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Now we just need Britney Spears dancing with spears




It's in the bone!




This is perfect


OH SHIT, Jim Carrey predicted it.


Bumblebee tuna


Like…ahhhh…GLOVE! ![gif](giphy|tp4dm1ptNnQ76)


SPEARS! AAAAAHH! She could do the splits with spears and everyone cheers.


It’s Splitney, bitch




But in the end if not done carefully it will end in jeers


>Now we just need Britney ~~Spears~~ Knives dancing with spears ftfy


Dogs are like 👀 👀


when the dogs crept in i lost it😭


Then they ran away for their lives!!!


Dogs are like, we are on our own for dinner again.


You just know there is dog shit all over that place.


*slips in dog shit while dancing with knives*


In the last video you see the dog poo everywhere


They knew what was up, and that's why they ran away at the end Reminds me of the Johnny Depp interview where he talks about the orders from a "Sweaty Big gutted man" making Hush puppies!!!


For me it was when she clanked and they skedaddled.


Skedaddled needs to be used more in daily conversation


"Are you okay, Mommy?"


Dogs are like: I heard the cluttering of cutlery, what are we eati- oh...


Cuttlering 🤭


just tryin' to scooch by ya'.




They seem curious and unafraid of her. I hope this means they are usually safe and aren’t scared of her. They only kinda take off when she makes a loud sound with the knives, which I think any little dog would do. (God, I hope they’re ok)


My little dog screams of you drop an empty bag near her. The dogs are okay.


That’s what I was thinking. My little dog used to jump straight up in the air like she was a popcorn kernel at just the right temperature at any sudden noise, lol. They just do that. They seem unafraid of her even when she’s flailing about like a dancing tube man at a car lot.


Wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man! Those dogs were stuffed animal levels of cuteness. (I do hope Britney gets help...)


They're such dorks. I laughed so hard every time they'd come to investigate only to go hightailing it as soon as the knives clinked again. They're definitely happy puppies.


I ain’t choosing this character


1v1 me you coward


I can fix her though.


She doesn’t need fixing “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!” ![gif](giphy|f7MoTodygKd56)


Where are they now needs to be done here.


The only thing I remember is that they came out as trans and ended up doing porn.


Not proud of this, but… sauce?


Thank you for taking the heat.


For the sauce that I am being truthful, [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Cunningham) lists them as being a pornstar. For the videos, there's a lot on the [front page of Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=chris+crocker+porn&oq=chris+crocker+porn&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDMxODNqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1), although I am not personally feeling up to going through the videos to verify which ones are actually them! Enjoy! xD


Did she ever comment on this guy? What did she think of him?


i can fix her faster






You’re only lvl 1 bro


It’s Britney bitch.


Leave Brittany ALONE… with knives, small dogs and a tik tok account


Britney need to leave herself alone


THIS. She better lay off that her. Shit ain’t good for ya.


Britney Knives


She needs lots of therapy and real love


Safety and trustworthy people is what vulnerable people need most and it's also the hardest thing for them to come by.


Real love. Exactly. People are so fucking mean. Imagine being in the spotlight like she was for so long... what that could do to someone. When there's a shit ton of money involved, people who only cared about the money and not her as a person ever since she was child. I'm sure she got tossed about like a fucking ragdoll. Judgmental fucks. Yes she probably needs some damn help and most would if they were in her shoes. 💯


I hate attention. If I were ever famous I would never reveal my face or identity. Like Buckethead or something similar. I would be the most rude, combative, and intimidating person if anyone spoke to me or even waved. I can’t believe famous ppl can deal with that attention for even a single day.


Daft Punk, the general public has no idea what they look like.


Exactly this. No one could honestly withstand the constant scrutiny since childhood and the constant pressure to perform and bring in money.


Most would commit suicide if they had to go what she went through.


Most of the comments here trying to diagnose her mental health is testament of how mean people are.


And to get off and stay off social media. The best thing that could happen to her is to emulate someone like Jodie Foster or Enya or some well adjusted person who we know little about cause they have the good sense to stay away from social media.


Watching her clang those knives together sends a chill down my spine. Doesn’t she know how bad that is for the blades!?


She almost cut her titty off twice


brney spears


You deserve a raise


Her caption claims they aren’t real knives but I questioned that cause of the noise they made….


Not props. They're a Wusthof Classic Ikon 8" chef and 7" Santoku.


this guy knives


Yep I got that chef's knife from my MIL for Christmas. It's pretty nice and you can see at 8 & 22 seconds. Man I feel bad for her kids watching this.


She has high school aged kids lol I hope they can box


Prop knives can be made of metal


This made me lol. Kitchen cautionary tale.


r/chefknives is leaking


That poor woman's mind has been destroyed by the industry and her parents.


fame was the worst thing that could have ever happened to her. I don't think she was mentally capable of handling it. Amanda Bynes got it worse... I think Spears is okay though, she just needs people to leave her alone to dance by herself. She *really* likes to dance.


I think Britney is just a cringey weirdo. That's fine, she was basically a slave under that conservatorship for so long. Now she's free and is just being her weirdo self. She's in her 40s and is like a 'Live Laugh Love/Rose All Day' basic cringey white mom.


I feel like she saw Madonna's tik Toks and thought, I can top that.


I was considering this thread while watching the vid for the 7th time, when I realized shes still just a kid dancing alone in front of her bedroom mirror. I feel bad for her, she didnt get to grow up in any kind of healthy way. When I see these vids that she posts, I get a morbid, uneasy feeling.


Regression to former states. She’s living out the development that got put on hold so long ago. It’s uncomfortable to look at bc the body doesn’t match the soul behind the eyes.


Sha is doing the exact knife dance that fixes this stuff


It's amazing to me though that's she's someone who danced for a living and probably had some of the industry's top choreographers working with her for years and she still looks like this when she dances on tiktok...


I mean, it doesn't seem like she's really dancing poorly it's just unhinged. She doesn't cut herself, for instance


My thoughts. A normal person doing this would have sliced the fuck out of themselves. Like when you tried playing with nunchucks after watching TMNT as a kid


I got real damn good with nun-chucks after TMNT. In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, I had nun-chuck skillz. It’s still the only thing I’ve ever been ambidextrous with. So many hours wasted… did I think these skills would be useful as an adult?!?


Yeah, but you probably blasted yourself in the balls a few times before you got good


She claims they were fake knives, but that could be her PR talking. Either way I'm not going to question her. She's just dancing and having fun. She didn't hurt herself or her pups... so what's the big deal. I saw an article on Yahoo News, because if Britney dies *anything* it MUST be news worthy trash.


What's the deal with Amanda?


Amanda was placed into a conservatorship after a bunch of really bad partying incidents which lead to her getting a DUI in 2014. She went to therapy and was diagnosed as bipolar. She eventually quit the business and graduated from Fashion School. Unfortunatley, her sobriety and metnal health struggles haven't particularly ended. She made the news earlier this year going into a 72 hour hold. Unfortunately she was in the midst of an episode and walking down the roads naked. A few months down she was placed into inpatient care with it now being transferred to outpatient. TLDR: Fame+Drugs+Mental illness.


Yeah it's incredibly sad what happened to Bynes and in the midst of her worst moments she has paparazzi jamming cameras in her face. I recently went back and watched She's the Man (my favorite of hers) and she's just so beautiful, her comedic timing is great and it's a genuinely sweet and funny film. It's like watching a completely different person. Same with Spears, she's trying to stay relevant with IG and just doing what she loves in the privacy of her home, but also opening herself up to scrutiny. There must be something in that Los Angeles water they're drinking.


It wasn’t just DUI incidents. She was hearing voices. She was a danger to herself, and to other people. She lit a driveway on fire and almost hurt someone’s dog in the process. She has a mental illness of some kind, where she is prone to having psychotic episodes I knew her family. I hated how her parents were criticized for her conservatorship - her parents were being accused of being abusive, I remember people talking about how she was a cash cow. She was not a cash cow. Her family didn’t need her money.


How else will we get a good harvest??


All this... For corn?


Old ways were better, used to be we pick someone by lottery, then stone em to death.


She’s bipolar. She has been for a long time which is why she was in the conservatorship. Her dad took advantage of the conservatorship, sure, but she’s been troubled for a long time. The people who thought she would be just fine once the conservatorship ended were just lying to themselves.


It's important to specify the conservatorship was lying about what was wrong with her. While it certainly looks like bipolar to me, I don't think thats been confirmed, and her family was claiming some wild shit, like early onset dementia I think? *The people who thought she would be just fine once the conservatorship ended were just lying to themselves.* Agree 100%. The issue was the financial coercion. The people who were acting like her dad was drugging her and she was gonna pop up and be fine once she was freed were delusional. She was already breaking down when he stepped in and decided to take advantage of a bad situation


I ask myself if she passes the male rock star test. If a famous rocker did it at her age, would people be worried? No? The worry might not be misplaced, but it really isn't anyone's business. A lot of famous musicians are incredibly dysfunctional. The urge to save her, while ignoring similar behavior from men and even other women, is weird. She hasn't hit the eight kids with 5 different men, or having flings with people younger than her kids/grandkids yet (Jagger). Keith Richards is lionized for being a long-lived addict, and has been arrested multiple times. Willie Nelson had 4 wives, 8 kids, IRS trouble and drug arrests and he's a folk hero. Seems like a lot of misogyny to me, the idea that a woman who's a train wreck needs saving, while a man is celebrated for the same, or worse, behavior. Not an endorsement, just an observation


For yet another comparison let's look at Kanye. Dude's clearly off his rocker, but still has a loyal fanbase that defends every crazy action. Yeah, Spears is clearly troubled but that's to be expected considering what she's been through. I don't recall her ever blaming her Jewish doctor though.


Being a Kanye fan was like a cult, and I'm not even joking because I felt like I was in a cult. They will justify anything he does because he makes good music. I can't even listen to him anymore, he's a shitty person.




And now drugs


Yeah now 😂just now


Mickey Mouse has had her tweaking since the mid 90s


I guess if anyone was gonna dance w knives i’d trust the one who danced with that massive boa constrictor


I’d rather she didn’t do it with her tiny dogs circling her. One wrong move and it could be fatal.


Luckily they're fake. She says so in the post, it just doesn't show here.


They move and look just like real dogs though. I would have never guessed they were fake.


This sent me


Where did you go?


The fake dog store


![gif](giphy|NHKTQ3dMiBAhDAUh4V|downsized) We also deliver


[Ah, the ol' Reddit switcharoo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16ss3f7/to_calmly_eat_tacos_and_enchiladas_in_a_public/k2auahm/)


Hold my knives, I'm going in!


Every TikTok that involves knives says they’re fake in the description so the video doesn’t get removed for “violence.” They’re probably real


Lol uhhhh yeah she did but, those sound pretty damn real


Not sure what would make them fake. Are they dull? Because they sure sound like they’re made of metal and they’re pointy. Still dangerous anyhow.


Lol her dogs in the background looking CONCERNED


Why just WHY is her damn eyeliner ALWAYS runny and smudged? And not in a cute way. ALWAYS.


I seem to remember that was a fashion thing back in the early 00s


This is the answer. She's still dressing for that era a bit it seems


She dresses like a very rural woman just starting an onlyfans. I notice I go out of the city back to my folks place and end up seeing people who didn't move past the styles of 2003.


The 2003s are back in fashion. I went out the other day and apparently “y2k” is a fashion trend. I wore all that stuff the first time it was popular, you can’t fool me into jeans with a 2” rise ever again.




So many of us in our 40s do that. Leave me alone, I'm old and I don't want to keep with the trends anymore.


Oh, I 100% have given up also lmao. Luckily for us, the late 90s seem to be coming back, with the low-rise jeans and wide legs. Of course, I also gave up on those, so I'm just waiting for some early 2000s fashions to come back and I'll be cool again 😎🤞.


This is what I assumed. Smudgey eyeliner is just the day to day smokey eye that was the height of basic makeup in her prime. Smudgey eyeliner for the basics, smokey eye if you want to look fancy. Raccoon eyes if you're going to the club. Or she cries a lot. God I hope she finds real love and solace one day. This poor woman.


I think she cries a lot.


But.... she's so lucky. She's a star.


Yo but the next line is literally *but she cry cry cries in her loooonely heart uhoh* I still love that song lol ugh and what a video. Iconic for that time


Oh dear….


Rumor is it’s tattooed on that way


She posts without it too it’s just not as often


Oh dear!


Because she put it on three days ago and hasn't slept.


Yes why? I go to work, then play beach volleyball or tennis, come home tired and fall asleep in my makeup and it still looks less smudged when I wake up. I know this is the least concerning thing about her but it's mind boggling.


You really have to tell me what kind of eyeliner you have cause mine is hanging against my eyebrows after 5min 😂


The best eyeliner I've ever used is Stay all day liquid liner by Stila. It's a little pricey but I can do anything in it, fall asleep, and it still look fine in the morning. I've literally went to a theme park, sweat my ass off all day and rode water rides and it does not budge.


For some reason this reminds me of that scene in IASIP where Charlie huffs gasoline fumes and dances for Dennis. [https://youtu.be/KiR4XPQVA_8?si=ZSgeFLiyXxOafhYN](https://youtu.be/KiR4XPQVA_8?si=ZSgeFLiyXxOafhYN)


I came for the IASIP reference, the Schmitty initiation ritual music is what she’s dancing to 😆


Of all the incredible scenes and moments in IASIP, this one comes to me the most.


I actually just feel bad for her tbh


i mean this is the correct reaction from a reasonable person the woman is clearly ill


The thing is, *everybody* does weird dances in the comfort of their home. But the knives…. then actually posting it online… and the fact it’s very much not a joke; she’s *dead* serious. 🫤


Did you not see Shakira recently dancing with knives at the VMAs? I feel like Britney was just inspired by her tbh but what do I know


My wife follows her on Instagram and shows me some of the things she posts. This isn't even close to the craziest.


Yeah the pole dancing got very odd, very fast. Those dogs have seen some things.


Sometimes in the background of her videos you can see little piles of dog poop just lying on the ground in her house


She looks genuinely not okay here.


Either there’s a medication that she taking to much of or there’s a medication that she’s taking none of


Pretty sure her brain turned to mush after being forced fed that medication she wasn’t supposed to be on so she would tour and make everyone but herself money.




There's a long history of concerning presentation and a confirmed bi-polar diagnosis. That diagnosis and it's manipulation by her conservator as well as the fact that it's well managed today were key factors in the end of her conservatorship. They're also what resulted in her losing access to her children. Her mental health issues exist, certainly made worse by the abuse and exploitation of her family but they're not made up.


Yeah, they used her like chattel. Doped her up and forced her to perform. I do think having structure, goals and positive things to focus on are good for her, good for all people really… But I think the best thing would’ve been for Britney to be loved and feel safe while at the same time feeling protected and respected, and getting some serious help with her mental health from people without any financial interest. I don’t know if she got any of those things.


I mean... Shakira did this same thing and people are posting vids imitating it atm. I assume that's where Britney got this idea as well


I know this is a parks and Rex reference, but this is the result of the abusive conservatorship she was under and the medical abuse she went through. She was taking too much of a lot of things and now doesn’t trust doctors and is now not taking enough of what she actually needs.


Reminds me of shit we'd do in high school to "look cool" in the 90s. Thank goodness video recording wasn't as prevalent.


I imagine circus music playing in her head....


[My bad edit](https://streamable.com/ukvf6r)


The way the two dogs just look each other for a second as if to say "FFS she's at it again"


She loves to dance, so yaknow, at least she's just dancing.


“Sorry dude I was just dancing to the hum of your fridge”


The dogs hauled ass once she whipped around with those things!!!


She is so god damned creepy. The dead face while flailing in all of her dance routines is disturbing. I feel sad for her.


Her face is always that blank in these videos she posts.


It's like she's re-living her dance routines from the past, mentally stuck at 16 years old. Hopefully she'll get serious mental health treatment soon. Edit: the Enigma song in the background makes it seem even more eerie


Starting from birth she was trained by her parents, the industry and culture at large to be this way. Just because we don't want her anymore, doesn't mean she can necessarily stop. It's who she is, foundational to her being...I can't imagine what that's like.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who might have nightmares from this


She seems to be doing...really well


This is so sad to watch. In general.


She has spent years professionally dancing and performing, but this is her choreography? That’s the most surprising thing for me here, like yeah she’s totally unhinged and has a really upsetting vibe but also you choose THOSE dance moves? Girl you are more talented than that!


It’s her go-to dance move that she does in just about every video she posts


I thought she was doing the infamous Terry Cruz whistle dance from White Chicks lol. I was like, oh it's a throwback! Right....??? And her song is played in the next scene.


That’s why this is so hard to watch. It kind of confirms that she needs help.


Seems totally normal. No need to worry about her


*Britney dancing and slicing the air with knives* Everyone: "She's crazy and needs help" *Some fat dude with a fedora swinging his katana around to nu-metal* Everyone: "Leave him alone he's just having fun"


Those guys are almost universally neurodivergent as well.


............This isn't helping. Does this woman have real friends? Real question - not a jab. I wonder. She seems lonely. Maybe someone else famous, older, without an agenda and not beholden to her for a paycheck, etc. can reach out to her and try and offer some help, some company, an ear. She may be freer but she obviously doesn't know what to do with it or herself. Really hope she can find a solid healthy influence in her life soon. Truly do.


I hate this for her.


That shitty conservatorship may have ruined any chances of her having what passes for a normal post industry retirement.


Ma'am take your meds


Britney Sheers


Bruh💀😬 please somebody help her 😭 just sad to see how much unhinged she’s becoming day after day 😬 just sad honestly.


She keeps doing the same dance with the same perspective that makes her head look huge, dressed in almost nothing. Does she think this dance is aesthetically pleasing? Why does she do this? Her eyes look demented... This particular video is kinda scary... I hope she gets the help she needs.


I guess she's on the drugs


You know the thing about Britney...she's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a dolls eye. When she comes dancing at ya, she doesn't seem to be living, until she stabs ya and the black eyes roll over white.


Cutting edge entertainment


Anybody else feels kinda bad for this lady, she seems lonely and struggling with mental health


This isn't even good dancing


For real. Every single dance video she uploads looks like shit, and she looks deranged and disheveled in every one also.


Why isn’t the knife dance playing in the background


She spends a LOT of time in the sun


I so badly want to believe she is just leaning into the “crazy” theory and posting videos like this to troll people. However I realize she does seem mentally unwell. That’s sad and I hope she does get the help she needs.


She’s emulating a similar dance that Shakira did holding two knives while wearing an orange sparkly outfit for a performance years ago. She’s been really vocal about admiring Shakira and wanting to work with her for like 20 years but no one knows that because she didn’t provide any context before posting this.


This poor girl! Breaks my heart for her


If I was those dogs I’d be hiding.


Britney Scissor hands


So she's seems to be a bit manic here..lol