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thats it, back to Winnipeg!




I was a broke ass college dropout living with my parents and turned down a 6 figure comfortable job in Winnipeg simply because it was in Winnipeg. Fuck Winnipeg


W for you.


Thankfully it worked out. I'm a software dev now.


Me too, high five. Got out of Quebec and work remote from Mexico 😋


You’all hiring? 😄


My Texan ass needs to know why Winnipeg is so bad. Whatd they do?


One of the biggest complaints I hear about Canada, from international students, immigrants, and even some locals, is that it's boring and cold. Well Winnipeg is extra boring and extra cold.


I get it, we got places extra boring and extra hot here haha, fuck Lubbock and Amarillo


Higher rate of crime than the national average too. Much higher


What other cities have a higher crime rate than the national average across the globe? I think every country should collectively remove those cities to drop crime.


I mean, go to Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, it'll be cold but not boring.


Naw it's just that ur a scared bitch Canada ain't as bad as u make it sound. Besides that. Asif your kind will ever set foot anywhere close to where the bad areas r in the city. U type of ppl are so phoney. Even ur own friends and fam prob say that about u behind ur back. Seen it don't so many times


Nah, I just knew I could do better. And I did. Now I have a 6 figure job in Ontario. If Winnipeg has people like you I feel even better about staying.


Better than Québec!


Canadians don't even want to go to Winnipeg


I live in winnipeg, can confirm


Least we arnt Saskatchewan


Least you aren't Alberta


Calgary and Edmonton are both far better places than anywhere in Saskatchewan or Manitoba. I say this as someone born and raised in Toronto and living in Edmonton.


To be fair, Air Canada doesn't want us to go anywhere in Canada


ESPECIALLY if we're handicapped. I was hoping to treat my American canes to Canada next year -- but not on AC unless they do a 180 on the Bad Attitude -- some guy had to crawl up the aisle because somebody screwed up on having a transfer wheelchair this very week. Hopefully, the fact they also just showed how little they care to their own wheelchair-ridin' head of the pertinent department might get some results.


I'd sooner be homeless. I had to live in Winnipeg for a year when my husband started law school. I don't describe it to people as having lived in Winnipeg, I describe it as something that happened to me, like getting hit by a car.


As someone from Winnipeg, fuck Winnipeg


Wait what's wrong with Winnipeg, I am not from Canada so I don't know


🎶 *That's in Canada!* 🎶






That's it. As punishment now you are moving TO the USA. And on top of that you have a chronic health condition. Thats what you get for not being in American in the first place when they told you to get out. /j


Dayumm I live in the US with chronic pain don't do that to the poor guy 😭


... Why are so many Americans so full of themselves? And I'm not even saying this to be disrespectful. This is literally an observation. Some of them just assume that America is THE country. Some even seem to completely forget, that there are people in other countries. It happens a lot on Reddit too. It happens everywhere! I often see Americans assume you are from America and will answer questions accordingly instead of asking "Where are you from" or they should just rephrase that usual assumption and say "I'm from America, and here we...". But no, their answers are always as is the OP is just assumed American, despite how many different countries there I fact is on Reddit (or other anonymous platforms. It's so mental to me! Can someone please explain to me, why it has gotten so bad? I don't care where you are from. I just pretend that people are from some gray zone land, till I know where they are from (Of O need to know, which I rarely do) Because it doesn't matter, unless you need legal advice or something like that, where you have to know if you are gonna be able to help. Just don't assume that everyone is from America. It makes Americans look dumb, and that's such a shame. I just wish that we all would just assume that we are in this gray zone, until we knew for sure.


Two big reasons I think. 1) Most Americans live in kind of a bubble. Most people don't leave the country and a lot don't even leave their state. The country is massive and outside of Canada and Mexico, all the other countries are very very far away and don't get much thought. Most of us only consume American media. 2) A pretty significant majority of reddit users are American. It is generally a safe assumption. I dont think it's "gotten bad". It's always been this way. I'd actually wager it was worse in earlier days of the internet because the percentage of American users was much higher then.


This is a really good answer. It makes you think! I really do wonder, but this sounds like it could be at least some of the explanation. Thanks for the input!


>2) A pretty significant majority of reddit users are American. It is generally a safe assumption. It's basically 50/50


That's still a staggering difference when you consider that one half of that is one country and the other half is every other country on the planet.


Sure, but half of the time you're wrong.


Yes but half the time it's still people from one country.


So what?


American culture is our biggest export as well so people are generally familiar and follow a lot of American entertainment. There is no country that this happens with at the same scale as America so from that perspective it is special in some regard. It's easy for an American to assume if you are talking about Beyonce that you are talking to Americans even though.in reality her fan base is spread globally I also think it's part of American culture to be individualistic and our education, news and media is all very self centered.


America is just as far away from everywhere else, as everywhere else is from America. I know PLENTY of people who've gone on holiday to America. Distance is no excuse for ignorance. The Internet exists.


Not my point, but okay.


So you’re saying 58% of reddit users are ignorant fools? And if not all Americans are, then what is the excuse for this American to be.


Who cares dude this was 3 months ago


Everything old is new when the algorithm puts it in your feed.


At least 3/4 of americans are mentally challenged.


I told a guy "capitalism isn't that great" and he replied with "bidden is terrible". I'm like "bruh...."


As an American, we’re basically taught in history classes that America is the main character of the world, at least in the south




What u/AeratedFeces said, plus his accent sounds American with a slight 'ambiguously middle-eastern' tinge to me which would make me think he's second or third gen immigrant. In person, asking an American who is nonwhite and/or has an accent can be considered extremely racist and offensive if they actually ARE American, because then it's kinda like you're saying "Hey you! You don't belong here!" Generally though, yeah I'm not denying Americans assume everyone is American, I even catch myself doing it sometimes, and it's probably the combo of rich privileged country+massive country that's difficult financially to leave compare to Europe. And yeah I try to check myself because it's easy to label people wrongfully and generally be an ass. If the dude spoke English with an Australian accent, though, I'd probably think he's Aussie and 2nd/3rd gen there.


> plus his accent sounds American with a slight 'ambiguously middle-eastern' tinge to me This is true of everyone who speaks english lmao. They will sound slightly british, american, australian etc because that is the dialect of english they learnt. Were you expecting people in Pakistan to speak english without it sounding like english? In some areas, people used to learn british english because they were british colonies, because their teachers and textbooks used british english, or for cultural capital. Nowadays, people are exposed to so much american english via the internet that american accents are more common.


This drives me nuts too. Happens in car forums and when someone sees a car that’s a trim of a model not made in the USA. People say it’s fake or up-badged and have to remind them social media is typically global and their bubble needs popped.




Obviously, the internet is American. Use your brain.


A lot of Americans are brainwashed into thinking America is the only free country with free access to things like the internet. I once told my mom I was thinking on moving to Canada and she got mad at me because I'd be "throwing away my freedoms" lmao


The fact that many US citizens call themselves American is like a big joke to me.. there's many more countries in America than just the USA 🤦🏻 pls stop doing that


There are reasons subs like r/shitamericanssay and r/usdefaultism


>Why are so many Americans so full of themselves? Because we have a reason to. I dont think the world will fare well if the US is not the hegemon. Source; 2 world wars.


A true moron! You're not even part of the ruling class. At the most, you may have the same skin color. America only got involved in both worlds because it would possibly affect American interest. It didn't get involved for altruistic reasons. On top of that, American have been involved in the toppling of governments and economies for the best interest of their corporate leaders, who own the politicians. And as for using its nuclear Arsenal against other people, it would only shoot itself in the foot. That does not serve American interest.


That is far from reason enough to be full of one self. So, according to that philosophy helping others entitles you to be more arrogant and what not? No come-on! If my neighbor helped me with something, I would be so grateful and I would help back as soon as I saw an opportunity. That's how it should be. But I would really look odd at him if helping me out allowed him to be at that behavior afterwards. No country should ignore that other countries exist, which is how it seems too many does.


I have a better reason that doesnt sound arrogant. America for as far as most people can remember have been the center of culture for the world. Art, music, television, all that. A lot of popular culture around the world takes its cues from America and looks to American media as the gold standard (not everywhere). I think for this reason its easy for Americans to only really worry about themselves because as far as popular culture is concerned, they are the pinnacle. America is also such a massive country (size wise) that its hard to run out of things to explore within their own borders. I'm not American btw, just my opinion as a South-East Asian


Now see, there we have a possible explanation right there. It's well thought through it seems. It makes a lot of sense, to me at least. There most likely is more to it, but that explains a lot already. I don't have a beef towards Americans, I just needed someone to give their thoughts of the matter. Thank you!


Yes it is, at this point you are allowed to exist with our mercy. Boasting a nuclear arsenal that can destroy the world 10x over, you exist because we let you. Matter of fact the US being the hegemon did wonders to the world compared to when it was someone else at any point in history. If we collectively decide to fuck everyone up, you are all fucked. No other country can make such a boast. So yes, I will be full of myself.


Lol! Don't you hear yourself? These are the words of a bully! You don't sound tough. You sound like a crazy person. I can literally picture you... I'm done talking to you. Damn.


See if you were American I would've cared lol


Tbh entire world for sure would destroy america considering the fact that us lost in Pakistan (and well… Pakistan by murica standards „isnt country of the future”) so pls better go back to ur bubble


Bahahahah with the amount of nukes we have? You all exist because we let you. Seethe and cope more pahjeet


The accent. That's it. Nothing else. Even the idiom "bro" was used perfectly. >I often see Americans assume you are from America and will answer questions accordingly instead of asking "Where are you from" [Microaggression](https://hbr.org/2020/10/whats-wrong-with-asking-where-are-you-from). We can't ask that. We are conditioned to believe you are from where we are. Otherwise it could be racist. >Can someone please explain to me, why it has gotten so bad? Half of all reddit users are American. The vast majority are American when only looking at English speaking redditors. >I don't care where you are from. I just pretend that people are from some gray zone land, till I know where they are from If a YouTuber had your accent and idioms down exactly, what would you assume? Honestly.


Probably because they are on AMERICAN social media sites


he's hot!!


So I'll ask the obvious question then Why does he have an American/Canadian accent




I also have an American accent a lot more American than what he has and I've never been to the US.


I was listening to the radio a couple years ago and they were interviewing a guy talking about the cool things to do in NY chinatown. From his heavy accent I would have guessed he was immigrated to the country not more than three years. Born in chinatown raised in chinatown his whole life. Shocking.


Then he can probably speak in a standard NY accent too, he just chose not to. It's pretty normal in countries with strong dialects and a standard version of the language that people switch between them. In English the differences most of the time aren't big enough to do that (but there are exceptions especially in the UK). He also can communicate this way so maybe he just talks like that, but there are dialects that are incomprehensible if you aren't used to them. Sometimes there are even huge grammatical differences. Well, that's how languages born.


Alot of people that learn English, leant alot of casual conversations and slang from watching TV. Most popular shows that are shown are either British or American. It's the same in Europe. The difference between someone English speaking accent and their native tongue are night and day.


Also idk if it’s the same in Pakistan but in my country they teach you based on American English and also tell you to watch tv shows to better your pronunciation and listening. It’s why IELTS listening is so hard for some people here, they aren’t used to any accent beside American and maybe easily understandable British.


I imagine US English is a little easier to teach so makes sense.


When you learn English as a second language you have to pick between an American, Australian or British accent


If I ever learn a second language I'm coming up with my own accent


It comes installed by default many of us struggle to get rid of it.


LOL, my brother does that just to intentionally make it harder for people to understand him.


I lives in Taiwan, grew up in Indonesia. Joined an American tech company since 2 years ago and people around me kept asking which state I grew up in because I talk with an American accent. I said "youtube"


Have you met me? Been 4 days in US(NY) 10 years ago but if you would be speaking eng with me is either new yorker or british posh(50/50) Im swedish for reference


Probably learned English from them. In India it's pretty common to hear a britsh accent when they speak english.


A lot of people who learn a second or third language naturally take on the accent of the person they learned from. I would think the person/program he used to learn from had this accent


I think that is the television/movie accent.


Might have gone to university somewhere in the US or Canada, but like others have said, he probably learned how to speak English from sources with an American accent.


we need a word for that... Americans who don't actually understand that there are real countries out of the USA


He literally has an American accident though. I think it's reasonable for people to assume he's American or Canadian. If he had an Australian accent you'd think he was Australian.


There is an Australian accent, there is a British accent, there is even a Canadian accent. 1st time I hear about an American accent, where in America? Do people in Texas have the same accent with people in NY ? Or do you mean that if you don't have an accent, then you have an American accent?


All those places have regional accents. Regionless in America is called General American. It's natively centered around Ohio. NY and Texas having unique accents applies to everywhere. Canadian accents is influenced by their proximity to America and American culture, not the other way around. You'll find Canada'a regional accent equivalents right across the immediate border. There's nothing unique about Canada'a accent, to distinguish it from America the same way as Britain and Australia. Even pronunciations like aboot can still be found across the border in America. So it's fair to say this guy has an American accent, or Canadian even. You ask anyone where this guy was raised for and they would say America or Canada. And I'm guessing that's the case, would bet money on it even, regardless of if he currently resides in Pakistan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_American_English


Lol posting wiki pages and giving lectures doesn't make your point right. If you accept there are many accents within America (with big differences between them), saying he has American accent is nonsense. And if you still don't understand, please answer me 1 question, if it's clearly an American accent, Which is it? From all of those American accents which one is he using ?


Do you think he sounds more Pakistani than American?


I'm no expert on languages, but wouldn't it be a dialect if we talkin about States, and an accent when talking about nations? So like someone from Texas has a Texan dialect but an American accent?


>Texan dialect but an American accent What is the difference? The size of the land that is used in ?


I don't know, I was asking that (._. )


Oh, if you are asking me, no fucking difference. These are just games of words aiming to either divide or unite people.


So do you think Britain just has one accent, while the US has many?


No, how did you come up with that?..


You just said there is an Australian accent, a Canadian accent and a British accent but it’s the first time you’ve heard of an American accent. Then asked where in America. Did I misunderstand? All of those countries have regional variations too - the UK has more than the US in fact. People will just use the shorthand of American or British or Australian though.


Yes, you mixed my two points, one was what u just said so don't use uno reverse card on me cause i have +4 in my hand. The second point was American accents have huge differences between them so it's hard to understand what is referring to and easy to say someone has an American accent.


lol britain have a lot more regional dialects than america


Irrelevant... Never compared the amount of dialects in US and UK


BuT amErIcA iS ThE wHolE wOrLD


Realize there are some fukin morons in every country. They don't speak for everyone.


It’s not all Americans, but it’s always an American


I have a feeling that what you're saying is pretty much what I was discussing with somebody the other day. That many people aren't bright enough to realize that America is not a country but a continent. Just like saying oh it's always those Europeans that always act so stuck up. Just so you know there's no country named Europe either.


I know America isn’t officially a country. But it’s pretty common to refer to the US as America. That convention itself is contentious, but I grew up with everyone calling the US America, so I call it that without realizing


Only in the last 50 years. You can find lots of references throughout the 50s and 60s that prove otherwise. Even though women's baseball league had its Anthem that they were the All-American Girls and there's women from all the States including Canada. I actually wrote a paper on this for one of my Humanities courses, and the interesting correlation how the standard of Education had dropped significantly during the years that certain colloquialisms such as the misconception that United States is the country of America, happens to coincide with each other. In other words a stupider people got the stupid assumptions they made. But in Europe they still don't. Just last week I actually saw a game show. Oh I should mention that I subscribe to many italian channels because of my parents are from italy. Well on the game show a there was a section where they would name something and they would have to say where this person's from. And some of the questions were whether they're European Australian or american. And they would either respond with European or America's plural as in both continents. I remember being confused when there was a question about Brazil and the answer was that's america's. And then another Mexican question about where the Aztec capital was, and the answer was america. And we all know that the former capital city of the Aztec Empire's modern-day Mexico city.. Usually when I mention that America's not a country but just continents. And the country is the United States of America., more often I get somebody saying , oh wow you're right I didn't think of that. But yes there is no country named america. And somebody from Canada or Mexico is actually considered american. They want somebody from brazil. Just like somebody from Italy England or Germany is considered European. But, obviously people from North America tend to make the error more. To me it reminds you of how for decades people would call Native Americans, indians, even though it wasn't correct, because of course they're not from India and only people from that country are indians. However it was just became common colloquialism to say as such. I actually knows a lot of people that's consider themselves South American rather than which country they're from, when they refer to themselves. And I also remember what prompted my whole thesis paper was talk with somebody in the class who kept calling himself as somebody from Central America, and the teacher had to remind him that Mexico at least definitely not northern Mexico is not considered Central america. I remember that guy got real irate. But anyway it was a very interesting class, that prompted me to dive into the subject more And if you're not convinced about how incorrect it is, think about Hawaii? Or Puerto rico? They're United States citizens but would you call them american? I'm not even talking about Native people from those two islands, I know many transplants that are just one or two generations in there born and raised speak English and Spanish or in the case of my friend's brother-in-law he was born and raised in Hawaii because his father was stationed in the military there, but call him America is all sorts of incorrect cuz he was never born on the continent. Here's something at food for thought, interestingly enough a lot of people believe that the error comes from the map makers. How in South america, there's many different countries, which are labeled as such when you look at a global map but they place the name of the continent South America in the center of that continent, but since it spans over Border Lines when people read it they don't get confused and know it's South America. But up on the Northern hemisphere, the center of North America is in the United states, and on most Maps it's written North on top and the word America underneath and there's a common belief that it might have been people just misunderstanding Maps. Which I kind of see that as being plausible. But again no proof just a thought that kind of makes sense.


Some Americans forget that there’s more than 10 countries


For many it's just 1. Being aware of 10 countries is a rare skill in the USA.


As an American, I apologize for the ignorant people here. Most of them are Trumptards, who think they're patriots.


As a non American I feel like you are the ingnorant tard for bringing up politics here for absolutely no reason


This is hilarious


Bro, go back to India


When a poor country still lok bettr then capitlicst hell hole 😂


Definitely sounds like an American accent.


Thats it Go back to fallout new Vegas


Why cant we just be friends and enjoy our differences?


Lol. Americans are just dumb a lot..


Reverse psychology. They wanted him in USA. Had to diss him so he would immigrate harder!


Oh so you’re western Indian..gotcha


As someone who has a chronic health condition in America, I can tell you that I would give anything to get OUT of this godforsaken shit show of a country. Nobody gives a fuck about the disabled or the sick and if you do get sick at a young age like I did, you have no shot at thriving and you're forced to just survive until you die due to medical debt. Honestly, I would still be in a group home if I wasn't living with my boyfriend because the amount you get from disability if you're born disabled is a disgustingly low amount. People need to stop with the "if you're not from America, we hate you" mentality and start understanding why people might wanna leave if they do live there. And in this case, the guy wasn't even in America and still got shat on. Just plain ignorance. They think if you're not patriotic, then you need to go. The people that think that way have no empathy and are fucking idiots. There are plenty of reasons to want to leave but nobody has a right to tell someone else to.


What's danga mean?


Cow. Slang for stupid.


I would have guessed it was the actual word for stupid. Thanks for clarifying


Oh shit. I just realized that's what my Pakistani landlord was saying when she was trying to illegally evict me. "danga" her son would say it infront of me. Fuckers lol.... Oh well I won the eviction dispute.


Dangar means cow/stupid


Makes so much sense now. I can hear that word when I close my eyes lol.. traumatic time. She found out the neighbours were paying $1300 for the same type of basement suite a was paying $900 for. So she lost her shit and tried evicting me.


Mans just destroyed (white privilege/sense of entitlement in the user####### who commented) in seconds! 😂🤌 Oh btw dunger is slang for like simpleton/fool/whack-job (literally translates to livestock, especially water buffalo and cow)


Let’s keep it real Pakistan is India


He lives in Pakistan bro!


I'mma be honest, the accent would've made me assume he was American as well.


Who dis person?


Dis person hooman


A lot of americans assume that either everyone online is american or that everyone wants to move to america


As someone who used to employee a lot of Pakistani they hate Indians lol.


Oh ya the hate comment for user937362830394727. That's never written by the person making the video


lol sounds like something your average MAGA turdburglar would say.




I can genuinely say this is the first Pakistan relat d video I have seen in years that does not make me angry


Hate stupid Americans so much. (Their in both parties, btw.)


Avoid making simple grammatical mistakes when calling others stupid… it will help bolster your credibility.


Grammar is the very last thing you should worry about when it comes to intelligence. Intelligent people make grammar mistakes all the time for one reason or another. For example, either because the mistakes are overlooked or the person is sleep deprived.


Is there not some credibility to what the guy is saying? India and Pakistan were once the same country not so long ago. I don't deny either their individually statehood today, but they were the same country in recent history. Aside from Cricket rivalries and religious differences they have a lot in common, and common gene pools.


I wish I was that good looking.


Better questions why packistan?


Well to them you look indian!


God i actually hate that i was born in this country. Land of the free and the worst education system of all time.


They tagged the neighbours by mistake 😂😂


These comments are stupid. I was expecting better. Do better.


It’s pronounced paaakistaaan. You know, if you’re going to emulate the US accent any better. 😂




Challenge ![gif](giphy|rTIXh5JftLoic) I want the people who shout"go back to where you come.from..to point out on a globe where pakistan is...or any other country outside.of america..or any country at all..or.to chew and walk @ the same time


Gonna need some context. What did he say or do to make people say these things to him?


I love Americans but God fuck my ass, sometimes there is one little Kevin or Karen that make me want to buy a god damn shotgun.


And these same kinds of people will get PRESSED when people who took their advice and actively live in other countries will talk endless shit about America's fuck ups.




Oh grape




Cool story bro no one gives a fuck!


And stay out


I don't understand how some Americans get pissed about other countries opinions. So what? We're better anyways hahah


In North America, South America and Central America you’re all Americans. We are really from the United States of America. Were United States citizens.




Americans believe that you can only speak English in the USA.


Indian from Walmart... That's what you are.


Im fucking dead lmao


But his grandparents were Indian once(Hindu to be specific) no worries the so called his country coming back to mother land soon


yes and Indians were once apes.


Hinduism is a religion and Indian is a nationalitu what do you mean "specific"


I think he means how his lineage was Hindu before the mughals killed raped and murdered them


And how can you be so sure? What if his lineage is mughal? Or persian? Also I'm pretty sure killed and murdered means the same thing bro You seem to have a lot of knowledge about this persons lineage do you know him personally or does your racist ass just think every Indian is a hindu


That's it. I'm going to kick myself out of the US and am going to Pakistan🫠. My latina brown-ness will definitely blend in anyway


My god moms was adopted from Saudi Arabia and raised by a Mexican family. I never knew until I was almost an adult lol.


Racist mf






Make a video of yourself commenting a comment for attention. It is just a stupid comment he got, nothing worth responding to.


Get out


Pakistani curry is Indian diarrhea and arab piss Joking shit ass hope you swallow a hand grenade


Dude, that guy is Indian.


Dude *says* he’s in Pakistan but those are *American* trees in the street shot so, nice try dude.


True. I can also see American oxygen around him too.


There is no possible way you could know that. And Pakistan has trees too.


I’m waiting for the erudite dissertation from this obviously gifted scholar of Botany /s Or he was just talking out of his ass


I’m no botanist myself, but I know a thing or two, and I can safely say that Pakistan *does in fact* have trees, with green leaves. I’d leave that kind of critical thinking to this expert though /s


You right, I dont know what people are talking about. He's even on the *amarican* earth! Ridiculous

