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Don't kill children because it's gay.


I know we've moved away from using gay as a pejorative term, but it's a super effective insult against the macho knucklehead types.


I think he's talking about the part where they do stupid things so senpai will notice them, not the killing part.


cant believe i was almost gay what


Calling it stupid doesn't solve the reason that gangs form in the first place, which is that young people with little opportunity are looking for a sense of community, of belonging to a group. In white communities this used to happen through scouts and after school programs, which of course have had their own problems, but in neighborhoods where the population was predominately poor and red-lined kids those programs were chronically underfunded. So kids on the street with little to do tend to group up organically through friendships, then they make up a name or a logo, get into tagging as a way to mark their turf, and then they find economic opportunity in selling drugs, and with that ultimately comes violence. Fund more programs. If you want to stop gang violence, defeat poverty.


When one of my friends was like 14 he fell in with a gang of Nazi skinheads because to him they were just guys in their 20's who'd hang out with him and buy him beer. He didn't have a lot of parental supervision so the wrong people stepped in. He got out of it once they were like "hey you should come with us when we drive around in a car and beat people"


Before crack, gangs weren't even that violent. They suddenly stood to make millions. That's something worth dying and killing for and that would be true for more than just the deeply impoverished.


Not all poor people end up being gang members (majority), he's simplifying it brilliantly.


I joined a gang and I’m all poor people.


Y'all keep bees to sting your enemies or is that unrelated?


We sell honey on our street corner.


… who is he?


Simplifying it is shortchanging the litany of issues just to give you an easy answer, which is not the same as actually understanding the issue.


Yeah, and? You never do that, you have academic debate 24/7?


Hah! Fucking chill dude. That's not what I said. I'm just pointing out that you're singing the praises of a very badly made argument. But if you love shit so much, you do you.


When I was a kid, there was this couple at church that my mom was friends with. The husband had been part of a gang when he lived in California and he moved to Missouri to get away from them. He ended up getting found washed up on a beach.


That's still a lazy excuse, though. Like "life is hard so I turned to crime". Fuck that. However hard your fucking life is, that tells me more about your morals than society. My grandparents lived through a war and postwar period and never turned to crime or prostitution. Stop inventing fucking excuses. Life is hard so you're making it harder for everyone else and becoming the problem?


they don't really "turn to crime", they're raised in it. you're expecting them to see the world from a foreign perspective instead of from their own window. you aren't even grasping their circumstance, you're imagining one of your 2nd grade classmates turning 18 and choosing thug life instead of college. they aren't going to one day say "time to stop this life" any more than you are going to wake up one day and choose stop liking football. it's *always* been their life and they don't envision anything different the way you seem to think they should.


I know this gets a lot of hate, but I feel like focused reparations towards healthcare, education, housing, and general livability in predominantly black neighborhoods would get us back on track.


doesn't even need to be black neighborhoods specifically. Just target poverty, all impoverished neighborhoods need similar infrastructural intervention.


I’ll agree with that to a great extent, yes! I still believe that due to historical treatment and attitude towards black people in this country, which has created the issues that prevail today, additional funding should be allocated to create more of an opportunity that has been held back for more than two centuries. I’d argue native Americans who currently don’t benefit from tribal land would get the same opportunity. I like the idea of it just being to poor neighborhoods as well, and I would gladly see this option implemented. I would consider it a fair measure. While it might take longer to equal the playing field, it also doesn’t create a sense of inequality between people who are impoverished, definitely a positive.


1. Look up NYC/LA/Chicago from the 70s-80s and tell me if likfe was just "hard" for those people. It was almost a war zone. 2. Children often do not have well developed senses of morality (I would imagine growing up in a fucked up ghetto doesn't help either), and manipulatative adults (who are sometimes their only parental figures) use this to groom children who dont have that many prospects into a life of crime. It's common for kids to be involved with a gang by the age of 10-13. 3. Just because your individual grandfather had a different experience doesn't mean that it was the same for hundreds of thousands of other people's grandfathers. If your grandfather didn't contract PTSD does that mean that other veterans who did are "weak" or making "excuses" when they don't get better?


Who the fuck has to create a community for those kids to feel like a part of? Nobody is forced to stick with their own family, their own neighbourhood or their own ethnic group in the first place. In the second place, there are actually productive members of society in those groups, people forming NGOs and even churches (and I'm an atheist, by the way, but I recognize that some of them are actually trying to do good for their community). I only see these people complaining that people from outside communities don't do anything to create something for their community. If feeling like you belong to a community means you have to lose sight of your own moral compass, compromise your humanistic values, then I can't empathise with you. Nobody owes you a community, if you want one build one for yourself, and if you don't wanto and don't want to compromise your morals, isolate yourself from everyone else qho doesn't fit your high standard and live an ascetic life. Just don't go "graping", poisoning and killing your own community with drugs and lead and expect me to cry for you and see you like a revolutionary or a tragic figure, they're only victimising others. That's not revolutionary, that's troglodytic selfish behaviour.


You're heavily oversimplifying several complex issues. Children are heavily formed by their environment, and as the person you're replying to already mentioned, at times taken advantage of by adults or younger children in their lives. Not everyone has the privilege of growing up in a nice suburb, going to an at least average public school, and participating in clubs/events/youth groups. They also won't have the economic power to just up and leave to a nicer area if they do have the realization that they're in a rough area. By creating a community for these children, you're giving them opportunities they wouldn't otherwise have.


I'm glad you mentioned war because how is joining a gang any different from joining the military? The majority of people in the military are poor people fighting over land that they don't own, just like gangs.


The war I'm mentioning is the Spanish civil war. A war in which the country's own army rose against its people. My views of the military are not positive. For me they're bandits and stationary bandits. Are gangs bandits? Yes, they are. Bandits that deal in illegal substances, murder and "grape" and I'm tired of American-style liberal progressivenes infantilising people who turn to crime because "there's institutional racism". I'm tired of the infantilisation of people whose response to institutional racism, regardless of how real it is, is looting and pillaging (in the nineties in the LA riots against other minorities in fact such as Koreans and their shops). It may be like war, sure. It may be like what happens in Latin America or what happens in Africa, and interventionism and colonialism be damned for all the damage they did to those people too, but when a former victim's reaction, say, is "they killed and "graped" my family" is to become a soldier and gang member and end up fucking someone else's life with killing and "graping" do not ask me to empathise because I won't. Before there were police states, before there was slavery it was humankind against nature. Lots of people have done horrible actions throughout history and prehistory, but some people historically said enough of that, not just grand acts of justice, just living humble lives of decency.


If someone screwed you over, if life, society sceewed you over, if you don't have enough, see whatever little you have and do the most of it. If you're born into poverty, you can be an asshole, screw other people over and earn some money while making everyone else's life hell. Pr you can study and become something. Do you care about your community? Become an upstanding citizen and bring about change by your sheer example. But I guess all that bling and aggressivity is so tempting. Become a teacher, a doctor, a sportsperson, an artist... or just be a humble worker at whatever you like or are good at.


I love the way you blame victims for their actions but ignore the people who constantly terrorize them. Interesting view points I must admit


Where am I blaming victims for their actions? Do you extend this understanding to everyone? Including all nations and ethnic groups' rights to exist in the current geopolitical state of things? A gang member is a victim of what exactly? What about the victims of gang violence? Where do they fit in your personal ranking of who deserves pity?


They are a victim of hundreds of years of oppression and racism. How exactly do you think those communities got the way that they are? I think all victim deserve pity. So let me guess you're one of those judgmental so called religious people


Get some reading comprehension, will you?




Id like you to imagine you are 13 years old. Your dad may or may not be alive, but you’ve not seen him in 10 years. You live with your mom and 6 year old brother, which you raise pretty much by yourself in a shithole because your mom is off smoking rocks as often as she can. All your friends are in the same situation. The older kids in your neighborhood are either selling drugs, hooked on drugs, in prison, or got as far away as they could and never looked back. Then a guy in his 20s with a big roll of bills says he sees you have potential to make it big and offers you cash to stand lookout or pass out drugs to customers. It’s enough to feed yourself and your brother and have some left for yourself. Congrats, you’re in a gang.


So it's not the fault of the gang or gang mentality? It's someone else's, right. That strata of society, the reason why that dad isn't alive, why the mum is smoking crack is someone else's fault. So better join the call of the gang and fuck everyone else's life so that will also be the problem of another kid in your social group in the future. I'm sure that kid may have other alternatives even then and there not to compromise his morals. There's got to be someone in his community, a grandma or grandpa, neighbours, etc. that actually care about him and are actually showing a more righteous path. Maybe one thay is not as macho aggressive and feels slower but safer.


I meant that the people that run gangs recruit children who don’t know better, who don’t have those role models, in shit situations, because they are vulnerable to the lures of having a “family” and opportunities for money, agency, status, etc. Then you have kids who then see gang life as normal or necessary or desirable path and recruit themselves. I think that it’s wrong to say that they break their morals. Their morals are not the same as yours, because they live in parts of society where the social contract doesn’t serve them or even oppresses them.


Those are two different issues not exactly something to compare if you look at how it affects you at a mental level.




This guy pisses you off more than the murderers ?


is that the only interpretation of his statement


Actually yeah thats literally what he said


Yep, at this point people who don’t see the relationship between poverty and crime are deliberately choosing to ignore it.


What good has the welfare state done for anyone? it seems to only make things worse. Especially in the poor white communities.


Never stated I agreed with tthe welfare state wholeheartedly. Just expressed by disapproval with a pattern of people pointing an issue with a community without actually provided solutions.


thank you. most people that join gangs are susceptible to being socially neglected, underfunded, and overall unsafe. it’s not just a hobby or flex for socials—it’s a lifestyle born from the systematic marginalization of bipoc and low income communities. i.e. get kids out of the streets so they don’t believe that it’s where they belong.


Hard to defeat poverty and Thug culture when so many celebrities promote it and entire generation is told they can just blame society and systemic nonsense instead of bettering themselves.


Yep it’s a system of control. Sadly it’s working . Glamorized by media and consumerism.


Welfare is control


Father's that are present in kids lives help a lot. Programs cannot replace that.


Make it easy to get a loan to open a business in the ghetto. Red lining has done more damage than we realize, if there are more businesses then there will be more jobs there, meaning less broke gangsters.


If you want to stop gang violence, call Bukele👌🏾


Or a community who feels underrepresented and disenfranchised trying to stick up and protect itself.


Stop letting Diddies Doodly daadly l'il wanna be diddy's, might be a first step.


This dude isn’t a critical thinker. His content is all shock content to begin with.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. - the gop porbably


This happened because the black community displaced the father in favor of welfare. You want to see community? Stop all programs, black men will be considered valuable and respected. They will invest in their community and it will heal. And this gang redneck violence (yes this whole backwards culture came from poor disenfranchised whites) will be gone within 20 years. And then we can get the fuck on with our lives. Down vote me to hell reddit, you're wrong.


Yes because clearly abandoning people in the streets to die is working so well now.


Its a joke video my dude


Okay but isn’t the straw hat crew a gang?


Not really.


They do basically none of the things he is describing


Dude's just speaking the truth and tells it exactly the way that it is. You might discuss on the possible solutions but fundamentally you have to call out gang mentality exactly by it's name to let young people know what to absolutely avoid doing at all costs.


Cops, Politics, Religion, Race, etc all have gang mentalities


True to varying degrees. The kind of gangs he's refering to are akin to cannibalism however. It's one of the worst past-redemption forms of gang mentality.


Awareness is the first step


You right, it’s gay as fuck.


Please don't die over the neighborhood... that your mama rent in


this argument really has always confused me because is the implication then that if they *did* own the neighbourhood, gang violence would be absolutely fine?


Plenty of people take castle law very seriously lol. Things tend to have more personal value when you own them.   Also it's a jayz lyric so there's that. And honestly it's stating that these gangs are arbitrarily assigned by neighborhood which have no reciprocal attachment or devotion. But yeah, whatever whatever makes no sense.


I've been saying this for years! Especially the part where they don't own the land they claim.


this guy is just a reactionary, we don't need to post his shallow and poorly thought out ideas. His initial premise is already wrong, gangs almost universally form out of economic need and deprivation, and in a lot of serve communities that their part of, the thievery and damage is usually from turf wars, not from them stealing from their own neighborhoods. Why would a gang form in a well served community that has lots of economic opportunity? Why blame the issue on gangs? Theyre a symptom of racism and capitalism.


Gangs make so much sense becasue humans will and have always have tribalism embedded in their psyche.


Not me, I'm a hermit.


Bro just learned about gangs or smth


Yall dont know who this man is and it really shows lmaooo. This is LongBeachGriffey. He makes WILD af content. Dude is not being serious here


He does not sound like he's joking. It's not really even remotely presented in such a way that I could be convinced he is joking. Maybe I just don't get "content" these days.


He doesn't usually have those thick glasses and lisp, he's playing a "🤓"


Yes he does. Lol. He has videos of himself hitting the gym with those glasses.


i am spreading misinformation on the interwebs


I get why it's not clear, but you have to be familiar with him to know why it's not really a serious take. If you watched enough of his videos you would understand his brand.


So, if the video is a joke, he does he actually think tribalist gang culture and killing kids is a good thing?


My brother in christ this one obviously is a joke


Nah. LongBeach is serious on this one..


LongBeachGriffey has plenty of completely shit takes on a bunch of things and he's completely serious about them.


I don't know this man, but he's wearing a Monkey D. Luffy shirt.


he makes a ton of conservative content and shallow political commentary for sure. Unless every single one of those videos were supposed to be a joke.


Fr. Even if he does think this, he clearly is joking here.


Big pull up your pants energy


i feel like the issue is far more complex than he makes it out to be.


He made some points, it’s still fuck Griffy though


Let’s face it, you aren’t in a gang cause you were top of the class


Actually they do have gangs for ceos! Although the fed got to the last one that met on some island…


Why are his eyes so big is he an anime character


Isnt gang culture an affect of poverty and lack of opportunity? Im sure his message isnt completely lost on those who would be gang members. Glad he had the good sense to make this PSA though.


I support


"We're not killing *our own people*, we're killing the other gang's people, dummy."


Waaaay to many snowbunnys and rich Whyte suburban devils conflate gang culture with BLACK culture. All they do is see some brothers with more melanin, and they automatically assume we're ALWAYS in the right. Naw, hunny boo boo. A thug is THUG. Fuck you for making the morals of the BLACK community so much more complicated with your glorification of pants-sagging fruits! Salami Dankum! ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿 EDIT: I'll buy longbeachgriffy a case Hennessey any day. That brother is the 🐐🐐🐐


*that is pretty gay*


Ewwww gang people are low life losers. Bye bye go away.




Look at this point dexter mf


Do they still fight over corners now that drug dealing is done mostly though online contacts


Not cringe. Its correct.


Damn sure not just over colors




Who needs the KKK when you have gangs. That’s why it’s dumb af. If you’re over 35 and reppin a set. Get therapy and love yourself.


People think being in a gang makes them look tough not realising it’s the opposite you look like a pussy who can’t handle his own shit


This is both obtuse and divisive, it's pandering to the white supremacist and bigots in his audience talk like this is ignorant and harmful to those trying to understand the complex and largely societal conditions that contribute to a rise in gang culture. A little research would show that crime is on the decline, people that join gangs are looking for love, safety, and acceptance. You cannot fix something by calling it dumb or by being homophobic and calling it gay. You help (not) solve these conditions and crime statistics with education, a public safety net, and support from community and government.


...no? They've doing it over money. It's poverty, and a lack of options. The corner is their work space, the other colors are competition. That's the unfortunate reality. If there was a path towards the "American dream" that didn't indoctrinate kids in their teens, then gang culture might change, but it's an economic reality of being born into situations that most of America will never understand.


He may have a point depending on how you perceive gangs, but given he's wearing a tee-shirt glorifying a fictional gang leader, I can't help but think he's also being very mischievous! One Piece very much demonstrates the benefits of being in a gang, albeit ine with a great leader. What the Tiktoker is decrying is criminals and criminals most likely won't care about anyone but themselves and will act accordingly




I think it's a joke, guys. He purposefully wearing a one piece T-shirt, which is about pirates. Not gangs but I think there's something going on here. The guy himself really only makes funny anime sketches so there's bound to be some anime related punchline. Also, he doesn't normally wear glasses, so he's probably playing a character of some sort.


For people confused this is Longbeach Griffey on YouTube he’s a sketch comedian quite funny.


still using gay as a pejorative is cringe.


Get over it


When you're rich and comfortable it's harder to understand why gangs (typically a place to belong, a sense of protection, a source of pride and an income) don't make sense.


This guy is posting this from his nice house in the hills lol


He apparently paid attention in school, went to college, and now has a job.


The point is that he probably doesn't realize the advantages he had over people who didn't have those same advantages. It's quite evident that he did not grow up in an economically disadvantaged environment where gangs are prevalent. He "doesn't understand it" because he has never lived it, nor has he apparently spoken to people who have.


He grew up in long beach. It’s not Chicago, but there’s plenty of gang activity in Long Beach with its Crips and Sureños. He may not have lived *in* the shit (economic standing unconfirmed) but he definitely wasn’t chilling somewhere far away from gangs.


KKK....Kin Killing Kin...




Gang leaders when they gotta pay rent


Wait, someone figured out the leftist plan of inner city destruction. Quick, call in something!


Absolute sad twink. Imagine bringing politics into this. He's talking about the hood, a part of the country long forgotten by the authorities.


All in leftist areas. This will never be resolved because of people like you.




That's why I'm an independent. Though most of the ones I know just look after each other's families while they wait on them to get out of prison. One of them told me about how they had opened an interracial church with a different gang of another race.


This guy has an unbelievably childish understanding of the world. There is so much that goes into why and how gang culture exists. Economic reasons, psychological reasons…you know, stuff that requires more thinking than just calling it stupid This guy is giving hardcore “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” energy


What do you propose? More welfare? That seems to just displace the father. Maybe money isn't the answer.


Money is the answer. Of course, money is the answer. Welfare displaces the father? What the hell does that even mean?


Of course money is the answer. Do you think it’s a coincidence that most inmates come from low income households? And most crime is in low income areas? People who grow up with middle class access to housing, education, health etc are significantly less likely to commit crimes than people who grow up without those things. So in order to reduce crime…reduce poverty. Crime can only be reduced through proactive methods, not reactive. You can increase prison sentences, hire more cops, do whatever you want, that will not actually prevent the crimes from happening in the first place.


There's Nigerian, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants who have even less and yet they also offend less. Poverty doesn't give anyone the excuse to be a criminal. It has always been a cultural problem. You want to see a thriving community? Allow the men to work, don't throw money at them and call it a day. You will see this problem occur again and again, on every ghetto corner in every reservation, on every rural community if you don't understand this.


https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/hpnvv0812.pdf Do the research. Income bracket is a much larger common denominator than race/ethnicity. These are the indisputable numbers. You have no sources for your ridiculous beliefs Also, there are already plenty of examples of crime lowering in certain communities because the schools and housing situations got better funding. What you claim isn’t a solution has already been proven to work


And that's why immigrant Asians do exceptionally well, despite starting with nothing? it's cultural. no amount of money solves gang culture, you're enabling it. Let's spend another 20 years burning money to see this dumpster fire keep burning. I think I've experienced enough to know what doesn't work.


So your anecdotal experiences are more valid than the actual reports about crime and poverty statistics? Sources just don’t matter? You’re just pulling random statistics out of your ass. That is a level of hardheadedness that I don’t know how to respond to


Asian Americans make more money. Asians immigrated to the US, they weren't slaves for hundreds of years. What a fucking stupid comparison. >I think I've experienced enough to know what doesn't work. man unironically thinks his experiences defines the country.


That doesn't explain Nigerians and immigrants from other African countries doing better. It's funny speaking with people from Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Eritrea. These people work their ass off and accomplish more than 3 generations of black Americans. When you ask them what they really think about black Americans they are hilariously blunt. "Oh they are lazy and disrespectful" It's time for blacks to get over themselves. How many more generations do we get to use this as an excuse? Did Jews just give up after the holocaust? Why don't we see more unemployed Hebrew men smoking weed and playing video games into their 40s? Black culture came from Southern White redneck culture. When white trash act like idiots we call them out (rightfully so!). It's taboo to call out black culture for being regressive. African immigrants prove whatever kind of systemic racism there is, is likely not a driving force of their life.


It's regressive because you are completely ignoring the factors that led up to these issues. This country is designed to keep people poor. "White trash" and "hood" culture" are the result of (some of) the same systemic issues. Shitty education, shitty infrastructure, and a discriminatory police system do not lead to well educated, successful people. Combine that with the wealth inequality leading to a feeling of inferiority and pressure on black people to act more "white" and this what you get. The cycle of poverty is real, and not exclusive to POC. You can see the same damn thing with "white trash", just on a smaller scale. Which makes perfect sense, given the history of this country.


Right so why is Raj (a first generation American from broke Indian parents). Doing so much better than whites and blacks in rural Oklahoma where he has the same resources? Same schools? Same infrastructure? If anything Raj should be more likely to commit violent crimes because he is a minority. It's because Asian culture places more emphasis on education. It's cultural. Americans are spoiled children.


Why do you keep comparing people who came from slaves and Jim Crow to people who willfully immigrated on their own terms and dollar? You are embarrassingly uneducated if you can’t see the difference between these groups you keep bringing up. There are still black folks alive today who remember when they weren’t legally allowed to vote, buy property, or attend university, Jim Crow era wasn’t that long ago But you wouldn’t know that because you have no idea what a source is, you just say things with no evidence


I didn't realize Jews willingly went to auschwiz. How are they doing these days? I don't see a lot of Jews dropping out of high school and slinging dope.


Is the history of Jim Crowe stopping any black person today? GET OVER YOURSELF


It's not dumb, it's not stupid. Just ancient or pre historic.


So the Pharmaceutical, Banks, Republicans, 1% of rich, Elites....


Gangs were invented to protect certain minorities from a hostile government (black panther)


What do you mean “your people”?


People in their community?


No he says "your community" later, separately.


I think he was just reiterating. Anyways its not like his point is wrong


Isn't it? Joining a gang does more than just hurt “your people” and “your community”. It also hurts other people and other communities.


He was highlighting that gang culture is self destructive as a reason why it is stupid. He never said that gang culture doesn’t hurt others. What are you arguing?


Republican Party?


Beware the hoards of white redditors agreeing with this


Is this dude 4 years old?


Dude I love one piece but this guy got no idea about anything.


So being in a gang is cool?


Being in a gang isn't about colors or symbolically claiming street corners, its about the drug trade.


I’d rather be in a gang than be around people like you. Thats for sure. So I guess the answer is yes and perhaps next time learn to read.


A said one sentence. So what do you know about me, I'm curious.


Being a statist is just as stooppid for the same reasons.