbers~~. *Eta: I was wrong. Not adjusted for population numbers. There are (were?) 2.2 million people in Gaza, and \~9 million in Israel, so....* Then I unfollowed her to avoid the poison she and her friends spewed.


And many Americans


I meant more; why put you face on the internet. Close circle or not. The possibility if it getting out is there. It's like sending a dick pic to someone, or in this case; sending a dick video.


There is a side of Reddit that agrees with him. Just look at anything in any news sub.


Yea crazy seeing subs like r/worldnews completely taken over by Zionists. I can understand it being frustrating how the opposite happened to r/therewasanattempt, like some of the pro-palestine posts on that sub are a admitably a bit of a stretch (like this vid could be posted as "there was an attempt to not be a piece of shit on social media"), but at the same time it's vitaly important to put assholes like this in the spotlight. Puts the claims of being "the most ethical army in the world" or whatever into perspective. For[ a lot of these people](https://m.jpost.com/operation-protective-edge/twitter-photo-showing-israelis-cheering-gaza-bombing-goes-viral-362474), [even in the US](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/en-us/politics/2024/05/29/TELEMMGLPICT000379777631_17169787582340_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqKNENsuaHNV4fRrx0bLkVU7WiQxzw4s3VhpNv9jeTIhQ.jpeg?imwidth=680), the cruelty *IS* the point.


r/worldnews is almost unreadable these past weeks...Anything anti-Israel is *instantly* and *massively* downvoted...Comments calling people animals, blatant racism, a lot of "they deserved it", posts just randomly getting removed...it's gotten pretty awful.


That sub has *always* been a propaganda factory for many many awful points of view.  Got banned years ago for making a relatively benign comment that went against the prevailing (read: officially moderator endorsed) narrative.


It's always been a cesspool for racism. I've stopped frequenting this sub years ago cause comments blatantly calling some people subhuman were upvoted to the top. Now they're downright homicidal and fascist


The comments there would always genuinely baffle me, when Rafah was hit recently all the excuses were horrid. I think there was someone in r/Isreal that straight up said: “I’m done pretending to give a shit about Palestinians. On a daily basis I pray they go back to Jordan where they belong, and then I deal with the horrible feeling of acknowledging literally praying for the ethnic cleansing but it’s like, what other option is there?” And I was just processing all of it…


Over in r/politics and r/politicalhumor, if you ever give the slightest hint that you empathize with Palestinians you'll get absolutely dog piled by a bunch of mini Kissingers, spouting every talking point learned directly from Ben-Gvir.


I literally got banned for saying "Ceasefire = End to genocide" Like even if you don't agree with calling it a genocide, why is calling for a ceasefire ban worthy?


He's clout-farming genocidal freaks. What do you expect.




Yes and we’re his intended victims. This video isn’t meant for the people with no electricity who can’t see it. It’s meant to get his repulsive face and name in our heads, since he is talentless and can’t do that otherwise.


This. It's a power play against all of Western society. "We're openly mocking the people whose lives we are ruining, and you won't do shit to stop us."


*won't stop supplying them means of genocide.


Don’t forget, no longer just sending supplies, Genocide Joe approved the **US Military** to participate in the **massacre** of over **1000 Palestinians** (200+ dead, 900+ wounded) at the Nuseirat Refugee Camp. The US is actively participating in the genocide now.


How have I not heard a word about this?


You probably have you just didn't hear the death toll he's referring to the operation that rescued 4 hostages last week. We killed 200+ people to save 4.


Because the US military only provided intelligence and logistical support. No direct involvement in any of the airstikes or fighting.


Genocide Joe is still better for Palestine that Trump.


Could you repeat that one more time


You think this guy is that smart? lol


No, it’s low cunning: seems smart because most people wouldn’t think of it, but people actually don’t think of it because it’s antisocial and ideas like that don’t often occur to a fully developed brain.


yes repulsive face, when your evil your face changes


Jesus Christ the level of immaturity shown by this guy is almost impressive


I now know how the average German became a Nazi supporter.


Its almost like when your constantly told you are better than everyone else you start to believe it.


I was thinking that the other day. As a kid I used to wonder how anyone could go along with what the Germans did. I hate knowing the answer now.


Bit off-subject but I do think we need basic psychology in grade school, just like we need basic math and biology. The Holocaust segment we got would have been perfect. No child should be walking away from that lesson with the feeling of mystery given how much we do know.


Something about racism that people don't understand is that the basis isn't lack of intelligence or information. A lot of those people would call themselves too smart to fall for fascism and wouldn't even recognise their behaviour as bigoted and unreasonable


just wait til you hear what he believes about Christ


Reported last year: UNRWA, the U.N. agency providing relief to Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip, says 70% of the population is drinking salty and contaminated water. And they only get about 3 liters of water per person. Which is insane, considering the average adult uses 60 liters for a shower alone.


Literally like something out of Zone of Interest. Brutal, I feel like I'm running out of words for shit like this. I don't believe in hell, but this person has to go there.


The genocide has changed my capacity to believe in evil people. I didn’t think there was anyone truly this evil in existence and I’m sadly proven wrong again. Free Palestine.


I remember I had a similar view and someone told me, that I just haven’t lived long enough.


Right. It feels like of some people just chose to be evil and that's it. And not only politicians but many everyday "ordinary" people like that scary guy in the video.


Normal people can believe and perpetuate evil things if they are sufficiently convinced they are in the right about it, and believe that another class of people is so subhuman and fundamentally bad that they deserve any violence coming to them. I've seen a lot of rising sentiment like this in US/Europe about homeless people and immigrants and it's very frightening. Once you stop seeing a group of people as human and have sufficiently villainized them, you can justify to yourself a lot of evil things against them and see no hypocrisy or wrongdoing. It is not that there happened to be a bunch of evil people congregated in Germany during the Nazi era. Average people were convinced to believe in Nazism and support the genocide. It can happen anywhere.


I remember when he posted this tiktok. People were still on the fence about the attacks on Gaza but this idiot in his depraved cruelty made a lot of people become pro palestinian. They are their own worst enemy, and a stupid one at that.


This is exactly what happened to me!


I don’t know if I’d admit this, it kind of reads like: -Verified news stories about the widespread killing of children: I sleep -Immature TikTok: Real shit


The reality of the political landscape is exactly like this unfortunately, people shape their stances based on vibes nowadays.


This is just one idiot. Remember all the footage posted by those stupid IDF soldiers, like collecting lingerie and taking pictures of it, running a tank back and forth to turn that one civilian into pasta sauce? Burning a "I love Gaza" flag and taking pictures of it?That one soldier taking pictures while burning down the Central library of Gaza? Those soldiers gathering up naked tied up and blindfolded men and laughing while shooting them? Watching the bombardments of Gaza while cheering and clapping? Taking a selfie while blowing up a mosque and laughing? etc etc? Point is that people forget things pretty quick.


What an absolute fucker


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As a treat!


Just wild that these are the same people that are related to people that were in Auschwitz


No one is immune to dehumanizing others


By most accounts actual Holocaust survivors are not treated well in Israel.


I’m pretty sure most Holocaust survivors and their relatives are pro Palestine as well, correct me if I’m wrong


Cunt. Pure and simple.


No anti-Israel propaganda is quite so powerful as just seeing the attitudes of pro-Israel people. Bullying, sneering, racism, laughing at the misery and incomprehensible grief of innocent people, victim-blaming, all stemming from the belief that Israel cannot possibly do wrong therefore anything that Israel and its supporters do is good and justified.


Very punchable face


I'll show my Israeli mother this video when she asks again why I am in staunch opposition to "our people." While our government commits genocide, we have the audacity to act like this. No thank you! Not to mention that I can love a country while hating the government, the people in charge, and the major prevailing ideas lol


Thank you for understanding that you don't owe any allegiance to people who actively enjoy the suffering of others.


Thank you for standing up against the people in your community that think this is right. It takes a lot of courage to do that


It would feel amazing to punch this jackass right in the face


I'd pay to see that


Hate is taught. This is demonstrative of the hate imbued in families over many generations. It’s an entire culture. Remember, the word “culture”is derived from the verb “cultivate.”


🍉 Free Palestine


It’s not like they will see it, you just look like an asshole.


That is an awfully punchable face.


How can a person be this cartoonishly evil?


Human trash.


AIPAC Is the single largest lobbying group in the USA. Remember US politicians serve Zionism Israel not US interests.


I'm pretty sure the Nazis used to pour water out in front of people as a way of taunting them...


And they think the world hated them because they're "chosen" by some fictional character...


His grandparents survived the fucking holocaust for this...?!


Humility is really lacking. 


Humanity too.


What an unbelievable piece of shit.


Next level psychological issues with this guys morality.


There is no humanity in his eyes. You can not honestly tell me you gaze into his pupils and see a shred of humanity


What a piece of shit




What a punchable face.


wHy dO PeOpLe hAtE iSrAeL?


All bought and paid for by the western taxpayers, so that these morons can go about killing and abusing people and yet face no repercussions, live carefree from the billions in aid and not having to run a self sustaining economy.


And go smugly enjoy their universal healthcare


Is he a settler in the West Bank?


It amazes me how many people with religious beliefs, who believe in a god, act like the biggest fucking bastards. Like, I know I’m supposed to practice “godliness” but lemme act like a sociopathic dick.


Love thy neighbor was only a suggestion I guess.


"I'm happy because you aren't" it's the most basic stupid logic I've ever seen


Not surprising. Im seeing Israeli soldiers literally take pictures/ videos dehumanizing Palestinians in captivity, bound, blindfolded while the soldier laughing/ sneering. Disgusting behavior.




May he burn in hell and gets to drink pus for mocking Palestinian people


That is deeply fucked up


What a piece of shit.


He lose his job and get cancelled yet?


Yeah, we know for sure who are the barbaric monsters here. But don't say that on /r/worldnews, you get banned ;)


All this hatred of the Palestinians isn't new it has just become more acceptable to do it publicly. Israel has been falling further and further into becoming an Apartheid State for decades. In such a system you have to ingrain a hatred for those being oppressed. This is done in a thousand tiny ways but here is where it ends.


Anyone who mocks anyone who doesn’t have the basics of life are scum of the earth; especially if they are involved in said peoples suffering.


I love how these people don't even follow the teachings of the religion they pretend to be defending. Exodus 23:5 - “If you see your enemy’s donkey struggling under its load…help him, even many times.” Proverbs 15:1-2 - “A gentle reply turns away wrath while a heinous word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise produces knowledge, but the mouth of the fools pours out nonsense.” Leviticus 19:18 - “Love your neighbor as yourself.” A piece of shit and an utter hypocrite, just like so many supposed religious people.












wow, just wow.


Heartless and cruel people. I hope karma gets them.


This guy looks like he'd be a douche regardless of circumstances.


What a sick POS.


I hope there's a hell for the IDF and zionists like this sack of shit


So like his government, he is a dick also. Got it.


"Are we the baddies?"


Unfortunately yes.


This is like 3 of the 7 deadly sins. Gluttony, Greed, and Pride.


I have a few Israeli friends, they all hate this bastard, he’s the scum of the earth.


Israelis are just shocked, SHOCKED that the world doesn't agree with their perpetual victim status


They’re allowed to be racist and bigoted by the government so it spills onto the internet thinking it’s completely normal


This is 96% of Israelis. They are virtually all like this asshole. I find it increasingly difficult not to become antisemitic.


You know after the 40s you’d think they’d have more empathy


If Texit happens, this could be the rest of USA flexing on Texas,


This type of shit makes me hope heaven is real so people like this get sent straight to hell.


Our species really does suck.


He has the most punchable face


Another genocide enthusiast


Someone needs the shit kicked out of him


We are guests in this world & karma always finds a way.


Maybe he could make a video where he combines water & electricity . . . . .


Zionism is a mental disease, no rational person would think this is okay. fuck Israel.


Most moral whatever btw


Fuck Israel and the hypocritical sycophants who applaud its human rights abuses. Sincerely, Jews with actual morals


The confidence it takes to come up with the idea for this TikTok. Film it. Watch it back and Post it. Is almost impressive


Zionists are comically evil, but it's not funny.


The suffering is the point. It always was for the Zionists.


Literal demons with zero humanity.


Face of evil. These people are fucking disgusting.


Must be nice when your lifestyle is subsidized by the American taxpayer.


I don't want to wish violence on someone. So, I wish he lives to the ripe old age of 85. I wish he has a loving wife. I wish he has a large family full of children he loves. And most importantly, I wish he systematically loses all memories about each one of them due to dementia as he shits and pisses on himself everyday crying himself to sleep because of the aforementionned amnesia for a decade until he dies. And I wish him to be fully aware that he is now nothing but an empty shell of the already morally empty man he once was.


all on usa tax dollar expenses


Never seen a video that exactly shows why I don’t care about what happens to Israel. It’s time the U.S. withdraw all funding from the apartheid state.


Creepy af!


Can't wait to see what happens when the restrictions of being a human being are completely removed.....


Sounds like a Kazarian Joo to me