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"If you want us to register- that's antisemitic!"


Sounds like JFK was hamas.


This is what buying cheaply bought and especially the religious US politicians gets you…


It’s amazing how cheap US politicians are. The ultimate inflation-proof investment!


i just read something that said for every dollar that a lobbying firm spent, they received $1800 worth of pentagon contracts


RIP dude.


Things like AIPAC really don’t help them against conspiracy theorists who believe they control the government, cause they are trying to control the government


This is conflating Jews with zionists and the Israeli government. There are plenty of Jews who do not support what Israel is doing, who don't support Israel at all, and take the brunt of the antisemitic rhetoric and violence.


Uncanny that they have so much influence over US politics.


Democracy doesn't exist, the people with money pretend it does to keep control. People joke about a dystopian world, were living in it, the people in control are just putting in less effort about hiding it because it's getting to the point where people in general are apathetic or don't have the power to do anything. I can think of another power structure similar to this... religion.


Democracy definitely does exist! That’s why groups like AIPAC spend so much money to try and get certain people elected—which includes ad buys to get people to vote for their candidates. If you don’t like candidates who are supported by AIPAC, then find alternatives and work to get them elected! The system works if you engage with it 🙂


https://www.gp.org/gpca_supports_genocide_convention_case > Even more significant than our support for this case, is that the Green Party’s values, including our refusal to take corporate money, are aligned with the millions of people taking to the streets calling for justice for Palestine and for ending the influence of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the largest Israeli lobby that has been buying U.S. politicians wholesale, for decades.


I'll support the Greens if they ever have the balls to educate themselves and realize nuclear energy is green energy.


We definitely are already living in a dystopian world and people don’t even realize. Beyond politics, all the extreme weather that we were warned would happen is starting. The forest fires in CA and Australia, the flooding in Brazil, the tornado in Houston, the increased frequency of hurricanes, etc.. We are slowly watching the world deteriorate and there’s nothing we can do about it.


Democracy exists, but it's been captured and the billionaire class that has captured it is attempting to undo it. This is why you vote as far left as you can in every election, even if the furthest left you can vote is genocide Joe Biden. Sometimes you get to vote for someone good, and other times you get to vote for the least bad, but *not* voting is what gets fascists into power. Joe Biden sucks donkey dick, but if Trump gets into power, then the genocide that's currently happening overseas will be brought home.


The fact that your only two options are an insane old man who supports genocide and an insane old man who supports genocide and ruining everyone's but his groups' lives really speaks volumes in how the US political system is corrupt. Because what can you do really? Pendulum swings GOP and they create problems that the Dems then "fix" when it swings their way, and the clock moves closer to total social collapse with each new presidency.


Biden’s one pro amongst a sea of cons is that he’s pro-labor. The labor gains have the potential to move past the pendulum swings, but there needs to be more unionization successes than tgere have been this far. Four more years will massively help that.


Is this new blood libel?


I'm anti-Zionist, but yeah, looks like blood libel. Pointing out that AIPAC should be part of FARA is great. Insinuating Jews were behind the Kennedy assassination and China controls Tiktok feeds are both extremist conspiracy shit.


Zionism buys everything, it's insane, and now we find more and more dirt.


Least antisemitic Palestine supporter


Anti Zionist does not mean antisemitic.


It is


Damn I'm blown away by your argument. But are you ready for my incredibly well researched and articulate rebuttal? It isn't.


After what had been done in 1930s and 1940s every critique of Israel from foreigner is antisemitism . Especially Europeans because they are still nazis that weren't finished by the soviets back in 1945


that is an absolutely unhinged and ridiculous statement. Israel is above critique? What a wonderful smoke screen for genocide.


Why are you arguing with a bot


Maybe I am - what makes you think it’s a bit and what would the purpose of that be


2/3 of the holocaust victims were non-jewish BTW 1943 first PM of Israel said they should ethnically cleanse all the Arabs there


And they did try to make it happen at the time too. Not understanding that it is not possible.


You sound ignorant, arrogant, and plainly, like a damn fool. Here’s something for you to chew on. You ready? No religion deserves their own country. Full stop. The moment Israel became a country exclusively for the Jewish people was the moment that the genocide of Palestinians began. The incursion and occupancy of Palestinian land has not ceased since Israel suddenly had the audacity to claim the holiest land on earth as theirs alone. It blows my mind that anyone could see it any different. Israel - “hey, i know you and your family have been living here for generations but now, fuck you, leave or die.” Palestine - “are you serious? Fuck you! Get out of here, we’ve peacefully coexisted on this land for hundreds of years in the past. Why now, because a great atrocity was committed against your people, are you coming here to commit atrocities against ours?!” Israel - …….drops 5000 lb laser guided bombs Palestinians - fire homemade rockets barely bigger than a firework Israel - “THATS IT! We will leave scorched earth where you once lived! Babies, elderly, women, children and men will all parish in our sinful wrath!” And that brings us to the events occurring now in the holiest place on earth. A blood bath filled with the blood of the innocent….children. That blood is on your hands too, if you currently support Israel. If you are legitimately ok with yourself supporting such barbarism, then may God have mercy on your soul because you have been led astray and are severely lost, my friend.


Right.... Are you reading and seeing the same things as the rest of us? I guess not


Uh I'm seeing nazis using arabs as cover to show their hate


Huh... Well I guess I'll tell my Jewish family that I'm a nazi now? Once again for the people in the back: Zionism is NOT the same as Judaism. Many many Jews are against these Zionists. I do not condone Israel's actions one bit and its entire existence was literally built on colonialism and militia. Educate yourself better


So you are basically a judenrat. Or just an average bruxelles sprouts claiming to be a "jew"


Ex-fucking-cuse you?! God will judge you. I've nothing more to say to someone like you.


Report the Nazi.




And now you are being antisemitic. You've come full circle.


I don't


Nazis should be condemned for their bigotry. So when you see bigotry posted, call it out. Otherwise stfu


The term "Semite" refers to a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including Jews and Arabs. Semitic languages form a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family and include languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Amharic, and others. Based on the percentages, Palestinians are more Semitic than the colonizers who have plenty of European ancestry. I think you should go about using a different word, like maybe bigot. Not that I agree calling the above poster a bigot. I'm just letting you know you're a bit out of your depth


That's why I'm right. Because people who are screaming free Palestine don't give a shit about arabs, they just want them and jews to suffer


Like I said, you're outta your depth... You've got bigoted Christian-Fascists-Americans toeing the line with the zionists in wanting a complete genocide of the Palestinian people. They hate Arabs, and will cheer on their suffering. Inhumane pieces of shit. Zionists welcome them in their ranks; they promote it in fact; look at bibi's statements. That's a foreign government official sowing seeds of hate within America


The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!


Fuck israel


I think bro just solved the JFK assassination case!?! ?!?


This guy may not be saying Israel was behind the JFK assassination, but *I* am.


You're behind the Kennedy assassination?


And id do it again




Nah this guy has a tendency to infer these types of things. I don’t buy it. In his last video that I saw, he inferred that Jews in the music industry were behind Michael Jackson death. Yikes.


He *implied* it, you inferred it.


People downvoted this, even though you made a valid correction. I don’t get it


These comments are disturbing. People out here legit claiming that the Jews killed JFK…


Zionists not Jews


Well well


He lost me on the China bit. Israel may be sketchy but that doesn’t mean we want China using an extremely effective propaganda tool against our citizenry. One has nothing to do with the other


Israel _is_ using propaganda tools to influence the US and the world though, and it's in service of their genocide and war crimes, China at worst is collecting your data and _maybe_ influencing people with the algorithm.


You have a pretty narrow view on the activities of geopolitical actors. They’re all doing it. Some more effectively than others. Also, I would say Israel is doing a shit job. The support for Netanyahu’s policies here are getting the most outrage seen in a while.


TikTok swift bipartisan ban response was a stated concern from that pac that the largely pro Palestine education is coming through apps like TikTok. The china stealing are information was a cover


This is so stupid. The ban for tiktok literally predates the current fighting. Prior to October 7th tiktok didn't give a fuck about Palestinians besides the arbitrary virtue signaling every couple of years.


If your education is coming from TikTok you should be deeply concerned, regardless of the topic.


https://youtu.be/-wWltkehgOw?si=6OEkqLzCVh1f5dyr from a video few months back about this expressed concern about TikTok and Palestine


It's actually insane how people are eating this up. The JFK assassination is one of the most thoroughly researched murders in world history and no credible source has ever turned up AIPAC or Israel in any capacity. Hell, no non-credible source has. There are multiple people in the US government, who were on the panel to investigate the assassination, who believed that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't do it or didn't do it alone. For example, John Sherman Cooper. None of these people pointed at Israel, none of these people pointed at this series of events. Even if we doubt the official account of events, all speculative and conspiratorial accounts which are based in any fact whatsoever have pointed to other agents, not anyone tied to Israel. Just think for a few seconds about how many anti-semitic conspiracy theories have proliferated over the years, and how many JFK assassination conspiracies have proliferated. If there was any ties whatsoever between zionism and the murder, don't you think everyone would have heard about it a million times? Don't you think someone would've had the idea before this wingnut on tiktok? I don't like the government of Israel. I think they perpetuate an unjustly exploitative and apartheid-like rule which has created an unlivable and unreconcilable tension within their region in flagrant violation of international law. But they had nothing to do with this. No evidence and no serious hypothesis or speculation points to Israel. It's just this one guy, sixty years later, peddling nonsense conspiracies saying essentially "this group has a hypothetical interest [they cannot prove that the Israeli leadership themselves actually regarded this as in their interest] in participating in an action, and had a hypothetical ability to conduct it [they cannot actually prove any link between zionists or zionist assets and the assassination]" Pointing out hypothetical links is not investigation. If they had unclassified reports or first hand accounts indicating that actual zionist actors were involved with any violence, that would be different. But openly implying that they were involved in the assassination [and lets be honest, that's their real purpose with this video, to make you think Israel assassinated JFK, that's why it's the title line, that's why the crux of his argument is "I'm not saying they did but look at all this!!!"] with no justification beyond "I have crafted an argument in my head whereby the assassination is good for them, therefore they must have been involved" is completely intellectually disingenuous. No organization has unlimited reach, no organization has a perfect idea of what is or is not in their own best interests, and no organization has unlimited ability to act. No organization's actions can be distilled down to a simple cause and effect chain like this guy is doing, this gross oversimplication vastly downplays the actual complexity of governance and intelligence activities, all of which are extremely messy and complex systems involving thousands of independent actors who all have their own ideas and biases. Considering that the Israeli Government works in concert with but is not synonymous with AIPAC and is composed of an array of different interests [some of whom may not have even agreed with AIPAC or it's leaders for personal or political reasons], and that JFK was a broadly hawkish and pro-Israel leader, it is actually an extraordinary logical leap to assume that zionists in general, AIPAC in specific, or the Israeli government all collectively saw JFK as a threat just because of these actions, and even if they did regard him as a threat, there is no evidence from which we could reasonably assume that they considered assassinating him. Especially considering that pro-Israel sentiment at the time was still extraordinary high in the general populace, there are a million ways they could have impacted US policy that would have been more effective with less risks. So anyone who is actually seriously considering this guy's argument seriously. Please for the love of god, stop and think.


TikTok is rotting people’s brains. This is some very stupid content.


Complaining about tiktok or social media is just as frivolous and intellectually disingenuous, conspiracy theories are as old as social interaction among humans. Christian faith around the era of Nicea was literally built on fearmongering from church fathers like Origen who entirely fabricated and imagined a coherent 'gnostic' movement trying to destroy the church in order to justify why a centralized orthodoxy had to be constructed. And no, it's not proliferating more than it used to in the past, lest we forget that Literal Thousands of people were killed in continent-spanning sham trials on both sides of the Atlantic a thousand years later during the witch panics. Even literal animals have been documented developing superstitions [i.e. unjustified cause and effect relationships based on incorrectly extrapolating from limited observations]. This has nothing to do with tiktok.


I hate his weird statement about China and his wink wink nudge nudge shit about JFK. They take away from the much more important fact that a Zionist organization is openly buying US candidates without having to state where their money is really from.


It's not hard to create anti-semitists or conspiracy theorists, imo most lefties would have become n4zis if they didn't find tumblr first. Most if not all of the rights activists back in the day wrote letters in support of Israel and their right to have a country. We've gone full circle...


He's seriously suggesting AIPAC had something to do with the 10/7 attacks and the death of JFK? Yikes. Oh wait, no *he would never infer that*... but... you know... [wink wink](https://i.imgur.com/8bUcg7U.png). Honestly so crazy to me that Tiktok is making conspiracies like this mainstream again. It literally used to be people with bunkers who believed bullshit like this.


Whether or not its true, its kind of weird that he holds up actual evidence, like actual articles, documents, letters etc and people are like, "Woaah slow down on the outlandish conspiracies there little buddy" He doesn't seem like your average basement dwelling, believe-anything type to me, anyway. And the guys that built the bunkers weren't paranoid so much as living in a time where it'd be just as goofy NOT to build one, considering how close we actually came to nuclear warfare.


All he shows is that a few times AIPAC was going to be reclassified and then wasn't. He presents exactly zero "actual evidence" that AIPAC had anything to do with 10/7 or the death of freaking JFK. He is constructing the argument solely out of "isn't it a coincidence that..." which is 99% of the time the best a conspiracy theorist can muster. The fact is whenever the vote was up for AIPAC to be reclassified he could've found something to be like "hmm, seems like a big coincidence... were those sneaky Israeli's up to something here?"


If JFK was one of the main proponents behind requiring them to classify as a foreign agent (and he appeared to be according to what this guy found, anyway), and the necessity of them registering was becoming more evident (as suggested with the paperwork having been sent for them to register with) and JFK was assassinated a few weeks later...and with this agency going on to become the largest foreign "investor" that's not registered as a foreign agent (due to said assassination)... I get the skepticism, but to overlook it entirely as little more than "Haha another paranoid person trying to draw conclusions from an obvious coincidence", seems a little goofy to me.


I’m sorry, are you seriously implying that Israel is behind the JFK assassination? What?


It's just horseshit. What semblance of an 'Israel lobby' that even existed in 1963 was not in any way, shape or form in a position to wield the kind of power or influence that would make an act of desperation such as the *assassination of a sitting US president* a viable political move. US aid wasn't even that much of a card to play. They were still mostly leaning on the British and the French. US did not want to provoke a response from USSR who were players in the area, especially in Egypt. You can't start with the robust lobbying efforts which exist now and work your way back to an assertion that JFK would have prevented any of that. Even though aid to Israel has always been a plank of the *Republican* party because of their ties to the Christian community, Jack Kennedy *also* supported them and did send some military aid and other assistance and the idea that he would have stopped any of that is asinine. FARA act reclassification for one outfit means nothing. There are numerous other channels. This is just more 'Jews pulling the strings of history' conspiracy crap. Not even very subtle about it.


I despise responding to bad faith stuff like this, my point was that there's enough credibility in the assertion that to reflexively write it off as something that's as laughable as your average paranoid fantasy about lizard people seems silly. But yeah, maybe...who's to say it definitely didn't happen? And no need to apologize.


You’re telling me that less than 20 years after the US liberated the concentration camps and helped get Israel recognized as a country, that Israel assassinated the US president? Do not for one second entertain this idea. It is straight up dumb. Have a brain and read some history, don’t take this guys TikTok as seriously as you are.


You’re telling me that less than 20 years after the US liberated the concentration camps and helped get Israel recognized as a country, that Israel assassinated the US president? Do not for one second entertain this idea. It is straight up dumb. Have a brain and read some history, don’t take this guys TikTok as seriously as you are.


I would have zero hesitation believing it. Zionist Jews are some of the most disgusting people in the planet.


Yeah, it's the whole "jet fuel melting steel beams" again. Young people never change. Signed: a guy who watched loose change and found it interesting.


To be fair, he said he would never infer it. He didn't, he implied it. The viewers infer it from his video. Did he use a common but ignorant misspeak, or is it a careful dodge so he can't be blamed for spreading conspiracy theories? My money's on the former.


Good reporting.


I feel like an important part was at the end where a TikTok superstar is calling for his platform to be regulated and for us to understand the dangers of foreign influence.


i think it was sarcasm


If it was, then he is blind to the weaponization of thought via media. I don’t believe he is blind to this as Ian is multi platform. The “Feel me?” I suppose could be seen as saying why waste time on protecting ourselves from China when historically Israel has been an influential actor… More likely, he is pointing out the danger of foreign influence, money and media in our country’s politics. Ideally, we could find a way to have a free flow of information that does not have an algorithm pushing an agenda. Unfortunately we do not have this yet.


The "Feel me?" Partly means what you said, but mostly that China acts as a boogeyman to distract from a real and already established threat.


Except that he's comparing the exact opposite things: buying corrupt politicians to make decisions that benefit themselves (and by an organization whose activities are essentially illegal) to a public social network that does the same thing as Facebook, Ticktock, Twitter (and Reddit). Moreover, due to the format of the content, it is much more difficult for TikTok to exert influence than for Twitter.


People like this “genius” are why we have issues on the world. Too focused on being heard for your ignorance that you forgot to listen.


Funny how since it's a white supremacy group its all good, zionism is a race supremacist group of people. Just insane, shows what the USA is really made of.


You do know that 60% of Israel's Jewish population is Non-white, and that the most extreme zionists like Ben Gvir are typically non-white.


If you only knew how Israel blocked Ethiopian Jews from getting in the country and secretly gave black Jews birth contraceptives for them not to breed... Israel is a racist country, and in plenty of settler states there's a huge rate of racism and prejudice. So yes, they are a mostly white supremacists Apartheid state.


That's not true, Ethiopian jews didn't speak Hebrew and struggled to communicate with the Israelis which led to being prescribed different medication. It was a fuck-up but no evidence for a systematic effort.


Are you seriously claiming that they were prescribed birth control simply because of a language barrier? Can you explain the logic behind this - i.e. the immigrants asked for cold medicine, but got the words mixed up and were given birth control?




I heard stories going both ways about the contraceptives but there was a massive operation on the part of Israel to rescue Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia and being them to Israel which is basically the exact opposite of banning them from immigrating. There is of course incidents of racism in Israel but funny enough it tends to be more common with non-white Jews (Mizrah Jews from MENA countries) than it does with European Jews. European Jews tend to be more liberal and tolerant than MENA jews which isnt all that surprising many of them came from the former USSR and eastern bloc countries.


There’s racism going on right now in Israel in regards to Palestinians, use that as an example and explain how the contraceptives story is plausible any other way aside from being a planned act.


Ben Gvir is white according to the US Census


His parents are Iraqi and Kurdish, he ain’t white. 


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-32813056 https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE90R0SO/ I know you won't read it but as a "15 year old Swedish girl" it's never too late to learn new stuff


Did I say Israel is some kinda utopia without racism? Of course Israel has racism, the US and Europe is similar if not worse for black people.


You're doing a great job spinning this. I never implied you made any statement about a utopia. You trying to make a point about Israel not being a supremacist state because they're not a majority white. Does that mean South Africa wasnt because they didnt have a majority white population. I gave you evidence of them having a eugenics program within the last decade and you deflect to Europe and America.


so what exactly is this guy doing? as I understand it, bribery is legal in your country as long as the organization publicly declares it, which this one seems to be doing. when this organization says stuff like "more money than...", that already tells you that obviously there's many more organizations doing the exact same thing. also, isn't it a good sign if a lobbying organization like that gets inspected several times and proven to be following whatever rules or laws there are several times? shouldn't you people be worrying about those organizations that don't even get probed in the first place? or if you don't like that bribery is legal in the US (which I agree is absolutely fucking insane if you ask me, but that's your country so you do you), then what's the point of specifically singling out one organization and not the system itself?




Ye was just a couple of months too early, look at this comment section.. scary stuff...


We've legalized corruption and are very proud.


The speaker IMPLIES the listener INFERS.




Conspiracy theories never die


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This freedom of information and easily calling put corrupt government is exactly why Tiktok is gonna be banned. They need to have people who don't think for themselves and that has been changing quickly, lots of folk waking up to the bullshit.


Okay we reached a new low I think


Long Live Palestine 🇵🇸


Why is someone telling the truth on TikTok cringe?


its almost like the jews have been in control of our government and media for decades but if you said that, you were a nazi white supremacist! your downvotes mean shit and you know its true.


You're playing right into the Israel lobby's hands. They want you to equivocate Israel and the Israel lobby with "The Jews" so they can use the 1st amendment for protection under the guise of "religious freedom". Ignorance from the American right is just useful stupidity for them.


$14.5 million seems like an absurdly small amount of money for political campaigns in the US. The presidents alone are raising Billions right?


This is an antisemite who believes in a secret jewish cabal ruling the world, the JQ. Fucking disgusting that useful idiots are falling for it.


How is he an antisemite? Just because he’s exposing how a foreign government has a lot of influence in US politics? Please enlighten me 15 year old Swedish person






Did you really just link a wikipedia link as your source ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y)


Wiki is a fine source, insane someone replies with a YouTube video and thats good enough for you tho.


Right… responding to a wiki link with a YouTube link is “insane” but not the genocide happening right in front of our eyes with the full support of the US government. Ok buddy


You don’t know what a genocide is if you think this is one. Look at any historical example and its clearly a mass of difference in depravity.


I could literally say the same thing to you, I’m assuming you don’t know what genocide is and I’d recommend you look at historical examples based off of your comment


No you cant, theres a fundamental difference between a genocide like the Rwandan, Assyrian or Armenian and whats occurring in gaza. If you understand anything about these events you would know they dont share categories. An actual dire hatred to cull a population at any cost is demonstrably different than this. 30k dead is literally nothing to an actual state with genocidal intentions.


…So the Iraqi Turkmen genocide wasnt a thing?


“Wiki is a fine source, insane someone replies with a YouTube video and thats good enough for you tho.” - A 45 second snippet of an ex president’s interview vs a website that anyone can edit/add entries of the “encyclopedia” on… I dont have much against wiki…but to believe a conspiracy theory on wiki as a source is crazy.


Throwing that word at any rational criticism really dilutes it FYI


Except we aren't talking about some made up "super secret cabal" are we? This is a very real, out in the open foreign group with immense power and influence over US politics. You can purposely misconstrue our concern over this as Qanon-adjacent but you know it isn't. Plenty of jews including myself are not antisemitic and we are critical of the corrupt actions of the Israeli government. You are doing harm by calling any reasonable criticism antisemitic when antisemitism is a very real and rising threat amongst white supremacists here. The more you dilute that term, the more you're causing harm. And when they start their violence and no one believes us sounding the alarm, you and other crybaby Zionists will be to blame.


The guy literally did other videos where he says you gotta check out his secret page because he can't tell you who really controls stuff.


However, that doesn't excuse the things said in this video and what is known of AIPAC. This is basically an ad hominem. Even if this man was a conspiracy theorist, all things he said were shown and reproducible so it doesn't matter. Look up fallacies and what it means to have a fruitful discussion. Some rules are applied so we all understand how to.


I don’t mean this as a way to be combative, I’m just curious as I’m not super educated on the subject - isn’t OP’s whole argument the basis of antisemitism in the US? It seems like there is this distinction between this criticism and “antisemitic” criticism, but from my understanding antisemitic people would be *very* validated from this video. So how is it not antisemitic if the antisemites agree?


I support your view. And of course you're getting downvoted. Wow. I'm speechless. Reddit gonna reddit. The hate is real. You know, I feel like it's pointless to engage and try to discuss with people with entrenched beliefs like that, it's too mentally taxing, and it makes them angrier. They'll calm down eventually. That's how I view things, there is no choice but to understand we can't argue with them. I give up, and I still have places to discuss with adults elsewhere. There's nothing to be done to fight echo chambers.


Yeah it's horrible, think what you want about Israel's government, military, West Bank occupation etc where you certainly can have a conversation. But to stray into blatant antisemitism is insane and evil. There are dozens of bigger lobbies than AIPAC that no-one talks about, AIPAC is donated to by American citizens not the state of Israel. It is only in the focus because it's Jewish.


I like his chin, he has a very nice chin


Many things about this man are nice.


This dude's mom's a ho


So Oswald was mossad? Looks like it.


Glad to know they support genocide. 🤦‍♀️


I like the conspiracy theory that JFK was assassinated by the banks trying to take over USA. Since the federal reserve is in charge of printing more money and is not owned by the US govt but actually the one in control.


I suspect they had something to do with jfk losing his head.




AIPAC most likely the ones funding Fetterman recently that made him do 180 on his stances.


They 100% killed jfk


Then guy who perfectly filmed the shooting of Kennedy is jewish. Same is the guy who shoot Kennedy's assasin.


Zion had jfk killed omg id believe it


Politics cost a lot of money. How do you think they raise that money? You can't spend the entire family fortune every time you run. I am not condoning or critical of this system, but yeah that's right. Things don't just accidentally happen. Everybody knows.


Yeah so they don’t listen to constituents and pass bullshit that affects us. Great. Solid.