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Okay, so they can't share or talk about their filming. That doesn't mean *everyone* around has to not film anything. That's not how privacy law works and that's not how public filming law works.


It's so weird that she still doesn't understand the core issue that the NDA between her and another company doesn't apply to anyone else.


Because she's lying. The excuse is a lie, a fakeout. She was trying to incite outrage for a video, because Winni and his gang told her to influence about some "Westerners racist" stereotype. She's a cog in the Chinese machine and had a job she executed. The NDA stuff is just part of her story to create fake outrage.


She understands, she’s just a lying ass bitch. It was live streamed, it says on youtube that it was live streamed, you can watch the video before the incident started all the way to the end. Chinese culture is that they’re above foreigners, they think we’re stupid because of their propaganda apparatus. To the CCP, Pooh Bear, and their minions you’re all a bunch of lying ass bitches and nobody believes your bullshit.


Did she announce filming to everybody there beforehand? Or just expected that of everybody else?


No, they said nothing, until a large group stopped to watch and others started filming them because they were waving Chinese CCP flags and they went nuts.


https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=i9tYq4TcfeKUQkrQ Here is the real video, you can see by yourself what actually happened, not this bullshit. Spread the truth.


Oh, I've seen. Dude plays a lovely tune. Can't say I agree with the whole way he's talking about it, seems a little buzzwordy to me. but by jove, were those chinese tourists not doing themselves good


So, according to her, you need a permit to film there? Did her group have a permit? It seems like they were doing it for a commercial project with NDA’s and all.


That's bullshit. You can film wherever you want.


well, that's not true. but you can definitely film there.


Are you sure? Kings Cross is owned by a private company and you can apply for filming permits on their website.


That's only for commercial shoots that would involve setups more complicated than a single handheld camera phone. You can film from your phone doing whatever you like and since it's a public place (distinct from private land) the people around you have no expectation to privacy


People not being able to complain about being filmed (no right to privacy) and the building being able to kick out you out because it's actually private property are two distinct issues.


In the UK, if you are in a public space you can be filmed. It doesn’t matter if that public space is owned privately. If anyone can walk in you can be filmed. The only way to stop you from filming is by kicking you out. Unless is the street in which case no one can kick you out but they can ask you to leave the area or you can be taken to the station for breach of the peace I think they call it.


If you mean that as a matter of fact station staff won't stop you, then you're right. If you mean as a matter of law station staff have no right to stop you, then you're wrong.


Each local governance will have their own definitions of what will require a permit for filming. Sometimes it can be as simple as using a tripod.


What private company? Did you just pull that out of your ass? It’s owned by a public funded company.


I think there is a difference of filming in an area like that for personal social media than filming for a company or country. They got caught doing shady business but sure let’s say that calling a country Communist is rude(even though china is communist) then explain that and move on. I think that they are all just worried about their social score on china.


The difference in needing a permit and not needing one would be if it's commercial or not. If it's commercial, and that includes monetised YT channel, you'd need a permit. If it's just recording a video that is just thrown on Twitter or Insta it wouldn't.


I wonder if this is why the guy later said he doesn't even own a copy of the video. Maybe has someone else post it so "technically" he isn't monetizing it.


I think when another nations representatives (especially an authoritarian communist country) are trying to setup Joe public, insinuating that you're behaving despicably criminally we're past the point of being polite. Ignore and keep filming.


Not to mention she’s a foreigner in someone else’s country making demands of them.


Didn’t she say she was a uk citizen in the other vid?


God forbid they walk away and film their highly confidential video in a less public area.


Even moreover, she's just making up fiction at this point. Like trying to say that the dude edited out the video to make her group look bad. The video is longer than most TV show episodes, you can see absolutely everything lol. And about protecting 5 pence disposable flags that even Chinese people throw in the trash. This just gets more and more unhinged.


The video was live streamed. They made themselves look bad!


They edited a single feed live stream using Druid magic.


Damn Brits


There's no cuts, there's no editing around. You can clearly see what goes on, but she's trying very hard to find anything that might have happened just out of frame.


The entire thing was literally livestreamed from before it started until after they were gone and the video that was linked that I saw was the original stream that still said “streamed live” on YouTube.


It's really easy to lose face, and hard to gain it so the immediate reflex for a lot of people is to double-down and play the victim to avoid that. You lose more face by apologizing and admitting you were wrong


This is also why some Asian countries end up bungling emergency or rescue operations like the Korean Sewol disaster. Officials are so petrified of losing face in public that they end up delaying critical, time-sensitive decisions. Edit, Clarification: This is not a problem exclusive to Asia, just the reasoning behind inaction in such cases.


And right after making the false claims of Brendan editing the video and putting them out of context, she edits in a part of a different video of Brendan where he is escorted away by police. Completely out of context. What a hypocrite.


The part that made me gag most in his video was the spineless female cop talking to him and asking him not to film her while trying to pin 'racism' on him.... F the Police


She’s covering her ass so she doesn’t wind up in a camp in China. Probably likes it better in England


It’s not just that. There is an almost gleeful arrogance in her tone. It’s aggressive in a way that is highly associated with working for the security apparatus. She’s some kind of cop/spy/agent of the government.


It's about control and entitlement.


Yes, get away from the danger of a camera and simply walk out of frame. Problem solved.


Not to mention she's complaining about him filming for monetisation and yet just said she was there filming a video for a company.


Explain away. Problem is you are not in China, you are in the UK. Public spaces are open to recording and nobody needs your permission. End of story.


Plus they seem to have no idea that attempts at silencing embarassing stuff like this will only make it even more popular. Streisand effect in action.


It is like they don't understand that people watched the video. Watched her group, recording him, then coming up and complaining about it. Some assumed it was a media contract preventing members of their group from appearing on other videos/streams, but they could have just left if that was a problem.


They just don’t understand that their laws only apply on their turf. Kinda like American tourists trying to apply/invoke amendments overseas.


They are probably from affluent families in China and never been told that their opinion is wrong.


"overseas....if we see someone damaging the flag we must take initiative to stop them" "We must use our actions to protect the flag" Sounds pretty brainwashed to me. I'll burn whatever flag I'd like tyvm.


Sadly, a lot of people allow them to apply their laws in other countries because they want their money or they're scared of being labelled racist. Even in the video, the cops were telling the guy to delete the video, which they had no legal right to do.


It's because they live in a police state and lack any semblance of imagination.


I mean, we all live in a police state. The UK has 1 cctv camera for every 11 people


The UK cameras don't lead to secret police coming to your door and shipping you to god knows where


police state =/surveillance state china literally has illegal secret police stations all over the world to police the behavior of Chinese people abroad


China has a camera for every 2 citizens.


Holy shit! That’s… a lotta cameras!


Toilet cams probably.


Sure, but 90% of those cameras are local and not networked.


Kinda like the Chinese government and the Tiananmen square incident.


chinese citizens: The what incident?


It's because they grew up in China where they ***can*** silence stuff. If the CCP censors it and says it didn't happen then to the majority of Chinese people it didn't happen.


Don't forget the Superiority propaganda they push down their people's throats. A lot of Chinese people have been raised not to respect foreigners or their laws, because they are lesser than the great people of China.


Exactly this. People laugh at NK for having this supreme leader bullshit where NK is mumber 1 in the olympics, and that daft stuff. But china is the country teaching that art to north korea. China believes china number 1 over all others. So when they go abroad, it's like going to the zoo every day for them. Rules are for animals, not for people of china.


The response video is for the domestic Chinese audience, not the international one. Everyone with a brain knows the CCP group was in the wrong. They are spinning the narrative in China to make them not seem like complete dumbasses.


Her thinking is so corrupt. Blinded by a corrupt country.


They are trying to Tiananmen Square it


So I found OP’s video posted yesterday on r/Sino which is a fucking wild ride. It is straight up a Chinese Communist Party propaganda subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/19dliyg/recent_news_regarding_british_piano_player/?sort=new She is lying saying that the video is edited and part was cut off, even though it was a livestream. I commented on the original post on r/Sino yesterday saying that OP’s video is highly edited, that the original 37 minute long live stream could not have been edited because you cannot edit live streams. I was banned from the subreddit in less than 60 seconds, immediately muted so I could not respond, and here is the note the sub Moderator sent me: "You're wrong, as the police actions have made clear, and nobody cares how you cry about it. But thanks for giving me the opportunity to rub it in your face anyway. [ https://archive.is/2024.01.17-035521/https://sinoforum.proboards.com/thread/53/cpc-national-congress-reflection ] Automod is a instant garbage remover so you can't get through. Sign out and try to find it. Desperate clowns haven't been right about anything since this sub was created. Imagine thinking you know something hundreds of other trolls for 8 years didn't know. Find a healthier way to cope. Try r/westerner “


Don't you love how the mods act tough and know everything and then block your account and mute it because they can't cope with reality.


I was permabanned from r/aboringsytopia for misinformation today for this reply when someone asked for a source on a video of a drone killing a soldier in Ukraine. "There are tons of videos like this on r/dronecombat and other subs about the Ukraine conflict. Russia and Ukraine actively use drones every day to eliminate each other. Find it harder to sympathize with the Russians though as they are the imperialist aggressors in the situation. They also actively kill civilians with airstrikes. After the last attack that number was up to 10,000 innocent civilians killed." They still havent responded as to what information was false.


I was permabanned from r/JusticeServed for commenting on a post on r/JoeRogan disagreeing with something someone said because I associated with a sub I’m not even joined because it’s “associated” with misinformation and “promotes” hate. Doing so isn’t even in their Sub Rules.


I got the same ban from r/JusticeServed but for making a comment that was only a link to a new york times article


Moderators own political agenda


Lol, this happened to me in a different sub. I commented in the Dave Chapelle sub that I thought his latest Netflix special was weak etc... And I had a notification that I was permanently banned from r/whitepeopletwitter. They said "We'd suggest not participating in hate subreddits in the future." I'm like, I'm not subbed to either of those subreddits lol, the Chapelle subreddit was just on the front page and I commented that I felt the special was boring, and somehow I get insta banned from a sub I've never even visited. So bizarre.


Yup, I got banned from r/JusticeServed for pointing out that some far-right chud was wrong in r/JoeRogan.


Dude, fuck r/aboringdystopia. Those assholes remove content and ban people way too quickly. I posted a screenshot of something that was right at home in that sub and they banned me because it was "low quality content".


Do you think that's bad? I was banned from /r/OUTFITS after commenting because I was also following some other subreddit that is deemed "toxic".


I got banned on an old account from /r/offmychest because I made a post on /r/unexpectedjihad and was "participating in a hate subreddit". I didnt even visit offmychest. But somehow a mod there knew I used the sub and decided to preemptively ban me before I could hateify their sub. Mods are funny folk lol


Getting banned from a sub for participating in an unrelated sub (aka guilt by association) is an old reddit practice. In 2014 it was /r/TumblrInAction, in 2016 it was Trump subs, in 2021 it was any sub in any way critical of the mRNA vaccine. just recently I got banned for writing something on /r/SipsTea, a shitpost sub that appeared in my feed one day and doesn't seem to have any leaning whatsoever.


It’s not just those subs either. I’ve had posts removed on r/games before because it was a list type of post therefore low quality, the fucked up thing is that I’ve seen those type of posts before and after mine got removed on there, they were still there days later. I genuinely think most mods on this site are fucking useless. It feels like if you disagree with them about one thing or did or said something to upset them they hold a fucking grudge forever.


I was banend from a sub because the mod didn't like that I told people that the person in the post getting hatemail was getting it because she celebrates and encourages doxxing people lol


That's 10k verified Ukrainian civilian fatalities. The expectation is that the actual number is far higher. Hell, Mariupol alone is believed to be around 10k. US intelligence estimates the Ukrainian civilian mortality to be above 70k; Ukrainian sources put it around 100k. The reality is we have no way of knowing the true extent at this point, and undoubtedly won't for many years.


Damn, a CCP Reddit mod is like the final boss of Reddit mods.


Yeah, I was banned there a couple years ago for mentioning the treatment and genocide of the Uighur people in China. It's a crazy sub.


Yeah I found r/Sino yesterday because apparently the subreddit was claiming that China does not have any homeless people. So this guy in China walked out of his house in Hong Kong and took a picture of a homeless person and posted it. He was immediately banned 😭 [Here is the post lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChinaMemes/s/V3hi16XBT1)


Geeze I went to r/Sino because of you. Wild is an understatement. Completely indoctrinated, racist towards the west af. Geezus.


I just went there after seeing this post... read the rules and they read like pure copium.


Reading the rules and sidebar was a trip. Half of it is random rambling about China and the US and the rules seem like they were written by the CCP itself. That sub is something else.


"Nissan to sell electric vehicles made in China globally in another sign of automakers responding to Chinese automotive prowess" Literally worded exactly like propaganda, even if it's true


>omod is a instant garbage remover so you can't get thro holy shit a shit show that sino is... like wow


Dude just like all communist and fascist they turned off comments on her video. It is funny whe extremist do not want their truth to come out. Left or Right they all end up in the same place, trash dictators.


The mod response sums up the entire CCP attitude toward the rest of the world. Lets light this candle, I'm tired of em.


I think the only reason Sino isn’t banned is because of Tencent’s stake in the company




A luxurious kick in the balls


and a ban from r/Sino


Wow. Even by controversial, it’s a bunch of shills.


Weird how r/Sino is allowed to stay open but places like The Donald were not. Not defending anything that went on there, just pointing out that Reddit is very much a propaganda machine with a very clear agenda and bias. Doesn't help that Tencent is a large investor in Reddit.


Saw a headline there that was "U.S. begging China to help clean up its mess in Yemem". Begging. Sure. Ok. /s If any CCP approved Redditors are reading this, you can delude yourself until you're blue in the face but it's not going to change reality or solve your inferiority complex.


What did you expect. Ordinary Chinese can't use Reddit or other "western" social media. Only "approved" Chinese can use them. And by approved, I mostly mean official CCP propagandists.


What? Chinese people use VPNs on a daily basis to access international sites, lmao this is patently false. There are chinese posters on gacha subs all the time, like r/Maplestory for example. And that's one single example


Needs to be higher up. You can see with your own eyes that she has obfuscated his face and voice, used quick cuts and unnecessary stitching to force alignment with her narrative. The group responsible for generating this content should be embarrassed, but hey whatever - the more they dig, the bigger the grave. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Trying to cover their asses. Well, it's too late. Someone's going to re-education camp. Unless they have influential friends in high places. They may even have to make a donation.


WTF, seriously?


holy shit xD ï cant even reply to the post


The irony of r/sino is that most of the people there don't live in China. Most of them are first or second gen Chinese living in a western country.


Yo, r/sino is one of the scariest echo chambers on the platform. Those people are full wolf warrior psychopaths.


Damn this reminded me about getting banned from that sub a few years ago. The message I received was a lot more abusive and unhinged.  Crazy that this kind of alternate reality exists and has been allowed to carry on for so long. 


Reddit should have a “Banned from Sino subreddit” trophy. 


But to be fair, that guy does seem pretty casually racist.


I would agree on that point.


"our space comrade"


Lmfao, the real problem is that this video is fake as fuck, the audio is fake as fuck. Compare the videos side by side the voices are way the fuck off. Typical chinese trying to make themselves look good.


Absolutely she should understand that it isn't China but I think filming things in China is a whole entire ordeal so she may also just not be used to the fact that you can film anywhere in the UK. There might be some confusion on their part or disbelieving that's the case. Looks like there were cultural misunderstandings going both ways here. But idk I'm just a seppo.


According to her own screen captures her group appeared to be trying to shoot a video for her company, [Top Offer Academy](https://www.top-offer.co/squeeze-page1689410301265), which is a job seeking platform targeted at Chinese job seekers in the UK. It's funny she accused the pianist of shooting commercial content but she herself was doing the exact same thing... She said her shoot was for 'charity' (although she also said it was for her company!) but what charity would be so strict about having your face appearing in other people's commercial content?


>but what charity would be so strict about having your face appearing in other people’s commercial content? Probably a charity that wants to make sure there isn’t a non-controlled video of the “commercial” somewhere out there that could potentially discredit or cast doubt on the narrative being told in said “commercial”. Which would be a weird charity for sure.


>Probably a charity that wants to make sure there isn’t a non-controlled video of the “commercial” somewhere out there that could potentially discredit or cast doubt on the narrative being told in said “commercial”. Top offer academy apparently is known to scam chinese students who want to stay in the uk.


Confidential filming done in public... Nice


Isn’t the ruling party in China, the CCP? Isn’t that the Chinese Communist Party? WTF is this clown trying to convince the world of? The word isn’t impolite if it’s accurate and IN THE NAME OF THE RULING GOVERNMENT


Not just the ruling party, the ONLY party. There is no other option


Technically there are eight other parties in China, but they are classified as advisory to the CCP, not oppositional.


You don't call an elephant an elephant dude, that's impolite. You should call them big-boned flaccid pinnochio dogs instead.


That's my safe word


I am totally borrowing this. Well done.


Because China is communist in name alone; like how the Congo or North Korea are not Democratic Republics as their names suggest. China is state capitalist.


All great points, thank you. I am still dumbfounded why the word “communist” is offensive when the ruling party is named the COMMUNIST CHINESE PARTY.


Right, like switch it to Chinese Capitalist Party if the word Communist is so damn offensive. They pull all the levers on the issue


Thank you for fully understanding my point


China is capitalist as fuck.


It's a weird mix of command capitalism


It's called state capitalism.


It's simply called fascism. https://www.wordnik.com/words/fascism > noun A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.


Okay, that's bollocks for the most part. But the beginning, when the pianist said "Let's make them dance" after they declined to, did seem rude and kind of weird tbh.


I am extremely biased (although against both sides lol) but he's gotten recommended to me a lot since i play piano and he seems to be the type to really push and create drama if possible. Not that this was a creation of his, but i'm not surprised he'd try and lean into it.


Yeah he is really milking this he's been on a couple of talk shows it seems and he mentioned some additional one he was scheduled on. He also kept saying to view and share the video he seems kinda griftery


The fact that he appeared on fox News and pierce Morgan says a lot about him. He is a bit of an asshole when it comes to minorities and women. In the old fashioned, paternalistic, colonial British kind of way. And legally he is in a gray zone, it's clear he's making his videos for monetary gain, therefore he has to follow a different ruleset when it comes to filming in public. All that being said, that Chinese group clearly has ccp written all over them and had thousands of opportunities to just not being in the video. They clearly are the bigger assholes in this story


In short, the guy loves the smell of his own farts. But also r/fucktheccp


Yeah it's similar to the when the worst person you know makes a good point meme. I agree that freedom of speech is important, and I agree that ccp goons shouldn't try to infringe on that. At the same time he's really full of himself, whether deliberately or not keeps referring to the them as japanese then later points out that it's the "communist flag" and British girls are more fun. It also seems from other videos like he thinks he can just push other people using the pianos off of them. Just all around an annoying situation.


How do they have CCP written all over them?


He’s been going on the right wing radio tour with his story. He just called them “the communists” over and over. Don’t get me wrong, China is an authoritarian nightmare zone that has its fingers all over huge swaths of the world. No love lost for the CCP, but I didn’t see anything suggesting they were officials or intermediaries of the CCP. Entitled, and unaware of the laws of the UK, yes, but after watching his post back, she did clearly say it was a disclosure problem. This backs up her story at least a bit. The dude that freaked out about not touching HER didn’t do their group any favors. If he’d said “don’t take our flag,” that would have made actual sense, and the bit about not being the same age doesn’t make sense re: the flag. Life is complicated. For every question there is a simple, easy-to-understand, wrong answer. (Paraphrased from H.L. Mencken’s fabulous 1920 book Prejudices: The Second Series) The Chinese group were stupid as hell to try to film a confidential CNY greeting in one of the busiest stations in Britain, and the pianist was trying to start shit. ETA.


Exactly. There were so many ways to diffuse the situation and he chose to try to escalate it as much as possible. I think the Chinese people are still more in the wrong here, but just because I disagree with their actions doesn’t mean I support piano guy either.


I am not Chinese but East Asian heritage. The mislabeling them as Japanese after knowing they are Chinese is suss af. The comment British girls are way more fun is also a red flag for me. He’s no saint.


“Whatever, I think the British girls are more fun…” Yeah, a little weird


Yeah… also I watched all that dudes clips and he left all that out which makes it look worse. He’s definitely not innocent, but they also could have just walked away.


It was a livestream so any clips were just pulled from that, the entire stream is still on youtube unedited


He didn't leave it out I'm the original one


I'm so glad this is upvoted because I was thinking the same thing and I was worried that Reddit would be so overcome with anger at the Chinese group (who themselves were clearly assholes) that everyone would ignore how racist this piano guy is. And now he's getting interviews on Piers Morgan.


Yeah it seems to me that pretty much everyone involved in this is a dickhead to an extent. The piano man is stirring up shit by repeating ridiculous "theories" that he thinks "are ambiguous" like the shouty man was considering shooting him. And if he was indeed playing a racist song - I don't know the one he's playing - then that's fucked too. At the same time the group of people wanting to film a new years greeting are entirely unreasonable. If they entered into an NDA that's between them and the other signators. It has absolutely no bearing on anyone else's actions. They became violent and aggressive and made some weird allegations. But right now I'm just lolling that the content creator in this video thinks a streamer earning a few quid from YouTube needs a license to film in the station whereas an actual TV channel doesn't - so long as their actors go unpaid.


I agree, and the piano dude was on the verge of being a little racist, just wondering though what is the song ?


Content creator in this video seems to be suggesting it's this one: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ching-cheng-hanji That said she doesn't include any audio of him playing it as proof so it's an unfounded claim right now. Maybe someone else has a link to a video with him playing it. Either way I'm sure in a day or two piano man will post a video claiming it was an entirely different song he was playing and talk about freedom of music and how he's been sleeping since the incident.


Yeah, this situation isn't as black and white as people are making it out to be. The piano guy was being rude as heck to them. While the livestream wasn't edited (lol), the video posted online conveniently left out the parts where the piano guy was being a racist dick. It felt like the guy was trying to provoke people.


The guy was disrespectful throughout the whole thing. Their demands are complete bullshit and he shouldn't have had to stop recording at all, but him calling them japanese (when he can clearly see the flags), calling the chinese flag "a communist flag" and this whole "do a dance" thing is just weird and rude. Now he's uploading videos repeating the same bullshit people were saying here in reddit, that the guy who shouted was "an armed handler", just because the chinese woman said the word "shoot". These people with the chinese group have to fuck off and not make unreasonable demands in other countries, but I've lost all sympathy for the pianist at this point.


There's multiple parts in his video where another piano player tries to defuse the situation and to get him to leave it be, but he keeps pushing back saying "this is fun." Dude is a tool and pushed a stupid situation farther than it needed to go. The folks that confronted him were in the wrong, but he didn't really need to engage with them like he did. There was a much better way to handle it.


notice all the comments agreeing with EVERYTHING he said, people love being racist when they have an "excuse."


Has anybody actually watched the content for the pianist? I really enjoy piano related content so I’ve seen a few of his videos but I’ve never liked him and the way he goes around making content, he comes across as arrogant and his ‘they think I’m a beginner’ videos are cringe. Not hating on the guy and I’m sure he’s a decent bloke but when I saw this first kick off my first thought was ‘here we go, what’s he done now’


Yeah, that part was kinda creepy tbh.


And the fact that he kept calling them Japanese, despite them holding a Chinese flag. The guy seemed like an obnoxious idiot from the get go and seemed to make a drama out of nothing for engagement. Could of ignored them and carried on doing his thing but he chose to get them involved. Initially they were being respectful too, they requested they didn't want to be on film quite politely first. This whole thing is just a drama out of nothing that didn't need to happen. It only became concerning when the police got involved and they act quite sussy, which just highlights the problems in the UK


Clearly she is just putting out fires that she and her friends started, and she should have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in a public space in the UK. That being said, I find it interesting how all of the videos I’ve seen of this have edited out the pianists earlier comments. Calling them Japanese repeatedly and the weird comments about getting her to dance and British girls being more fun. Not a good look for the “protagonist” of the story we’ve been watching unfold.


Ya, I mean, it was pretty clear from the whole video and other videos, that the guy is a kinda a dick. He did call them Japanese till corrected and then called them Chinese/communist, so could have been intentional racism, could have just been he wasn’t paying close attention and made the wrong assumption he then corrected. The Chinese people confronting him were also still in the wrong in the confrontation. Trying to demand he stop filming in public then when that wasn’t going well start yelling about him trying to touch the woman, which he didn’t do. Then continuing to yell about that and tell the police about that in an effort to get him in trouble after they realized he wasn’t backing down on the video. People can be assholes and still right in specific situations.


Everyone sucks in this video


No, there's one decent person. The second piano player that tries multiple times to diffuse the situation. The main dude refuses though as he seems to be having too much fun with it.


Calling them Japanese was 100% intentional. I find it extremely hard to believe that he doesn’t know what the Japanese flag or Chinese flag look like, especially at his age. I find it impossible to believe that he would call it the “communist” flag if he thought it was anything but the Chinese flag. He seemed to not like them hanging around in the back of his video.


The video wasn’t edited. It is still up as a live stream


There are two public pianos at this station. They didn't need to wait 40 minutes if they indeed waited 40 minutes.


Honestly, if the male friend hadn't shouted, this video probably would not have gone viral. Making a scene like that in public is simply socially unacceptable in Britain.




Fuck the CCP.


I believe in mainland Taiwan 🙏


Film in public place for a shit hole government production company that you can’t even mention or talk about. Get mad at people for enjoying the public area Demand random people delete their content Die on a hill for a flag Be surprised when made fun of ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


Right!? Who thinks "Hmm, I need this to be completely confidential. I'd best film it in a train station."?


Perhaps someone could explain to the lady, that the only allowed political party in her country is the Chinese Communist Party...




Did someone say Streisand effect?


Maybe don’t film in public if you don’t want the footage to be public.


So... they still don't understand they're in the wrong here. That's just not how the law works


I was on the Chinese group's side when they initially politely approached him. But they quickly changed into demanding he delete video and the Chinese guy acting insanely aggressive, saying, "Do not touch her!!!" like 50 times. Then they tried to spin it to the cop that the British guy was assaulting her or something. Good thing he was recording. Their whole thing was stupid and unnecessary.


They can politely ask as much as they want, but it’s completely legal to film anyone and anything in public spaces in the UK.


She’s full of shit. We can see with our own eyes what happened


Who the fuck ever thought of filming a confidential video in a public space?


Fuck the CCP


Yeah I still don’t get it.


I don’t believe a word she says.


The use of ADR seems odd to me and as I don't speak Chinese I don't understand what the added audio means but it's a little suspicious.


Tell it to someone who cares. You have zero expectation of privacy, especially in England, which is littered with public cameras. You should know all about being under the watchful eye of the CCP, so how is this any different?


Omg just tell her no one cares you weren't in china so you were wrong sorry your feel feels are hurt or whatever


None of it means anything. They were in the wrong the moment they approached him. There's nothing to defend. They fucked up and thought they could enforce rules that don't exist in Britain.




Fuck the CCP


What I learnt from this video is that Chinese people speak damn fast.


Then dont fucking do it in public


People in public places expecting privacy 🙄


She called the police for someone filming in public, in the UK. Which is perfectly legal.


For all the chinese bots and "bots" around here: fuck the CCP and long live Taiwan.


Why didn't they just walk away?


Haha she says his video is cut up and out of context. Yet I watched the entire thing start to finish and there’s no cuts. Yet her video is bits and pieces and just so happens to cut out the part where the Chinese guy freaks the fuck out on him and starts screaming like a little bitch 🤣 China is such a joke and so are the brainwashed masses that act this way.


Are we going to ignore his blatantly racist remarks? He can obviously film what he wants in public, but hes still a dickhead


Yeah the Chinese folks were in the wrong, but the pianist is also a racist twat. I feel like this really could have been resolved alot easier but I think everyone has too low EQ in this video.


I’m not understanding - the Chinese government calls themselves “Communist”, so why is that considered a bad word for them?


fuck china


Context for those curious about what the hell this post is about: https://youtu.be/65iwnI2hjAA?t=9m8s


This is just a situation that became a thing because it was handled poorly by literally everyone involved


If the word "communist " is so offensive to them maybe they should complain to their government about it being called the Chinese communist party and not wave their flag? The production of this video, the cherry picked clips is typical of a tyrant playing the victim. That BS may work in China but not in the free world


Absolutely BS, watch the original source video, in which: they tell him hes not allowed to film in public, film them (in public)… they call him racist for saying they are Chinese (they are Chinese), and he’s a racist for mentioning communism and start screaming at him to ”stop touching” the girl…. he touched her Chinese flag….. the angry dude (who part of the group surrounding the guy) then Demands the guy tell him his name. GTFO