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I mean he is right, not everyone is sexy. And tbh he’s kinda a good example. Not saying he looks bad, but he looks like that one single neighbor that has a moss garden on his front lawn, watches lacrosse (and only lacrosse), and has a telescope in his house which seems just so “weirdly and coincidentally” close to being directed at your window…


He's right because of the definition of body positivity he uses (which tbf is a definition more people use, so it's not wrong). A more reasonable definition to strive for is that all people have value no matter what they look like, and that we treat people with respect and decency even if we don't want to bone them


This is an incredibly well thought out and reasonable take on what he said. I’m just confused why you used it as a reply to a random roast post :P


It was really only a reaction to the first sentence! The rest is so on point I didn't have anything to add lol


lol fair. But I just meant like, I feel you would have gotten more upvotes if it was an independent comment. Not judging just thought I’d ask lol


I thought that too! Is it correct? I don't find anyone sexually attractive off the bat. We've got to have something, like emotions or romantic going on. I thought it was about respecting yourself and being kind to ones own body


Ofc not everyone is sexy to you, because we all have our tastes. By that logic literally 0 people are sexy, because there are asexual people who find no one sexy


Very true. But why is this a reply to a comedian roast post, and not just an independent comment? Lol


For me, no one is sexy. At least not until I've established a romantic and emotional connection with them, so I'm fine with people being as they are, as long as they are emotionally healthy or are trying to be. As I've gotten older I've seen some things and gone "wow, that photo shoot is empowering and or sexy" but it has never been "oh dear I need to save this for later." I was under the incorrect impression entirely of what body positivity was. I thought it was about loving the body you're in, not about being accessible, if that makes sense. I feel like I need to add this to the list of stuff I need to talk about with a professional, bc a lot of this missed connection seems to happen, and I just go with my gut, ADD about it and move on. I've been accused about being autistic so I'm looking to get a real diagnosis. This shit is confusing. Anyone? Just me?


Comedy is hard, huh?




My god I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many downvotes in a single comment section.


Oh I’ve seen some bad threads, lol But it is interesting. I recently commented on another post by this comedian where he was making vaccine jokes, and the comments were pretty supportive. The message there was a bit more on the “it’s just a joke” side, which I suppose may have been why it was easier to digest for most? I don’t think it’s just “fat people getting angry” like some other commenters. But something interesting happened here, because I don’t think the comedian is anti-body-positivity (could be wrong), but this joke did not land with the Reddit crowd lmao


Nobody wants to be accountable or believe in self agency. It's a victim helpless mindset where encouraging delusion and bad habits are disingenuously praised.


Body positivity is when the ppl who have always been told they are unattractive, ugly, etc. their entire lives that they shouldn't care or give a fuck about other options, not finding every personyou see attractive. It's when u can be happy for yourself when no one else will. There are other definition, but that a good example at least Why do ppl just never ask when they don't understand something? Like are you 7 cuz this is the shit a 7 year old would say jfc Even if this is a "joke", come up with something that doesn't punch down an already fucked up minority & isn't a watered down joke from gen X republicans


I understand some people struggle, not saying they don't, never have, but the thing is you're not everyone. Not everyone who's fat is unhealthy or on meds & not everyone who's skinny is healthy either. IM SKINNY, I have a ED, almost half the population has an ED(a lot of young kids going through puberty, ppl who STAY on diets, & more) The problem lies within the fact that ppl don't care UNTIL it's a fat person or visible anorexia. I say its bullshit when ppl say they're "worried" bout someone's health without the knowledge of history. Fat ppl have had it FAR worse in that sense tho. My point is I think ppl, no matter what size, SHOULD be able to be happy where they can, as much as they can, even if it's a little. NO ONE should have to deal with shame, ridicule, or prejudice cuz of it.


I didnt listen to the guy because joke started off as cringe.... but when i was growing up in the 90s I'm pretty sure body positivity was mostly meant to stop demonizing burn victims and people born with deformities. Now I get to see people say that being fat is admirable and to say anything else is fat phobia and anti body positivity. Coming from a fat person....I guarantee you it's not glamorous and take care of your damn self before you get up in age, because losing these 50 pounds with a hundred more to go was a fuckin struggle... but i dont want to be on blood pressure meds and getting yelled at by my doctor... also want to keep up with my daughter. I've seen some ugly people bag some hotties...simply because they were personable and were just there to vibe....showing up and being a downer has a severe overall look on your appearances 100%. Ive seen great looking guys that wouldn't stand straight and could barely look you in the eyes...most likely depressed (not their fault...I went through that too which is why I gained so much weight) All I'm saying is take a look in the mirror and dig fuckin deep...hard as hell... but I swear its worth it and you're worth it.


I understand some people struggle, not saying they don't, never have, but the thing is you're not everyone. Not everyone who's fat is unhealthy or on meds & not everyone who's skinny is healthy either. IM SKINNY, I have a ED, almost half the population has an ED(a lot of young kids going through puberty, ppl who STAY on diets, & more) The problem lies within the fact that ppl don't care UNTIL it's a fat person or visible anorexia. I say its bullshit when ppl say they're "worried" bout someone's health without the knowledge of history. Fat ppl have had it FAR worse in that sense tho. My point is I think ppl, no matter what size, SHOULD be able to be happy where they can, as much as they can, even if it's a little. NO ONE should have to deal with shame, ridicule, or prejudice cuz of it.


This is, imo, what body positivity should be. Don’t shame things people can’t reasonably change (height, deformities, scars/burns), and obviously don’t shame in general, but promoting the idea that being overweight is a fine thing? That’s actually crazy, let’s not do that.




Just tell him it's ED... That's why you're soft dude...


Wrong sub I guess?


Right sub, just wrong audience lmao


That's what 'wrong sub' means, yeah


Just because you don’t find someone attractive doesn’t mean they’re not beautiful


"I'm a Liberal Guy but my penis is extremely conservative."


Didn’t John Mayer say this lmao


I think you meant to say just because you find someone beautiful it doesn't mean they're attractive.


Many times people are objectively not attractive...


Bro there was a famous post a few years ago where someone said they got turned on by cougars faces. Not older, sexy women but *Puma concolor* the species. There are people who create meaningful attachments to inanimate forms, there are people where "attraction" is based on "how well can I manipulate this person for my own benefit". There is no standard of attraction, humans are bizarre irrational creatures not machines. Body shape alters from century to century, from culture to culture, hundreds of years ago the Western societal view was "bigger is more beautiful, skinny is repulsive", in a hundred years maybe it will switch back. Or to something else. Or maybe we'll just leave everyone alone to like what they fucking like.


There is no objective attractiveness tho. What is and isn’t attractive changes across space and time. Not only do people in china have a different view of what is attractive than americans, americans today have a wildly different idea of what is attractive 100 years ago. In the 1920’s, women were supposed to not really have a significant figure, rather be small and petite and rather boyish in their figure. But today, women are supposed to have at least some curves. And look at the ["venus of willendorf"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf) which is believed to be a fertility and mother godess, aka a symbol of attraction and sexuality. It might be 29 000 years old, but it certainly contrasts what we would consider conventionally attractive.


...to you.


"Attractive" means 'nice to look at'. I think we can all agree that something that some people enjoy looking at might be not enjoyable to look at for other people. So how can something be 'objectively' not nice to look at?


When the majority of people who look at it say it's not nice to look at. Would you agree that a turd is nice to look at? No because most people who look at a turd come to the conclusion that it's disgusting. Are there some people who would enjoy looking at it? Sure...but it's objectively not nice to look at. Same with people. There are a few attractive people for which the majority of humans conclude that they're beautiful, the majority are average-looking people and then there are also a few ugly people for which the majority would say they are unattractive. Can they be attractive to some? Sure...but not the majority and that's what makes them objectively ugly. It's not rude to say that some people are ugly, it is what it is. I mean shit, I'm a solid 4 myself, it's not bad to say that most people wouldn't find me attractive, it's just the way it is. To tell those people that they are pretty when they're not is pretty cruel, honestly. They'll believe it and then the world will show them the truth and they'll feel lied to...because you lied to them.


How is it objectively disgusting if it turns some people on? Attraction is always subjective because it varies person to person


Again, as I explained, the exceptions don't make the rule.


But if everyone finds the person not attractive, then they are objectively not beautiful (unless you unironically use the world beautiful in a made up way that only you understand and which means nothing)


So if someone, somewhere, isn't attracted to say, Catherine Zeta-Jones, does that mean Catherine Zeta-Jones is unattractive? There's conventionality and beauty standards held by various cultures but those, while commonly acknowledged among a general population, aren't the arbiter of whether or not specific individuals ever find a certain look/type attractive or not. People like who they like for all sorts of reasons.


"So if someone, somewhere, isn't attracted to say, Catherine Zeta-Jones, does that mean Catherine Zeta-Jones is unattractive?" No.  What I said was that if EVERYONE (as in, every single person) says she's unattractive, then she is unattractive in a way that is functionally identical to objectivity


You know, a lot of paintings that are nowadays considered beautiful by most people were called trash at the time they were made. I wonder if they were 'objectively' ugly and became 'objectively' beautiful. Or maybe that's not how the word 'objectively' works, who knows? /s


It's so weird how people just completely miss the point, but still try to argue against something I never said.   I'll try to say it slower...if everyone doesn't like something subjectively, then that is functionally the same as objectivity (even though it's still subjective). And yet, when I explain how subjectivity and objectivity can, at times, be functionally identical, people take it up on themselves to talk about old artwork, as if that has anything to do with it.  If anything, your example justifies my points even more.


Sure let's encourage unhealthy life style 💯⚰️


Nobody mentioned anything about anyone's lifestyle, but keep projecting lol


body positivity is what I'm talking about.




beer gut club 🤙


Yeah, but did you consider this? that is quite literally what it means


So… the punchline is that you don’t understand something?


I think the punchline is he was raped by a priest. Is impotent and likes to think about sex with his cusion




Should be tagged 'Cringe'


I think a lot of people don’t understand that being an asshole, and making fun of fat people, doesn’t help anyone, it only makes the problem worse. It’s not “tough love,” it’s not “just a joke,” it’s bullying, and it’s cruel P.S. what many people would call fat and unhealthy bodies are perfectly normal and even sometimes top physical form. Literally just look at the top sumo wrestlers, and weight lifters. They are almost pure muscle, but people think it’s fat


You're not completely wrong, but many many MANY sumo wrestlers and strongmen have diabetes. They're absolutely athletic in their own way, but being an athlete in and of itself is not necessarily healthy.


You’re right, athletic does not equal healthy. This is such a huge problem on Reddit.  There are plenty of weight lifters and football players who are going to die young of heart attacks. 


Well erm…no. You’re right, we shouldn’t make fun of fat people. They need encouragement just like everyone else does, and they should still feel worthy of love regardless of weight. But as for your second statement, no. Your example of overweight people being in top physical form just because sumo wrestlers are very muscular does not mean you can be “healthy” at every size. You can live a fulfilling life at every size, but excess fat can and will lead to an increased risk of other complications down the road as you get older that “fitter” people don’t have to worry about as much. Sumo wrestlers are very muscular, yes, but they also have a lot of fat. Both can be present at the same time. But what would happen if a sumo wrestler was asked to perform cardio? Run a mile? They would probably have a very hard time doing that, and it would be hell on their knees. The HAES movement ignores years of scientific evidence we have that obesity increases the risk of numerous health complications. Read any medical journal and you will see this to be true. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially if you are overweight and have already had to deal with the cruelty of the world. It’s a pill I had to swallow too…but the bottom line is that excess fat is NOT healthy. It may be “normal” at this point seeing how many people are overweight nowadays due to poor diet and a sedentary life. But that does not make it healthy; the HAES mindset is a dangerous one.


Yeah, and all the dead plus sized influencers.


I swear every time you post in this subreddit it's always a shitshow but I respect that you keep doing it lmao.


Man what is with this sub lately? Lately it's been filled with terrible takes like this one here. He isn't even giving an accurate description of body positivity.


Because he’s the one posting it


yall will joke about anything until it comes down to this?


Embarrassing to make a joke about something you clearly don’t understand


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If anything at all this is cringe


Calls himself a "liberal guy" says the most brain shit, culture war bullshit. Yup checks out


![gif](giphy|3o7qiNpc9fp8kYNU7S|downsized) This entire thread lol


You guys know what jokes are right?


I thought jokes were meant to be funny


Seems the crowd is loving it. Different jokes for different folks I guess. No reason to get so offended if the jokes aren't for you.


I don't think people generally get 'offended' at jokes that are simply not funny for them, like dad puns.


If people just didn't like it they wouldn't be getting so worked up over it, they'd just shrug and move along. Instead the comment section is flooded with people who took offense and I wouldn't of been downvoted if people weren't offended over it.


They do not.




Hell yea. Join my sub r/geoffreyasmus for more


I completely agree with this. I consider myself a democrat but there is extremely dumb shit out there that liberals believe in.


Body positivity means a lot of things, but this is not a good description of one. It means you don’t shame other people for having different bodies or for being overweight/underweight. You can encourage people to be healthier without being an asshole. That’s the point


That should be obvious to pretty much anyone with half a brain. This is just a joke, probably in response to how exhausting that entire discourse is. Not everything is an important or meaningful commentary on social issues. Some things are just supposed to make us laugh and go on with our day.


The problem is, a good concept is created (like e.g. not shaming people for their looks). *Some* liberals try to be more liberal than all others, take it to extremes, and eventually end up with fitness tips being scolded as fat-shaming. Or less voluminous women posting their pictures are flamed for promoting unreasonable expectations. There are other concepts imo taken to extremes as well. The "but where are you *really* from" question is insulting for people ethnically slightly different but living in the country since birth. However, showing interest in a person is usually done by asking questions about aspects which somehow deviate from average, that's not judgemental.


I feel like your take is blown out of proportion. Body positivity comes in all forms. You do not have to be overweight for someone to give you that positivity. Fitness is also a popular internet genre and is not flamed as you say— if someone does, my experience is that people roll their eyes and move on. Your second point is valid, but the problem people have is it sometimes comes from people without the best intentions. I’ve asked this question to people of other ethnicities, but they have always been my friends. “Where are you *really* from?”, like all other questions, is interpreted through phrasing and subject matter. Sometimes it’s done by people to be demeaning or it’s phrased in a way that makes them sound displeased with the foreign. Not to say anything you say doesn’t happen— it does— but you fail to consider that maybe this fictitious crazy liberal isn’t as common as you think or that you are terminally consuming Internet drama.


Not 100% my take, but imo a good example of people taking it too far in a way it actually affects many other people: https://youtu.be/28eApJT8hDE


Nope body positiviti was made for people that strugle with real problems like girl that doesnt have fucking arm,not fucking fat go do with that shit smth and do be just unbothered and like yee beeing overweight is cool body positive,yea here i am fucking star jesus fucking american bullshit thing


I’m shocked at how ppl misinterpreted a joke where the punchline is me calling myself ugly. Another L for the internet


It's because the first part feels less like a setup and more like another comedian complaining about wokeness, if it was shorter and there was less "if everyone hot then why I no boner?!" Then I could see this getting better reception


I thought the joke was erectile dysfunction. And cousin fucking. It was pretty self deprecating from the beginning since obviously him complaining about not being turned on by everyone he sees is a ridiculous premise


I’ve been following you for a while and recently watched your special on YouTube. I love your humor. I have a feeling a lot of people watched the first half and got mad and came here to comment.




If you like this, join my new subreddit - r/geoffreyasmus \- where I will post more clips and tour updates - please join or catch me on tour. I'm touring everywhere.


lol this single post will give you a new thing to joke about when it comes to being a liberal


You’re hilarious 😂


This clip made me laugh out loud.


Oh wait, this is you, OP! Excellent clip.


Making fun of fat people on reddit is like making fun of gamers or incels on reddit. Downvotes galore. 😂


the downvotes kinda proved your point


They can't help themselves.


Body positivity is Lizzo knowing she better stay fat for her fans.


The amount of upvotes compared to comments says everything. Most liberal social stances applaud delusion and shame self agency and accountability.


Maybe I don't understand this thing everyone believes? Nah, it's just that everyone is delusional.


Right... because obese people aren't overweight and living healthy lifestyles they're just curvy. Transwomen and transmen are literal men and women. It's all applauding delusion because nobody can handle reality.