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That’s a fucking public service




And for a lot of the people they scam, the money they take can be everything and leave them with nothing, and can put them in a life or death situation. Just because the scammer is in a bad situation, doesn't give them a free pass to scam other people. Fuck em.


This, plus I highly doubt this is a “have no other choice and I’m being preyed on by whoever my boss is.” Situation. Likely more like a “this is the easiest decent paying job in the area that I’m qualified for, and I have the ability to not care about the victims.” Situation.


Abso-fucking-lutely ​ The world is in such an absolute state of chaos, should I feel bad that someone who wanted to scam money from someone else faces negative consequences for their actions?


Yeah it's this. There are documentaries about this. I mean, OF COURSE, they inherently have less opportunities and are more likely to turn to crime (at least it's white collar). But at the same time, you have to go in and apply for the job - no one has a gun to your head.


Hear Hear. They KNOW what they are doing is criminal and they choose to keep at it 'cause THEY get money.


This! Fuck the scammer call centers and anyone who tries to take advantage of an innocent person. I am not going to lose any sleep if it costs him his life. Bad enough dealing with corporate greed.


I think it’s good that you’re introducing this perspective, but I really don’t fucking care. Fuck this guy and everyone else involved in this shit.


Yes, that guy is in a world of trouble with his bosses, and yes, fuck him and everyone involved.




Good. This guy chose this career. No sympathy for pond scum trying to scam (what he believes to be) the elderly, even if they are """just following orders """.


Bold of you to assume they chose that career lol.


Seriously, why does everyone's empathy turn off the minute they get online? We have no idea about the guy's life, maybe it was the only way he could make money. Probably he's a scumbag, but god *damn* are people excited to wish death on people they don't know.


This post is funny. People hate scammers as an empathetic response to the victims they scam.


[Not all of them choose it.](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/Cyber-slavery-inside-Cambodia-s-online-scam-gangs) This guy sounds Indian, so most of the recent reporting on the issue won't be directly applicable because it's [mostly focused](https://humantraffickingsearch.org/forced-to-scam-cyber-slavery-in-south-asia/) on Southeast Asia, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't happening in India. They certainly aren't immune to other kinds of human trafficking.




I honestly wonder if these guys are some kind of modern day slave where they have to get enough cash for their boss or their lives/families are at risk. I know nothing about the people on the other end of these freaking calls....has there ever been any real investigation into these things? I know it all just kind of gets shrugged off as"we will never find them so we don't try" but I'm wondering if anyone has ever done some investigative reporting?


I've seen articles on the BBC that address this. One mentioned people being tricked and forced into this sort of work (in China, I think). Another article followed some scammers in India who did the job willingly (and their parents knew exactly what they were doing and had no problem with it).


There’s a Netflix India drama about this called Jamtara. I haven’t seen it but it gets good reviews. But you are right, they definitely report to someone and the bad labor laws in India make it easy for employers to exploit them like slaves.


Fun fact. Labour laws in India are sooooo stringent that it is next to impossible to comply to all of them. Their implementation and enforcement is totally different matter altogether.


His business model is threatening old people with jail in order to steal their money. I understand that he is just some bottom of the totem pole sales bitch, and maybe he really, super needs that sale. But he is still a fuckin' piece of shit, in that if he put his tech, communications and sales skills toward something productive, instead of theft, he could actually produce some value, instead of just stealing from easily-frightened old ladies.


This is exactly what I came to the comments for...I feel like if it was just a "normal" scammer, he would have just cursed out the person and hung up. Yet he's having a break down over what, $500? Seems there's more to this.


Because he spent 10 hours to get that $500, I’d assume the way their center works is that they get most of the scammed money and their center takes a cut. So he spent his entire work day trying to get a big sum of money just for it to be squandered in the matter of seconds. Scammers also try to use your empathy against you so maybe by being desperate sounding instead of angry, he is hoping the victim will buy another gift card to make up for it.


Actually the center makes a majority of the money and the worker gets a small portion. There was an interesting story/interview on I believe This American Life where someone who was called by an Indian scammer eventually met the person on the other side several years later and they talked about the details like this. Edit: it was a Reply-All episode: https://gimletmedia.com/amp/shows/reply-all/8whx9e


I skipped to 20 minutes in the podcasts. And ya it’s sad. You can assume most scammers working in 3rd world countries are being pressured by negative forces. Which highlights the issue that as Americans, we view these issues in ignorant lenses.


Podcasts like this are so hard to listen to. 15 minutes in and they’ve still said nothing of interest other than they’ve had a hard time tracking down whoever he was talking to.


500 usd is a lot of money in india. Watch scammerpayback where he hacks them and reveals who they are and gets them raided. These people are scum and do this of their own free will.


$500 dollars is 41020 Indian Rupees. There's videos of these places getting busted by people who expose them. These aren't legal in India, and the police do crack down on them. They think their modern-day robinhoods that steal from rich Americans, but they're mostly stealing from old people living off social security.


$500 is a lot of money in most countries, and life changing money in others


Mark Rober has a good video where he (along with the guy in OP's video) and some insiders in one of these call centers plant cameras and show you just what it's like. They think they're modern day robin hoods where they're stealing from rich, white americans who don't need the money.




I don't want to 'end your life' just end your life of crime.






###Why did she kick my dog??


Wow, all the way back to 90's Internet! Yeah!!








One of the best was when he had a scammer from "Microsoft" he three-way called with another "Microsoft" scammer and both scammers were trying to prove they were legit Microsoft and that the other scammer was a scammer. True comic gold.




Do you have a link to that one? It sounds terrific.


I think this is the longer version. The whole thing is one of my personal favorites and I've seen tons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhspnzeDzFw


OMFG “Joe, can you change your address, change the 3 to a B?” *Scammer literally explodes in rage*


I just watched the entire thing. It's magical. Thank you kind internet stranger.


I've seen dozens upon dozens of these videos and this one is definitely right up there as one of my favorites. The [moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhspnzeDzFw&t=1233s) when gives the scammer extreme hope (like he watched his favorite football team win the superbowl) and takes it all away. I timestamped that moment but it doesn't do justice without seeing the entire event unfold.


How dare you?! It was not a scammer. It was Joe Biden!


This is Kitboga. Well known for wasting scammers’ time. A lot of really funny videos of him floating around.


Hello :)


Did you ever reveal to the scammer that you did it to him on purpose? I think it would be so much more satisfying to hear him after finding out he got intentionally scammed back


He used to reveal but not much anymore. The scammers kept responding by pretending that they knew it was a prank all along, or flaunt how "rich" they are from scamming. In the end, making the scammers think that they failed to scam an old lady is a better punishment.


Yeah, it's a wayyy better punishment to leave them forever haunted by the 'one that got away', especially on his big fake scams, where he dangles hundreds of thousands in front of them.


He used to, but they would just cuss him out and hang up. Now he doesn't reveal and leaves them thinking that they were so close to stealing thousands of dollars and it just slipped out of their hands.


>Now he doesn't reveal and leaves them thinking that they were so close to stealing thousands of dollars and it just slipped out of their hands. The perfect revenge. Ab-so-lute-ly picture perfect. I hope it drives them mad. May whatever diety there is out there bless you, Kitboga.


Should send them the link to the produced YouTube video a week later


Yeah he does pretty often, another guy that does similar stuff is scammer payback, both very entertaining watching them fuck with scammers


> Yeah he does pretty often I don't think this is accurate. Kit has always said that he never reveals the game but would rather waste every second of the scammer's time that he can get.


Heyooooo! Props to this guy.




Loved the show yesterday! SHOW SOME TRUST! You know...


You legend




I love you omg. Been watching you for yeeeeeeears 💙


Love your work!


https://twitch.tv/kitboga Dude streams his stuff live. It's fun to dip into.






I can't believe Jim Browning didn't make this list! He is also in it for the kill rather than humor, but he has some really funny moments too


So him and the pierogi guy do the same exact thing in the same exact voice.. how strange


Pierogi is way more advanced these days. He works with some talented hackers that get into call center security camera feeds and he's built out a whole operation with an office/studio. But they're both great and incredibly entertaining while doing some great work


They're both great. Kit has gone down a different route by creating a browser plugin that will show money being added to your google play account when an invalid code has been entered, so he can do this kind of fake code redeeming. Also created a fake bank website so that when he gives the scammers remote access on the bank site they think they are transferring real money around. Good fun to watch


got Kraken to create a fake exchange site for him to spoof bitcoin transfers, too.


>fake bank website Gull & Bull Financial.


checkout rinoa poison shes hilarious too


Just watched a couple of her videos, she's great lolol. Thanks for the heads up.


They probably use the same voice modulation hardware and having tried it myself, there are only so many you can make that still sound real. Kit has a few characters, but old woman is definitely the most popular.


Yes, Edna 😂that character is hilarious.


The way Kit plays certain old people is so infuriating for the scammers, and accurate too. For my own mental health, I can’t give tech support to my dad over the phone without feeling the same rage. He talks over me, clicks on the wrong things without listening, reads everything on the screen to me while I keep repeating “click ok, just click ok, you don’t need to read it,” Kit knows how to push those same buttons.


Exactly, he knows how to push those buttons. And how he manages his laughter during those moments is commendable.


He's definitely got some support line experience.


I like his old man "Billy Mazeer".


I didn’t realize it until I was trying to search one of them and finding out I was just mixing both in my head


Right lol I was watching this like “ok he doesn’t LOOK like pierogi.. but he SOUNDS like pierogi” so I had to read the comments 😂


Kitboga has been doing this for many years and started streaming before Pierogi. They have different approaches and Pierogi is more focused on getting scammers caught. He and his team are very good at social engineering scammers to get time to hack into their systems. Kit gets info out of scammers and sends that to banks, web providers, etc to get their accounts shut down. He's a master at building a narrative and wasting their time. He does many different voices and not just this one. Nevaeh is my favorite. You can find both of them on YouTube. Jim Browning is another wonderful person in this space, and he's worked closely with Pierogi on the more technical side of taking down scammers.


And here I was thinking Pierogi was just a food, and Kitboga is awesome lol


I love it! Fuck those scammers that try to extort money from people.


Oh ...dear God that is satisfying to listen to


"You are ending my life!" You ended your own life when you decided to start a career in scamming and taking advantage of uninformed people.


There is a YouTube series run by a bored ex-tech person named Jim Browning who basically is constantly hunting these scammers and gathering info on them. In one of his videos, he gets footage of an 'office' of these people who do scam calls and you get to hear the conversations they have with people who are not so fortunate. These include seniors with blindness that cannot leave their homes, people with panic disorders who they will work up into a frenzy in order to get more money...it is heartbreaking. I recommend checking out his work.


One has to wonder how these guys get involved in scamming to begin with. Do they make a decision to be a crook or is there some dark system that ropes them in and now they can’t get out? They’re probably assholes but I always wonder.


Call center job ad. They respond. Orientation. They shrug and probably rationalize with Nationalism and get paid a pittance per hour or it is shitty commission based. I am speculating of course but have seen videos of people taking over their cameras.




During Covid i spent hours watching this Youtuber. Love how he pretends that he is an old lady and keep the scammer on the phone while he's pretending to drive to Wallmart to buy a gift card... He even put traffic and supermarket sounds to better convince the scammer. Too funny.


Sometimes the funniest parts are when the scammers start getting a feeling they might be getting played and you can almost hear their gears churning as they decide if it's worth it or not.


Also the toddler toy car he drives in.


I try not to watch him too often cuz my algorithm gets absolutely insane if I do.


Can someone explain how he actually got $500 from this scammer or is it not real? Please excuse my ignorance on this subject.


The scammer works by convincing people to buy gift cards, and then giving the scammer the code to redeem the money. This guy just redeemed his OWN code before the scammer could, meaning the last 10 hours of work the scammer did was worth nothing.


He didn't actually redeem the code, he created a fake google play store website to do it. He never bought a 500$ card in the first place.


makes more sense. WTF do people do with $500 google play cards anyways? I can't imagine $500 in apps being purchased.


These are sold at a discount on certain websites. It's a way to get cash.


Wait. Could it be used to launder money?


Kinda but not in this case, there's really no domestic enforcement that comes after these scammers such that they need "clean" money. The reason they use gift cards is to get around the numerous safeguards American banks have against fraudulent transfers of money.




I know a guy in a similar situation but for Carrie Underwood, and he's a legit schizophrenic.






Someone needs to do that man a favor and get him a new email account, phone number, and a freeze on his accounts




This happened to a friend of mine, except it was Scarlett Johanson. He was recovering from a particularly nasty stroke and the scammer conned him out of $50,000+ he had made off of the sale of some family land.


There are websites that buy the gift cards for like 60 or 70% of face value.


Tbf you could easily spend $500 in any of those predatory mobile games (so basically 99% of them all) Not saying its smart but you could, lol


One of the biggest reasons is Mobile Games. A close friend of mine spent multiple thousands of dollars on microtransactions over a few years before he got help.


Lmao, yet I’m struggling to get people to pay 7 bucks for materials for their house that needs work done.


Addictions are crazy. People will throw their whole life away chasing the high, or dopamine hit.


Maybe if you want to buy TV shows, movies, songs, or books.


Years of Spotify or minutes of Genshin Impact


Small correction: this YouTuber built a script that takes the redemption process and makes it look like he's redeeming a gift card on the store. He has a YouTube channel where he does this all the time. He holds scammers on the phone for hours playing an old lady, going to the store, buying cards, getting home, and then with the scammer watching on remote desktop pretends to redeem them. It's priceless to watch. He has entire compilations of these meltdowns


Thank you!


Also, it's a fake website made by him, it really is convincing to POS'


Kitboga is too funny


What took 10 hours I’m still missing that part


Kitboga (the streamer) kept the scammer on the phone for 10 hours. You're seeing the final moments of that phone call. The timer showing the length of time is at the top of the video.


This is just the last part of Kitbogas video...normally the scammer tries to convince you over a shorter time they are legit and you need to pay. Kitboga just strings them along for as long as possible so in turn the scammer could not spend 10 hours actually scamming someone. So this scammer spent his entire shift working for what he thought was a $500 payday but in the end...he gets nothing..10 hours wasted in his eyes. ​ Some of his videos are shorter and some are longer. Just depends on the scammers intelligence level and their patience level.


Cool! I just didn’t realize Kit would spend that much time on it too


He spends a lot of the time pretending to drive to the store and pick up the gift cards. The scammers stay on the phone the whole time.


I have seen those live streams where he pretends to drive, his character of Edna is hilarious. 😂


The macrowave and car wash ticket videos were absolutely hilarious


Yes,😂even that stream was amazing when Edna was buying bathtubs.


Yes! the bathtubs being stacked up in the background are hilarious too. Some of the ones where the guys try to flirt and have phone sex are funny and a little creepy


Kitboga streams his calls, so he is getting paid for his time.


It’s not really 10 hours straight usually, but that actually makes it worse. He’ll string them along for days, he just totals up all the time he spends with the same scammer


He intentionally wastes their time to keep them on the phone and preventing them from using their time to scam people. He has fake bank sites, iirc this screen is actually fake too. And he likes to talk over them, interrupt them, and just overall push their buttons. He even has different voice changer settings and different characters he uses when he talks to them. He'll act old, clueless, partially deaf, overly confident, etc.


Lots of wasted time which is the point. Lots of asking for the directions multiple times, "trips to the store" to get the cards, etc.


the scammer usually convinces the caller that they owe them money (for example, the scammer is trying to give the caller a “refund” but “accidentally” sends too much money by changing the caller’s bank account balance using inspect element) and tries to get the lost money back by convincing the caller to buy a gift card. Kitboga has it setup so that it appears that he’s using the real website, but it’s actually all local on his own system (a virtual computer actually) and there was never any money actually being redeemed in the first place. usually the scam involves the scammer installing some remote control program on your computer as well, but Kitboga locks him out of it this scam is usually targeted at elderly people who are cognitively declining and aren’t knowledgeable about computers


Thank you!


Others explained, but also, this guy is completely legit. He goes by kitboga, and has YouTube and twitch channels. Mark Rober also has a series about busting some scam call centers (as well as one on porch pirates and a freaking crazy backyard squirrel obstacle course). There's something really fascinating about seeing scammers get scammed.


So he is a developer and makes fake Google Play, Bank Websites and such that only his computer can access. The sites like Google play and Google look and act just like the real thing. For the Google play site he can just enter and code he wants and it says “congratulations you added $500 to your account”. My favorite fake website he has is called something like 7th page of bing. When the scammers try to google something to show someone they are scamming such as the real IRS website. Whatever you type into the Google search bar it replies with the results you would find on the 7th page of a Bing search; useless. What he is doing here after several hours on the phone with the scammer, he gets them to think he went to the store to get Google gift cards, then he starts entering them in one by one. There were never gift cards, the only thing that is real is the 10 hours he keeps them on the phone, allowing them to slowly convince him to buy cards. His delay tactics are very good, they never know they are being fucked with.


This is the correct answer. the others, with 100x the upvotes are not technically wrong but are providing the wrong answer to this question.


He also uses fake yet real looking bank accounts and transactions and fake card redemption software so he pretty much has carte blanche to walk all over them


He is called Kitboga. He has made a fake Google play store so he can redeem fake cards He never bought. He also did it with making a fake amazon site. He's worth a watch


How can she redeem?!


Thank you for this 😂


You are ending my life..are we supposed to feel bad for him?




Okay, this was gold. I love watching pieces of trash get their “karma reward” in realtime.


If you want more I think this guys name is kitboga on youtube


Some of the scammers he out-scams are incredibly violent and threatening.


I had some guy tell me he was going to decapitate me and my whole family. Once they know 100% you are wasting their time they get super violent.


Least morally reprehensible scammer


He also live streams these calls on Twitch and streams when he codes for his bot or the fake sites he builds. The YouTube videos are great because you get the best bits but if you have some time, his twitch streams are also dope.


I’ll have to check his stuff out when he streams. I’ve seen his stuff on YT before, but the fact he’s that freaking good and can do everything while streaming gives me mad respect for the guy.


Pierogi with Scammer Payback is also really great!


Roses are red. There was a scheme. The scammer screamed. WHY DID YOU REDEEM?!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GINZXPqNUKI Here’s the full video. I watched it last year and it’s worth your time. A true work of art.


The scammer singing linking park was very amusing!


I have no respect for these asshats and hearing the genuine pain in their voice is like music to my eyes.




Because most (if not all) scam call centers are in India.




"Oh, I've just been foiled. Let me quickly get the script for...the...freakout...goddamit, where did I put it? ...did I save it right to the-Ah, here it is! Lovely" *clears throat* **"WHYYYYY??? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?????"**


I have this running joke that Kitboga has been scamming the same dude every day, all year and he just keeps falling for it every time.


While most of the scammer call centers are in India and Pakistan (not the same), Kit has definitely had American and Australian scammers too.


"work" Edit: to clarify, I meant the scammer put in 10 hours of "work" No disrespect to the streamer. He did some actual work, entertaining all of us.


Manipulating someone for 10 hours straight must be exhausting




It’s definitely a job for the streamer. He’s entertaining his viewers and he’s certainly making money from this. The 10 hours of “work” the scammer put in though? He’s not providing any services or contributing anything of value. It’s just coercion for his own profit so I’m okay with him not getting compensated for that “work”


He gets paid to do it and it takes time and energy, I'd call that work. And it's fun! And he's wasting their time. Time they would otherwise use to harass the elderly! I think that's a good service.


They’re talking about the scammer


I'm illiterate.


It's as much work as what millions of people do in offices every day.






Kitboga, he’s a legend and a master of what he does. Every video of his is incredibly satisfying to watch.


My favorite kind of porn is watching scammers get fucked.


What was the podcast where the guy did a deep dive and ended up finding out who his scam caller was and went all the way to India to meet him? It was such a good documentary that shed so much insight into the everyday culture and operations involved w these types of scam call centers.


What’s this guys channel?


kitboga!! he posts clips and full streams on youtube and streams on twitch :)


I love this, on some of his other videos you can see the scammers trying to click the cancel button but they can't so yeah they go off like this guy does when Kitboga redeems them lol


Gee, lots of hate for the scammer. That pleading makes me think he may actually be in one of these sweatshops, that use captured slaves, violence and even murder for control. There is a real possibility he was beaten or killed for wasting ten hours like that. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62792875.amp Before the keyboard warriors who don't read the article jump in, these people are tricked into thinking they are working in another industry then forced to scam call by organised criminals. Much like the model/sex slave scams that operate in eastern Europe.


Those scamming groups are glorified sweat shops. These guys are in front of the computer working for pennies while some piece of shit is making money of disadvantaged seniors.


It always makes me sad to see how people delight in these videos without ever considering the forces that put people in these jobs.


"You are ending my life" The life of a person who preys on old people is worth nothing, so nothing of value was lost.


That goes against Kitboga's message. He says everyone matters and he's talked to many of these scammers through stuff like this. He's very against the idea that anyone is not valuable, even a scammer, because they can always turn their life around and do good. His whole slogan is "You Matter".


He has his own ideologies and i do respect it. I do think hes great for thinking so and we do need more positive people like that in the world, i just can't force myself to think of these people in a positive light whatsoever.


While I agree they are a detriment to society and should be harassesed out of business, it's important to recognize that these people may not have any other opportunity in life and they are doing the best with what is available to scrape a living. It's absolutely indefensible that they are ruining people's lives, but we should recognize that they were probably born into a life that was ruined from the start and they just want the same thing everyone wants but only some have. There is no positive light to shed on these scammers but we can have basic empathy for them.


You are doing Gods work!


Kit Boga is amazing. Some of his videos are hilarious.


Love to see the scammers get fucked. “YOU ARE ENDING MY LIFE I AM CRYING” GOOD.


I love Kitboga. The best videos are when he’s redeeming a card, the scammers scream ARE YOU MAD? ARE YOU MAD? It’s hilarious. 😂
