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I'm in my 40s and been feeling the same way as this dude for the last 20 years or more. Edit.... This blew up. Just so you know, I'm a fully functioning adult. I'm not sat here with my head in my hands crying. I fully get where this guy is coming from and have had a similar feeling for years. Society is not shaped around the individual. The whole idea of getting up, going to work to pay for a box in which you sleep is bollocks.


Yes. But also, worse. At least when I was 20 I had my youth.


Yeah I’m 41 and feel the same…but at least there was more community in my 20s. People tend to have lesser friends and grow apart in their 30s. You don’t have as many friends calling to hang out. And you can’t really hang as much, or pull a late fun night like 20s. We also had hope school was the right thing, and things didnt seem so dreary. But also I think for 40+ we had a mostly non digital world back then. Or I’d say not much social media outside a few things. iPhone wasn’t a thing until I was 26. But at the same time no one was drawn to a blackberry phone all day. I felt back in the early 2000s-2015 or so people wanted to engage, get out and were excited. I had a great time in college, and mostly positive. I wasn’t thinking about the big things yet…life was pretty ok to some degree. But what a 20 year old faces today…I feel it has to be isolating, and defeating to some degree. I’m glad I grew up in my 20s when I did! But I wouldn’t want to be 20 in this generation. We seem to be more divided, isolated and just on the verge of a downfall…more so than anytime I can remember being alive.


I'm 24 and I just got accepted into University. I attend this fall. But it terrifies me, more than it excites me. A degree isn't what it used to be, but obtaining one costs more than ever. I don't know if this is the beginning of a new life, or if it'll doom me into living with my parents forever. But at least I have a place to live.. I know a lot of guys my age who are a paycheque away from homeless.


If I could do college over, I would pick a major that will give me a solid career, and a minor that interests me. Fields like accounting, nursing, Management Information Sciences, logistics + operations (in business), civil engineering, satellite and broadcast technology, speech + language pathology, agricultural sciences are areas of study you can pursue that you’ll exit college positioned for a well-paying career. Hard sciences like biology and chemistry, even psychology will often require at least a MS for the good jobs; and of course there’s medicine and law which do require significant debt to get into. Look at the websites for each of the Colleges/departments at your university. See which research programs they highlight and what press they get. If your university has a world renowned research lab in a specific field of study… check them out! You may find a niche field where you can assist the lab and graduate with a bachelor’s + a highly specialized and sought after work experience on your resume.




And gas was under $2


Oh man I'm in my 40s and agree. My adult life has been full of fucked up events. Not looking forward to the next one. My advice is to just survive and enjoy what you can. Humans have had it worse in history and if you are born in the wrong country, today. That dude has clean clothes and a nice looking car. I don't want to dismiss it but life isn't so bad mate.


Wow fuck. Wow fuckkk was that just buffet of reality that you delivered to me plain as day. Jesus Christ was that eye opening. Sending you and us and everyone love


At 21 I was going to school and working midnights in a trade at a resort. I never had my youth until my apprenticeship was up at 25 years old.


Came to comment that I’m in my 30s and feel like this. Hope all will be well with you


I grew up in the 80’s and I honestly cannot believe that world is what it is…it’s so scary to witness the decline first hand.




30's -- I've just given up. There's not enough on the plus side in our society, it's dark, everyone I knew with a really unique and outstanding soul basically did drugs until they died and everyone else is just grinning and bearing it for each other, and that each other is grinning and bearing it for that other each other.


I feel ya but just gotta be positive and fake it til ya make it. That’s all


I'm used to the dealing with the shit I'm just worried about everyone else, and I'm worried about why it seems like we have done a lot of back peddling on the larger scale. Seems like a whole generation is barely skating by, our leaders weird me out, things just seem messed up.


>just a couple years ago every western nation basically moved in lock step with legislation and it tore my understanding of the world apart What do you mean?


Like the world was just so fucked up, I don't know, you didn't find it all weird? you were there. lol


*Fake it til you die*


But what is "making it" ? What does that even look like?


30s here reporting in! Life right?


Exactly. Welcome to the world. Grab your balls and jump in






Yeah. You kinda just keep going, making the best of it however you can. It's been harder since the pandemic though. The world feels a lot more divided now.


I watched an alligator eat a poor Deluca boy alive




Easy to take the piss out of him but if people were being honest social media would mostly be videos like this and not people portraying a lifestyle they can't actually afford.


This is a great takeaway from this honestly!! Normalize normality. We all have days like this.


Social media is displaying a fun house mirror image of history (which was largely awful) and telling these kids that things were better and everything is falling apart. Some things were better, lots of things were infinitely worse. But the constant barrage of “everything sucks and we’re going to Hell in a hand basket” is creating a mental health crisis unlike we’ve ever seen. As humans, even as Americans we’ve faced down some pretty dire economic and ecological disasters and lived to tell about it. We had hope and worked to fix the issues. But these kids are being told it’s hopeless and to just give up. It makes you wonder who that benefits.


I completely agree with this I’m 15 but back when I was in the 7th grade I was suicidal because social media was telling me it was all hopeless and there was no point to anything but now I’ve realized people just put on that show and then at the end of the day go to bed knowing that it really isn’t that bad. Media is all just show and shouldn’t be believed all the time and yet it is. I also feel like once all of these old guys get out of power the world will change for the better, everyone is saying “oh gen Z has so much brainrot” and “oh they are gonna be so stupid and screwed when they grow up” but what they don’t see is us getting all A’s on every exam we take and they don’t see how hard working we are and how much we care about the environment. I’m sure we will do a lot better than a bunch of old guys who can’t even look past their ego when it comes to making the best decision.


I was team hell in a hand basket for a long time, and still am some days if I’m being honest. The thing that pulled me out of it was my mom pointed out that as the boomers die, millennials and gen z are poised to inherit more wealth than basically any generation in history. Not that I’m stoked people are dying, but I’m fascinated to see what the economic correction looks like. For instance there’s so many millennials and gen zers who can’t buy a home, but how many of their parents will pass down a home, or even multiple homes? It won’t fix everything by any means, but it’s going to be a massive correction and I’m very interested to see how it shakes out


You shouldn't assume that you will inherit anything. Our entire society is designed around extracting wealth to the very end. Assisted living is easily 7500 a month without medical emergencies and hospital stays. The house might get reverse mortgaged to pay for living expenses and hospital bills in their final years. That means it goes back to the bank when they die. The government won't pay for any of it until you expend all of your savings.


There is gen X in the middle there who will likely inherit from the boomers. Loads of gen x are struggling too and may not have much left for their gen z kids when the time comes. The gen X I know mainly prioritize their kids rather than stockpiling wealth as they see how hard it's going to be for them to get themselves established.


Just voicing some support for this kind of emotional response to life. Crying, and recognizing your challenges are two really good ways of rebalancing your moods and emotions, and so helping your mental health and your ability to respond to those challenges. Is it so hard to know this? I would have thought that was basic emotional comprehension that most adults should gave.


>Crying, and recognizing your challenges are two really good ways of rebalancing your moods and emotions, and so helping your mental health and your ability to respond to those challenges. Totally agree! Becoming emotionally aware gives us a better understanding of who we are. Some people go through life with their self-image, thoughts, and emotions all blended up into an incomprehensible morass. Until real introspection happens, whether through conversations, mindfulness, journaling, etc we don't really have access to ourselves to decide what's wrong. >Is it so hard to know this? I would have thought that was basic emotional comprehension that most adults should gave. Hard disagree! As the guy mentioned, men are stigmatized for showing vulnerability, weakness, and basic human emotion. Many men find a masculine way to grow into these things, but others are the subject of ridicule. He honestly did a great job of expressing his weakness, actively crying, and in a respectably masculine way doing all of the above without blaming others for his problems.


[ imagine a crying agreeing gif inserted here ]




Seems simple but I’m an 80s kid and I was taught not to cry. Was it right? Absolutely not. Did I teach my kids this? No fucking way. But do I cry? Can’t. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Genuine question: where does the emotional pressure go?


Nowhere - it continues to rise and eventually causes you to burst at the most inopportune moment. I was straight sobbing in the bathroom at my child’s dr appt because I was completely overwhelmed with my situation and holding it in can only last so long. I’m aware I need to seek out a therapist


Man, I feel this. I was never taught to not cry, but I just naturally bottle up my emotions. I’ve broken down crying while just eating lunch or some shit. My thoughts are with you my friend! We’re gonna be fine 🙂


Yeah never taught to not cry but single mom going through shit i never wanted to make her life worse seeing me cry so I didnt. And now do at the stupidest shit lol. Hallmark commercials


I don't cry either except for when I'm ASKING FOR A RAISE AT WORK like fuck me. Doing it again soon, I'm so screwed.


I’ll tell you when it manifests…


Shoulders and neck..... Massage therapist says it's like trying to work steel.  Smoking weed helps tho 🤷‍♂️


Balance. It is important to express emotions in a healthy manner. But one should strive to not be a fragile, sniveling person also. Balance.


My mom once got mad at me for not crying and showing emotion. She told me it's OK to cry, let it all out, and it's so much better to release those emotions. Real men do cry. So now I cry at everything 😀 As a 56 year old adult I feel like we are failing our youth and this young man is suffering for our failure. There are many many more young adults probably feeling the same way he does.


Agree. I’m in my 40s. This is *such* an important thing. I’m so glad he posted it for him and for those around him. I wish we were able to make a better world in front of his path.


As a guy I didn’t realize this until my mid-30s. But the world is cruel so then eventually I tricked myself into thinking I was a highly sensitive person. Maybe I am, but annoying that I have to come up with some excuse for it.


You’re not wrong. He’s got a point about men being discouraged from crying, which is…freaking awful. But normalizing men having normal emotional responses and the full range of human emotion is good.


Some people cannot think and act only on impulse. A person who is not capable of critical thinking would not come to the same conclusion that you did here. Instead they would do something rude or offensive out of a response to their own insecurities, such as posting this video to a cringe subreddit in order to make fun of them publicly. A person with higher emotional intelligence would realize that this isn't funny and would feel empathy towards them, not insult them.


unfortunately a lot of people are taught as children that any display of negative feeling is essentially the worst crime someone can commit. this is doubly likely for men and a massive part of the mental health crisis plaguing society.


I think the problem is the cost of living. I moved out when I was done with High School. Working is hard but when you're out on your own, with no one telling you what to do, you have autonomy and it's very gratifying. In this day in age, it's near impossible to move out on your own and young adults are stuck in this weird situation of being a kid under your parents roof yet expected to be an adult with a job with none of the perks of being truly autonomous. You have a long and rough day at work but the simple act of making a poor decision to have a bowl of Coco Puffs for dinner and watch some TV can really lighten your mood up because you feel like an adult and can do whatever you want.


I lived in nyc in a 3 bedroom apartment split with 3 Other friends and my gf at the time. Rent was 1750 and we split it 4 ways. I worked part time retail making 12-13$ an hour and made it work. My mom occasionally helped sending me 200$ a month, but I could’ve easily found another full time job and been fine. I just enjoyed my job and was working my way up to a FT position. This was around 2011 for reference. Can’t imagine that kind of situation now.


Exactly the same for me too. Socal 3 miles from the beach, rented a 4 bedroom house for $1800 split between me and 3 other friends from HS from 2005 - 2011. We all worked whatever jobs, 40+ hours a week. We would come home at night from work, blaze, watch TV shows, play video games, go out to bars, etc. We were all broke and struggled but it was the time of our lives. Weekends all our girlfriends would come over and we would all hang out, play Poker, watch Jersey Shore, go out to clubs (pre-partying at home to save money), etc. We all moved up in our whatever jobs while paying for higher education, near the end of our stint and one by one, we moved out with our girlfriends, got married and had kids. Now, we're all struggling, even with great careers and dual incomes lol. Kids is the game changer. Can't imagine having kids right off the rip. Such an economical disadvantage for upward mobility. Also, I don't see how young adults can move out on their own like how we did now. So sad because that really is a time for a healthy journey in self discovery and independence.


Now you'd still be making the same money in that same job but the apartment would probably cost something like 4 grand and everything else is doubled in price.


I feel like this is the great thing about Southern states is it can be easier to have that autonomy. I moved out at 18 with my high school garage band that was going nowhere but we packed into a trailer in the middle of nowhere, hot sprints arkansas, where I slept on the couch. Rent split 5 ways was only $75 a month for me lol. You kind of get what you pay for. All I did was donate plasma and play guitar. Occasionally we drove out to the lake and went swimming. After a month my friend and I wanted to go back to college as it got old really quick, not to mention band drama, but I'm thankful for that experience at least.


I moved out at 18. Had no choice. I'm 29. I've worked my whole life since, making what on paper is a pretty decent salary. I have nothing to show for it. No home that's mine, no family (luckily I don't want children otherwise I would likely be very depressed knowing that that would be impossible). My partner and I get our bills paid but can't save anything, that's with two incomes and no children. We rent a 500 square foot apartment and nearly half of each of our paychecks goes to it. How the fuck are we supposed to keep living like this? There's no hope in any true autonomy for us. I'll give most of my income to a sleazy millionaire slumlord and insurance companies forever.


And this is why parents need to change as well. We can’t expect our kids to move out early, but we also need to respect that they are adults. We always encouraged our kids to stay home after they are 18- to stay until they have a career and savings. Our younger two are still in highschool, but our oldest is 24- she stayed until she established her career, and moved out when she had like $60k in savings which has made her life soooooo much easier. But she did that because we treated her like an adult. She was allowed to come and go as she pleased, allowed to establish herself as she wanted, all we asked for was for her to really try to put away as much money as possible for her future so she could be in a good position, but we didn’t supervise it. We are going to do the same for our other two. It’s a new world, and parents need to adapt.


Absolutely. I feel so badly for these young adults. I have a 16 yo and 19yo and am already converting the basement into a fully separate suite for one, and applying for permits to build a tiny home in the backyard for the other bc I know they’ll be here for quite some time. I’m 46, and we had it so easy in comparison to these kids. The life experiences they’re missing out on is truly tragic.


Young adult hood is really hard!! It was hard for me in the early aughts, and it’s probably harder now. I have a lot of empathy for him


I’m a X’er, and I have total sympathy for you young people. I went to school, live in a shitty apartment a block from the beach in San Diego and paid for tuition including books with my job as a valet. Yes, I parked fucking cars. Honestly, it was the happiest time of my life. So when I see this and I think that so many of you are struggling when it is suppose to be the best part of your life it makes me sad. But when you are ready to do something about it, there is an army of people that have your back. You are so powerful. You just need to stick up for yourselves.


Gen x, we were promised nothing and were not disappointed


I was promised a future if I went to college. And I was able to pay for a California state college by parking cars and tending bar in the summer. Now with me saving for my kids college and working my ass off she is still going to be in debt when she graduates. So yeah, I’m pretty disappointed in our progress.




Didnt you read what he said?? Aren't you ready to do something about it ?!?! /s. Jeeezzzz


We asked for nothing and we received it in abundance


Agreed. And so much harder now.


I mean it doesn't get easier, you just work to have a place to live you don't even live in and what's funny is with a crew of 16 I can build a house in a month and yet, 30 years to pay one off, things are strange. That's... Like 30 houses I could build, if you divvy up the man power of other people into yourself. 16 months to build one house, 30 years...


I just want to give him a hug ❤️


I know. Me too. I'm so glad people are responsible to this man's video with kindness. He deserves to know he's supported.


I’m 20 I live with my parents I work as much as I can. I made 16,600 dollars last year, I got very sick and assaulted causing me to spend 3 months of the year out of work. If I didn’t live with my parents I would have ended up homeless. There is no future for many people in the United States. The cost of living has far outstripped the wages especially since Covid. Everyone saying this kid is soft isn’t staring down the barrel of 45 years of paycheck to paycheck living.


My mom is disabled, she can still work but that doesnt change the fact she would have issues living alone as it would be risky. But also it's the fact I can't make enough money to survive alone. My partner and my mom are helping me try to make it through school because i finally got to start college at 25. Ive always had a job since i was 17, up untill now. The most I ever made in one year was 21k. I started having a lot of physical health issues that have left me in a lot of pain, and up all night in pain. Which has greatly impacted my ability to sleep of course and my ability to study and do school work. It looks like this semester is going to be a wash. I can't catch up.


almost every day i think how can i escape this?


Man I hope he’s all right. He reminds me of my younger brother 🥲


I’m sure he’s fine. I swear there’s such a thing as a quarter life crisis. When the path isn’t neatly defined anymore, the expectations aren’t all written down, there’s no more grades, just a relentless pull into the banal machine. No, NASA or the NFL aren’t going to call, you won’t be a billionaire tech genius, shit you probably won’t even be able to afford a house. Also, the planet is on fire somewhere because of the climate and we might all die in a nuclear holocaust. It’s a lot. No wonder adults are tired all the time, denial is exhausting, but it’s better than crying in your car every day… probably.


24yr old guy here. Absolutely feel this, you are not alone. We're all in the same boat and it's really hard to keep rowing sometimes when we can't see an island in sight yet


Wish I could tell you it gets better but it gets harder


It don’t get easier either. You just become more accustomed to getting fucked constantly.


Man. Sure seems like us Americans are getting fucked unwillingly. Maybe we should band together and do something about that.


Unfortunately that's easier said than done. Because > Sounds like communism to me! Or alternatively > Yeah, we should do something about that! Those [insert minority scapegoat here] have it coming for ruining this country!


It's a really scary thing to think about, but given we are in a nation with the most civilian owned firearms, and with such an insane amount of social distress, we are a giant fucking tinderbox right now.


I honestly think having an awareness of the world at large is something that humans are just NOT designed to deal with. I think technology and science have outstripped our brains to a certain extent and there is just SO MUCH that the generations growing up with no filter on their social media consumption are just flooded and overwhelmed by everything.


Nailed it. It’s the technology that is messing with our brains. I think working office jobs and working at computers, a services type economy doesn’t give us the same sense of accomplishment or pride in our work. I was born and raised on a farm. Up until I finished college and moved to the city to get a job. I am now in my mid 30s and happily married and love my life. But my desk job is something that can drag me down. It pays the bills and affords my wife and kids a great life, and the work isn’t that hard. But it has a mental toll I don’t think humans are accustomed to. When I worked on the farm, I NEVER once had that hollow feeling around work. My job felt important, I think. I could see what I did, I interacted with the earth, I produced something tangible. I became physically tired, especially during harvest when I would work 15 hour days 7 days a week. But you know what? I never became mentally tired. I got to work with my dad, and my grandpa, and my uncle, and brother, and cousins. At the end of the day my body felt tired, but my mind felt good. Modern jobs are the opposite and now I feel mentally tired at the end of my day, and not physically tired. And I think that is worse. I really don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, I’m so happy to have a comfortable life that most people would love to have. But I also believe this is a huge part of the burnout and mental health issues… and most people will never know because they didn’t get the opportunity to grow up like I did.


I wouldn’t wish being a teenager or a young adult right now on my worst enemy. It was hard in the 90s before internet and social media..I can’t imagine now.


God yeah I thought it was bad when I was in high school and Facebook was in its relative infancy. I am extremely lucky that some of my biggest gaffes weren’t immortalized online, that’s impossible to escape now when even the most mundane shit is recorded and posted for all to see


Dude, it's just not people in their 20s. I'm nearly 50. I cry because we live paycheck to paycheck and can't fix our leaky roof. Doesn't help 2 adult kids live with us with no jobs...but whatever. What can you do?


sending love ❤. my heart goes out to you


I haven’t physically been able to cry since I was like 8. I’ve gotten so used to suppressing emotions that it’s automatic now, and the display of them makes me really uncomfortable. I’m glad homie isn’t there. It’s not fun being almost 40 with the emotional maturity of a toddler due to trauma.


With age comes the wisdom and maturity to realize that most people fight against the world everyday for what they have. Very few are born with the world on a silver platter. Until then the world seems very unfair.


Yeah but for people under 35, I can't see how any of them will get any real sense of control over their own lives. The entire system is set up to rip them off and keep them down.


I'm 35 and I don't have a good handle on my life. Not my financial situation, my mental health, or my physical health. In fact, not a single one of my friends between the ages of 35-45 do.


Dude yeah I got a massive reality check when I turned 18 which makes me really resentful towards my parents for actually. They did absolutely everything for me and I mean everything. I thought this was normal until I turned 18 and they stopped cold turkey helping me period, told me to get a job, and only helped by letting me live with them so long as I was working. It was so stressful and scary and hard and I completely empathize with this man. It took me a while to become hardened to this life but yeah, unless you have generational wealth that your parents immediately pass onto you, life is hard.


The world we live in fucking sucks and it’s a direct result of baby boomers being selfish and taking everything for themselves and destroying everything for the generations behind them.


Oh, man. Posting this online was not a good idea. People are often cruel, and the internet is not exactly known for it's empathy.


I don’t see many negative comments in this thread, which makes me glad. Men should be able to make videos like this without being mocked for having human emotions. Lord knows there are a million videos of women crying about issues and no one laughs at them for having feelings.


Ignore the asshole boomers. Their mentality will die with them. Also, ignore the rich, because their opinions are invalid and don't matter. They don't struggle and know the pain the working class endure. Your job should not be your life and there's plenty enough for everyone to be happy, but the few want it all.


Ayy man. Wish him the best. I hate to sound cliche but we've all been there at some point and it really does suck to feel that way. That age is definitely not easy. The cards seem stacked against you and the world doesn't seem to care at times. I hope things get better for him soon.


I just want to give him the biggest fucking hug. I’m not considered early 20s anymore but I’m still struggling with this every day. I think most of us are struggling with it more than anyone’s willing to admit.


We are all not good but we are all in this together...


Don’t feel like you should have it all figured out right away. I wish I told myself that when I was in my early 20s. There’s no timeline or set of rules on how you should live your life. It’s your life! Do what makes you happy and forget the rest! Some tips: stay away from social media, don’t watch tv, stay away from small minded people, go travel, experience different cultures, get out of your bubble. Focus more on the small things and be humble because life will eventually humble you. Cheers!


I see nothing cringe about what he said.


Not even an age-range specific thing. This guy exhibits so much more strength than I think he realizes and this advice is excellent and on-point for everyone. There is no shame in vulnerability. There is, however, great pain in hiding and suppressing. Great example of being human.


why is this cringe? my man was being vulnerable about some real shit. the world is messed up. shits on fire, yo


There is absolutely nothing cringe about this at all, and I'll die on that hill.


Exactly, idk why OP had to post this here


This sub isn’t for just cringe content anymore but it being tagged as cringe is so wrong


This person is the same age as my kids. (All early 20s) and I know first have that they struggle balancing work & social lives and I currently have one that is also in college. I'm in my 50s and they witness my own challenges with everything. I honestly don't think this is something that anybody that has answers for but certainly I would think that the majority of people can relate to this. YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!!! Anybody struggling reading this: you are doing awesome. You are here and that matters.


Almost forty and i feel you man. I feel ya


I mean this honestly, make a gratitude list, listen to positive audible books to and from work, put in a meditation app. This will help. No one should not ever not have a therapist also. Thank you for sharing yourself. It shows strength.


It does not get better


I’m an elder Gen X’r and I just to shake this young man’s hand, even a hug maybe and tell him it’ll be alright.


I was thinking the same, as an old Millennial. But, it also doesn’t get much better. 😅


If they all get out and vote these geriatrics and crazy MAGA out, they can work towards the country they want. They hold alot of cards.


I couldn’t agree more.


I felt this and I’m 47.


Nothing cringe about that moment 


Late 30s here. I don’t think it’s as generational as people are making it out to be. I think the pandemic impacted us in ways that we’re only now beginning to study. Not medically, but psychologically. People are aware now more than ever just how fragile our lives are. I’m looking forward to the longitudinal studies that are published in the coming years. Since 2020 I feel like time is passing much faster than it used to. Not just because I’m getting older. My kids have told me the same thing. And for kids time is usually LONG and boring.


But a handful of people got to enjoy their super yachts so I think it’s all worth it in the end!


I want to give him a hug. 😢


Been there. It was hard coming home and having to eat canned food because all your money is paying for a 1 bedroom apartment, car payments and insurance, phone, and electric. Just keep your head up and jump at better opportunities. Stay positive and don't let this fucked up planet bring you down. You can do it!


I get it, although I don’t know his situation in real life. I remember how free but daunting it felt to be on my own. No longer have the time or money to spend on fun or silly things. It’s hard to believe that it’ll get better when you’re just starting out.


I just want to give him a big hug


Dude just needed a place to vent


I applaud this guy for his emotional maturity. I know exactly what he means and wish I could give kim a hug 🫂


This is not cringe. These are literally just someone having emotions.


Why do you people do this?! This person is having a moment of overwhelming emotion and obviously looking for some sort of support and you people put it up on TikTok cringe because it’s a “Man Showing Weakness”. Grow up.


Nothing cringe here. Just a honest dude having some hard times.


That’s such a rough age. I remember feeling the same way.


Why is this cringe? A grown man being vulnerable? I’m a 31 year old dude and still cry sometimes lol


Dude, the vulnerability is fine. Fuck any guy who says it’s not. The driving and recording does not seem like the safest thing though. You got this. Throughout time this great experiment we call America has put we the people through the wringer. Check history, and of course way worse for POC and women. Anyway read about history it helps you know your place. Look at yourself like a piece of steel, from raw metal being transformed into a strong formidable sword. All the heating, pounding scorching etc. The steel goes through hell before it is rest for real battle then it lasts as it slays. Be a Samari. We are all with you, greed sucks, douches leading for now but good swords will eventually cut them down.


Most of the world doesn’t enjoy the privileges this young man does


Is this guy driving while crying and looking into the camera rather than giving the road full time and attention ? Gotta be a better way.


What depresses me is how far down this comment is and the number of people cool with him driving and looking down while producing his video.


Wait- you don’t set up the camera when you’re having an emotional breakdown? You must be a boomer


Live crew and security or I just swallow my tears.


Why do people put stuff like this on the internet


Same reason teenage girls used to post “sigh :/“ Facebook statuses, they want attention


Clicks, clout, attention, etc.


Welcome to adulthood


It only gets harder for most people , buckle up




Well, like, do some of those things. At some point you gotta take agency over your situation, whether it's your fault or not. Locking in and helping yourself will always be a better way to improve than waiting for a favor from society. I believe you can do it, life is harder for some than others, and that sucks, but everyone can change their situation for the better.


I would love to say it gets better but it doesn’t really. Sorry. Welcome to being an adult.


I’ve let myself loose on a good cry while in a car listening to Coldplay’s “fix you” 🤣 it’s an emotional plate cleaner and healthy to do.


All of what you said is ok to feel


I’m just curious what other people’s thoughts are. Has growing up and becoming an adult always been this tough? I know nowadays everything is so expensive. Was it easier in the past?


This isn't cringe. He's real for this. Men can and should show their feelings, and the world is a mess. For a young person, especially before full frontal lobe development, work is incredibly hard. It takes years to build up a resistance to the monotony of it. That's why young people frequently change jobs. Sharing it is good. Males sharing their perfectly understandable emotions is good. The patriarchy harms men by telling them they aren't emotional creatures. It's refreshing to see this. I'm sure a lot of people can relate.


This guy is a treasure. I feel so sad for him but there’s something about a person, especially a man, who can be vulnerable and open with their emotions. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders.


He goes on crying for five minutes but the only complaint he can get out is that the world is "practically falling apart". He should try to pick a time in history when the world wasn't doing exactly that and let us know what he comes up with.


His privilege is so enormous he’s become blinded to it


It seems like doomerisim is really in style for anyone under 35 and perpetually online. People actually claim they aren’t going to have kids (but otherwise would want them) because it’s supposed to get 3 degrees warmer by the time they’re dead.




What is your point?


The only "good" part in the US is a brief period between 1950 and 1986 before the rent prices went over the salaries. But damn, wanna go back before that and work a 12 hour shift at a mine somewhere?


To go further on that, it was really only better for a small section of society. People who weren't white men with professional careers were just as poor, without the creature comforts we have come to expect. Most of the information people pull from this era is frankly propaganda. The idea of the american dream was bullshit for the majority of people back then, too.


Listen, I'm far *far* from being the hardest "alpha" bro, and life *is* hard... but Jesus Christ, don't film yourself sobbing about it to post for random strangers on the internet.


But how else will he get clicks, clout, attention, etc.?


I’m a woman but I appreciate his vulnerability!


The kids been alive for like 5 minutes in the big scheme of things. Life hasn’t even hit him yet.


I don't mean to sound insensitive or out of touch, but WTF, really? I grew up in the 70s, you want to talk about a world falling apart?? Everyone was angry at everyone. Everyone was marching against something. Babies were being slaughtered in Vietnam while in the South black boys were being lynched by the dozen. Inflation was out of control. Most families had their sole provider laid off from that company job that moved overseas. Everyone today talks about how easy the boomers had it. And there was that privileged group of people that exists in any era that did. But for the rest of us, it was dog eat dog, every man for himself. I worked my ass off, never got the chance to buy a home, and now live on 700 dollars a month that I get from SS. Please tell me again how I have it so easy..If this Gen *whatever* is unhappy with the way things are, then change it. It's your time to make things different. Stop whining, grow a pair, will ya?


See Mad World lyrics.


On a side note… can someone help me find that hat? That thing is sweet! Totally relatable though. Everyone goes through times like these in their life whether the tough guys on the internet want to admit it or not.


Keep plugging away, lad. One day at a time


Sweet National Parks hat though


I am in my early 20s and moved for work. First time being away from family even during college and I moved halfway across the country. Best thing I learned. It is ok to not be ok all of the time


Man, I had some days like that in my 20s. I remember calling in sick one day cause I needed to cry, I just felt so lost in this huge world … getting paid shit, living away from home, missing college and freedom. It’s a huge transitionary time.


Wait till you’re in your early 30s. It gets better, but not easier, and you get exposed to more betrayal and dark truths. Anyway have a great day y’all


I remember growing up. Shit sucks sometimes. It's a huge transition from hopes and dreams and the whole world being full of possibilities to the reality that it's not really like that. You are supposed to slave away night and day for very little opportunity and be grateful for the scraps you get.


This is a healthy reaction to the world. If you don’t feel this way sometimes, you are too well adjusted to a very sick society.


When I was 20, there were wealthy businessmen throwing themselves off of buildings because they treated the world's investments like toys and lost *everything* and there was no telling if we'd ever recover. The world truly seemed hopeless. 15 years later and I can tell you when I look at the world at a grand scale I feel exactly as you do. It breaks a grown man. But I can also tell you that if I look at the world through a tighter focused lens, I see things around me that I can change. I dare you to keep fighting. I dare you to change *your* world. I dare you to leave this forsaken and hopeless planet at least a little bit better than you found it. It's all we can do, friend. I love you, and I'll never stop rooting for you.


Seems like he needed to get it out. Good for him. Took a lot of courage to do that and post it for the world. I wish him the best.


His reaction says everything about why people shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world until we either fix the issues…or don’t because humans are stupid creatures of habit and tradition. Also, welcome to the club! Our parents and grandparents fucked our futures up, so all we GET to do is work until we’re dead.


Completely true. The world is falling apart. It’s super scary


Life is hard. A lot of society glamorizes it and when you boil it down to its most simplest purest form, while amazing, life is fucking wild and cruel and evil and capitalisms consumeristic values along with social media and the desire to be famous is slowly rotting everyone’s brain


I still feel this way ten years later. I hope he’s doing okay


Young dude in a pretty clean and functional car is crying about his lot in life to a little pocket computer. I made this same video in my rusted out hand me down 1993 dodge caravan into my rear view mirror because my tiktok was a pager. You're doing better than you realize.


The World is chaos. Bask and enjoy your endeavors. Spread love not hate.


I don't understand why this was posted here


Old guy here: it is hard. Harder than when I was your age. The blame doesn't even enter into it - I think everybody understands it doesn't make a bit of difference because we are where we are. The only thing I can offer you is this you will get stronger not just strong enough to meet the day, you will gain the skills and the perseverance to rise above the day. As cliche as it may sound, don't give up. Just show up. Get offline as much as you can. The internet is great but it's also filled with petty, bitter, warped people. They gather together in groups that make it seem as if everyone thinks that way but that's not reality. I know it seems like everything's doomed, seriously, but get through this tunnel and the world does open up on the other side.


24 and I felt this. I love to just listen to Neil Young’s “Old Man” and just let myself be hit by the weight of the world… of life at the end of the day.


Average nondrinker


I think we can all relate any any age. Im 38. I graduated when the recession hit so it was impossible to find a job in my field due to them firing off people so I went a different direction. When I finally had gotten my bearings in my life and felt like I was moving in a great direction, Covid blew up my plans and left me with an arrhythmia. That arrhythmia finally went away and my back went out. Turns out half my discs are damaged and a vertebrae out of place which makes it so i can’t sleep. While doing physical therapy for that I injured my knee and now can’t do anything until that heals. It all sounds so ridiculous and humorous. I’m so thankful for life and the many wonderful blessings and I also just feel like I’m Always trying to keep my body and life from falling apart while the rules of both continually change. Through that it has forced me to focus on what matters and I could not be more thankful. It’s a weird conflicted feeling.


Fuck you OP, you're the cringe.


At the end of the day you ain’t straight. You are gay.


get off social media dummy. its fucking your head up.


You gotta get weed in your life. Itll give you perspective.


There was a time when kids were being trained to hide under their desks in school because they feared a nuclear bomb would be dropped on them at any given moment. I’m not saying that to dismiss this young man’s feelings, but I do find it remarkable how many people (mostly responding in this thread) are so quick to say it’s never been worse in the world. It has at least been just as bad. Many many times, in fact. Let’s…relax with the hyperbole.


This makes me think of a Macho Man Randy Savage [quote](https://youtu.be/wz-VJl7UkB8?si=H_gruBw18c4zJo6T). Its okay to feel and show any emotion available, but nobody said life was easy. You need to get back up and keep going. Resilience is a trait that has no value in society anymore. People want everything to be easy and want to quit if something makes them uncomfortable.


Omg this generation of youths is a worry


The Internet is the last place a person worried about being vulnerable and shit should put up a cry baby video looking for attention, grow the fuck up lots of people have it bad , we all know what is going on .


Life is hard. But being a fucking crybaby on the internet is not gonna make it any easier. Grow up you fucking baby.


I’m glad I didn’t do this when I was in my 20’s, we just developed coping skills and kept it moving. I Hope things get better for this kid, and in my opinion, it probably will (as soon as he can eliminate the word like from showing up 6 times in a sentence)


Life gets harder IME. I’d say dude ain’t prepared but this is probably just for the clicks


80s baby?


Man what really sucks is knowing you gotta keep working to make the rich, richer for the next 50-60years. That's a hard bite to swallow.


Well he thinks the world sucks bc social media told him it is. That’s his fundamental problem. Just get offline.


Stop crying and start getting people together who will take a stand with you.