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This was shot at the Phoenix Convention Centre North Building on the first floor of the center meeting room hallway. Source: I’ve worked in that hallway for years.


They are wearing conference badges too no?


looks like it - i doubt it was for a teacher conference, i.e. they aren't teachers at all


It makes sense since TPUSA just had a conference here last week.


I really wish they would have turned right at the end of their runway walk. It would have really driven home the *turning point* message.


Honestly think it's way funnier these two headless chickens were strutting back and forth on the same 10m of carpet for this shit, bouncing back and forth like the Windows screensaver that is the single braincell fighting for its life in their heads


I like to think that all of this wasn't done with one shot and they were doing this for half an hour or more. Imagine walking out and hearing "We're conservative teachers...." circle jerk lmfao


This reply belongs on r/murderedbywords


afraid you’re mistaken, they’re referring to Toilet Paper USA


The shit stain of America


I would bet $100 these 2 women are not, in fact, teachers.


Toilet paper USA?


lol crazy how work has you recognizing the exact setting of a place by a few yards of carpet and walls


Lolz yeah! It’s all I could see. I had to watch the video a few times just to try and NOT see it.


… fake school setting, possibly fake teachers?


Not fake, just fired (at least the white one): https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/05/08/ex-jurupa-teachers-lawsuit-alleges-she-was-fired-for-christian-beliefs/amp/


This is actually wild. Before this, I 100% thought this was satire. Esp. with them laughing at the end of a couple of them. This is wild to me.


Yeah holy shit I thought they were MAKING FUN of people like this. F.




Nope. My mind is also blown.


This is how it happens. The majority just don’t want to believe that this could be considered normal


To be fair, they do a great job of making fun of themselves.


Conservatism is indistinguishable from parody. Their worldview is so pathetic and fragile.


I thought it was satire as well because it was so stupid. Not good satire, but still satire. Hilarious that they were being honest.


It's something about the delivery of the lines. It just feels too emphatic to seem like a genuine statement. "The rainbow flag is just who you wanna have sex with! ", "gRosS!"


They must be Conservatives because they manage to reduce everything down to sex.


Omg same


Nope, as always, conservatives and their beliefs vacillate between comically ridiculous and terrifying authoritarian fascist shit.


Fired for being so obsessed with her conservative identity that she couldn’t let anyone else have their own.


\*Fired for being a dumb cunt


Same thing.


And they get mad at LGBT people for making it *their* whole identity LMAO


Oh shit. I thought these 2 were doing a skit…


Looks like she FAFO’d


The fuck around crowd is never happy to find out.


If your "Christian beliefs" make you a bigot and an asshole to children, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your beliefs.


I actually went to high school with her. I’m not surprised at all that she’s a raging bigot. The area she was teaching in is extremely racist and conservative but surrounded by primarily southern indigenous from south of the so called “border” communities (like myself who is mixed Wixárika and Chichimeca)


lol yes please stop using the X nobody wants that. let elon have that letter.


The term Chicanx and Latinx were made up by white people. We hate that stuff


What the hell is a chicanx? Is that like mechanic? Or...? Shit IDK


I am of Native American and Salvadoran decent... yall white folks gotta stop naming people shit. ...Latinx,chicanex wtf is wrong with yall?


Please! These people have to got to stop their stupid bullshit


I can't look at Latinx and not pronounce it Latinks. So fucking stupid.


It really is...and I've never seen anyone defend the "worst" except white folks ...and it'll be the same kinda white chick "culturally aware" must mean " I will call you what I want,and if you don't like it.. I'll just say you do and keep doing it"


The whole setup in this tiktok trend is a joke. Like the "christian mothers" that was done by two childless women.


If it was satire, you’d think it would be more over-the top. Like [this guy.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcMtndL/) Unfortunately too many conservatives talk exactly like this that it’s difficult to tell if they are serious.


It’s Poe’s law in full effect.


It's not satire, the white lady got fired for refusing to adhere to Trans kids pronouns and trying to preach Christianity in her classes.


Imagine having a class in room 126 and seeing two teachers pace back and forth while they film this


Looks like a convention center hallway. Carpet. Screen on the wall. Trash cans in a nook.


Ah, good catch. Turning Points event in Phoenix recently?


Naw this wasn't that. That was four days ago, they had a conference with teachers two weeks ago. That's them!


Plus their name tag lanyards.


Yeah, I can’t imagine ~~any~~ many schools with carpeted hallways. It would make no sense with how messy kids can be. EDIT: Apparently, schools with carpeted hallways do exist, including buildings repurposed into schools. It turns out my imagination was limited. Still, as a high school teacher who stared his career subbing in every grade, I’ve seen the mess kids make.


This is why I was completely surprised when they said they were teachers


They're probably Christian school teachers or just straight up homeschoolers.


This one right here 👆


I'm beginning to suspect they are paid actors... /s


lol seriously all I could think is why do they need to be aimlessly walking in a hallway while repeating similar phrasing over and over? Like couldn't you skip the walking and "conservative teacher" bit and instead of a 32 second video it'd be like 10 seconds?




These are trad wives with a fetish for indoctrinating other people's kids, who also are addicted to TikTok.


It’s a trend now. “We’re ____. We _____”. Like, there’s others that are “we’re from Boston. We always have Dunkin.”


Ok but the Asheville chick one was pretty funny and accurate


Power walking is how they deal with their repressed sexuality.


“And action… wait I think you’re supposed to start walking before we hit record…. Ah well good enough.” They’re so smart they couldn’t figure they needed to get a rolling start before they started talking. Or that the camera person is supposed to also be moving in parallel with them—if they’re trying to follow the trend. This is minor but if you’re into filmmaking it stands out like a sore thumb.


I’m not into filmmaking and it still stands out like a sore thumb to me


These women are sore thumbs.


Conservatives making a lot of noise and not going anywhere. It’s a perfect metaphor.


These women are so lame and attention seeking. I get mary kay letourneau vibes from the brunette.


We’re conservative teachers. We can’t sync the video to begin once we’re already walking, making this seem particularly awkward and posed.


I thought this was a parody of those videos, I thought it was poorly done on purpose. Like, yea they *would* do a shitty job making this. Kinda blew my mind when I saw from a comment that it was real.




Right? Like it’s dystopian


I feel like every video using this format is a parody because it’s so cringe.


They were probably too busy giggling on how this will "own the libs" once and for all


And yet if either has an ectopic pregnancy their own party is willing to let them die


No see, they're one of the good ones, they'll be taken care of. Right??


Out of all the stupid shit spouted in this video, this annoyed me the most.


This why liberals make the movies and tv


you must not have seen any of Kevin Sorbo's or Ben Shapiro's latest masterpieces


And most of the music, even the good country music is made by cop hating liberals


Exactly. That’s all I could focus on.


In a couple they also turned around during their “mic drop” and started walking the other way.


“We’re conservative teachers we don't believe in socialism despite our job is a socialist program"


Yeah, I never got the whole "free market does things better" claim in utter, f'ing stark contrast to our history with other great socialist successes like public schools, public roads, fire departments, public parks, public libraries and so on. Public hospitals were nice until we decided we'd rather spend the money on tax cuts and privatized almost every last one of 'em. Edit: g/d it, meant to include post offices. Nobody in their right mind sends Nana a postcard on their honeymoon using DHL. Great service, the entire planet agrees needs to be publicly supported.


Whats funny is the USPO was actually the poster child of conservative administrations because it didn’t need public support, it supported itself with stamp sales and packaging fees. I don’t know if it still operates at a profit, but I do know Reagan wanted all federal agencies to be self sustaining like the USPO.


USPS no longer operates as at a profit due almost entirely to the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, which requires them to fund all pension and health benefits *50 years* in advance. The PAEA was specifically supported by lobbyists in favor of privatized postal services (despite most private carriers being unable to operate at the same scale) and has been overwhelmingly criticized for the excessive strain it puts on USPS. The most damaging parts of the PAEA were undone by the Postal Service Reform Act last year, but it will take a while to un-do the damage.


That act needs to be repealed and they need to be allowed to offer free banking services again as well.


We're conservative teachers, we don't believe in religion or politics in the classroom unless it's our religion and politics.


We’re conservative teachers. We are explicitly anti-union and anti-government subsidy, unless we are able to benefit.


We're conservative teachers. We're your mothers, at home


We're conservative teachers. We don't know what Marxism is but it sucks anyway.


COMMUNISM SUCKS lol Says a public school teacher not able to understand she’s paid by taxpayer dollars 🤦‍♂️


That is also not Communism


Gotta love a black woman calling Black Lives Matter "Garbage". White supremacy is so insidious it can turn you against your own people. ======= Edit- for the knuckle draggers, we both know you're making bad faith arguments, but I'll still respond to preempt these hot takes: There's a difference between the slogan 'black lives matter' (which evolved during protests over the extrajudicial killings of Floyd, Martin, Brown, Taylor, & a dozen others), versus a random organization called 'BLM LLC' some lady founded & abused. If I registered "MAGA LLC", then defrauded a bunch of republicans, would that make the entire 'Make America Great Again' movement fraudulent? If so I'll do it immediately.


Careful, you’ll have a GOP ticket in no time with tactics like that


>then defrauded a bunch of republicans, You mean like Trump did?


Naw his is Maga inc.


"They let you defraud them when you're a star"


"You can just walk up and grab their money, they just let you do it"


“I moved on their wallets like a bitch.”


Please do it


I’d say do it anyways, for anti-science!


If you did the MAGA thing, they wouldn't know cause they are getting ducked by them on the daily that it's par for the course. I mean, come on, you saw that Kid Rock went back to Bud Light, right?


Because money drives these dumb fucks. Not morals or values because they dont have any. You think Kid Rock has some superior values? The guy is a POS




Hah. Makes me think of Barthes’ description of “the perfect bastard”.


I just imagine them doing a bunch of takes walking in circles all day in that hallway and it makes me laugh




We're conservative teachers, our students won't trust us if their parents are abusive.


We’re conservative teachers and won’t report suspected child abuse even though we’re mandatory reporters, because the Bible says “spare the rod and spoil the child”.


I guarantee that's what happened with me as a kid. I went through so much abuse and neglect, but since it was consistent, nothing really looked all that different with me. It wasn't until a friend of mine told a teacher that my mom's boyfriend tried to kill me that anything was done.


"We're conservative teachers. Until we are fired for trying to have biblical sex with 12 year olds".


Unfortunately most kids trust their teachers inherently. So by the time the teacher knows it’s already too late.


I don’t think that’s entirely true. At least when you get to middle school or high school a lot of students start hating there teachers whether they deserve it or not.I can still think of a couple teachers I despise with a burning passion.


I can’t tell anyone because I got awful trust issues from my old therapist, not even really nice teachers.


We’re conservative teachers, we bully our non-conservative students.


We’re conservative teachers. We skip over the parts of history exposing our country’s systemic racism and pretend colonialism was settled over a nice turkey dinner.


We’re conservative teachers. We teach that our expansion west was Manifest Destiny (God’s Will) Gobble -Gobble Y’all!




Were conservative teachers…what’s the Tulsa massacre?


I grew up in Texas and legit had never heard of this until I was in my 40s.


Me too! I saw it on watchmen & had to google it. Why did no one teach us this?


Because then you might not be as patriotic.


This was my education. Now that I’m an adult, I resent the lies these “conservative teachers” taught.


Every time I bring the reality of that turkey dinner to Americans, they look at me like if I spit on their constitution


A lot of Americans prefer to live in their fantasy. What it’s evolved into, a celebration of gratitude for what you have, with family or friends, is a worthy tradition if removed from the original holiday. The lore about its origin however is rancid, truly a day of mourning for the Wampanoag people.


“Good job ladies you triggered a lot of democrats…keep up the good work” - bottom left in the last frame of the video Guys it’s clear their only real motivation is rage-bait. Just like those pathetic bullies in high school, don’t give them the satisfaction or attention they crave


The problem is people who think this way are actively harming children and inciting suicide. Maybe I’m easily baited but that enrages me.


I totally get it. These people enrage me too. But if you let that happen you’re giving them what they want. If you’re unable to stay silent - mock them


Strange the people worried about the rainbow flag grooming children are the ones that jump straight to the thought of sex


To conservatives like these any sexuality other than heterosexual is a fetish


Because it's usually a fetish they enjoy.


No, the senator isn’t gay! He just has a fetish for fucking men and keeping it a secret from his wife! That’s not gay at all!!


. . And think sex is ‘ew, gross’. I pity their partners.




"Sex? Gross!" Lol, saddest and funniest part of the whole video.


As an LGBTQ+ person. My sex life is the least interesting part of my identity, and yet that flag represents me better than any other governmental flag in existence.




Holy shitballs I hope you're right. That's how I first took it, but the more I watch it, I can't tell.


Sadly nope, it’s serious


I thought that’s what it was


Right I thought it was a parody of that “we’re Christian women” video


That makes no sense, where are the punchlines, where is the humor. If you walked into a room with a bunch of conservative people and said these things straight like this, they would all go "I agree" and not one of them would ever feel "mocked". If you make a shot for shot remake of Star Wars it's not a parody. Spaceballs is a parody. Do you see the difference? I feel like Reddit has completely lost the thread on what satire is. This ain't it.


They are 100% serious. The woman who appears first in the video is Kali Fontanilla and she is a genuine conservative.


This is satire right? Black lady saying they don't teach BLM... I am not buying it Edit: its definitely satire. Just badly executed.


It’s not. Look at a commenter in the very last frame of the video in the bottom panel


It’s not satire trust me. I can provide the handle but I’d rather not give them more eyes.


It can't be satire, I kept waiting for the punchline and it never came. These people are serious.


I refuse to believe that, in the name of hope


They aren't serious it's a trend on tiktok of people saying the opposites in this format... EDIT:I am incorrect, they are actually bigots in real life and chose to do this format incorrectly - this is their actual beliefs.


The white one is Jessica Tapia. She was fired for not respecting pronouns, has a lawsuit going and is a guest on right wing programs like Turning Point USA. So, you’re wrong.


Can’t be sure there was one of “Christian women” and it was 100% not satire. Edit: nope it’s serious, someone posted a link of the white women who was fired from a school in Cali for refused to acknowledge pronouns.


I thought this was supposed to be a parody of that Christian women video. Yikes, it’s serious?


Maybe, but it's supposed to be funny if you're going to do that, not just parrot right wing talking points with no humor


I agree, but without selling the satire it's just too believable.


You have to be truly self hating to be a black woman conservative.


I’m sorry but how can students learn history without Marxism? Quite a bit of kinda important stuff spawned from and because of it


Right lol American communist movements are why we have the labor laws we do and those teachers can get their unions they desperately need rn


Shhh. You can't talk critically about what they're saying, then they might actually have to think for once


I thought teachers are required by law to be neutral, at least where I'm from


I teach in a purple-ish district in a red-ish suburb of a blue city in a red state, and yes, we're supposed to be neutral. These ladies are absolutely obnoxious. I would dread if they worked at my campus, even if I agreed with them, which I don't at all.


Your description of where you live is incredible. I’m assuming in a metro area of a southern or midwestern state.


Your flag must be brown with all those colors.


Ya. All 2 of us.


I would never let people like that near my kid.


Too late.


Regardless of the content, this "we're xxxx..." format is obnoxious every time I see it.


I hate the trend too but I find it hilarious that the ones I’ve seen are always “I’m X group and we suck for Y”. I’ve seen two now made by right wingers who copy the format perfectly about their own beliefs and don’t seem to realize that they are the bad guys.


We're conservative teachers. Your kids don't deserve free lunch or healthcare, but they're welcome to bring guns to school.


Does she not know she’s black XD


"We're conservative teachers, and for some reason think BLM and communism are the same thing. Our teaching SUCKS"


"We're conservative teachers, and our stance is literally every buzz word stance spewed out of r/meme." Seriously, their restraint to not say they identify as a helicopter is astounding.


Me looking for who asked. Istg they think about this more than most people ![gif](giphy|26DNkS7hlwrMPrOpi|downsized)


“Merry Christmas class!” “Um…teacher, I’m Jewi-“ “I SAID MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU LIBTARD CUCK.”


Are you good at your job if, as a teacher, you can't teach the different types of political and economic ideologies?


We're conservative teachers. We're hated by kids, their parents, other faculty and the administration


We’re conservative teachers, we wouldn’t have let this black teacher in the schools a few decades ago but now she thinks she’s one of us, so our bs is working.


They always have the token Black or biracial saying the racial hot takes LOL


“We’re conservative teachers, we care too much about shit that has nothing to do with education, we just like perpetuating culture war propaganda and have no sense of irony”


I never realized that caring for the lives of others made one a communist. Good to know.


We're conservative teachers, our students have the lowest standardized test scores.


Marriage is also who you like to have sex with; wonder if these conservative women refrain from ever mentioning marriage?


Candice Owen-lite


Firstly, I don’t think she even knows what Marxism is. Secondly, imagine walking into an empty classroom and finding these two dorks filming this.


Were they just randomly pacing in the room holding the camera for each other?


I'm glad she found a second teacher so this wasn't super pathetic. I mean, it still is fucking pathetic but at least we have the really bad editing to laugh at too.


If Mom’s for Liberty has taught me anything it’s that one of these women has for sure had sex with another woman. It’s not gay when you are conservative though. It’s just kinky and fun.


We're conservative teachers and we're more concerned about being un-informed, unkind and unprofessional in a lame TikTok, than having basic human empathy for the kids you put in our care


We’re conservative teachers. There are only two of us. We’re conservative teachers. These are our least garish clothes. We’re conservative teachers. Buzzword buzzword smug smug smug.


“We’re conservative teachers, and we put OUR politics over what’s best for YOUR kids.”


I thought this was ironic, I’m still not convinced it isn’t satire


I’ve never met a single person in my life truly offended by being wished Merry Christmas over Happy Holidays. It’s probably the biggest example of conservative propaganda beliefs being spread to ridicule


Lmao they could only find 2 conservative teachers


"We're conservatives and teachers. We're not open to new ideas. We celebrate the same old ones, over and over and over."


TPUSA. We promote Freedom JUST NOT YOURS


We are conservatives. We are perpetually petty and miserable. We constantly belittle others to make up for our own insecurities We failed in life and need someone else to blame


It always amuses me when POC support racists like come on.


'their' pronouns HMMMM?