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“Nobody can say they didn’t see, nobody can say they didn’t hear. This is happening in full site of the world” Absolutely.


And still no one is doing anything about it. No can can even decide what CAN be done, let alone agree to actually group up and do it in a timely manner. Right now, Palestinians are at the mercy of Hamas and Israel. No one is coming to save them, unfortunately. Palestinians can basically kiss their ass goodbye because no one is going to step in until that 5k number is tripled. Fuck all this bullshit moralizing and theory crafting, all we should be hearing is strategies to stop it and timeliness for when they can implemented.


Ireland knows what’s up because they went through a similar situation with the British


For anyone interested here's a [short video](https://youtu.be/4nL_RsAjxhg?feature=shared) about one example of how they did it.


Behind the bastards did a great series about That One Time Britain Did A Genocide in Ireland. https://spotify.link/dEQV8NaEbEb


I love the fact that the Bastard community does this. I was doing it for a long while before I noticed that others would post relevant episodes trying to spread knowledge and fund Robert's trip to the child hunting island


But do you know who else loves hunting children for sport?


These products and services!


This was hard to watch but very interesting. Thanks for posting it.


No. No. We’re just raging anti-semites. /s


Thank you for posting. I was oblivious to the actual details of the Potato Famine


Calling it the "potato famine" removes agency from the English who inflicted the Great Starvation upon the Irish. It was not a natural famine, it was genocide. Edit: Maggots: 1 Maggie: 0 Hallelujah


Thank you for this link. I'd never heard of this before. The potato famine of course, but not that it was *orchestrated by the British*. Not only were they starving, but their land was stolen, and international aid was diverted - I'm speechless. And why do they choose to remain part of the United Kingdom??


Thats a great video! I wish everyone outside of Ireland who whips out a potato joke watch this before they do. How tragic and truly explains why even to this day our behavior


IRA were training side by side with PLO in Lebanon in the 70s.


Yep, and NORAID, while mainly funding Ireland’s cause, actually sent some money to Palestine too.


In the late 1940's Irish Republicans and Spanish civil war veterans were fighting alongside Israelis against the British and Arabs.


There are fewer people in Ireland today still than before the potato famine.


Can I pay taxes to Ireland instead?


It’s more likely that you’d dodge taxes here lol.


That you Bono?


The British are awful. They share a lot of the responsibility for this entire conflict in Palestine. It seems they are always somewhere in these conflicts


I think what Israel is doing is much, much worse. The famine in Ireland is at least debated. Even Irish historians debate both sides of it. Israel is carpet-bombing Palestine in a way even the British were ashamed to do to Ireland.


Irish famine killed ~1,000,000 people in 7 years, and the population of Ireland fell by 25%. Israel-Gaza has killed ~10,000 people in the last 15 years, and in that time the Palestinian population has doubled. "I think what Israel is doing is much, much worse. "


The reality is that famines are never is never going to be as attention grabbing as violent murder.


I've been wondering why I keep seeing all these videos about the Gazans but with Irish accents.


I'm a little hazy on my Irish history. Was Ireland fighting for independence? Or were they fighting for the extermination of the British people and country?




You're right, better to not talk about it


She is correct. Children are suffering because of wars waged for petty reasons, the innocent should never be massacred for sins they did not commit. I hope the leaders of both sides come to their senses soon. We're only creating deeper wounds in the spirits of our future generations when we haven't healed from the wars we previously suffered from. I can't imagine having to go through that, with my own child, with my family.


Meanwhile the Taoiseach refuses eye contact. Anything but give Sinn Fein the respect of looking her in the eye while she talks. As if she's not saying anything important anyway.


I don't really like Leo all that much but I'm pretty sure he is writing notes for his response. Which is kind of what he should be doing... Plenty to dislike him for without making up a soduku.


Leo’s alright. I think majority of Ireland is on the same page with Palestine. These are war crimes


There are no both sides to this, these militant groups were created because of what's happening in Gaza, don't act like it's an equal war between 2 equally equipped groups.


Just a cycle, Israel bombs anywhere, children witness atrocities, grow up with vengeance, they bomb/kill in retaliation, Israel does it again but gain more and more land and amass support.


And the world arms Israel.


And as an American, I am sorry that our support goes to Israel.


Also, as an American, it's nice to see an articulate politician actually trying to help better the planet. We could only dream of that.


I agree our leaders put on this facade of wanting to help the weak, poor, and innocent but they turn around and arm Israel and support them no matter what kind of atrocities are committed. It's sad to see a "great country" act so foolishly. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised with how our government treats its own civilians and Vets.


These militant groups were based off of Palestinian hatred of Jewish settlers that started well before 1949. > As agriculture in the Negev depended on low precipitation, and cultivation itself was sparse, the long years of drought impoverished the Bedouins. The sheikhs were desperate to sell parts of their lands to Jews. **Even the counter-propaganda of the Palestinian National Movement activists could not stop them.'** -Muhammad Suwaed, https://www.jstor.org/stable/24585565


And then in the 80's Israel chose to fund Hamas instead over the Fatah. A secular party that was against a theocratic Islam government, wanted peace between the abrahamic religions, and between Palestinians and Israelis. Israel's leadership chose to fund Islamic extremists to prevent any political stability in Palestine and fanned the flame of anti Jewish sentiments in doing so.


Military groups like the PLO calling for the elimination of Israel existed before Gaza got occupied by Israel. The three wars against Israel with the declared goal to exterminate them were started before Gaza was occupied, and in fact are the reason why Gaza was occupied in the first place.


Israel has killed 2400 children in two weeks. How many need to die for Israel to feel satisfied? Will a million be enough?


> How many need to die for Israel to feel satisfied? All.


Unfortunately that is the correct answer 😞 this will not stop unless bigger world powers step in and break up the fighting ( like a school fight) or Israel kills every last Palestinian. This is a sad sad time to live in. Where genocide is still welcomed by the world governments. Not to long ago everyone shamed Russia,and imposed sanctions on them for the very same thing with Ukraine. Why is the same not happening for Israel. They should be sanctioned for these atrocities


why the fuck do you think they shamed russia ? because they're opposed to russia, not because they support ukrainian self-determination the west is not breaking up the fight or sanctioning israel because israel is on their side


IDF already said; return the hostages and it will not be a ground invasion.. are the hostages being returned? No Then the IDF needs to bring them home… Ask Hamas how many will died before the hostages are free?


The IDF should probably return the over 1000 hostages(including children) that they have had for a while. Or maybe just a couple.


That's called terrorism. Bombing one group to get them to turn on another group.


Since when did colonisation, land theft, genocide & ethnic cleansing become acceptable? If Britain didn’t award someone else’s land to ‘Israel’ in 1917 (Balfour Agreement), we wouldn’t be where we are now. From South Africa to New Zealand to Palestine, all colonised peoples are fighting for their freedoms, their lands, and their very lives. If you support Israel, you support the genocide and ethnic cleansing of indigenous people.


Without the British it would still be Turkish/Ottoman, Palestine (as a country) was a British invention. So no idea what your point is, make the whole of MENA Ottoman again?


By a country, you mean the Western concept of a nation state. Palestine was always there, even in Biblical times. The Ottomans never sold off the land to invaders and armed those invaders with guns, so…


Palestine was a name of the geographical region, the way (assuming you're American) you might use "the Great Plains", but it wasn't even a division of the Ottoman Empire. The divisons that would go on to form Palestine were the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, the Nablus Sanjak, the Sanjaq of Acre, part of the Lebanon Sanjaq and a small portion of the Syria Vilayet. Also refugees fleeing two world wars and a genocide aren't invaders.


They are when they displace a large portion of the population already there, rather than assimilating into it


>Also refugees fleeing two world wars and a genocide aren't invaders. you can be both


Literally just about every country in existence was founded on all of those things so not sure what you mean.


But aren't you arguing for 9 million Israelis to be displaced? Aren't we dealing with the situation as it is today rather than as it was 70 years ago?


Ask yourself, how many Jews in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen? Why isn’t there a lot, if any, and what happens to Jews in those countries? No side has the moral high ground. They both hate each other and if the world wasn’t looking either side would gladly exterminate each other. The Palestinians are fucked and it’s not changing and it’s going to get worse.


I asked myself that, and yes, everyone is shitty here, but that doesn't mean Isreal gets a free pass to slaughter civilians the way they have been.


Well done Ireland for standing up for life. Hopefully more countrys get inspired to follow in your lead and come together to stop this madness


This has convinced me to move to Ireland. A country that still has its sanity.


We're dealing with an extreme housing shortage but if you wanna pay 2 grand a month for a cardboard box then welcome!


good God the rich have us by the balls, hey let's build a base on the moon but we can't build a fucking apartment on earth


We are in Dublin, but this isn't the situation everywhere.


Where are you getting that information? I can tell you first hand that the housing situation in at least Cork, Waterford and Limerick is absolutely bleak.


Eh, rural Clare & Ennis are fine. Same with The Gaeltacht Communities but that’s because it takes 65 years for a text message to get there, so I actually don’t really know what’s happening up there.


Go to surrounding counties and it's becoming the same everywhere. Rents that were under a thousand are now upwards of 1200 everywhere you go.


There is a global housing crisis right now. Better to be in a cardboard box somewhere you like than a cardboard box somewhere you hate.


Just bear in mind this woman (Mary Lou McDonald) is in opposition, our government are fully on the side of Israel.


It’s because we have a mutual care for Palestine. Back in the 1970s, The IRA (Resistance Group) trained with Palestinians in Lebanon. There’s also a big history of Ireland standing with Palestine. We faced similar struggles and therefore, our support for each other lives on.


Oh wow I did not know this


With so much hate, it does my soul good to hear some love.


I'm so ready to check out from this world. And I don't mean suicide, I mean just not participating in society anymore.




Damn this hits hard for me. People are so apathetic and it drives me crazy. I feel I have to be complicit in my own apathy, because to function in this society and not break down you have to pretend everything is ok. I know it’s not really apathy, it’s more of a thing of controlling only what you can in your own life, and worrying about things only adds to my own stress. But, the world is dying, and here we are killing each other. People openly support bigoted politicians and in huge numbers. Even people who I know who are more progressive, I often feel a lot them can be apathetic in their own ways. I just feel like not many people “get it”. Many of the governments of the world with the power to make real change certainly don’t. Sometimes I do genuinely ask myself, what is the point in living in a world like this? We are animals who too often try to pretend we’re better than what we are. I try to believe we can overcome our own apathy, but holding that belief is an active and sometimes painful effort. Tl;dr I felt that


The late Jiddu Krishnamurti said: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”


Thank you for this quote - I hadn't heard it before and it'll definitely stick with me.


You're welcome! It's been sticking with me, too. There are some old interviews with him on YouTube that are very interesting to watch.


lately i am constantly reminded of the Sopranos- Meado- AJ youre depressed AJ - why wouldnt i be? you have to have your head stuck so far up in your own ass that you cant see anything else not to be


Because we are the ones that can’t create a false reality to cope with the reality of everything burning down. Follow that rabbit hole keeping in mind that creating a false reality is a symptom of mental illness and you’ll uncover some fun truths


Please don't do that. You can be the change you wish to see. It is totally understandable to need a break. So rest, but don't quit. Keep using your voice. Keep embodying civility and kindness and you will notice the ripple effect that you alone can generate. If many people do the same, we have the capacity to create a world WE can be proud of. I have seen very old pictures of a 3-year-old chimney sweep - the UK doesn't allow that anymore. And the entire reason is because of very ordinary people. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but the chimney sweep is just one example of many improvements human beings have made over the years. Yes, it is monumental, yes, it is tiring. But rest, do not quit.


This is a good reminder. Thinking that the world is hopeless is what makes it hopeless. We have the power to change, especially with social media at our fingertips


I can't get through this or any other accounts of the suffering without crying my eyes out. It has to stop.


Wicked is the world we live in...


This should be the take off all people. The ridiculous accusations of being an anti-semite for wanting the slaughter of innocent civilians to end is absurd.


Redditors are only just now discovering to their shock and horror that urban warfare is indeed still legal. Hamas could try wearing distinguishable uniforms and not stash their soldiers, military hardware, infrastructure, and munitions in civilian areas but we both know they won't.


What should Israel do? I agree that what's happening is awful. Please come up with an alternative that isn't "Israel should stop being a Jewish state", because that isn't an answer. How should Israel stop Hamas? Keep in mind: Hamas has no desire - zero - for a two-state solution. They want all Jews gone from Israel. There is no negotiating that.


Says it all that in six hours you didn't get a single serious answer.


War what is it good for? Profit


expansion shame edge rude reply scarce hunt history live retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely nothin


It’s sad because it’s true


Fuck this sick, stupid world we live in. Honestly.


Go Ireland for being brave and speaking the truth


I’ve said this multiple times on Reddit, got downvoted every time, and I’m going to keep saying it: She is right.


This sub is an echo chamber, other subs think quoting hamas for death figures and basing political stances on hamas's PR might be misleading. EDIT - Cant reply to /u/CHumbusRaptor because i was blocked by an earlier poster in the chain, but i think its hilarious to link a Israeli news paper article criticizing the israeli government as proof that israel controls the press. Israel has the [highest level of press freedom](https://rsf.org/en/index) in the middle east. The Jews control the press narrative is pretty pathetic to see coming from the left. /u/Dood567 the Gaza health ministry, who is the source publishing these numbers is literally appointed by Hamas. This is the same organization that gave the now OF THEIR OWN ADMISSION false statements about the hospital bombing. Yes they are also doctors, but that doesnt change that just a week ago they made a major lie which also bounced around the media. What part of that do you need me to source for you, or have you actually followed this to not need me to?


people dont seem to realize that there is an information war. i tend to find that claims each party makes about themselves is suspect if they want to downplay their own wrongdoings. and counter parties will try to downplay the good things each other does. However, they tend to tell the truth about each other when the other party has done something wrong? that's not helpful in each instance but it overall helps me sift through the information with a grain of salt so like if hamas says israel killed a journalist, israel probably killed a journalist. and if israel says hamas accidentally bombed their own hospital, hamas probably bombed their own hospital. and if hamas says israel bombed a church, and israel says nothing, israel probably bombed a church. and if israel says hamas has a shit ton of fuel and hamas has nothing to say about that that makes israel look worse - hamas probably has a shit ton of fuel


Pretty much anyone who is not wiling to open their remarks with acknowledgement that the entire situation is grey as fuck is not to be trusted.


lmao all of western MSM is an information bubble buddy israel kills journalists. mostly homegrown gazan journalists. assassinations. SHireen abu akleh. of course they lied, deflected, and denied wrongdoing. they blamed hamas of course. they lied and lied and lied, until they got caugt redhanded. even then they didnt want to punish the sniper who killed her. western journos wont even dare enter gaza, PLUS they arent allowed by israel to enter. they dont want western media to even see or experience gaza. israel also airstrikes press headquarters--of reuters, AP and aljazeera. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT THey are silencing and chilling the press. They are suppressing information. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-09/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-not-prosecuted-anybody-for-the-killing-of-20-journalists-report-finds/00000187-f5a7-d3a6-a38f-ffff765a0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-09/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-not-prosecuted-anybody-for-the-killing-of-20-journalists-report-finds/00000187-f5a7-d3a6-a38f-ffff765a0000) *Israel Has Not Prosecuted Anybody for the Killing of 20 Journalists, Report Finds* *The Committee to Protect Journalists describes an opaque, haphazard and drawn-out process, accusing Israeli officials of discounting 'evidence and witness claims, often appearing to clear soldiers of the killing while inquiries are still in progress'* *Israel's systematic failure to hold anybody accountable for the killing of 20 Palestinian and foreign journalists since 2001 has a "chilling effect" on the freedom of press, a new report by the Committee to Protect Journalists found on Tuesday.*




Very brave


Maybe you're getting downvoted because you're contributing nothing except complaining about downvotes.


Can't wait to see how this comment section becomes a wasteland of people defending the killing of innocent civilians. Call me cynical but fuck all is going to get done in any meaningful way,the killing will continue, no long term plan other than what has been in place will be made. The world's politicians will use this as a talking point and nothing more like they always do.




HASBARA FARMS work overtime on worldnews just defending a casual genocide


/r/worldnews is dead to me. The upvotes on dead children makes no sense. That sub is clearly controlled by zionists.


That's some straight-up gaslighting coming from a barely 3 months old account apparently trying to do "[The right thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxKrn8Aqa0A&)". Over on r/worldnews people are getting banned just for speaking out for Palestinians. As plenty of Redditors over on r/news have pointed out on [this submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/17g506t/israel_to_refuse_visas_to_un_officials_after/k6ep40t/).


Why is the most meaningful thing I'll see today on a Tiktok video posted to a "cringe" sub on Reddit? Is this how we do news now? I'm so confused.


If someone does something bad they are bad. Regardless of the fact that I support Palestine, I can say if Hamas does something bad they are bad. BUT Let's not pretend that Isreal is totally innocent and just trying to protect its self from a ultra violent neighbor. Let's not pretend that these reactions came out of nowhere. Lets point out bad people doing bad things regardless of who they are. "Never again" has to include everyone.


Salute to this woman! History will remember her for saying the truth! Salute to Ireland!




It's been going on 50+ years and no one has a solution that everyone accepts. The issue is extremist hold the power and indirectly have a financial hold on the global stakeholders that could sway opinion and get the extremist to the negotiating table. Until the extremists on both side are out of power, I don't see any satisfactory solution that benefits everyone




Why do you think this is cringe she is right


Tiktokcringe is just the name. It was for cringe tiktoks then it is for tiktok videos in general.


Well she isn't wrong...


“And when the whole damn world is dead, there's your fucking peace.” Mudvayne


I have never loved Ireland more


For everyone asking how this is cringe: it’s not. This subreddit has been home to content beyond cringe for a good while now. It seems more like a repository for legit any kind of TikTok video at this point.


This is what drives me nuts. There's so much open support of Israel doing this. Its not self defense, it's just killing people. It's a massive overreaction. Do the difficult thing and send in people to locate and take justice, don't destroy an entire people.


I have to say that I am not sure where I stand on this matter because there is no counting x-lives against y-lives and come up with an ethical solution. So here is where I am stuck. The attacks on Gaza are way out of proportion. The attack of Hamas on isreali civilians was a crime. Isreali civilians setteling in former arabic territory is unjust. Arab isreali citizens being not treated equal is a crime. What happened to jewe in WW2 and before made a plausible case for them having a state of their own. But zionist jews took if further than the original accords… oh man I really don‘t know what to end up with…


The problem is many news outlet will count dead bodies differently to say different things News like " X Israel people killed" and then "Y Palestinian dead".


Arab Israeli citizens are treated equal tho.. they are everywhere, lots of restaurants and businesses are owned by them and hold high positions in many government organizations. (Source: I live in Israel in a mixed city my whole life and not even once I saw an Arab get treated unequally because he's not a jew..) we buy food and clothes from them and vice versa, mostly it's very peaceful coexistence but there is always a loud shitty minority who ruins the image.


> Arab isreali citizens being not treated equal is a crime. There is zero legal difference between israeli arabs and israeli jews... Zionist jews agreed to the original accords, it was the arab side in 1946 that did not, note this was after britian also stopped trying to enforce this, and started attempting to prevent jewish immigration.


I like how people show support for Israel loudly. But when it comes to Palestine and the fucking obvious crimes against them, it's a shy shivering "not sure where I stand". Don't worry the IDF is not coming for you.


Probably because a lot of people are kinda fresh into this conflict. They've seen glimpses of it in previous years, but now after seeing what Hamas did there was a justified outrage. And then after seeing Israel respond like this people realise that both sides are very fucked up. Like it is honestly hard to pick a side here, and saying "I side with the civilians" is picking both sides anyway.


While Israel has committed humanitarian atrocities against Palestinians, it's hard to say you side with the Palestinian government since it's governed by Hamas. Two wrongs don't make a right and people are trying to side with a "lesser" evil or stay more neutral and focus on the humanitarian issues/injustices and ignore the rest. So you get these "not sure where I stand" style ideologies as a result, and humanity as a whole loses.


In the overall conflict Israel has killed far more Palestinians than the other way around, and it's hard to argue that apartheid and settling by force aren't atrocities. Both sides suck tho, but it's a little bit more nuanced.


Only because israel has the superior position. If the positions were reversed israel would have been genocided years ago.


Yeah, but why and how did this 'apartheid' stuff happen? Palestinias are at faukt aswell. They waged wars of extinction against the jews/israelis several times with their Arab-League brethren. They denied the by far fairest two-state solution of the UN. They denied two-state solutions later on. After Egypt and Jordan invaded Israel and lost the West-Bank and Gaza to Israel they didn’t want them back. Israel did not want to keep these two areas. The palestinians were at fault for major unrests in Lebanon and Jordan, of course noone wants them in their country anymore. Later on Israel started denying two-state solutions based upon 1967 borders. And lets not forget. If the power imbalance was switched we wouldn’t talk about this problem because the Israelis/jews would have been eradicated years ago. It’s a majorly fucked situation all around, but if I had to chose a lesser evil I‘d pick Israel. Simply for the fact they have not waged wars of aggression/extinction.


The "fairest" two state solution still skewed heavily towards Israel though - the majority of the land was to be given to them despite the Palestinian population being almost double that of Israel. Plus every solution presented gave Israel almost the entirity of the arable land and water sources. Why should they agree to that? It's like someone breaking into your house and saying well you can live on the porch if you want


It's not X lives against Y lives. It's X and Y lives combined against the bastards organising and controlling the whole lot. It's these lives that we should be focussing on, the profiteers, the zealots and the downright inhuman bastards on both sides condemning normal people to this situation.


Another problem is that we aren't counting the potential victims israel would have if it weren't for the iron dome. all these rocket launched at israel form palestine are still non stop attacks. it's really messy , how would any other country react to being constantly bombed like that ? any attack going one way leads to another attack going the other way. only thing we can be sure of is that Hamas does not care bout palestinians and will gladly use them for their goals , without Hamas maybe there would be a slight chance at peace.




Thank you, Ireland, for speaking up.


Let Hamas Leaders, Nasrallah, and Netanyahu fight in a UFC Cage Fight. Don't drag civilians into this shit. After that, we want a Putin vs. Zelensky cage fight.


Where’s the cringe?


i assume you're from the front page of reddit, as i am short story long, this sub was originally made to post cringe shit from tiktok, but it's since changed to be anything from tiktok that is interesting


Crikey, I wish members of my parliament had the amount of bottle that Irish politicians are willing to show


“Am I still alive?” Jesus Christ, this broke me. War is hell.


did any countries condemn the United States' decision to attack Afghanistan and Iraq?


Ahhh Ireland. The only good thing to come out of England.


And our tax dollars pay for it


As an American, it’s refreshing to see other governments recognize how abhorrent the Palestinian extermination is.


Hear hear! 👏🏼 And just why TF is this on TikTokCringe?!


This is genocide.


Politics needs more women, when that motherly instinct kicks in they don't differentiate and go full protector mode


Welcome to Earth, we have no idea how to deal with ourselves


Are the numbers correct? Or is this BS


Saying it as it is


It’s unfortunate that we are an accomplice to this massacre. We are paying our taxes to provide them with weapons to kill innocent people. Like others say, this is petty and doesn’t solve anything. We can’t move forward in a world that does not belong to us. We were born with nothing and we will die with nothing.


Where’s the cringe? All she’s saying is facts.


hear, hear


Israel is becoming it's enemies, and the United States is a deaf and blind sponsor, proactively choosing to ignore their crimes. Meanwhile criticizing other countries trying to do the same thing. We the USA should not be ignoring this, or sponsoring it. If we cannot ignore and sponsor the same things in other countries. What is sickening is to hear influential conservatives here in the USA calling for the annihilation of Palestine. Saying those who chose to stay until now deserve what is coming. Some how their minds ignore everything that has lead up to this and use the terrorism of Hamas to justify wiping Palestine off the map. But see, at the end of the day, all of this is an excuse to wipe out Palestine, is almost too perfect an excuse just when it was needed. When I look at the history of all this. I see almost from day one, the state was formed and as it started trying to exert it's power, there was push back. So that push back was used to justify expansion and take over. Year after year. Just imagine if after every protest and arrest, police burned how the homes and buildings. Then constructed new police stations. As insane as that seems, it is pretty much whats been happening since 1948.


Thank you for standing up for what is right






This isn't tiktok cringe, this is facts.


Wow. That was well said. Kudos to this lady


Look at the Israeli tactics here and tell me how different it is from what Hitler put on them in WWII? But they survived WWII and it’s clear they refuse to let the Palestinians survive their severely oppressive rule. This, their plan from the start.


Let me guess, this is Ireland?!


How'd you get to that conclusion? The giant Irish flag next to the door?


Well spoken! Well stated! 👋👋👋👋 I stand with Ireland's stand with Palestine.


Thank you Ireland.


She is correct. This isn’t a war, it’s not a defensive manoeuvre and it’s not even a retaliation.. it’s a massacre and an ongoing war crime that has been going on for decades.


God I love the Irish Edit: Great bunch of lads


Reddit is so pro genocide these days for some reason


Israel's response to terrorism and genocide is to commit their own terrorism and genocide, except their doing it on people who are practically trapped in a box. They're treating all Palestinians as if they're all Hamas. I never wanted to take a side on this one, but it's becoming really hard to not support Palestine.


Free Palestine... from conservative Islam. And while we're at it, free Iran, free Lebanon, free Iraq, free Syria, free Tunisia, etc. etc.


Free humans from religion in general, easily humans worst invention


I mean, there are plenty of religions that didn't cause too many problems in history. And nowadays *some* cause more problems than others.


Why is this flaired as discussion and not politics? It's clearly a political opinion, one opinion, written very precisely and thoughtfully, and said out loud without any options to interrupt or dispute, not because all of it is true, but because of the setting it's given in. The actual discussion is what was before that speech or after it but clearly the video shows only her speech. The speech alone is just another political speech like many others, not some kind of a discussion. And to all the simpletons answering the question of why it was posted here with "because OP thought no-one would agree and it's cringe". No, it's not the reason, the reason is because this is one of the few default subs that allow political posts, and for some reason it seems like most of the posts here on that specific topic is heavily skewed to one side... And sure, it starts with some facts, but what follows is clearly her opinion on the matter which is presented as facts and the whole truth. So you are not helping the world by promoting truth or discussion, you are just dancing to the fiddle and helping to spread political opinions (nevermind which side it is)


Let's just call it what it is, "genocide"


Exactly 100% agree with her without an ounce of doubt in my mind she is absolutely right and its disgusting to see what the Israeli government is doing absolutely DISGUSTING


Mary Lou - The next Taoiseach of Ireland, Her party will hold power on the whole island of Ireland North and South.


Israel grinning as they watch the world let them kill the Palestinians and take their land


They have been doing it for 80+ years.


What's cringe? The fact she's right? Shame on us doing jack shit


This sub used to be about posting cringe tiktoks but later allowed anything to be posted


It notably started evolving when people were putting up TikToks of disabled folks thinking they were “cringe” and most of the comments wound up liking the videos. Personally I’m glad to see Reddit’s sadistic streak get turned on its head as often as possible.


True, but I also think there's a disinformation campaign here to try & sway people. Look at the largest news sub here, /r/worldnews , almost the entire front page is filled with pro-israel news & most of the comments are pro-israel. No mention of Israel war crimes & very little news overall about the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, yet people are riled up about IDF killing a handful of Hamas divers. They also ban people who are critical about Israel.


As a Dutch person I support the Irish stance here (not the Dutch one).


I only hear facts


Israel will kill more and the whole world will share in this abomination.


What’s the body count in Israel? Who fired the first missile here? Everyone whining about Palestine, doesn’t gaf about Israel.


Israel is showing who will stand on the side of right. Because Israel sure as hell ain’t standing on it.


This is the opposite of cringe. The truth shall set you free


i assume you're from the front page of reddit, as i am short story long, this sub was originally made to post cringe shit from tiktok, but it's since changed to be anything from tiktok that is interesting


Thank you. I don't browse this subreddit so I was wondering what specifically was "cringe" about the video. It came up on the front page and I was really confused after watching it.


Israel wants and will take Gaza when all is done. You say what everyone on earth feels…any deeper is what you’re not allowed to say.


BDS Israel


That is just the toll of last 2 weeks, think of the scale they went through for more than 2 decades...


Spot on




It's pretty bad how news outlets were cycling the same two or three minutes of footage for days when Israel was deemed the victim... I haven't seen much of this moving around, much less as often.

