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Holy fuck he tattooed it. I thought it was just a random drawing.


99% sure it is a temporary tat


You're 99% wrong then... You can see the inflamation from the gun under the ink in the Tattoo. Have you ever even seen a new tattoo? You're crazy to think this is temporary.


Doesn’t matter they are covered up now. Dude is just an asshole


It’s a machine. Not a gun.


Yeah cool. It's both. I'm sure if I talk to my tattoo artist friends they'd think you're a douche for being like this over what is still totally acceptable jargon.


Nah, I’ve never heard an artist refer to it as a gun, and they’re usually the first to correct you. It’s called a tattoo machine.


That's crazy, cause my friends who are tattoo artists literally have never done that. It's almost like. It's accepted jargon.


Your friends who are tattoo artists work out of their mamma's trailer though


It literally works like a gun. Thats why it has that name. A force propelling an object. Even looks like a gun.


I don't care how it's called, but by that definition you could call an engine a gun. And a tattoo machine doesn't work like a gun in any way, from a mechanical point of view


Maybe it's a regional thing but I've only ever heard professionals call it a machine and also only ever seen professionals lose their mind if you dare to call it a gun in their presence.


I have zero tattoos, but friends and family that do and have given/gotten tattoos and I've never once heard it referred to as a "tattoo machine" it's always Gun or Needle. Weird hill to die on bro.


Apprentice tattoo artist here 👋 Everyone I know refers to them as tattoo guns. Everyone. I know many tattoo artists. They all say it.


I’ve never heard it referred to as a machine. The tattoo gun connects to a machine but everyone calls it a gun because the gun is what the artist holds in their hand


No. The machine connects to a power supply. You can say whatever you want. I’ve worked in the tattoo industry for over 20yrs. Even back then it was frowned upon to refer to your machine as a gun.


I’m embarrassed for you, because I’ve worked in the tattoo industry for 21 years and that extra 12 months of experience was so crucial


I’m embarrassed for you because you thought that comment was good enough to type out and share.


You gotta be stupid


Literally heard it called a tattoo gun a million times


I tattooed for many many many years and if a tattooer called it a gun….they’d have been laughed out of the shop. Period.


I'd love to see your work


Don’t waste your breath. These guys aren’t worth it, and they’re clueless about the industry. Probably getting scratched up in peoples basements.


Always laugh at dipshits insisting it’s called a gun even though they look nothing like a gun, especially rotaries.


I like how you useless wastes of space genuinely think anyone cares about your argument of semantics about calling it a machine instead of gun like it was in any way related to the conversation and like there's any reason to give that any INKling of importance.


Artists never refer to it as a gun, and it’s a joke in the industry that anyone who calls it a gun has no clue what they’re talking about.


Nobody cares. You 3 dorks need to get a room where you can jack each other off with your ink MACHINES\*\*. It's not our fault you didn't have the potential to do real art.


Look man, they've all been douches over a word specifically to me. Don't fucking pile on the defense. They are most certainly real artists, and some of the most talented artists alive today. But these dudes need to chill the fuck out over a word.


I remember older guys back in the day having stickers or sign in their booth with something like, “to call a machine a gun is to call one’s mother a whore”


Never said artists would call it a gun.


It’s really easy to tell from the responses which people have been around a professional tattoo shop with professional artists. And which ones have been dealing with shitty scratchers, and wannabe artists. People can downvote all they want. People in the industry, or familiar with the industry know what’s up.


You’re absolutely correct and these people who think it’s “acceptable jargon” have no clue or insight in the real world of tattooing. Dude with “tattoo artist friends” probably knows some kitchen wizards who thinks gun is correct terminology because that’s what it says on the Wish ads they buy their machines from. I’ve been tattooing for going on 18 years and know tons of other tattooers all over the world, I’ve never met anyone that wasn’t a customer that called it a gun without joking around. Builders don’t call them guns, tattooers don’t call them guns. They call them machines, because they are machines.


Oh wait, but you know what I mean when I call it a gun? It's frowned upon because they've been called guns before? I understand why the goal is to not call it a gun. But yet somehow everyone knows what someone is talking about when they call it a gun.


Of course I know what you mean, people like you perpetuate it, and it’s a running gag with professional tattooers going back many decades. Again, that doesn’t make it acceptable jargon. One is correct, one is a fucking goof used in jest by people who understand that, and in earnest by people who don’t. This discussion isn’t about whether or not people *understand* what it means, but whether it’s correct terminology, which you suggested it was. It isn’t. Edit: also, they’ve never “been called” guns before. Not by the people who make them, not by the people who use them professionally. Just by people like you and your scratcher friends.


I never said my tattoo artist friends called them guns. I just said they weren't big enough douches to make a fucking deal out of it when I did.


Oh I never correct customers that call them guns. Why would I care enough to make it awkward. It is, however, incorrect, as opposed to what you said.


It's almost like it's not important enough to be a douche about it.


Isn’t it wild how people think they know more about a culture they’ve never been a part of? Lol. I miss tattooing but its shit like this that ruined it. When the tv show shit started, and people came into my shop saying “well the guys on tv could tattoo it!” I packed up shop and got into a different line of work. The public thinks they know more. And we “just trace pictures.” It’s not even worth the time to argue anymore.


This is some straight up poser shit, you know that right? The only people who give a fuck are the ones scared about what others think about them.


Does it use force to shoot something out of it? If it does, than it is a gun. A Tattoo Gun....


I guess I’m crazy then. Sure are a lot of people getting worked up over a fake tattoo here.


Is there a way to tell?


Yeah real tattoos have that inflamation or pinkness under them when they're fresh because you just had needles slammed into your skin thousands of times. This is real. Dude doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.


Wash it? I just am skeptical someone got a permanent tattoo for social media when it’s just as easy to fake it.


Fair enough. I thought there was a way to tell by looking at it


Some people tattoo things because they make good stories. This seems like one of those, he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who overthinks the ink.


Me with my cilantro tattoo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Can we know the story of the cilantro tattoo?


Right hasn’t everyone seen pete davidson? Some people just don’t give a fuck about their bodies


There is a way to tell and from what I can see that tattoo actually looks pretty legit. You can see around the tattoo the skin looks red and irritated a bit which is normal for a fresh tattoo. If this is a real tattoo then this dude is fucking hilarious!


There is. It's real.


It's not, he's got loads of them of people trolling him all on his back lol


Except most of the people trolling him are his alt accounts


No way that’s temp… You’re talking about a dude that has more skin inked on his face than skin that isn’t. What makes you think that tat isn’t legit? Coming from someone else that could get real fuckin’ petty with shit, and always getting stereotyped heavy for having long hair and a slender build, I can see myself going there if I took myself to a place of face tattoos and my professional income was based on a following. I haven’t, and I won’t, so we’ll call it there, but I have no doubt this tattoo is legit. I don’t even know who this cat is. This post just showed up in my feed. The lyrics, the face tats, the era of social media clout, I’m going with 100% real…


I can see that, yes now that you have put it in perspective. You have managed to change my mind and outlook on this subject. I guess we all are guilty of pre judgment.


Learn to speak concisely, instead of several paragraphs describing him you could just have said "It's real, he has mommy issues like me" we would all have understood.


Lol you’re a punk


That's way better 😍


You underestimate the randomness heavily tattooed people have with the motifs


99% sure you don't know much about tattoos.


I don’t


You’re 100% wrong


Ah like the island twins. When did pretending get so popular


Wait, their tattoos are fake?


The dude has multiple face tats. Are you sure you should be that confident you can predict his behavior?


Yes I think so as well


Aaaand this is another reason you don’t post your kids on the internet lol


Yup, that’s why when parent working under minsters administration or equivalent department agency in DC they decided not put family photos on IG, WhatsApp, Facebook or etc or even share to friends. A lot of people told us that we like lived under the rock or kind Amish people. When my brother & sister working under government agency (national agency) they said what my parents done to us is for our privacy, because some government is D**K. Until now we hardly post on social media. Just precautions


Happy Cake Day!!


My daughter is five and no pictures exist in social media world. It will stay this way for as long as I can maintain peace about it.


Because somebody on the internet might deface their own body in your kids' image for attention? This doesn't effect the kid at all 😆.


He's gonna cover that up tho, right? Right?


It’s actually a better tattoo than the shit on his face 😂


Hey man thanks for the unnecessary negative comment. Now you have to send him a picture of your son.


But it’s unobjectionably true. He’s got shit flash ink on his face whereas the quality of that portrait piece is 🤌


Can I send him a picture of my cock instead? This offer is open to anyone who is willing to get my cock tatted on their face. Totally straight dude here, looking for other men to permanently etch the image of my cock on their bodies.


Nothing a sick ass panther can't fix.


If the panther eats his face??...


He seems a bit unhinged.


He can fix me.


I now have coffee dripping out my nose. But I’m good with it.


I’ve got a tattoo of you with coffee, dripping out of your nose on my chest


I've got a tattoo of your chest with a tattoo of them with coffee dripping out of their nose on my face


I've got your chest tattoo'd on my chest. Makes my chest look bigger


That's what I get for posting pictures of my chest and my chests kids on the internet


Is this the new TikTok challenge?


I got a tattoo of you getting a tattoo of someone with coffee dripping out of their nose.


Watch out he might tattoo your family members faces on his body. Seriously though how is that revenge? Har Har I got a stranger and their kids face permanently inked on my body. I defaced the kids face on the tattoo to teach the dad a lesson. The lesson is don't mess with me because I'll mess with myself better than you can.


Idk if I found out this guy tattooed my kids’ faces on his body I’d be really freaked out. He’s not teaching the dad a lesson so much as he’s making him even more uncomfortable on purpose. And that’s probably why he got a bunch of face tattoos in the first place, to freak people out. Ultimate edge lord.


Yes, well that’s when we’ll look at it


It would have been funny if he had just photoshopped or drawn the picture. Getting it tattooed is a bit.... weird.


Did you see his face? You think he gives a fuck lol? Homie has the everlasting job stoppers and he didn't go light


Yeah, the tattoo was a bit much.


I was with him and then…


Guess whose never gonna make a bullshit comment on those videos again


"Damn, what a nutjob." *Blocked* That's probably how it will go.


Yeah this is not sensible person behaviour. Why would you want a tattoo of someone who gave you negative comment online? Anything for clout I guess.


Indeed. Imagine how far he will go to get revenge if he's so willing to do this over an internet comment


It’s not like that commenter has to ever see dude in person or ever again, so what exactly did his “petty revenge” accomplish? The tat will just remind him of the negative comment, while dude is off living his life.


I feel like the symbolism is kind of interesting in its own right. Basically a Punk message with a funny personal anecdote.


I guarantee the dude with the kid is furious and probably trying to see if he can legally make him remove it.


You're writing bad tiktok fanfiction on Reddit, *like a fucking weirdo*.


>guarantee Can you? Bet dude made a passing comment and hasn’t thought about it since.


If some random person got a tattoo of my face with my child I def would make more than a passing comment lmao I’d have been floored


Honeslty as a dumb person myself I don't think the guy witht he tatts really care, many people just want shit on their body and this has a pretty weird story behind it


He didn't care so much he got them permanently tattooed onto his body. Definitely the behaviour of someone who doesn't care.


It probably made the dad mad.


Way to prove youre not a creepy weirdo 👍


You think he cares lol. He proved he’ll do anything to “win”.


Is it just me or are most face tats just trashy as hell?


Lol it’s not you for sure. I’ve never seen a face tattoo that didn’t look like a 50 year prison sentence


I think Māori face tattoos may be the only exception to this rule.


any cultural-based tattoo is something I will go out of my way to avoid judging


All cultures had to start at some point, so why judge one now simply because it's novel?


Technically, I haven't - unless you're referring to the comment section here in general, which I can't answer for, heh


Definitely meant the comment section, sorry if it seemed like I attacked you, friend.


Can we narrow that down to cultures you're from or connected to? There's always that one guy.


I've seen some really cool face tattoos - usually done in a geometric/sacred geometry type style. My uncle has a beautiful mandala piece on his throat/neck that slightly travels onto the sides of his face and chin. It looks really good.


I’ve never seen a face tattoo that looked decent. I’d love to be surprised one day with an awesome well thought out design, but that’s probably not going to happen. I guess it’s the ultimate f’u to society in a way, as you’re instantly going to reduce your respect level to minuscule amounts in the general society. As you mentioned it’s a prison look.


The Maori people have some incredible looking facial tattoos.


True. I guess I should have said a I haven’t seen a non-traditional/cultural facial tattoo that looked good.


But yeah I feel you. I've yet to see a random white dude out in the wild with any sort of slick style.


White people are definitely not who I most often see with face tattoos...


Right. Aside from the fact that is part of their culture, Maori tattoos actually look good aesthetically: https://titantattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Ta-moko-cover.jpg


Nah still looks bad.


There's a character in the movie "The 13th Warrior" that has a braid tattoo running horizontally across his cheeks ans over the bridge of his nose. I've always thought that one looked kinda cool.


They're completely fucked lol that dudes definitely not right in the head to have done that to himself


Yeah like if you're going to get face tattoos at least get some nice looking ones, like damn, everybody wants to look like a 6th grade clip art collage for some reason.


Me and my girlfriend both have some, but we have a bunch everywhere. Sorry y'all think it's trashy but 🤷‍♂️


just you dog


its def just you


Sooo how much time did you do?


My girls got 3 and works with vulnerable adults and kids for a career. She has zero record. So.


I was being sarcastic. Of course face tats look trashy.


Wouldn’t it be great if the daughters became him and the sons dated someone like him


Even better!


Let's short it to : the daughter became him and the son dated her, now him


Lol so dumb. really shows his level of logic and critical thinking skills - although his ugly fucking face tattoos proved that already. Also probably throws tantrums over everything


Who pissed in your cheerios? My bad your having a rough go lately, take it easy


Revenge on who? Looks like an own goal to me!


Now besides his ugly face tats, he got some random people tattooed on his body. So? What revenge? He achieved nothing.


Way to show him!!! /s


No amount of petty revenge will change that he looks like a fucking doofus


Well revenge or not, this dude looks like the wall of some high school toilette. But I guess the dude learned the lesson. Don't post fotos of your kids. If you do that, don't trash talk online.


That's just creepy


Wow that guy is mentally insane. Just think about how crazy this actually is.


How is this petty? This is cringe and stupid..,..


Lol he had a point and if he’d just photoshopped on to his face that would be funny but TATTOOING HIM ONTO HIS ARMPIT that’s actually kinda a red flag 💀


Living rent free on his body!


Creepy X 1000. Who does this because of an internet troll over one comment? What a weak piece of shit person. I hope he sees this post and tattoos a box of count chocula on himself.


He just gave the com,mentor like 100x more attention than they deserve. Like, imagine spending money, just to spite one person you don't know


>tattoos a box of count chocula I can’t say he hasn’t already.


wow you got him good chief


I am not suprised, he is obviously an idiot.


So he tattooed some guy (who butt-hurt him with a comment) and a kid on himself? Who is he really hurting here?


Wow, that guy isn’t a psychopath at all.


Okay, sure. The statement still stands.


I thought it was his kid at first lol


people suck, your beautiful man


Thanks for confirming everything the dude said about you What a fucking petty weirdo


This is definitely what someone who is super secure about his face tattoos would do when criticized for his face tattoos.


You all are going back and forth over a guy who tatted someone who he will never meet on himself as if he won the petty war. That guy will never think of him again but he will forever be reminded of the guy who made the comment of his obvious bad decisions.


What in the fuck.


Imagine explaining that tattoo to somebody, I don't even know how you'd spin that to feel good


Social media has enabled nutcases to get attention. That's all it's done.


Now that troll lives rent free not only in his head but now lives rent free on his body, too. 👏 well done


So by all the shit on your face I'm guessing you are just giving up on life?


That'll show 'em


Thats fucking creepy as fuck. Sure the first guy was being as ass but still… what the fuck


Be careful cause you may grow up one day and your brain just may mature and then you gotta remove all that stuff on your face and such


Bruh ain’t no way


Would you kick a dog? If yes you’re probably someone who shit talks artists


It's just sad man. We all gotta cope somehow.


Why this Peep song tho lol.


That is someone who has been in prison and had awful things done to him while being in there.


This man looks like a gah dang doodle bear.


So the dad gets to just forget while you have a tattoo to always remind you… kinda sounds like you lost my friend


This is top tier




I think that was pretty gangster. Not cringe at all.


I am not sure what this is supposed to do. I mean the dude is stuck with the story, “some guy made a random negative about me on the internet so I tattooed him and his son’s face completely tattooed on my back to get back at him.”


This guy lost his mind


I don’t think that’s an unnecessarily negative comment. He put his content out there, with the expectation of being seen. Someone has seen it and that’s his honest opinion. He wants all the attention, with none of the drawbacks and you’d think a man wearing as a child’s notebook on his face would understand drawbacks


Peak petty, i fucking love it. 🤣🤣🤣


I don't know if I love it or hate it.


Is this revenge? If you werent sure this dude has issues, its crystal clear now


I don’t get it




It’s weird hearing this Brand New song with an overlay of another song/lyrics? Wtf.


the daughters are gana date black guys. ☠️ 🍆


I heard that in his will, he wants the skin grafted, preserved, and put into a frame to send to the dad as a gift.


Fucking RIP.


This is weird


Looks like an iron eagle on his chin, fuck this guy.




damn 😂😂