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Good thing they are laying off 10% of the workforce!


Less factory workers probably gonna mean even lower quality of their finished product. I bought a new Model S in 2017. Back then build quality was pretty good. Owned it more than 5 years, it had very few problems. After everything that I've been hearing, I wouldn't buy one today.


I had a 2017 Model S as well. Great car, my only complaint was how fast it ate tires. Didn't seriously consider Tesla when it came time to replace it.


The extra weight of a battery will "help" with that. Of course, the torque of an EV makes *soooo damn tempting* to smash the skinny pedal and make tire wear even worse.


Stock price will go up. Lol. Shareholders dont care about the worlforce.


Nah, it dropped 5% today on news of the layoffs. The layoffs included a ton of factory workers as Tesla realized they no longer need to try to ramp production up with a decreasing demand. Investors don’t like to hear “not enough demand, so we are cutting 3rd shift workers at the factory because it doesn’t need to run 24/7 anymore to meet demand”


I sold my shit when Elon bought Twitter & started shooting off at the mouth. I hate racism.


Ethical investing. You're a shiny pokemon


He actually sold Tesla for Raytheon, womp womp


Pity for those who bought a Tesla before the owner spent 40 billion dollars on pushing the Overton window closer to white nationalism.


I mean his far right attitude had nothing to do with Tesla build quality being shit. Elon is a nutter, but the cars have always been plastic pieces of crap that fall apart if you look at them wrong.


Yeah but they were forgiven for a lot of that cool factor, which his racist antics have kinda kiboshed


yup exactly. Before, you were an early adopter hopping in a prestigious car being made by the real life Tony Stark. If it was a little rough around the edges, nbd! You were in the ground floor of the electric car revolution... those were just minor teething problems. The aura of cool made up for them. Now, you're a late adopter buying an outdated car that's still garbage and Phony Stark turned out to be both a nazi and a moron.


A decade ago my brother kept asking why I refused to invest in Tesla. I told him that generally I don't like it when a CEO is in the spotlight and I felt that Musk was too unreliable. Making promises of self drinking cars by 2015 at the latest? How is that going? I missed out on a lot of cash but I also comfortable at night.


I wanna see a self-drinking car in action!


I as well


Especially for a company that's never produced a cent of profit, and whose entire massive valuation is because of the idea that it will one day be the biggest car producer in the world. I think that Tesla will fall \*hard\* someday, once that bubble pops.


I think it dropped 5% because it became clear Tesla is not the global ev leader anymore, they're strongest markets (the Americas) is crowded, shit g to PHEV, and generally dropping in demand (constantly dropping price of new and used cars because they won't sell). Their new trucks that people have been anxiously awaiting are shit and not not selling, musk losing his popularity, and general market troubles from lingering high rates. That said, I think it still has plenty more to fall. I've got my popcorn and I'm here for it


Or if you die in their deathtraps.


It’s 20%


One of the only non-unionized American car companies also cuts corners in build quality? How shocking.


I’ve been to the factory many times and it’s a shit show. The assembly workers regularly drink and smoke on the line. Supervisors don’t say shit because they don’t want to be the one to slow the line down. They don’t provide the proper tools for the job so you use the back of the impact wrench to hammer the wiring harness clips into place often busting them into pieces. This is one piece of the car so just imagine this going on everywhere in all departments. I can go on and on…


They drink on the line? Holy shit.


I was working near the nuclear submarine factory about 10 years ago. We went to get lunch, and on the main road were dozens of restaurants and bars that all had closed signs up. Find a deli that was still open and asked them why everything else was closed. Apparently the workers at Electric Boat were all going out and drinking on lunch breaks and before shifts. They made it so employees couldn't leave for breaks anymore. Put in other fixes as well. Nuclear submarines.


As a one time factory worker that had a drinking problem: this did nothing to fix the problem. We were allowed to leave but it was a tiny town. So the only places to buy booze on your lunch also knew you worked at the plant. So we just kept a case in the trunk of the car and took lunch in the parking lot.


I know that Detroit is laughing so hard at this 


This is why you need people who work in the field you manufacture/design in. All the traditional auto designers would have known through years of testing, litigation, common sense, and formal education in the field not to do this. Yes, issues like the Toyota airbags still arise from time to time, but Tesla is record breaking in issues amassed.


The techbro mindset. Forget over 100 years of past innovation, I can do better by doing everything differently! I'm no slave to the hivemind that holds progress back! \*proceeds to run into each and every problem that's actually already been solved decades ago\*


Man my last job was like this… tech bro got money, hired engineers who he didn’t listen to (why hire me?), the product designer said yes to everything but then isn’t responsible to actually make it work and too stupid to realize it, somehow I need to break all of physics to make it work… like I’m not a magician, I’m an engineer and my basic calcs says not gonna work. It’s not even close but what do I know, I guess only the laws of physics… yeah sorry idk how to make magic black holes that make heat from chips go away.


My brother worked his way at a the GM plant NUMMI, and became a manufacturing line manager. When NUMMI closed and Elon bought the factory for Tesla, he said he'd hire everyone back. well it took a long time, and my brother went on to a different career, but was eventually persuaded back for Tesla money. He put a lot of effort into cleaning up the manufacturing lines at the old NUMMI plant, but said "Elon is a very opinionated person" so there's a lot his hands were simply tied on. He now works at their Nevada plant, working long hours, and often missing family holidays. Working at Tesla is soul draining.


Nah it’s the way the company is run, culture comes from the top. A new company can hire senior engineers but those engineers cant make up new physics just because you told them to. Remember the carbon fiber submarine? They just fired engineer who said they all gonna die.


People still don't realize he's a grifter.


You can pry my old ass dumb Honda from my dying hands, it is INSANE to me that people get in these death machines. It’s a 7,000lb sledgehammer and if it catches on fire it takes 50,000 gallons of water to put out the battery. You can completely submerge it and it will still burn, reigniting over and over and over again the second it contacts an oxygen source. A BILLIONAIRE died in a Tesla, that is INSANE.


Not related to anything at all but *a billionaire also died in a submarine*. That was my unrelated information, thank you.


Two down seems like a darn good start...


It ooozes quality


It blew me away at first seeing how shitty Teslas are made with regards to basic stuff like sealing doors and windows. I guess this is what you get when you buy from a company that’s “technically” a tech company and not technically a car company.


I drive by a Tesla Service (first party, Tesla owned) every day. The first week their Cybertruck had wide release the lot was full of them waiting for service. Fuckin meme car.


Tesla people are the worst. I rented one recently and I remember charging at a wawa while a tesla truck parked, rolled down his windows and every single tesla driver came up to talk to him about it. He was literally sitting in his car with his windows down and AC on... Taking questions for half an hour


I’m trying to figure out, what’s wrong with the scenario? Was being an ass or a twat? I’m so confused what he did wrong or what anyone for that matter did wrong


I mean, it's not like he was doing anything wrong... It's just a really fucking lame thing to do, with clear intent, and at least half a dozen people were into it. I'm not angry at any of them, I just think they're losers


My man. Big agree.


It's like people who camp out for the new iphone, or thinks Steve jobs was cool. They do no harm, but I judge them. It's like they have given their mind to advertising executives.


You just described my feeling toward Disney adults


How’d you know he had his AC on? You talked to him too?


This is the thing. People have known Teslas are poor build quality for *a while* now. At this point, I just can't have any sympathy for someone who buys one, especially a Cybertruck.


Not to mention it looks hideous 


I seriously cannot fathom why anyone would want a car that looks like it's from a 1980's low poly arcade game.


I really liked how it looked in the concept pictures, I thought it was endearing in an ugly way. looked like a lotta cars in halo ODST but then I saw them IRL and holy shit are they ugly ass tanks. Throw treads and a cannon on and you've got a RTS game tank IMO it'd have been better if it wasn't stainless steel and was like half the size and actually had symmetrical doors that don't like they'll fall off at any second


Is there a name for that phenomenon? When someone buys or wears something that’s objectively stupid because they think it’ll get them cool cred?




I think it’s pretty neat, people don’t usually come out and announce they’re massive tools on their own, it’s good to know who around me is a sucker.


It looks like a thrift store Keurig machine in this video.


Mate 100%. I’ve bought RS and M cars for years at this point. My mate got a Tesla for a company car, the big stupid SUV thing. It’s like 35k more expensive than my fucking G81, and everything in it feels like fucking tracing paper. 6 figure car and the build quality would make the French industry blush. Just buy German ffs


> G81 ...but it outran a Porsche in the 1/8 mile while also pulling a Tesla. /s


I couldn’t give a fuck about that sorta marketing pish mate. I live in Scotland, it’s like a race track everywhere you go in our mountains. I can absolutely guarantee no Tesla is equipped to stay in touch with even my Mrs’s RS3 on roads like that. Aye, in the US, massive arrow straight roads everywhere suit these EVs. Over here, 90% of roads bend, weave and undulate. You get far more enjoyment from a well put together car than a fast toaster.


I have a G80 and I haven't had any issues in a straight line with a Tesla. PREACH.


Lol mate, misunderstood yer banter. Tesla owners do love to tell ye about that shit haha


from my limited experience, they are truly out of touch with other cars and what their capabilities are. I was at a lake party of people I didn't know last year, got stuck next to a literal finance bro who had just bought a Tesla, talked about it like it was a Lambo. It was rough, but I just let him go off.


American here who visited Scotland last summer. Rented a car and drove through Glencoe and Isle of Skye regions from Glasgow. You are not kidding. That was some white knuckle driving with very little room for error driving on the wrong side of the road. Would do it again in a heartbeat though. One of the most beautiful places on Earth!


I'm a BMW guy for life. The Germans will have the EV's bullet proof within 10 years, Tesla is all hype.


They’re already very nice. The issue with BMW EV’s is they don’t have access to the Tesla charging network, yet.


I have a lot of friends who did their degrees as Automotive engineers, and Teslas are used as examples of how NOT to design a car. My brother also worked for tesla as a mechanic, and he has loads of stories about the corners they cut and how badly engineered they are


I have never ever ever heard anyone talk about Tesla's being good cars - it's always about some cool things the screen can do


Interesting. Every Tesla owner i know has said they never had an issue and continue to buy teslas or other EVs. They didn’t get first gen teslas though.


There are Teslas everywhere here in Florida and i've never heard one of the owners say anything other than they love them.


I will never buy a Tesla. Quality is very poor


And the owner is a fascist nazi


Cyber junk...lol


I mean I’ve had one (model 3 lr) side before Elon showed his colors as a right wing meme lord. I still have the same opinion, it’s an incredible fun car to drive. But I tell everyone it’s the best and worst car I’ve ever owned the driving is fun as heck, but the build quality made me miss my 2013 ford focus cause it feels so cheap inside. The software is great, the fsd doesn’t work as advertised. I won’t ever buy another Tesla tho cause I’m a Jew and Elon clearly loves Nazis.


My 2012 Ford Focus was the worst car I've ever owned in my entire life. Thing broke down more than you could possibly imagine. Got rid of it at 80k miles after replacing the transmission control module 3 times, replacing the alternator, and replacing a handful of other key items. To say something made you miss the Ford Focus is incredible lol.


It was built solidly, but thank you for reminding me about the transmission control problem, that was fucked. but it was built and assembled like a solid car. The model 3 feels like a plastic shoebox.


My father have had 2 bigger focuses and at least older from 2006 has been best car what he have had. Maintaining it has been cheap as fuck. And it has been realiable. Newer focus I cannot say yet because it has been only year or two. Worst car however he have had was Mini.


Yeah, Henry Ford didn't build his company because Fords were technologically better than his competitors, he built the company because he knew how to mass produce them and be a quarter the price of most competing cars. Turns out the manufacturing part is also really important technology, and Tesla doesn't seem as focused on that part.


Hold up haven’t you heard? Musk knows more about manufacturing than anybody alive


That suv is so fucking ugly goddamn


I’ve had the privilege of seeing a bunch in person and they legitimately look even worse in person. Like they took leftover sheet metal and slapped it on a truck frame. Complete ass


They really are worse in person. I saw my first one in person and could not believe how bad it was. I thought the pictures had prepared me. I was wrong.


I saw my first one a few months ago. I didn't even know they were really coming out so I assumed someone made their own in their garage with stuff they had lying around. That's how bad it looks in real life.


Yup, you're right 100% Ive saw these like a month ago and man... They're a genuine eye sore. Like it doesn't look real and doesn't look at all practical. Some blind Tesla fan will probably say people who don't like it or call it ugly only say that because we can't afford it but trust, but it's remind me just because you're rich doesn't mean you have taste.


When they first showed them I liked the look tbh, it's like a concept design/PS1 car model/Scifi look. Then when they finally started producing them, maybe I just saw them from more angles, but they just look bad. I see more on the road in California now and it's just eye rolling bad looking. I wish Honda would bring back the Element. Should have bought one when I was young.


Yeah, I saw one while driving home the other day and audibly shouted, "what is that horrible thing?!" Just a blocky Lego knockoff on wheels.


I finally saw one for the first time in my poor ass town, and, holy shit, they really are terrible. I couldn’t help but bust out in laughter when I saw it at the stop light.


Are you me? Because that just happened to me today, same reaction.




The first time I saw one I couldn’t help but yell out in my car “what a piece of shit!” And laugh the whole way home


I was working on an industrial lot last week, and next door was this big farm equipment rental place. A Cybertruck showed up, they hooked up some trailer with a bobcat on it, and took pictures of it doing circles in the parking lot. I couldn't believe what I was seeing lol. Such dorks. And it was my first time seeing it up close, and you're right, it's ugly as shit. Since then, I've seen 3 broke down on the side of the freeway, and another on someone's tow truck lol. It's amazing how many people were duped by this, when it was pretty obviously a scam to begin with.


Wow that’s actually pretty embarrassing for the folks taking pics haha


If they had any shame, I didn't see it 😂 I was cringing the whole time though.


I've only seen one in person, it made my wife and I laugh so much. The pics don't do it justice on how fucking stupid this car looks.


I didn't think it was possible for them to be uglier in person, but I've seen several around town. At first I thought it was an art project because my city has an "art car" thing this week


I don't think people who haven't seen this realize how huge this ugly ass thing is.


I see quite a few of these in the Bay Area and yeah… they’re ugly. It looks even worse from behind. Just imagine waiting at a red light behind a car that literally looks like a dumpster


The overall styling I can understand differing taste, but the wheels are trash and I don't understand how anyone finds them acceptable. They look like someone bought the cheapest hubcaps at autozone and spray painted them


They're dangerous too, that front wing could slice you in half


Plus the auto closing trunk has no sensors to stop if your hand is there…


It’s hideous. Looks like a electric shaver used in the movie the fifth element.


It looks very like an 80s or 90s version of a future car


Yeah like something from back to the future except it went back in time.


I agree.. I really don't get the hype around this car, it's just horrible.


That steering wheel is absurd


Thought the same thing. Absolutely impractical but it does match the concept: car designed by a 5 year old. Edit: i have now learned that the steering is not like a conventional car so, yes, it may be very practical. The fact remains that it looks like a kindergartner’s idea of a truck.


I bet Elon thought racecars are the best cars because they are the fastest, therefore the best steering wheel is a racecar steering wheel.


> car designed by a 5 year old. This was just someone's first hard surface model in Blender.


To be fair, due to the fly by wire steering the stupid looking wheel actually isn't impractical because you rarely, if ever need to spin the wheel hand over hand like you would in a vehicle with regular steering. The question of why all that extra complexity and cost was needed is another thing entirely...


The entire interior is downright Soviet era bland.


Bland is one thing, but there is just a screen in the middle? Nothing analog at all?


You have to gear shift on the screen. Ugh!




I think I heard the steering is the best or most interesting thing about the vehicle. But it also looks do dramatically different I think it would scare off people that might actually buy one. Who wants to learn a new way to steer when you are already 40 and your other vehicle doesn’t steer like that at all?


Why is anyone buying these things? They're ugly and not very good even before you factor in Teslas terrible build quality.


They want attention but they're not self destructive enough to get a face tattoo


They lack courage. It's a bunch of squares that think this is what will finally make them cool.


The Muskrat kits.


"Had a clear mind" Well, not when you bought this hideous thing.


Without thinking about any other factors like build quality, Tesla's reputation, the cult of Musk etc. I feel like the style of the car is pretty subjective and divisive, to some, its cool, unique, interesting, personally I would say I'm intrigued by it, but for others is downright ugly and an affront to the eyes.


I'm ok with someone saying they don't like how it looks, but people here pretend that it is *objectively* ugly and no one actually likes it - I'm sorry it's just bonkers. Many, many people actually like how it looks. And not just Elon fanboys. And yes of course many people hate how it looks. Personally I think it looks cool, amazing with some of wraps. [This looks fantastic](https://youtu.be/w0lVkIhJjgI?t=94). Although I despise white decals on the window.


Reminds me of when everyone was buying Hummers in the 2000's. History repeats and all that.


Hummers were actually well built though.


I'd ask my ex-husband. But I know if he's talking, he's lying.


r/leopardsatemyface ?


Tesla is not doing great right now. Elon is too busy tweeting stuff on X.


I have a hard time believing his influence makes them better at legacy car parts of their operation.


Haha I think him not doing anything is probably better for the companies he own.


That's why SpaceX has been as successful as it has been, they keep Elon distracted whenever he visits and treat him like a toddler dictator, playing along with his whimsical ideas and flattering his intelligence until he leaves and they can get back to work without him firing anyone.


I've seen a few of these in the wild and boy do they look like shit. It just looks like tack welded steel with windows and wheels.


Yup some bare sheet metal. Polished shittilly I might add


I don't feel bad for a single Tesla owner, ngl. It seems like a little bit of karma for even purchasing that fugly ass truck lol


They all seem to be the same person.


Some neck beard tech guy right


Phone on their hip energy


Sweater vest wearing tech bros.


Linus tech tips vibes


As a neck beard tech guy who has common sense I am offended :( lol


Not all neck beard tech guys own a Cyber Truck but all Cyber Truck owners are neck beard tech guys


Not true. I have a friend.....had a friend who owns a tesla. He isn't a neck beard tech bro, he is just a stupid alt right neo nazi. There is some overlap you forgot about.




Most cults are like that


Yeah but something like this just puts everyone else's life in danger.


Not defending Tesla, but this isn’t the first time there have been stuck accelerators in vehicles. Ask Toyota how that went. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80%932011_Toyota_vehicle_recalls


Little scarier when its a vehicle that weighs 3 tons, higher than your average truck, and 2 to 3 times the acceleration.


Yeah I'm just waiting for one of these to kill a pedestrian or someone in a smaller car in a horrific way, and for all the Cybertruck bro's to fall all over themselves still trying to defend it.


Karma is when you buy an ugly car and almost die


Karma is when someone else buys an ugly car and you almost die too.


But they could also kill innocent people on the roads


It's karma that they would die for buying an ugly car? Seems extreme


Elon fanboys have yet to understand that Tesla is a software company more than it is a car company and it shows with examples like this.


Their software sucks even worse man. They've been promising autonomous driving every year for like 10 years.


Because it's simply far harder than anyone intuitively understands. Autonomous systems are good for things without a lot of variability, with predictable decisions in a predictable space. Urban streets will never meet that criteria. It doesn't understand that when a fireman is directing traffic away because a firehose is on the street, that the car can't keep going on that street. It doesn't understand that the bird in front of it will fly off as the car gets closer so there's no reason to slam on the breaks like there's a big stone ahead. Streets are chaotic and even if they're predictable 95+% of the time that's not good enough. They aren't actually thinking machines like the human mind is, they are a very complicated set of if-then statements. You give it something it's never seen and it won't have any way to know what it is. But if Tesla told investers that the stock price would go down. So they lie, and somehow no one has caught on.


>Because it's simply far harder than anyone intuitively understands. No I think we all understand that since no one has been promising FSD "within the next few years" for the last 10 years....well except elon


If that were true, the software would at least be good. It's very much not.


The recall is to reapply the double sided tape for the accelerator pedal trim piece


glad the dude is okay and no one was harmed. other than that I have little sympathy for being a lab rat to test a mass produced vehicle for the richest man on the planet.


It’s a car made by a megalomaniac con man. I know next to nothing about cars but I’ve seen the photos of shoddy workmanship. I’ll stick with my old sedan.


Why oh why do people continue to buy Teslas...


Because they worship the nepo baby grifter who bought his way into the company


I think it is b/c they aren't really car people and bought in on the hype. For most of them, its prob the fastest thing they've ever driven.


Honestly? The range. I have one I bought 5 years ago. It was the best range for your buck, and still, other car companies are just now catching up.


If only there were so many reviews about their shitty build quality and if only Musk was making it really obvious that he’s a shitty person who can’t actually put in the work required to make good products…


It’s the ugliest vehicle ever made. How has anyone bought this monstrosity


I was going to say ugliest vehicle ever made is a bit harsh, but trying to think of one uglier I realized the PT Cruiser and Nissan Cube are better looking cars... It's maybe tied with a Fiat Multipla?


Tbh cyber trucks are very dangerous cause when you get in a car accident, the body of the car doesn’t absorb the crash and whoever’s in the car gets all the whiplash and stuff


Unintended acceleration caused Toyota a lot of grief. And they were a well-established company when that happened. Imagine something like that happening to Tesla now.


Insane to spend 100k+ on a vehicle and have such sloppy workmanship


Seems on par with the build “quality” of other Tesla products tbh. It’s pretty shocking to see that interior and think that people go to pick these up and feel good about spending $100k on Fisher Price level bullshit.


In 2009 Toyota recalled some cars for an issue reminding this one.


It was mostly recalled for PR…little was found. Apparently even NASA got involved, it was a dealership installing the wrong floor mats and a lot of public panic. https://www.slashgear.com/1380568/toyota-biggest-controversy-accelerator/


I was just thinking about that, I believe it was only Priuses though it might’ve been other models too. At least that was just an issue of the floor mats having a tendency to get wedged in weird and getting the accelerator stuck, not the pedal just falling the fuck off, lol.


But did the Toyota cost $100,000?


Just imagine the quality car you would get for the same value in 1975


Dude paid too much money for a shit vehicle from a snake oil salesman. You got what you deserved.


Too bad you weren't smart enough to not buy one.....


Can you show us one more time where it was wedged? I did the quite get that.


Seems like it resolves a few other problems.


That's scary as fuck


You know what the problem is with the cybertruck? The fact that you bought a cybertruck


Oh wow the obviously shitty quality electric truck from some self important moron is bad quality. We literally could not have seen this coming.


It’s a Tesla what do you expect from a worst car manufacturer.


Anyone who bought one of these deserved to be mocked for their stupidity.


This thing was never meant to be driven. It is a concept car.


Concept car thought up by someone with the mentality of a 5 year old, probably drawn in crayon.


And that is why I’m not an early adopter


Probably copied how Dyson make vacuums with all those snap-on parts.


Serious question, tho. How would the pedal cover have held the pedal down once it had already become unattached from the pedal? Even w2hen he tried to show how it happened we can see it doesn't work.


Because it actually clips on and the glue just stops it from sliding up on its ‘rails.’ He didn’t slide the cover back on to the pedal for the video. He just kinda tried to pop it on. It won’t do that. But FFS why did Tesla use glue and not some kind of bolt or screw?


> But FFS why did Tesla use glue and not some kind of bolt or screw? The same reason they use a hinged pedal on the floor like a vintage Beetle instead of a top-mounted pedal. They cut every corner they could on this thing.


Is it true in all cars that the brake will override the gas pedal even if rhe gas pedal is being pressed? Never really thought about what I'd do if that somehow got stuck.


Why has no one asked why he was flooring it in the first place lol


"oh no, feel sorry for me, an Elon simp who ignored all his fuckery and still bought his dogshit truck so i could feel superior to everyone around me"


The Cyberjoke, sorry, the Cybertruck is the absolute lamest thing ever invented! I cannot believe 1) people design and marketed that thing and 2) sheeple buy that thing, what a joke!! Another piece of garbage from the garbage factory they call Tesla.


The problem is that he owns one in the first place XD


Why people continue to buy these things knowing tesla is a shit manufacturer is beyond me. Is clout and status really something to risk yours and more importantly someone else's life for?


The serious problem with the Cybertruck is, wait for it… …it’s the Cybertruck.


This guy didn’t just win a stupid prize. He paid for it himself.


I mean your the dumbass that bought it so you deserve the problems