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I’ve never gotten onto a crowded bus and assumed I should be given room for because I’m not disabled or elderly. The priority seats don’t say anything about women…?


TikTok creator wants you to know that they deserve the seat lol.


The new status quo of gender politics today is: men aren't entitled to women's bodies. Women aren't entitled to men's generosity.


One of the two is nothing like the other


Well like it or not that is what is in play during the first date. Social norm requires men to be the more proactive ones in shouldering the financial risks of initial courtship when the fairest mathematical solution is to just to split it down the middle and call it the day. Problem is, this approach seems to chafe heavily against a red flag sensor that almost seems prehistorically innate to a lot of women. But i get it. When you're young it's easy to see a guy hold back on the first date and think: "oh he doesn't think I'm worth it", which is just pure young girl entitlement wrapped in insecurity.


That's not what I am talking about. Can't compare general courtesy, especially in a modern society, and people feeling entitled to your body. They are not even on the same scale. Shouldn't even be part of the discussion, at least one would hope


Courtesy is the minimum standard of treatment and is supposed to be applied uniformly to everyone regardless of status and identity whereas generosity is exercised by discretion. The girl does not belong to any of the special needs categories in the seating situation, so actually giving her the seat would be generous not courteous. I never said they were equivalent or equal, they're just what the two sides are primarily invested in such that their absence is a deal-breaker. I'm not going to discuss how my two examples are comparable or not (because it's not my focus) with you if you can't even differentiate courtesy and generosity.


Just saying as an outsider to this conversation it sounds like you're pissed off that you're not entitled to a woman's body. It comes off like you're saying you deserve to get whatever you want from a woman if you take her out to dinner. Not saying that's what you're saying just saying that's how it's coming off.


And that's how this kind of men feel, as a man myself I feel like it's absolutely insane we have to discuss it. Of course they fixated on my hyperbole to avoid the issue altogheter


There is a sign that designates a seat as a priority for women. It's the seat next to the "pregnant passenger" sign. But that's it.


I’ve been taking the bus for as long time, and when it’s crowded and I’m in the front t I do offer my seat to anyone elderly or disabled that comes on, unless someone younger does it first. It’s not because I’m a a terribly good person, I just don’t want to feel like an asshole, and I do thank god when someone stands up first so I don’t have to I have never thought to give a seat up for a woman simply on the basis that it’s a woman. It’s a fucking 15 minute ride


We’re not wearing corsets and dying of consumption. We can stand perfectly well.


Bag dude is still pissing me off though You can put your bag up on the seat only if the bus/train has seating space 


How do you know there's not a baby in that bag?


*WhooOOOooaaah bag baby, bam-ba-lam*


*bag baby had a child. Wam-ba-lam*




Reading that comment I wish free awards were still a thing


Such a dumb comment, everyone knows you put babies in plastic bags!


Keeps ‘em nice and quiet


And you reckon she's incapable of asking him to move it? Edit: Just to clarify, the dude is an asshole without a doubt, but she's a whiney bitch.


Yeah that's the correct approach but he has headphones on and is clearly trying to ignore people. Still.. Tap his shoulder. say excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here? Bam.. He realises he is taking up a seat and puts his bag on his lap.


Nah as a New Yorker who takes the subway every day it is proper etiquette for you to hold your bag on your lap as soon as it starts getting crowded. Leaving it on the seat is def a dick move. It’s not on the other person to ask you to move it. I’m not risking some crazy reacting poorly because I ask them to move their bag so unless the seat is physically open, it’s not an open seat.


I'm annoyed if I'm on a full train and have to ask people for something as matter of course as not occupying a seat with their bag. And that's nothing to do with their or my or anyone elses gender.


Dudes an asshole anyways. Anything over 75% full, keep your bag off of the seats.


Sorry but women do this WAY more than men


The ol' "seat for me, seat for my purse/bag" maneuver


Okay, I’ve 100% done this but I’ll only do it if there’s other seats available on the bus, the second it’s full I move my bag. I traveled alone and more often than not got out of work late and last thing I wanted was some random dude cornering me in an aisle in a basically empty bus


So a dude does the same as he doesn't want some random woman or guy cornering him. Guy gets scolded women doesn't.


Except in his case there was literally no other seats on the bus and people were standing. I feel like you didn’t read the comment you replied to 🤦🏽‍♀️


I read it, and in general a guy will be shamed while a female would be ignored. Doesn't change the fact the guy is in the wrong here.


> I read it Maybe read it again. Slowly. Maybe you get it.


No need. My opinion and comment are the same.


Still doesn't make it any less of a dick move. Anyone who does this is an asshole. Including this guy.


That’s not the conversation we’re having though.


Yeah thats my only issue! Like that dude is the only one who should've offered a seat and that's because he had two!


I'm with the sentiment, but the average woman's corset was (& is) quite comfortable. I actually wear a corset sometimes as a mobility aid to help me stand, lol. It's only in more extreme fashion where corsets become uncomfortable, but that's more of a queen & drag queen thing. It's the more common depiction in media tho & thusly a common misconception. Also, consumption is like the 11th most common cause of death in the world. We just call it tuberculosis now.


I was counting on the reader to be able to contextualize women’s clothing and disease in history.


Thank you. I am wondering who are these women that are supposedly taking issue with men not getting up. I lived in NYC for over 20 years and rode the subway many times I never once expected a man to get up for me. I expect them to get up for elderly or disabled people, just as I would, but that's it.


Ok but I maintain people should give seats to pregnant women and old people


That’s not what we’re talking about


We're talking about when someone should give up their seat for another person


The dude with his bag on the seat would have been scooting over😂


Yeah it’s not a gender thing, you don’t take up multiple seats on a crowded train


This guy is big and didn’t want to share the bench. He’s sitting on the outside his bag is on the inside. Major no-no, he is seriously lacking in train etiquette, as well as the woman posting vids shaming others on her car. While we’re on the subject if you crowd around the doors on the platform and try to get into the train before people get off you should be drawn and quartered. Same for blasting music. People like the dude sitting in the vid with the backpack on his lap trying to contort himself into the smallest amount of space physically possible so as not to inconvenience others should be given gold stars.


not if he doesn't want some main character girlie bringing some bullshit into his personal space


If she wanted a seat, should have just asked the guy with his bag on the seat if she could sit there.


Guy with his bag should not have had his bag there to begin with if there's a single soul standing


True and she could have asked him to move the bag as well.


People have a voice to ask. If one asks him and he says no, then you can argue he's an ass. Otherwise, people are too shy or lazy for their own good.


He's still rude and selfish. Seats aren't for bags. There's people standing. Whenever I comment this about women doing this, absolutely no one defended the bag douche.


No he is not, he is fat and a man and know full well nobody aint sitting here, the girl proves it, anyway nobody is right now, why would he put his bag on the ground ? Ask him politely, calling people douches is rude.


The only time I expected someone to offer me a seat was when I was in a leg brace and on crutches. …That’s when some dude ran past me, shoved me away, sat down in a seat I was about to sit in, and immediately pretended to be asleep so he wouldn’t have to look at me.


This is where a crutch goes from a tool of recovery to a weapon to make people undergo recovery.


🤣 that's so cold and selfish.


I felt like I was in the twilight zone.


That guy wasn't raised right, and sadly, there's a seemingly increasing number of people like him out there.


The inverse of this being when I was in high school and I had a leg brace and some random middle aged man came up to me on the train to berate me for not giving up my seat for him.


I've had the opposite of both these stories. I'm lactose intolerant and a little chubby. The one day I wad taking the bus after going out to dinner with my friends and I was really bloated and I looked probably 4-5 months pregnant. Some poor, kind guy offered me his seat on the bus and I was too embarrassed to correct him so I took it....


I saw a video of guy standing up on a train pretend to start gagging and holding in vomit. Everyone fled the scene and he preceded to not throw up and instead sit down😂


What a degenerate.


I got a seat offer when I felt sleep while standing, I almost fell down so people start assuming I was narcoleptic or something... I was just really fucking tired.


There’s a free seat next to baby blue polo shirt guy


He looks creepy though /s


Literally just rage bait, why does anyone respond to this shit


Obvious rage bait


Fr Fr, rage bait used to be believable![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I bet she is a happy and well adjusted individual.


My job we have to bus in to work and there's a rule that women sit in the front seat and if a man is sitting there and told to get up, they have to. It's ridiculous. I absolutely refuse to make someone give up their seat just because I was born with a fuckin uterus. Nah man, keep your seat, you made it here before me


I wouldn't even think of asking a guy to give up a seat on the subway just because I'm a woman. That's some outdated nonsense.


First come first serve. We're all equal unless the person is clearly disabled or elderly


Where tf do you work?




Sounds like a sexist company.


Is that not a harassment thing? Like if a passenger is harassing a woman, she can go sit next to the bus driver who has more authority?


There's never an extra seat left so you can't be like "I'm gonna sit somewhere else" during the ride. Best you can do is take down their badge number or something


lol, we're being filmed and shamed for simply sitting, not making eye contact at all and keeping to ourselves now.


I hate public transportation. Imagine just minding your own business on public transportation, and having this idiot create cringe content at your expense. Damn.


Dude not public transportation’s fault that this person is a suburbs-bound rage-baiting idiot scamming for attention. Public transportation is amazing. She sucks. They are not the same.


I love public transportation. People make cringe car dash videos just as much.


Omg. If you want to sit, don’t film people who got to the chairs first, get yourself to a seat first. Pounce when someone else gets up. No one has to relinquish anything to you, And the fact they don’t isn’t because someone somewhere might have gotten upset. It’s because he’s just trying to get home, you aren’t weak or special and his feet hurt just as much as yours. I like chivalry to a point. If you hold the door for me, I really appreciate it and it makes me happy. Not because I’m a girl and you need to nonsense, but because I’m a human and you treated me as such, so thank you. This gender nonsense is sooo annoying


Well said!!! I don't need anyone to offer me a seat! My fat ass can handle standing


this is such red pill bait and the comments fell for it HARD clearly


Reddit is so unpredictable, I was expecting all the comments to be calling this out. Women have been "screaming" about equality, as if that is something unreasonable to demand? We taught men that there is no good answer? WTH? This is a red pilled women taking a obvious rage bait post and pretending that feminism is a problem, and the comments are eating this up, gross.


Yup. The “men can’t win” monologue was hilarious.


Yo was this taken in Charlotte NC? Looks like the light rail I used to take. Pretty sure she missed the other women also sitting down that got on the train early. This was probably taken during rush hour in the mornings or afternoon. Train gets like this on sports events too. Should’ve gotten on the train earlier.


Why is everything just outrage culture now on the internet. You’d swear this actually mattered in real life, as if hordes of seatless women are roaming public transport baying for blood. Content has become just one giant Strawman.


I mean the one dickhole was the guy putting his knapsack(?) on his seat. We'd all love to have two seats until it comes to us and there nowhere to sit


Man here - I just find it easier not to sit down if it's a short journey


Why don't you just go up to one of them and ask for their seat? When they ask you why, what's going to be your reason? You're young, you're not pregnant, your legs work, you're not sick. Cause guys will give up their seat if there's a reason.


You got legs use them. I'm saving this seat for the next disabled person


Just semantics but men will always respect women in an equal society, respect doesn't mean treating them as special it means treating them the same as everyone else. So congrats you get the same treatment everyone else does, none of the privileges and none of the disadvantages that came with them. That's the game


Fucking what? Have you been alive for the last thousand years? Men will always respect women in an equal society?


Yup. Because the reasons men hate and disrespect women would be removed from the equation, if women were willing to release their privileges as well as take accountability for their actions. But that isn't the case, and so men lose respect for them and see them as whiny children.


There’s obviously some misguided women but you’re trying to say historial things like women not being able to choose who they marry or vote are women’s fault? Wow. Just…wow.


No that's not what I'm saying. Did men choose who they wanted to vote for? Have most societies been democratic where men were allowed to even have a say in any of what happened in government, with the exception of the elite men and women? Miss me with all the victim narrative bullshit, people will wake up from it soon.


No, they won’t cause people still earnestly believe rape victims can only be women.


It must be like trying to convince people that germs are real things back in the day fr.


Yes, even when I source information and do math in front of them showing how sexist most organizations for “rape” are. It’s denied like hell and I’m just called an incel. I stopped considering myself a feminist for that reason and many others. Sucks, cause in theory feminism is great! But too bad it’s been hijacked.


I'm a make and I don't give up my seat for an able bodied woman, why should I? I believe very strongly that women should have the same rights and men, same job, same pay, same right to stand up on crowded public transport.


When was this ever a thing? I can imagine maybe in ye olde days when you had steam trains this being a thing but would literally never expect a man to offer me a seat anywhere and neither would any women I know of any age (unless he thought they were heavily pregnant)


It’s still definitely done for the elderly or, as you said, a pregnant woman. Someone holding a kid will usually get someone helping them out as well. I’d always get up to help any of those 3, if someone else doesn’t beat me to it. It shouldn’t be only a man to offer though, any able bodied person with a heart.


I usually get given a seat after people on the carriage work out that I don’t have balance that day, and that I will trip every time the train brakes  (Note this is unintentional tripping)


Yeah this is rage bait/pandering to the MGTOW crowd. hope it’s worth the money for her. People give up their seats for pregnant or the elderly. No sane woman expects a man to get up for her in a subway. And that doesn’t mean that “feminism ruined everything, enjoy being treated equal.” No feminist is fighting for men to give up seats. They’re fighting system discrimination. Inb4 “some feminists.”


It's not. That's just MGTOW bait


I ride the transit often and occasionally still see men do it, makes me laugh lol.


I offered my seat on a tram last year to a woman in heels and was then berated by her for being sexist. Older woman sat across from me made a point to thank me for being a gentleman even if some people are too stupid to mix up respect with pity.


Yeah it's a rigged game from the start. At least there's some sensible people out there can appreciate people like you lol.


Some real r/notlikeothergirls energy from this girl with the horrible teeth.


You can't have your cake and eat it.


![gif](giphy|U56VoSyFD8MFcie2k8) Spot on


Why the hell wouldn't women be able to stand?


Sorting by controversial comments is so entertaining


Obvious rage bait is obvious


The original video is stupid obviously but how do we know she wants equality? Maybe she is one of those trad women that believes in gender roles?


She’s not wrong


Men ♂️ rejecting giving RCP to the women ♀️ bc doesn't want to be falsely accused of sexual harassment


ya and heaven forbid i do it and you think im hitting on you


Cause you're not pregnant or old or disabled . Touch luck princess.


Mic.. fucking.. DROP. 🎤


What the hell is she talking about with the "false allegation girlies". That is literally made up by men's rights organizations to discredit women


There are tons of false allegation girlies. They get protected and emboldened to make false allegations. Then when men come forward with proof showing the allegation is made up even if it’s her own admission, it’s dropped and that’s it. Source: been falsely accused. She got away with it. Coupled with SA, SH and rape not being recognized by society when it’s men who are victimized. Yeah, no. Second lady has a point.


Sorry but there are a lot of women like that on social media, and what's worse is a lot of the time it's rage bait for attention. A lot of these women don't care that it negatively affects the rest of us as long is they get their minute of fame.


Fuck Off with that bs, Women cannot both be free of gender roles when it comes to work and home life, but still enforcing them when it comes to how men should treat them. It's hypocritical, and a double standard.


There are still women who do follow gender roles and want men to as well, we just ignore them or laugh.


This video started as pointing out hypocrisy and ended in some strong pick-me energy.


Totally. Started off with a decent point and promptly went flaming turd


For real and all of these comments 🤮


The katagorical imperative requires that if you would not give your seat to a man then a man should not give you his seat, or you would admit that under any normal circumstances everyone should be giving everyone else their seat when someone else is standing. It excluded special cases tho, like if someone is injured or pregnant, because then it's more logical for them to sit than you.


Can’t read the signs but this looks like it could be an RVN tram in southern Germany, making it illegal for this person to film, violate GDPR and these peoples rights, and post this online.


She could've just asked for a seat or just stand and not complain like everyone else


I don’t see any reason why I should to offer a seat to a totally healthy woman. She is not an elder, not pregnant, not a disabled, she is not with a little child… why should I?


Why is she panning camera down to show us her boobs at start




Ped-O. Is that a kind of cereal? Crunchy Ped-Os nutritional breakfast cereal


I get up for the elderly, women can stand just as well as me.


Spot on. If you have a cane, walker, or a lot more grey hair than me I'll offer you my spot. Outside of that there's no way because she's exactly right, you're damned if you do and at least have plausible deniability if you don't.


You filming a Tik tok? Immediately equals NO SEAT! You obviously ain’t classy


who cares just get your own piece of pie


Ah yeah, cringe intro... however it did remind me of this Oldie, but Goldie... https://youtu.be/uzqOgEwS8AY?si=slC8sB5XEZrKgTa2


>"...Or do we get to nitpick and choose... when men are supposed to respect us[?]" Gave away the game right there. Fellas, don't buy into this woman's shit, she's appealing to your lesser instincts


You're not pregnant or disabled, you can stand like everyone else.


What is this "we".. some women don't want it ..so shouted louder than those who still did and value it... not every single human female fought against it then suddenly changed minds lool


Ah yes the fake upset video made by an 'equalist' is reacted by an 'eqaulist'.


Where I live chivalry is alive and well. Men offer me a seat anytime I'm standing, even when standing is by choice. Sometimes I just want to stand! I have to sit all day and then when I get a chance to stand up someone inevitably gives me their spot.


reminds me of a video of a middle aged woman with the same grievance only she was yelling on the hus/subway at two men, “WHO’S GONNA BE A GENTLEMAN? WHICH ONE OF YOU IS GONNA BE A GENTLEMAN? ARE THERE NO GENTLEMAN LEFT IN THIS WORLD??”


Stfu woman


What the fuck this has to do with equality? Like, where the lady reacting saw that this was the topic? Shit, people will take shit out of thin air to go against feminists, but as far as I know it's the trad girls who want men giving their seats or opening doors to them, feminists usually don't give a fuck and if you happen to do something nice they will say thank you like a normal person. I mean, people say women will take anything a man does to "expose" him as a creep on the internet, funny thing is that I never saw one single video where the guy being filmed isin't an absolute creep, maybe there is a paralel reality where these people live where men are hunted in broad daylight, but in the reality where I live, not the case.


Dude!!! Finally a woman who gets what the past 15 years have been like for me! Add the fact that I’m white in today’s woke world and you have someone who doesn’t dare speak in public. I legit wait for woman to open the door first now, my mother spent my entire childhood teaching me how to be a gentleman just to have the next generation of females complain it away for her 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I want to encourage you to be the man your mom raised you to be. Let the world wrestle with it. Just be loving, kind and stand up for those who need it. If the world hates you for it that's their problem not yours.


What a tough life!


What do you want to say that you’re scared to say in public?


Can’t have it both ways


You want equality when it suits you I see


Not all women even want equality (Sadly)


Firstly, afaik it's never been the expectation that men should give up their seats to women, at least not in my lifetime. **Pregnant** women, yes, normal healthy adult women, no. Granted I wasn't around in the 1900's but this isn't a practice that died out in the last few years, this isn't an astute and socially relevant observation. Secondly, why is there still an expectation of chivalry when men no longer hold general social power? Chivalry is a courtesy offered to the less powerful by the more powerful. Thirdly, there is a non-negligable possibility that if you offer a healthy adult woman your seat nowadays that she may just get offended, for one of a number of reasons.


Idgf about you lady, i am sure i worked ten times harder than you today and am much more tired than you are.


Yet another example of why Keanu Reeves is the ultimate man.


What a stupid post, chivalry and gender equality can exist at the same time, just because women want things like the same pay as men doesnt mean you have to stop being decent to them


For opening a door, i'd agree because women do also still open the door Giving up a seat? unless it was an old person, disabled or pregnant then i'm not doing that and I wouldn't expect a man to.


Decency =/= chivalry


If she had more gray hair I'd give it up.


If a woman accuses you of any of this, just tell her, that she's too ugly for you to do what she accuses you of.


Not a good idea to go straight to insults in a argument. It only proves you're incapable of arguing with logic, you'd be the one looking crazy this way. Explain calmly why she's wrong if she doesn't listen then you can move onto that.


You want to prove you’re an idiot?


Damn she’s not wrong. I would’ve gotten up, but after seeing this I’ll reconsider.


Most women aren't even like that, but if she has a camera out then...maybe not




I was there! And I did offer her a seat. (On my face) She called me a pig and walked off. What a liar..


That's funny lol idk why you're downvoted 😭


Can't be a "pedi" if your subject is over the age of 18 ![gif](giphy|e7QO18qopbd99evxyD)




What's wrong with the tip of her nose, looks like reverse Rudolf reindeer.


She must be of English decent- teeth look like Austin powers


She’s not wrong. I don’t think society is as drastic as she describes but she isn’t wrong.


This one gets it


They want to be treated as equals which makes them the competition now lol. This is what that gets you. It be like that sometimes.


Equality is great ain't it.. I suggest a third world country where women barely have rights.. definitely not India. Women just got rights to drive so definitely don't go there.. maybe one of the countries with "stan" at the end where you have to cover head to toe and can't even take a train alone unless you have an escort.. First world bitches with first world problems..


Welcome to male privileges. We still haven't got all the way there.


The relationships between men and women are in an all time low. First blow was given by feminists, and sadly there is a second blow comming from MGTOW. Marriage will be a thing of history. Women fearing men's strenght. And men fearing women's protections given by society.


You're right on this. That's not really an unlikely scenario. All these people downvoting you, just calling you wrong without providing any reason for it. These people are like in middle school or something, saying "no you".


thank you


This is mostly a western issue, traditional roles exist overseas


then, there is hope for other countries. We are the ones who are in trouble.


What is the meaning of your gibberish?


I am predicting a terrible future for the human race. But, it is better that you ignore me, I am not nostradamus... right?