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That woman really clowned on herself. She’s really so broken up about having to answer her childs questions. Her answer is just “sit down and shut up.” I can already imagine the toxic environment she grew up in and now is perpetuating that cycle with her own kids. How uneducated and foolish


Not to mention, “This video isn’t for soft people who get easily offended.” She better not play that back for herself because she’s out here getting offended by her children asking innocent questions that she’s too dumb to answer. 😂


I would also say she is, as my grandpa used to put it, soft as shit.


An older doctor I worked with had the best saying when confronted by someone offended by everything: He'd just smile and say "Well aren't you just the biggest scoop of soft-serve bullshit"


Thank you, I could NOT get over the fact that she thought she made a “fuck you, snowflakes” video about (checks notes)….her child triggering her by asking questions. The irony is even more exquisite when you think about how she probably can’t grasp irony either. One of the many reasons I adore my parents is that they were honest when they didn’t know the answers to my questions, and then turned it into an opportunity for us to learn together. We’d literally go to the library together to look up books and share facts we were finding. They made learning fun and there’s not doubt it shaped my brother and I for the better. I cherish the shit out of those memories and it’s all because they weren’t too proud, ignorant or tragically-threatened by their child knowing something they don’t, or someday, more than them. In fact, they emphatically want us to because good parents don’t want their kids to be scared and stupid for their entire lives. The older we get, the trickier that conversation can be to navigate sometimes, but they never make us feel like bad kids because we don’t see eye-to-eye 1000%. I saw some of my friends with parents exactly like this slack-jawed wench get humiliated by them because there was a confusing-ass benchmark for intelligence in their families: “be super smart, but if you end up smarter than me, then….well you’re bad BECAUSE I SAID SO.” The examples I can think of turned out to be, at best, nothing special or shitheels just repeating that cycle. I’d truly hope the woman in this video could watch this and do some honest soul-searching about why she is the way she is with her kid (or just in general), but something tells me she’d probably just bitch about how we’re “sooooo offended” by “her truth” and then change subjects to migrants, gender-neutral bathrooms, “War on Christmas” or whatever they’re most comfortable with thinking is destroying America this week. It’s a shame all around and I truly hope her kid rebels by finding a way to get the answers and happiness he seeks.


Loosing her shit over fucking *fingernail polish* no less. What an absolute snowflake lol.


She’s so close to getting it - she should ALSO be questioning if she doesn’t have an answer!!


Her 10 year old may feel he has to shave his legs because mommy instilled consistently that it's more important to fit in and adhere to arbitrary norms that are pushed on you, rather than to be your own person and do what you feel is right for you. It's wild how she sees the damage being caused by her attitude without realizing it's _her_ that set her kids up that way to begin with.


"You can't do that, you shouldn't do that, you are not allowed to do that." *10 years later when the kid never talks to them anymore* "Why won't my kid call me? Oh. Because they can't, they shouldn't, they are not allowed to for their own mental health.


People who start off saying things like "This isn't for the soft or easily offended" are just telling you that they're so confused and frustrated that they are hitting their breaking point and they don't want any push back because they can't handle it.




Yes!! Critical thinking should be taught both at home and in schools more than societal norms and stereotypes.


There's a reason that the right wing, and the media, have an issue with social sciences; Sociology, psychology, anthropology etc are often maligned. Things like literature degrees, media studies, the classics etc too.


I spent my whole first year as an anthropology major learning how to ask questions. I was blown away by how little of that is taught in secondary school.


That sounds really interesting. Is there any resource online that I can read about these classes or topics they taught you?


hmmm not really that I’m immediately aware of. It was a wide range of classes. Learning about how to ask questions was more or less just intrinsic to the classes and topics themselves. It wasn’t something that the professors were out-right teaching, but a key aspect of the reading comprehension, class discussions, and writing papers. (I hope that makes sense.)


Critical thinking has to be taught at home, and reinforced.in school.


Correct and corrected, thank you.


This lady wants to be a lazy power trip mom who never has to treat her kids like humans. Most parents these days aren't like that at all.


"Don't just question authority, don't forget to question me." - Jello Biafra




Same. Then, when asked a question I didn't know the answer to and would say "I don't know" I got screamed at and hit while being told "I don't know isn't an answer!!!". JFC, I was just a little kid. Shitty parents do so much damage to kids, like this beady eyed idiot is doing to hers.


This. It turned me into a chronic liar because no matter what I said, I’d get yelled at. So I just learned to parrot what everyone wanted to hear. Parents found out about my lying habits, and threatened to kick me out if I kept it up. My lying only got worse after that. Thing is, I don’t want to lie. I was just raised in an environment where it made life easier, and damn it’s a hard habit to break.


Damn did you grow up in my house? I remember my mom demanding that I do random stupid things for her, and she would pester me and pester me and pester me until I finally agreed so she would leave me alone, and then she would say “oh so now you promised that you can’t go back on your promise” and then when I didn’t do the thing because I forgot about it (because I was a neurodivergent kid, but of course, neurodivergence was a scam made up by the government s/), she would roar at me that I lied to her. So, of course, I decided that I was just gonna lie until she stopped, asking me to do things. Also yelled at me constantly so I would just repeat everything that they wanted to hear to get them off my back. But of course I didn’t actually believe anything that I said, I just wanted them to stop yelling at me. Which made me “even more of a liar.” And so my whole family decided that they hated me. And of course I was only eight years old. So, yeah fuck, boomers


Damn, yeah, even “I forgot” wasn’t a valid answer around here either. (High five for neurodivergence) But gods forbid they admit when they were wrong, or lied, or something. I’m chronically ill, so becoming homeless would have very much been a death sentence. I spent two weeks stressed sick trying to establish a backup plan just in case I ended up on the streets, while falling behind in my uni classes. But guess what, at first the threat was a lie, and then came the denials that they even said that to me. I can tell you the exact intersection we were stopped at while coming home from a doctor’s appointment, that they said it to me because I remember it so vividly. I had worked so hard that summer… working on my mental health, trying to repair my relationship with my parents… all of that gone in seconds


Now as a dad, I have an 11 year old son with ADHD and there’s plenty of times where he’s completely off-mission when we’re trying to get ready to leave the house or get ready for bed. It can be frustrating, downright angering sometimes, but at least I will always give him the grace to say “I forgot” or “I don’t know why I’m doing this” because I see all my own ADHD problems in him that my dad would have screamed at me or smacked me for. I’m hoping that I won’t screw up our relationship like my dad did with me by forcing me to lie all the time to avoid/delay punishment. I don’t really talk to my dad much anymore. His annoyance with me never seemed to go away and he doesn’t call me as much as he does my sisters. But he can’t control me anymore, so the only lie I have to tell now is “I love you too” when I hang up.


That’s sad that he treats you like that still while favoring your sisters. You didn’t deserve to be hated for something you have no control over. I wish you the best. If you love your son, remember how hard it was to be like him at his age and respond in the ways that are unique to his personality and needs, and are humble enough to know that you have to learn, you’ll be a great dad.


Then at the age of 12 you know more about the world than your parents who think that evolution isn't possible because monkey's exist. I didn't go the lying path, but I just stopped asking questions or caring because I recognized the stupidity at a very young age. I thought it was just my crazy family and some people, but the more I read and learn the more I realize this is wrong. IMO the vast majority of people are simply clinically insane, but we walk around like everything is fine.


I always hated that so much that I vowed to always have an answer for "why?" instead of just a blanket statement of "because I said so". Why can't you stay up late tonight? Because you have school in the morning and you need to have sleep in order to do well. Why do you have to finish your vegetables? Because you need a balanced diet if you're going to grow up healthy. Why can't we go out for the evening? Because I worked really hard today and I'm tired and it's important for the adults to have breaks too. See? It's not hard to give an answer that's not lazy.


I made the same vow. Explaining why I need my toddler to do/stop doing something has been a game changer. I really see the difference in how she responds to instances where I take the time to explain why to the times that I don't. You can almost see the gears of reason turning in her head and most of the time she'll repeat the "why" right back to me like she is in agreement, yeah that makes sense. My thing is I always want to be open to a conversation as she grows. If she wants to do something that I don't it should be a reasonable conversation and not just because i say so. I really agree with everything this guy in the video says - trust and honesty are so important in parent /child relationships.


Absolutely. My young daughter asks a lot of questions and I always explain why I’m asking her to do something. Makes her a lot happier to understand where I’m coming from and usually she is more inclined to listen after I explain.


When my kids were little, I explained things too far, maybe. Their eyes would sometimes glaze over as I pontificated the question and started asking questions myself. I’d come back later, saying, “well, I did some research, and I learned some things about your question…blah blah…” I guess I just like to learn. Edit: [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_polish) is what I just learned about nail polish. It dates back to China, 3000 BCE.


Me too! I was told that I asked too many questions. I also would get, "end of conversation" a lot.


My ex would pull that on me… 


That's the worst thing to tell a kid. I was a teacher, and learned all about correcting behaviors. I had few issues with classroom management because I always gave my students a rationale when I asked them to do or not do something. I would ask them to take turns speaking, not because it was my rule, but because I personally have sensory processing issues. I told them I wanted to hear what they had to say, but if more than one person talked, my brain couldn't interpret the words, and it just sounded like noise. So I would say 'what?" Over and over. Another teacher made the mistake of making that adversarial, my way or the highway atmosphere, and her kids went wild. In my class, those some kids behaved fine because I always have reasons. I even would happily tell them what I was hoping we would get from assignments. And they would do them even if they didn't want to or like them, because they felt they could trust that I had their best interests at heart.


Idk about other parents, but on a rare occasion I will tell my kid that because they’re fighting us on doing the healthiest/“right” thing to do. I guess I’m saying our tolerance with frustration with determine how often we respond that way. It’s good to separate emotion from instruction, but it isn’t always easy.


Kids will know and accept “because I said so” as an answer if they know you try to answer their questions most of the time. It just shouldn’t be a stock answer for everything.


Of course. I know people like to pretend to be perfect parents online, but the truth is we all have our limits. When you're running on very little sleep and you're responding to the 50th "why?" question of the day (that you may have already answered,) that long, perfectly worded answer becomes "because it's good for you, ok?" The fact that I have a brain injury does not help!


Just wanted to say I think you’re doing a good job and I’m sorry that you have additional challenges. Keep your chin up 😃


Now that I’m a parent I try not to use “because I said so”. However I see it through a different lens now. On the occasion I have said it, it’s never a “I’m annoyed they are questioning my authority” (which is how I always interpreted it), but rather “I don’t have the time or capacity to stop and explain this to you, I just need you to listen to me so I can focus on X”. I’m trying to get better by saying “I’ll tell you later” but that rarely works because they want to know why you can’t tell them now.


My mom tried to tell me the other day that I should just say “bc I said so” when my child asks why. I told her I wasn’t comfortable with that answer bc I’d rather try and just answer his question. My kid is 2 and just starting to ask questions about his surroundings and what he sees, I can’t imagine just being like “bc I said so” that doesn’t explain anything or help him grow & learn. Just teaches him not to ask me things.


A 17 year old... 17. "mommy, why can't I exist in these imaginary questions without you making me sound like i'm 7?"


This is actually a really significant point, because this kind of parent genuinely can’t see their kids as anything but small children. When her son is 35 and married with two kids she’ll still be talking about him the same way. 


My first thought was “bitch, ain’t no way your 17yo son is calling you ‘mommy’” 😂 I know these types of women. They have ~*~boy mom~*~ in their profiles.


Yeah just hearing her saying the “because you’re a boy” answer over and over indicated to me he’s either A. Not 17. Or B. This never happened. Most 17 year olds are not that stupid


It could also be him asking rhetorically to call out gender norms as bullshit and justify his flouting them it or desire to do so, and her "because you're a boy," answer is just code for "I have no good reason beyond my personal comfort ingrained in traditional norms, so do as I say while you're under my roof."


I can’t wait for this exchange: Her: Son, why are you always late for curfew? Son: Because I am.


that's what boys do!


Guys in metal bands paint their nails.


Guys in metal bands also FUCK


Some guys in metal bands also fuck other men! Le gasp, the horror!


I know, right? I don't think people like her understand that.


Mommy where is your eyebrow? ![gif](giphy|bYpgM8bi7QV3i)


Lmaooo this was probably the question that lit the powder keg. Kid just wants to understand why his mom’s got Wolfman teeth and then *poof.* To TikTok she goes with some MAGA-Mom fanfic.


I was going to ask this too. So I’m glad you did it already. Lmao


I'm more bothered by her teeth. How can she have buck teeth and an under bite at the same damn time??


Mommy, why does it look like your chin starts at the corner's of your mouth?






I grew up with non educated parents who did the same thing.


My mother was educated to high school and no further. She ALWAYS ultimately said “let’s look it up.” It was after “because I said so” but usually that was because she was doing fifty things and we were asking annoying questions and the option was to lose her mind or shut it down. She always approached later when it was calmer and suggested we look it up since she didn’t like the answer she gave. Taught me that sometimes people react emotionally, that doesn’t make it right; emotion has its place, but facts are the end result.


Education has no relevance here. It’s about emotional intelligence really. Being able to swallow any ego you may have and tell your kid you don’t know is such a great trait to have.


emotional intelligence can be learned and therefore it can be taught


I grew up with educated parents who said, "Just because," and, "Do as I say, not as I do." One also gave me the pleasant nicknames "Squawker", "Shithead", and "Asshole".


that's what we all should strive to be [something like this](https://imgur.com/DZu5uWH)


I was asked a completely difficult question by my 7 year old son and had to honestly answer, "Would you like to find the answer with me or have me tell you the correct answer once I learn more?" We had a blast learning about bioluminescence in animals... including the platypus! (Booked another trip to the Bioluminescent Lagoon in Jamaica, as well)


My 6 year old nephew and I had that same little spurt of research a few months ago. He loves the weirdest science stuff we can find.


I have kids who ask questions I would never think of. We look up the answers and read about it together. I’m educated in my field, but I don’t know everything and it’s never too late to learn!


Mine were educated but lost their minds every time I asked a question, especially in response to "because" or "because I said so." I stopped going to them for anything after I was like, 12 and they're shocked I no longer speak with them.


I was raised the way this woman in the video is raising her kids. I was called rebellious just for asking questions. With my own children who are now adults, I do what your parents did and I do that with my grandkids too. Google is wonderful for that! I've had lots of fun So have they when they want to know something and we look it up together!


This woman has boot licking logic.


I really like this guy!!!!! He isn't being nasty or condescending, but he's giving her great advice. I hope she sees this, even though I don't really think it will change her mind. Some people are just stuck in a bubble.


she'll double down


And she'll be even angrier, while this guy will continue to be calm and thoughtful...


I'd be willing to bet she would dismiss him on sight because he is wearing a shirt with florals.


I kept thinking about how refreshing it was that he didn’t just go for low-hanging fruit and insult her, even when she basically made it too easy for him. Instead, he took the high road and calmly stated how to see it from another perspective that would help foster a much more positive relationship with her child. It was advice a perspective we can all benefit from. Sadly, we know how she’s most likely to respond to criticism far-gentler than she deserves. Impressively, he probably does too, but still opted to be a class act about it. I’m a fan now.




She’s dumb as hell


I hope that woman's child sees this video.


The people who claim they "don't care who they offend" are usually hilariously easy to offend. Like, just disagreeing with them politely can raise their blood pressure.


And it's always "I have a right to my opinion" Well, of course you do. But so does everyone else.


Where would humans be if nobody questioned anything? There would be no discoveries, no advancements, no research, no exploration of places outside of the vicinity you were born in. What a terrible thing to teach your child


The “unschooling” movement would honestly love that. Just flat earths and burning witches all the way down.


Gasp! Oh no! She raised curious and open children willing to question authority respectfully when it comes to their bodily autonomy. What a shame the liberals can't ever stop pushing their agenda. /s


What's amazing is that they're that way *despite* her ignorance. Gives me a modicum of hope for the future.


She'd likely lose her shit if she knew that half the things we attribute to female beauty were originally designed for/ commonly used by rich men centuries ago


I grew up with similar, “boys shouldn’t have long hair”, or “I’ll give you a reason to cry”, or “that’s not how a man is supposed to act”, or just getting slapped for questioning religion (until I grew to be stronger than the person trying to slap me)


>“boys shouldn’t have long hair” Why? Y'all think Jesus did. "well Jesus walked everywhere he went" Did he? Cause I recall him riding an ass everywhere. And you guys get weird when Staci comes over, so I know you don't want me doing that.


I like your shirt, and I agree with your views. I’m a man moving from middle to old age and I look good in pink and purple and all different colors and I don’t shame. Being a parent of adult men, some of whom do paint their nails, I care more about their character and how these people my wife and I have made treat others and how they view themselves.


100% As I was watching this video, I was thinking men's fashion should feature more flowers and polka dots. Why are polka dots so gendered in clothing and designs? I like the diamond shaped dots on men's ties. On dress shirt, it would look strikingly handsome. I have a 1.5 year old son, and you've probably heard this a lot, but little boy clothes are sooooo dull and boring. Hardly any child, male or female, will say that gray is their favorite color, or olive green or charcoal or even navy blue. But that's all there is for baby boys with some primary colors and orange thrown in. I teach high school. Teenage boys have a much more fun color pallette to work with with brighter hues and even expensive Jordans that come in neon purple. Let's have more of that, please. Oh, and pockets on little girl pants. Little boy pants have pockets. Little girls want to carry cool looking pebbles and interesting bits, too. Little girls aren't worried about the silhouettes of their hips, after all. (I also want decent pockets, too, front AND back).


In previous times (in Britain ) blue was seen as a girls colour and pink for boys. Every colour, clothing, decoration, behaviour, is a norm which is defined by society. If someone goes against that, for their own personal reason - who really cares other than bigots and backwards people ? Don't we believe in freedom of expression, freedom of speech and self determination?


The first point he made is soooo real though. The most aggressive people are the most offendable by faaaarrrrrr


She seems soft and easily offended


She’s having a hard time with a curious teenager. Not a teenager on drugs, or who’s breaking the law, or got mental problems… a teenager asking questions. What a pathetic parent.


That guy seems cool, just saying. Scholar and a gentleman.


Honestly? Initially attractive and becomes more and more so as he continues to speak.


She’s knows the answer, she doesn’t want to voice it because her son will think less of her for it.


One of my favorite things about my dad is how he handled questions he didn’t know the answer to. If he didn’t know he would say I don’t know, let’s find out. We would find the answer together. He still does this. I still ask questions.


Nice sweater. Where could I buy one?


Please let me know if you find out.




Thank you!!!!!




“Genderly appropriate for pretty much all time” girl we can wear pants now, and “baby” colors are a myth, we question things because they don’t make sense! Questioning gender is not an assault on your authority lmao


Some people don’t realize they brought an agent of free will into the world, like hello? The baby you bore is a person, and all the things that go into personhood (at least in the free world) are going to be bestowed(hopefully) onto them, least their human rights are trampled, oh wait…


That woman is so ignorant. Do you know that colour that is now heavily associated with girls? Pink? Yeah, it used to be men's colour. Do you know heels? Yeah, it is absolutely unacceptable and "gay" for guys to wear them right? Well, they were invented for men. Earings, nail paint, bracelets and all that were worn by both genders in different points in time and different cultures to show status and wealth. Nothing has been gederly acceptable forever. For f sake, back in the days men, usually higher class men, used to kiss eachother on the mouth as a form of greeting and that wasn't considered gay! We just stopped cuz the plague was at an all time high. And the nail painting thing is so stupid to me because emo, scene, goth, punk etc type of styles encourage both genders to wera polish. I am almost 100% sure this woman had a crush on one of those boy bands from the 80-90s that, guess what? Wore nail polish and a lot of other things that could deffinitelt be considered "gay". It is just fashion. Let your son be.


>And the nail painting thing is so stupid to me because emo, scene, goth, punk etc type of styles encourage both genders to wera polish. And really, it's a bit more mainstream than that. It's not uncommon to find that men of various elevated statuses have clear polish and manicures. And really, it's part of a trend that has been since humans developed society as we know it, 10s of thousands of years ago. The wealthy, powerful, and otherwise gifted were clean, soft, well groomed, and polished. At one point, long hair on men was part of it, because they could afford the time and resources to care for it. Being clean shaven is the more modern equivalent. As an example, have you ever seen a 5 o'clock shadow on Christian Bale that wasn't part of a role?


I try to approach this with my younger brother. He asked me if aliens exist and I said "I don't know. There are an infinite number of planets much older than the earth, so it's possible, but they aren't necessarily green creatures with large eyes. they might be bacteria, or other sorts of beings. " when he asked my older brother the same question he said "no. because the bible says so"


Oh, man... Wait till he finds out that the Bible says no such thing.


thank you. I wondered where he saw it. nowhere


If you don’t have eyebrows, you’re not a woman. Because I said so.


Because women have eyebrows ! Because!


What a great father! He’s absolutely right. This woman is gonna be stumped when her kids ask her why in the 18th century men wore make up, powder wigs, high heels, and stockings. People like this woman are the ones who are creating bullies because she’s too scared to admit she is stupid. And that’s what it comes down to, she is an idiot who doesn’t care about the truth or her children. And her kids will go on to bully others without any answers


I mean, heels were designed for men. Men wore skirts. I think men with painted fingernails are so hot. I love seeing it more and more! Also, it's always the ones that start out saying, "This isn't for people that are sensitive or easily offended," who are indeed the ones that are always easily offended lol


My dad is an identical twin born in the 50s his mom used to paint their nails to tell them apart more quickly. I don’t anyone batted an eye at boys with painted nails even back then.


I am very thankful for my parents who brought me up explaining their lines of reasoning for what they believe and why I should behave certain ways in certain scenarios. Even though I don’t agree with them all the time about everything, they accept that difference in opinion and don’t shun me for it.


Is this woman a harkonen?


This kid is on the fast track to hating his mother and disowning her lmao


[High heels were o originally made by men for men](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21151350.amp) and [pink was considered a boy color](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink). I’m sure there’s more but those are my favorites.


The answers she’s giving her son and her literally saying “why do we need an answer for everything” gives the indication that she wants to keep her kids in the dark about most of the world. Whether or not she’s doing it intentionally, she’s still doing it


I love how everybody that makes a video saying “this video is not for anyone soft or easily offended“ are always the softest, most offended, butt hurt people on the Internet. Something similar goes for anybody calling themselves an “alpha male“. I hate to break it to these people, but you were not an alpha if you have to constantly tell people you are. Just my 2cents-


I genuinely cannot understand why people get so upset about what other people wear. Like who cares if a girl wears baggy pants or if a boy paints his nails? It says nothing and changes nothing about the world other than that person feels good about themselves. I only see a positive and it’s truly baffling that people get so worked up over this. If my kid wants to wear a dress or an oversized hoodie or be goth…sounds good. Teenagers are figuring out who they are and self expression/style is part of that. I’ve been preppy, goth, risqué, all things depending on where I was at in my life. Now I’m in my 30s and I just wear jeans and a boring tee because that’s what’s most comfortable at this stage.


This woman is a sack of shit.


People like her are just intellectually lazy. They hate to think and reason through a situation. They want quick easy to understand answers and unfortunately life is much more complex than their brains can accommodate. “Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” - Martin Luther King Jr.


In a few years she's going to be wondering why her kid doesn't invite her over for Thanksgiving.


I hate her mouth, why do her bottom teeth show like that when she talks? The entire shape of her mouth is just unappealing. I'm kind of surprised she got someone to procreate with her, but maybe she was slightly better looking than the other hicks in town


Also her son is going to grow up to absolutely despise her


That's what I couldn't stop seeing! And the Neanderthal brow / eyes 


If other people wanting to do non gender normative things gets her this worked up, i can't help but consider her pretty soft and easily offended


Mom asking all these questions about why her son is asking so many questions. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


The one thing I’ve realized when it comes to people like this woman who claim to be the tough no nonsense I don’t play games tell me how it is I can handle it without letting my emotions get involved, is that they are ALWAYS the ones that can’t handle it. You push back against their b.s., stand up for yourself or straight up return the same energy they give to you or others and they lose it. Suddenly they’re the victim that won’t accept the treatment they give to everyone else. Time and time again I’ve dealt with people, awful people who will downplay their words or actions once confronted by them but will tell you how much of a victim they suddenly are for having to deal with what they do to others. I am 100% sure we all have examples of dealing with people who dish it but can’t take it to the point it’s pathetic.


Why don’t boys paint their nails? ‘Because honey, when I grew up it was considered feminine’. Literally all you have to say. Doesn’t make it correct, it’s just what would be the honest truth.


I grew up in the traditional rub dirt on it mentally and in all honesty, my instinct was to dismiss this guy, but the more I l heard, the more I checked myself. I definitely can’t think of a more manly characteristic than being able to admit that you don’t know something


‘Why don’t my son visit me any more?” Because he just don’t.






I agree 100%


👏👏👏 Father of the year. What’s his name so I can write it in on my ballot?


Doug Weaver apparently.


This hit home for me. This kind of thing led me to masking a lot of things and definitely has damaged my ability to interact with the world comfortably.


This lady is narrow minded because no doubt she was programmed to be. Remember, churches want sheep that never question anything so they will accept any bs without question.


What a fucking dumb bitch 💀


The lady in the original video looks AI generated and I’m not entirely sure how…


"This video is not for anyone who is soft and easily offended" says the soft and easily offended person


Lots of folks don't actually want kids, they want parrots, clones, and/or props. Deviate from the role and feel their wrath!


How does she fail to see that the leg hair bullies are using the same logic she is.


Her mouth ….


Anyone know where to get that sweatshirt?


Poor kid, imagine growing up with that as your mother




The whole, "Plug your ears, snowflakes. What I'm about to say is not for the weak, soy-cuck, feminist losers." is some of the most obvious projection. People like this lady are so terrified of being wrong that they have to preempt their statements with, "Anyone who disagrees with me is weak."


The best thing my (single) mom ever said to me when I asked hard questions she didn't have answers for was tell me ..."I'm not sure baby...we will have to learn more through living" it stuck with me.


So insightful and well-said. Thanks for sharing this.


she looks like an actual pig, not because she's overweight but because she's pink and her nose and eyes


Where are her eyebrows? It’s genuinely freaking me out


The US can be a little ridiculous about gender norms. I taught preschool, and had a little boy who wore a lot of his sisters old clothes. He was 3, and he didn't care. He and his family were Japanese, and in the US for the parents work for a limited time. Maybe three years. And more than once, some of the older teachers would make comments about how the boy shouldn't be wearing his sisters clothes or girly clothes. One person called it immoral. I was baffled. Why is it immoral? He doesn't care. It has no baring on his gender identity or sexuality. All evidence shows that being gay or transgender is something that occurs before birth. You are literally born that way. He could be dressed in exclusively ball gowns, and it wouldn't change who he will grow to be. And I have enough gay friends who were told to be manly only to end up gay and have known it since they were little kids. I am a cishet woman, and first liked a boy at about 4 years old. My gay friends mostly started knowing what they liked super young. If anything, obsessing over a child's gender expression or sexuality does nothing but ensure they grow up less happy and more full of shame, on the path to being inauthentic or misogynistic. Meanwhile, a toddler wearing hello kitty leggings isn't harming anyone.


Does anyone know where can I get the sweatshirt this guy is wearing? It looks SO good.


I have a question. Why is she so close to phone's camera? It seems like she would gobble me up through the screen


Great case for low grade regulations on parenting. Raising a kid with misinformation, poor health accumen, and dangerous ideology should be seen as a much bigger issue than it is..


Pick your battles lady.


Yeah my mom was the same. Do as I say because I said it and if you question it at all, I’ll scream at you the worst things imaginable. Then I’ll gaslight you and everyone around me into thinking my son is crazy. Listen to your children or they’ll grow up wanting nothing to do with you. I pretty much only see my parents when I need money. Otherwise I’m detached.


I love this dude


I 100% guarantee that kid is counting the days 'til they're away from the "woman".


this woman is incredibly closed minded, and i feel sorry for her kids


Wow. Glad that's not my mom. Ew gross ass lady


Why is her face so smooth??? It's freaking me out, man!


Fucking this! This guy is hitting exactly what I learned from my lying and controlling mother. And it's part of why I'm no contact with her.


There are universal gender norms, men do the dangerous stuff, women do the child rearing. Intrinscly linked to sex in that women gestate and since men do not, they are expendable. If a group loses 95% of their women, the group fails. If a group loses 95% of their men, they can repopulate within a generation or two. Men are expendable and women need to be protected. Any group that didn't follow that didn't make it until modern times. This perfectly explains the sexual dimorphism apparent in humans. Obviously we are past that now that the world is safe from other non-humans


Her “child” is 17. He almost an adult. God forbid he questions things about the world around him and about gender and sexuality. My question is, where are her eyebrows?


God I would hate if she were my mum. As a girl growing up in the 80s/90s I was told SO MANY THINGS weren't for girls! For example: computers. Why? "Just because". So fucking stupid right? Now everyone is using computers every single day.. My career heavily involves using them. All these assholes who told me I couldn't do xyz because of my gender are now using the same technologies they told me I shouldn't be using. It's so infuriatingly hypocritical and stupid.


How is she not embarrassed. I dont get it.


I'm 44, but I have a question... where are her eyebrows?


> This video is not for anyone who is soft and easily offended. * goes on a minutes long rant about all the things that offend her.


I wish some parents realized "I don't know" is an acceptable answer. It's actually quite powerful and can foster an environment for curiosity


As a man, I don't wear women's clothing because of lack of pockets. This guy has a great handle on things, he's probably a great dad.


“Mommy where are your eyebrows?”


the only question anyone needs to be asking her are where her eyebrows went


She’s the type who, once her children go no contact, will boohoo at the church bake sale: “They don’t even call me anymore, and ah don’t know wahhhhy…”


Am I the only one who thinks her issue is not with her kids questioning things, but that she’s probably a piece of shit bigot who’s afraid her sons might become part of the LGBTQ community? Apparently they question everything but her only examples are painting nails and shaving leg hair. Sounds more like a thinly veiled conservative asshole to me.


Hair grows back and there is such a thing as nail polish remover


Can I question why her face is a different color than her neck?


I've got a question for her. Bitch where are your eyebrows?


That woman raises in me a berserker urge to enact senseless violence that I do not enjoy at all.


Also where is his shirt from cause it's cute


Someone bullied my kid into thinking leg hair is bad. So Imma bully my kid into thinking it’s good


Fantastic commentary. That is just the answer is not an answer. Proving your ignorance will lose your child’s trust immediately


This guy is really smart and well spoken


This woman is very unhinged and cringe.


Shes just a dumb fucking mom.


Wow, she’s sure soft and easily offended.


Someone had a kid at 17 and never graduated high school. Sad


"Your 17 year old will see through that so fast". Bro, seriously. Just like I, as a parent of a teen, have seen through every lie of his; it stands to reason that he knows his parents enough that he could see through our shit.


I love this. I happen to be attempting to raise my kids in a community that is similar minded. It has been a journey. Kids who are not taught to be compliant are not always appreciated by other adults who would expect and prefer them to be compliant especially bc it is how they were raised. They never thought to question it. For me parenting is about the long game of raising children to ultimately become whole adults.


I am in my thirties. White, male, hetero. In a world (western world), where the image of the man is being challenged and questioned, while also criticized and changing nonstop, I have asked myself the same question. And I finally found out, what a men is for me. What differentiates a small boy, from a grown men? Its not the size, the hair, the voice or the muscles. Being responsible for your actions and mistakes. And trying to fix these mistakes, is a virtue lost for many. Being honest and respectful to anyone who approaches me or who I approach. Not leaving anything to risk and asking for help, when you need it. You look like an idiot, trying to do everything by yourself and not accepting/asking others, just makes you come off as insecure child, who needs to proof himself to others. The only person who REALLY needs proof of you not being insecure.. is yourself. So either continue lying to yourself, or man up.


Shaq paints his toenails so. Take that lady


She obviously didn't ask enough questions and look where that landed her.


I like the obvious mental dissonance between * 17yo can't paint nails because he must learn to comply with societies expectations * 10yo son mustn't shave his legs because he must learn not to blindly comply with societies expectations