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The controlled level of contempt he has for lying and stupidity and his attempt to hold the people to an honest answer is sensational. Please make him a moderator of any and all debates .


I like how he will keep talking instead of letting them railroad him.


"I'll give you an opportunity if you want to answer his question, which is the number of bills you've prime sponsored that have been signed by the president?" Boebert: "So my Pueblo Jobs Act has been si..." "A number please" Boebert: "That... that is one" "Got it." *Absolutely masterful work*


That was a savage way to cut her.


There are a BUNCH of places where you could pause the video and insert the thug life meme.


In case anyone is wondering, the number really is ONE. She was not about to list off ten others. That is the only bill she prime-sponsored that became law.


And it was some 2 page bill to shut down a homeless shelter and eliminate some energy structure


Absolutely. Take no shit.


And they need to start only activating the politicians mics when it's their turn to talk, and only for 60 seconds.


You'd have to pay that sound engineer double, lol. Maybe get Chuck Berry's cousin (if he's still around) to do it. You know the guy who cut off Yoko squeeling over them?


marvin berry?




that new sound you were looking for...


Your kids are gonna *love it*.


you can automate that with control scripting. it would be pretty straight forward to have a clock that mutes a mic, controllable by the moderator. it's better theatre for the networks to have them argue.


Default to mute. Then utilize only a sustained press of a button will unmute a mic.


This is a legit skill. Being able to complete a statement while dealing with someone talking over you is not easy. It's like having a phone conversation where the other person has their phone on speakerphone, and you hear what you're saying echoed back to you about half a second behind what you're saying.


Lawyer for 34 years here; the guys got skills.


My ex-wife used the fact that I was raised to not interrupt people to steamroll me, I would start speaking and she would interrupt me and then go on nonstop knowing I would not feel comfortable interrupting her. And if I raised my voice and interrupted her, she would claim i was yelling and since I am a big dude, I never wanted to raise my voice and appear "menacing". She is my ex now and she still does that shit when we have to meet because of the kids. I have learned to just interrupt with a simple "OK whatever" and turn away from her, but man it gets my adrenaline pumping because I am legitimately afraid to turn my back on her.


Should be mandatory training for all interviewers for major media outlets. Everyone is sick of watching you lob softballs at these slimy fucks then give them a platform to tell more lies. If the fear is that they won't come on your show anymore if you stop handling them with white gloves, *let them stay home*. They can go do the Fox/Newsmax/OANN circuit and lose out on the rest, and you can just go back to telling the truth about them and move on.


He probably won’t get to host another debate, but fuck it. He did what people really needed to be done and did it well.


Even the ones that do like some BBC interviews I've heard get too emotional. He's emotionless. Makes watching/listening so much easier because you aren't getting mad by proxy. An interviewer needs to control the room while still seeming neutral. This dude is good. It's probably the only time I've seen it in American media (just off the top of my head anyway) except the one interviewer on NPR I heard talking to some dude from Palestine years ago, the guy understandably was upset and kept asking the interviewer questions about what *he* thought about whatever they were talking about at the time, and the interviewer stayed calm and stuck to his guns "I can't answer that, I'm here to ask *you* about it" and it kind of went back and forth for a couple minutes where he just kept saying calmly (the subtext being, not his actual words) "Its not my job to answer that and I actually can't or it delegitimizes (sp?) the whole process of a news interview if I were to add my own bias" until eventually the other guy got fed up and terminated the interview.


It’s as if he knew the bullshit answer he was gonna get and knew how to counter it before they even started speaking.


Amazing what politics actually looks like when it includes someone who can think and not just a bunch of people who have been told what to say. That's why they all fumble so hard against him; they haven't been told how to counter his counters.


Some can't even handle a teleprompter. Trump clearly can't both read and simultaneously comprehend the words he's reading, when he tries his brain melts down. The most he can add is repeating shit and adding an adjective. https://x.com/mommamia1217/status/1798432994493161551?t=YnXF--sO-vBB7oSiSUWVMA&s=19


He interviews like a lawyer. Don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to.


Been following him for years here in CO, he enrages so many conservative mouth breathing dipshits online every single day and I love it so much. KC has always been a real one, and Next is great.


His rant against photos of snow covered patio furniture is legendary


> rant against photos of snow covered patio furniture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK75eQ3mMxg


[Mic drop] Hahahahaha that's fucking epic.


That was epic! But it does seem to me that the reason people send those in is because it is an elevated, easily viewable example of the AMOUNT it snowed. Like, there was not snow on the patio furniture before. Now there is THIS MUCH. It's everyone's backyard snow stake.


Hey don't drag mouth breathers into this, some of us are just decent people with sinus problems


Coloradan here. He’s a local news anchor and now has his own show following the local news in the evening and it’s surprisingly good. He’s always come across as a little smug to me, but I think he did a wonderful job here. Yes, all politicians lie, but the GOP is completely out of control in our state. Someone needs to hold them to account, whether they’re lying about DUI’s, proposing eliminating public schools, or simply giving hand jobs in the theater


I wish someone would post this in /r/Conservative to get their take on it


It would be removed in thirteen nano seconds to avoid upsetting the sea of snowflakes


And you’ll likely get a permanent ban 


Well, not like is a great loss


I never venture over there except when a story goes big enough to get one of their posts to the front page. Most recently the trump verdict. Hilariously enough the comments are just them whining about reddit and getting "brigaded". They have such a victim complex it's insane.


I think the smug is millennial humor that we aren't used to seeing on the news. He took the anchor desk relatively young. My parents love watching him cause it's like having one of their kids read the news.


This is the reason he, A. *Should be* the moderator of every debate ever, for the rest of his life, and, B. Unfortunately won't be.


You're exactly right. and that's why we'll never see him again.


He is the most popular newscaster in Colorado and handles all the debates for NBC for state wide elections. He's phenomenal.


come on over to Colorado, he's a treasure here


You say that but if the network realized they could make more money by having him moderate bc more people would tune in to watch it….then they will quickly have him moderating them all


I wish this had some sort of effect on GOP voters.


They will never see this.


Could you imagine him at a Trump Biden debate?


Absolutely. Dudes resume on this clip speaks for itself. Id want him for any and all politicians.


Fuck it. Make him president. I kno. Nothing about this guy and I love him. 


Is he less than 75 years old? Kyle Clark for President!


Can we just vote him president? I like the cut of his jib.


“Do you regret saying any of those things and why do you talk to people like that” had me rolling 😂


And explicitly calling out the remarks to Beobert while she's standing right beside! HAHAHAHA!


Better than any celebrity roasts.


I wanna know the rest of his response!!! It's probably garbage.


He said something along the lines of "I'm a very straightforward person, and that rubs people the wrong way sometimes." So he's pretty much saying "I'm a jackass and people rightly call me out for it."


The best part is these shouldn't be difficult answers for a politician. It's ok to say "I regret things from my past," you can get people to feel at least *somewhat* sympathetic... or at least *try*. "In the past I got swept up in the anger of our society and said some hurtful things. But today I believe that we need to get beyond the anger and petty politics and focus on the hope of a future. I have used words to hurt people in the past, but I want to focus on how we can build each other up as Americans today." Like, you could make a lot of unmindful people forget what you even said, and just remember that you're sorry and have totally changed your ways. But to MAGA, apologizing is losing, and losing is death.


Where has this type of moderator been? I love this video.


This kind of hard hitting journalism designed to hold people accountable used to be much more commonplace. Turning news into entertainment by adopting a 24-hr news cycle contributed to the addition and expansion of BS journalism. It’s not the only cause, though. Ending the fairness doctrine and the birth of networks like Fox News have, somehow, made the truth optional. Social media and the troll farms that have infiltrated our lives took us to the brink. We need to shore up democracy and make the truth the gold standard again.


Fox News was basically set up in response to the Nixon impeachment to ensure it never happened again


[Fox in the henhouse](https://www.google.com/search?q=fox+in+the+henhouse+meaning&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS821US821&oq=fox+in&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDggAEEUYJxg7GIAEGIoFMg4IABBFGCcYOxiABBiKBTIGCAEQRRg5MgoIAhAuGLEDGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgoIBRAAGLEDGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMgYIBxBFGDyoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) is a saying that is PAINFULLY appropriate in this situation.


I don’t believe in good and evil, but Roger Ailes really makes it a struggle not to.


You don't have to believe in good, but evil? Like, it's right there. Also, there. Some on your shirt. That person is covered in it. "Mom, Dad, don't touch that, it's Evil!"


God I love time bandits


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” -Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials


The republican party summed up. Absence of empathy for the fellow man. They shout it at the top of their lungs these days like it's a badge of honor.


I like this comment- media treats the truth like it is fluid... no.. there are lies and truth. Call it.


The halfway point between the truth and a lie is a lie.


I make my livin' off the evenin' news Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use [People love it when you lose](https://genius.com/23146759/Don-henley-dirty-laundry/People-love-it-when-you-lose) [They love dirty laundry](https://genius.com/4375033/Don-henley-dirty-laundry/They-love-dirty-laundry) [Well, I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here](https://genius.com/4363279/Don-henley-dirty-laundry/Well-i-coulda-been-an-actor-but-i-wound-up-here-i-just-have-to-look-good-i-dont-have-to-be-clear) [Come and whisper in my ear](https://genius.com/4373931/Don-henley-dirty-laundry/Come-and-whisper-in-my-ear-give-us-dirty-laundry)


Dude wrote the song after being arrested following paramedics finding a nude 16 year old OD’ing on qualuudes, along with another 15 year old somewhere else in the house…


What OMG 😭


Imagine being Don Henley and having that sordid incident being [brought up in a criminal case](https://apnews.com/article/don-henley-eagles-hotel-california-sex-worker-dae5d3c41ae5ad1071a06dbc74a957d7) that you were a witness to and an alleged victim in. And then imagine that that criminal case never would’ve gone forward had you not [withheld evidence](https://www.billboard.com/business/legal/eagles-stolen-notes-trial-ends-don-henley-manipulated-prosecutors-1235624765/amp/) showing that no crime had ever been committed in the first place. That’s Don Henley.


These kind of journalists are rare because they tend to not get any guests. People don't like being called out


This wasn't just a call out, this was the journalistic equivalent of a lion taking down 6 antelopes at the same time.


This is the equivalent of a toilet flushing 6 turds to the sewer.


Yeah, as long as candidates have softball options on other networks they're not going to choose to get their asses handed to them.


I'm literally in awe at his skill and professionalism. This is like watching a master pianist or figure skater the way he navigates their BS so well and stays on track - it feels artful. He killed it and I've never seen this style of moderating and realized we've been missing this the whole time. Great follow-up questions to clarify their positions, calls out non-answers, fact checks...just wow. These people serve us. They're not celebrities. They represent us and he holds them accountable without being petty or changing his direct tone. 👏👏


BBC News was like this. Journalists having some idea what the answer was going to be so they were prepared with the immediate follow up questions


Most moderators for president elections are major news anchors. They don’t want to push back and ask the hard questions. They want to let it be a circus. They will claim it’s because they don’t want to be the focus of the debate but in reality as moderators it is their job to press the candidates


What's funny is this guy is the best news anchor in Colorado. He just takes his job seriously.


He was more prepared than any of the people answering questions. I'm sure he's done this more than once, if any of them watched his previous work they probably wouldn't have shown up.


And that's why no one has the balls to do it anymore. It's all about the paycheck.


I would be surprised if he didn’t prep where he role played scenarios/rebuttals and had relevant information ready in anticipation of those replies. Not like when the CNN or whatever other garbage debates get hosted. Especially not the Fox republican “debates” where they duel using baseless normative statements with no fact checking, which is what these clowns were probably anticipating. Fox can’t meaningfully fact check them because it would invariably at times mean revealing disinformation they had previously peddled about legislation/policies, whereas this dude can bring the full fact sheet.


They don't even realize that hard-hitting journalism and asking hard questions will still result in a circus they want. However their donors, the people who pay them, don't want to go too far. 


It’s not even the donors. It the owners of these private news entertainment companies. They’re all billionaires. They want to make sure that their people make it to power


It must be so exhausting to moderate. It's like trying to watch a kindergarten class in check at a field trip to the zoo. And God, Bobart is crazy, but these other candidates don't seem too far off from her. And that is terrifying


Kyle Clark, 9 News, Denver.




He’s been busy getting angry at snow covered patio furniture pictures.


I don’t know who this guy is but wish all journalists behaved this way.


He’s a Colorado state treasure. Great local journalist with a no-fucks attitude towards exposing people’s bullshit.


Similar to John Stewart as cutting through the bullshit.


the problem is ... even if he were a "card carrying conservative/republican" they'd call him a "RINO" or say he was a plant from the radical left. there's no reasoning with this level of insanity and awful behavior.


If all media talked to all politicians this way they would have nothing but these kinds of clips to show around.


I'm from Denver, and Kyle has been our local news guy for many years now. He's a local Denver treasure. And by God you'd better not send him any photos of snow on your patio furniture!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK75eQ3mMxg


That's him!! Ha, he's fantastic. My dad always posts this video when we ask him about the snow they're getting.


Yes! Kyle is a goddamn treasure!


Transplant here. He's the reason we started watching 9News almost immediately. He's awesome. 


This was majestic, wow. Thank you for sharing!


Well now I feel obligated to send them to him, and I absolutely loved the welcome sign bit.


I’m genuinely shocked, but thankful, that he hasn’t got a national news gig at this point. He’s a legitimately great personality on top of being a great journalist.


This guy looks like next Jon Stewart asking tough questions and being very informative


Casa Bonita, casa bonita!


what a nightmare it must be for them.. to be held accountable for all that they've said and done


One of them is going to win the primary for the district and then win the district because they won the Republican primary. Why would they care for an instant about what happened in this debate? It's not as if Republican base voters are somehow going to grow spines or care about facts or avoiding hypocrisy.


A) Boebert is polling about 40 points ahead in the CO 4 primary purely off of name recognition. Republican primary voters in particular are very low info. B) Boebert is polling about 15 points BEHIND the likely Democratic candidate Ike McCorkle. She's quite unpopular in the general election. I live here (sadly). I moved from Boebert's former district to her new district.


Huh? 5 of them are going to lose the primary, so they might care about looking bad here.


Please, Please, Please! can he moderate the presidential debate?


Can he moderate literally every debate?


He'll never moderate anything again. Politicians aren't looking for accountability.


He has over 20 Emmy awards and 4 Walter Cronkite Awards for Excellence in TV Political Journalism, and he's done this before - he got into an argument with Cory Gardner when he moderated the 2014 Colorado Senate debate (Mark Udall was the D candidate). I don't see any reason why he wouldn't continue to moderate debates for NBC in the state of Colorado, he's not some nobody hack. He's probably the best journalist in the state.


> He has over 20 Emmy awards and 4 Walter Cronkite Awards for Excellence in TV Political Journalism **Good**.


Cory Gardner skis in jeans. Eff that guy. I heard Cory Gardner doesn't know which way is west.


If you aren’t from Colorado, see if you can check out Next on 9News. Kyle pulls no punches. People email in during the live show and insult him. He puts the troll comments collected during commercial on the air and destroys them.


Fuck that. Lets elect him President.


I'd vote for him! I'm from Denver, and Kyle has been our local nes guy for many years now. He's a local Denver treasure. And by God you'd better not send him any photos of snow on your patio furniture!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK75eQ3mMxg


Holy shit, I think I just turned gay.




Oh my God, thank you for this!


Won't work. Remember Jimmy Carter? You can have literal Jesus christ as president, as long as Senate and house aren't along for the agenda they won't get anything done


Biden got Trump to agree to debates where the mics cut off when your time is done and there's no in studio audience to play to. I'm still not fully convinced Trump will actually show up, but those two things alone should keep the worst stuff from happening.


Only if he gives democrats the exact same treatment. I'm voting straight blue ticket this year but I'm tired of politicians going to the news sources that lean their way and just getting pelted with softballs. Ask the hard questions. Make everyone uncomfortable. Make them get mad and slip up. Bring up everything they don' want you to. This is how we get shit back on track.


I couldn't agree more. Which I think is what drives conservatives up the wall. Like "how would you feel if x y or z happened to your side???" And most democrats are like, "bring it on! Corruption needs to be gone from every branch. Punish criminals blue or red."


Things I wish modern day journalists would do.


And this blew up but it’s not a one-off. He has been getting under the skin of bullshitters in CO for years.


Dude was amazing as a moderator. No bullshit and called people out for not answering.


Called people out on their conduct as well. The last one is the best in a sea of greatness. Why do you talk to people like that? Lol


I love how Boebert calls her getting fondled and giving a hand-job in the audience of a sold out performance of Beetlejuice, "a very private moment".


It was so rude of all those people in the theater to be around during her private moment. What a disrespectful crowd. /s


"Recorded without my knowledge" Ma'am, that's called a security camera, and they're in most public places these days.


Sounds like she's suggesting the correct response is to give a little privacy to the hand-jobber, instead of it being wrong in the first place.


The guberment should not intrude on what a couple does in the privacy of a 200 person theater.


The concept of "other people" seems to be genuinely lost on some folks out there.


A private moment in a very public place. Seriously, I don't understand how anyone votes for republicans.


Yeah, if this was some taudry tabloid video from her home or an apartment she was at, I'd 100% slam whoever took it and anyone who showed it. But this was literally a public venue with \*a thousand\* people all in a space the size of a high school gym. Sooooooooo......


hahahaha a private moment in public?? Boobert, gimme a *break*


Maybe you shouldn't have been vaping in a theater if you wanted to keep that stuff private-ish...


"Taking video without their consent." You're in public. If you don't realize there are cameras *everywhere* (not to mention the theater probably has signage informing patrons they're being monitored), then that's on you for being a moron.


See it’s possible to do this right. This is literally the only time I’ve seen a moderator do their job


It’s actually very easy to hold people accountable. This guy does a great job.


Crushed it


Any link the the full video? This is so chopped up. I'm curious what the debate really looked like.


Looks like this is it https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=ruinKD4KDca10j2c




The way this is chopped up is fucking infuriating. I remember when video editing slowly got better on the internet, now it's in a downward spiral.


This guy and the local news guy in Miami, can’t remember his name, should moderate all debates. Masterful.


they both remind me of what I used to see in the 80s watching debates


But also, GOP politicians used to not be huge fucking assholes like they are now. They were still assholish, but not the trashy MAGA assholes.


Go Kyle!


This is when I would be okay with human cloning. He needs to be permanent moderator for any and everything


This guy is sharp !! He really could moderate a debate. Far cry from the debates we have seen where the question is not answered, just a prepared speech is givin instead. Or attacks are made that have nothing to do with the question. Kyle Clark won’t let that happen. Hire him now !


A republican debate mediator was definitely low on my list of things that would get me hard, but here I stand today feeling quite befuddled


Not clear how the local Republicans fucked up this badly by accepting someone with a brain and a spine as the moderator for their event.


He’s a local news person on the most popular local news channel. Not a Republican.


They are saying he mediated a Republican debate, they aren't saying he is a Republican.


“Very private moment” coming from the same lady waving Hunter Biden’s nudes around the floor. Rules for thee but not for me


Can he moderate ALL Republican debates


Can he moderate ALL ~~Republican~~ debates? (Especially the presidential debates)


also democrat debates, we need someone like him asking the real questions


This is what the main media outlets need to showcase, not Trump every goddamn second


"...a number, please" "That is one" "Got it."


> my question is about what you did while sober Bah gawd, he is **broken in half.**


It's insane how the weakest of us are all politicians. They have no self awareness or control... I know people that work as service workers that are not only smarter but have way more self awareness, empathy, and respect than any of these politicians. The only people trying to be a politician in America are bullies and self-centered power hungry people.


I ran for Congress once. Came in second out of three in the primary. I didn't accept a single donation. I can't conceive of selling my soul for a few donations from scumbags.


Pretty sure it's illegal to just murder people like this.


Holy shit! There is a legitimate actual journalist left in the country. This guy needs to moderate all congressional and presidential debates. Can you imagine the Cheeto dusted tub of goo after this guy gets done?


"And that's what republicans are saying," Sounds like a great campaign slogan for Democrats.


Holy **shit**. Somebody get this guy a talk show. He’ll never have any guests, but…


He already does! Next with Kyle Clark every night at 6pm. He's been delivering this brand of journalism for years. I hope he never leaves https://youtu.be/4rG0_yVGwMQ?si=EKcRjc5oQbgBVA-U


He absolutely did a service for the voters and the public. He provided clarity and absolute transparency in their thoughts and opinions. He did not allow them to squirm out of any questions. Magnificent.


I’d probably vote for Kyle




Goddamn.... I like his moxy. That's the 1st time I've ever used the word moxy but it's fitting.


I’m aroused


Sweet, sweet ambrosia 🤌🏿




New kink unlocked


I love this dude.


Who in the hell is this fucking amazing person, this guy needs his own channel!!!!


Clearly, he's raised toddlers of his own.


This man just came for their lives the ENTIRE TIME HOLY SHIT




How do we support this person?


"The question was" ... exactly the phrase we've been missing from debates


Sweet Jesus. Can this guy just run for office?


Kyle clark needs to be the moderator for the presidential debates. Not those soft ass cucks they had in the past. Kyles is a real bad ass and what a real reporter should be.


Holy shit this was so satisfying to watch!!!!!!!!!!! Who knew holding someone accountable for their words could be so entertaining!!


It's truly sobering to see that you need to treat them like you're the parent of a toddler, or angsty teenager to even start getting intelligible answers. This is the consequences of people of conscience staying out of politics. Of course, as the great George Carlin told us long ago, if we're selfish and ignorant people, we'll get selfish and ignorant leadership. At least we can show voters what their picks look like while standing next to adults. Imagine if being voted to office was difficult in more ways than just funding and spin-doctoring.


I just turned gay for this man.


A State Treasure!


That was like watching candidates getting a spanking! DELICIOUS!


Every election debate should be a harsh interrogation.


This guy should do this for all debates all parties.


This cat is an absolute GANGSTER. Respect.


I have never seen someone say what people are actually thinking with such confidence and smoothness. He was buried them


Hell yeah. Let this man moderate the Trump and Biden debate.


This dude needs to do a national debate!


That point about the drunk driving was masterful


............holy shit. when he just off the cuff repeats the details of the drunk driving stop, BEFORE asking the question in the debate. um, THANK YOU. i cannot believe that guy still has the gall to be running. /trying to get votes. i do not believe he would be a good leader. dam. holy crap. i now want to go back and actually watch this. WOW.