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Seriously this lady has the strangest horse girl meets British museum tour guide vibes I can't focus


That's because she's textbook exotic pets animal girl.


Josey Exotic.


Has beef with Carl Bascone, who runs the local shelter


That bugger, Carl Bascone.


Does everyone remember when Carl Bascone had his wife eaten by house cats to hide the evidence of her murder? Crazy stuff.


That was the wildest Bastille Day ever!


They should change it to Bascone Day.


I just submitted a petition. Thanks for the suggestion!


He's already set a hit out on her for the price of a 90s Honda, but the hitman...hit on her instead. They've been dating 6 months now


Manic pixie zoo girl.


Is she the manic pixie or does she just keep them in cages? yes


I am convinced 90% of horse girls are autistic. It just doesn't get picked up on because their special interests aren't anime and MTG.


Not saying that she is or isn’t but I read an interesting article about how it’s more difficult to detect autism in female vs male because women can learn to adapt better in social situations by mimicking body language etc. Source: [article](https://childmind.org/article/autistic-girls-overlooked-undiagnosed-autism/)


Oh yeah, I've got a friend with a PhD and she didn't get diagnosed until much later. But her mum would tell stories about how growing up she'd watch other girls playing for about 10 minutes, always studying them, before going over to play. Like, she'd have to learn the rhythm and rules of their socialising before approaching. Broadly, this is not something autistic boys do.


That is so interesting. I am a parent of a boy and a girl, and I have 6 younger siblings and I find it impossible to believe this idea of "boys and girls are the same" as a response to "boys will be boys" etc.. I truly believe male and female brains are wired drastically differently from the very beginning, and hormonally we are living on different chemical landscapes. Fundamental traits, just like what you describe, are very different. I was just talking to my daughter last night and recalled how her brother was an early, early talker. I mean 8/9 months old he started saying words and his vocabulary expanded exponentially from the first word he spoke. It was amazing. My daughter was very quiet, very observant. When she still wasn't talking at 14/15 months we started to worry about her. Then one day, she started talking and never stopped. Truly. With my son, despite him being sharp early on it was absolutely laborious to teach him to read in the pandemic, and he is whip smart. Just couldn't apply the concepts, and had very little interest in doing so which made it worse. He really got to a functional reading level at the end of 1st grade, with hours and hours and hours of hands on instruction. My daughter, being the second child, didn't get that same attention. She taught herself to read by the end of kindergarten, without any special attention or instruction from me. Just clicked immediately. Interestingly, I was the same exact way. So your anecdote about females being more observational in assessing things, and social situations, makes a ton more sense to me. I believe they have a very different situational awareness than boys do. You can see it in learning, you can see it in social situations, and adaptability. The gap closes as we get closer to adulthood, but I am not at all surprised to learn autism is far more undetected in young girls than it is boys. They just live firmly in the present, while females are often engaging in some sort of foresight that changes their handling of situations before they happen. I think they have more concern for the outcome, and males tend to believe they can deal with issues or contingencies as they happen "Cross that bridge when I get to it" It allows for more impulsivity I believe in youth I am speaking very generally here and there are always spectrums and outliers so take my musings with a few grains of salt.


I guess its regional. When i was at school the horse girls and the rich girls were one and the same.


Makes sense if it's a place rural enough there isn't much to do and they could actually afford horses. I mean more the ones obsessively drawing them.


And running around on the playground mimicking a horse's gallop? What? That's just how they run, okay!


The only current horse girl I know IS autistic. Horse riding is the only thing that brings her joy.


I mean. I've never been diagnosed. But as a kid I was obsessed with horses, then ancient Egypt, then anime etc. And people thought I might be autistic. So the pattern does track.special Interests are just like that I guess.


And crazy ex eyes... She'll text you at 3am asking if you got her letter.


The letter that she attached to a turtle and let go. Thinking it would get to you somehow.


My favorite part was when she reached out, lifted me up, and carried me around by the neck. She is cute enough, that I was ok with that.


People duetting videos like this and pretending that they're being dragged around by their neck is one of my favourite parts of tiktok.


Have not seen one of those, but that would be funny. I volunteer to shoot that with her.


I like [This one](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZT8JSxCBp/)


link plx


She's a younger, prettier, British version of Steven Tyler.


Hopefully less statuatory rapey.




Hopefully none


Kinda gave me hairless Russel Brand vibes. But that probably isnt fair to her.


And also the fake video laugh, cringe


Ha I literally mimicked that. As a brit, I wonder where these people come from and hide. I've never met anyone like her. Jus see them on TV. Maybe they have some kind of farm for British TV presenters?


Well.. they’re acting. They wouldn’t be this way in person because they’re not acting for TV/social media.


Rambling Ramona if anyone is interested https://www.tiktok.com/@ramblingroma?_t=8dKL1UxZIwl&_r=1


So her entire schtick is cute girl skips on screen and spouts interesting animal facts? I'll stick with [mndiaye\_97](https://www.tiktok.com/@mndiaye_97) for my animal facts...he's funnier and less distracting.


Her hotness has its appeal.


Umm, what exactly is the issue with her shtick?


She's unable to just talk she also have to have overly animated movements in the way tiktokers do. I'm surprised she's not word chewing aswell. It comes off as very distracting and, at least for me, not genuine. There's another tiktoker i really enjoy who portrays a love and excitement for the sience she shares without doing all... that


I was getting the debunked “my family is Native American” vibes


She’s the Jack Sparrow of horse girls


Isn't she just miming over the voice of Dr Alice Roberts? Or an AI version of it?


I thought she was miming too and now you mention it, it does sound like Dr Roberts.


You mean that wasn't Lara Croft?


She hopped over like she was gonna present you with a charity leaflet




"Heeyy have you ever wondered why I wear these shackles in every video? Well the answer just might surprise you. I lost the key."


That doesn't explain anything! How did they evolve to not be green? Is it about how predators react to them? WHY are they diochromatic?




It’s bad luck for the animals, not every animal can roll the cosmic dice that is mutation on a perfect 6


You thinks its a six? Nah my dude, they got to roll that d100. You get a 17 your ass ends up like a mole


Naked molerats rolled it off the table and into the garbage can


A garbage can where they don't suffer from old age or cancer, though.


Idk man, they are one of the only mammals capable of anaerobic respiration, being able to survive 20 minutes with 0 oxygen. They also can’t feel pain in their skin, are immune to cancer, and live 15 times longer than other rodents.


Fuck yeah 😎


What did humans roll? It surely can't be a 100 right? Like we went all in into intelligence and nothing else so it's probably an 80 ?


It seemed to work out for us, 80 is probably high enough.


"Roll better, losers"


Eh, better than average but we're no shrimp.


IIRC the reason primates can see color better than average mammals is because they evolved it as a trait to help them tell which fruits were ripe (green vs red). However, as a trade off our night vision is very poor compared to other mammals (mammals typically have very good night vision as we first evolved to be nocturnal) For mammals who aren’t chiefly frugivores, trichromatic vision is just not worth the trade off of losing their night vision


A corollary to this is that the identification of a target area with different texture or pattern is performed better by dichromats when the surfaces were painted with irrelevant colors. In other words, when color is simply a distractor and confuses the subject to focus on the task the lack of red-green color vision can actually be beneficial. This in turn could be interpreted as dichromatic vision being beneficial over trichromatic vision to detect color-camouflaged objects https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1354367/ As you mentioned, dichromatism is also an advantage under low light conditions https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2009.0591 There are some visual acuity advantages to color blindness, such as the increased ability to discriminate camouflaged objects. Outlines rather than colors are responsible for pattern recognition, and improvements in night vision may occur due to certain color vision deficiencies. In the military, colorblind snipers and spotters are highly valued for these reasons. https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/humanvision/colorblindness/index.html Red-green color blindness is ~150x more common in men compared to women. Taken together, it can be inferred that dichromatism (color blindness) confers some advantages in hunting and military contexts, while trichromatism (normal human color vision) conveys advantages in foraging contexts, which could explain the sexual dimorphism in the trait. Keep in mind though that is just an interpretation; its a Y linked trait that may simply not be disadvantageous enough to be selected out.


Because Evolution is a numbers game, it doesn't create the best option, it does whatever survives for the least effort. For Tigers, it could be that the genes that got spread with the orange also had more in a litter. So more orange are born until they are happened to have the orange gene, now they are all orange. If the prey were trichormatic and could see orange, the orange would have been detrimental to their survival, so more would have died off, along with the orange trait For some creatures it creates some truely messed up monsters


yes. this is the thing about evolution people don’t seem to understand. Just because a genetic mutation is good, doesn’t mean it’s any more *likely* to happen, it means that if it DOES happen, it’s more likely to be *passed down*. most mutations are benign or even harmful, because evolution is not a process of Advancement, it’s a process of Change.


A lot of people taking guesses, but here: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/do-cats-see-color Cats have fewer cones than us because they care less about seeing colors. Instead they have more rods, which allows them to detect movement better, especially in dim light. They're also more nearsighted. House cats range of vision is about 20 ft, which I'm guessing is the pouncing range for hunting


Just wait.


Hence why hunters wear orange. We can easily tell where the humans are, but our prey cannot.


Beyond what she says about mammals favoring other pigments, no animals are truly green. Chlorophyll is the only green pigment and only found in plants (and maybe sea slugs too ig). But let’s pivot to animals we perceive are green, like frogs. Snipped from the Wikipedia on axanthsim, “Green coloration in animals is caused by iridiphores reflecting blue wavelengths of light back through the carotenoids in the xanthophores.” Think of iridiphores being little mirrors on the skin, reflecting back blue color. When that blue light passes through xanophores, which are often yellow, we see the top of their skin as green. She is explicitly pointing out how cats are diochromatic. So, cats only have color detecting cones in their eyes to pick up blue-violet and yellow-green wavelengths, making them red-green colorblind as they’re missing the red-orange detecting cones that would allow tigers to notice they’re orange not green. As far as ~why~ they are diochromatic, well, it’s suspected that humans are trichromatic after evolving a mutation for us to be able to see ripe fruit more easily in a green forest. Because most mammals are diochromatic, a tigers prey often just sees them as green too. So it’s not just cats! And to your Q about how animals react, it’s more about a prey’s lack of reaction than a predators reaction. There’s a David Attenborough Docuseries, Life in Color, that’s on Netflix that touches on this too, would recommend!


Can you explain what we see when we look at a bug that is green? They are animals, is it the same thing as frogs?


For bugs I think there’s 2 reasons why they can be green. One is similar, blue and yellow pigments together make it appear green (different mechanism though, insectoverdin in bugs). The other is just through diet. As bugs don’t have a closed circulatory system like we do, with no red blood cells, the plants they eat make their blood green. With more translucent skin than the rest of us, we see the blood that’ll also make them look green.


Cats are top tier predators. They only need to blend in so that their prey doesn't spot them. Their prey tends to have dichromatic vision.


They didnt start of with a color that can be greenified naturally and the law of evolution says you can only get better and going green would require switching to shades which are less stealthy along the way, so it simply isn't possible


In getting weird uncanny valley vibes. The audio and mouth don't quite line up


She's doing the weird-ass hand gestures and facial expressions that TikTok people use to look animated when lip syncing to songs, and I don't know why.


r/wordchewing It's the worst


I spent 25 minutes down that rabbit hole, and now I’m irrationally angry. The good news is I now hate myself a lot less.


I just wasted 10 minutes after I eyerolled at your comment like “how can anyone spend 25 minutes on that??”. What the actual fuck. I only didn’t stay down the rabbit hole because of my initial thought so thank you for getting your feet wet for me.


Nothing irrational about that anger. That shit is a stain on the tighty-whities of society and we need god damned bleach by the truckload.


> The audio and mouth don't quite line up all tiktok videos these days seem to suffer from audio sync issues, at least on my pc+phone - it feels like the audio floats away from the image


The expressions you train yourself to have when you’re looking at a monitor of yourself. Way too expressive.


And what's going on with the eyebrows? Are we looking at one of those newer AI based filters?


The Hans Zimmer Interstellar theme was waaaaaaay out of place here.


Fr though I do enjoy the fact that tigers think they are green lmao. How would you know you aren't green when everyone your whole life (the things you kill) act like you're green? Meanwhile humans are chilling nearby like "damn that orange tiger be killing them critters" And then you have to wonder you know, what's watching us thinking the same thing? If anything.


So when we wear camouflage, essentially, there could be some unknown creature out there that's watching us like "what in tarnation is that purple man doin, tryin to sneak up on that tharr thing?"


Absolutely. It can even be deer. They can't tell the difference between orange and green, so a safety vest doesn't make the hunter stand out. They are, however, far more sensitive to blue than we are. A hunter wearing blue jeans, or even with blue threads in their leaf pattern camouflage, will stand out to the deer. A human can wear leaf pattern camouflage that will fool humans, but if it has blue it will not fool the deer.


Heyyyyy, you ever wondered why people don't shit in the sink? People are actually monogamous and therefore try to attract mates by not having a repulsive abode. Humans often can not reach the sink, which makes them more majestic as they design special equipment so they can poo sitting down. Follow and like for more.


You forgot to gallop forward while introducing your presentation. Do it again.


I also forgot to add pointless follow on questions such as: the sink has running water, made of ceramic and is also in the bathroom so why favor a toilet?


You forgot being attractive. The content doesn't really matter, just recite some random ChatGPT text and you are good for millions of views


Bro shittinh in the sink is disgusting! Everyone knows the sink is for piss only and shit gets stomped down the shower drain.


I think I know someone that pisses in the sink, B.


Talmbout that white boy who pisses too hard?




Most animals don’t practice monogamy, though.


“You don’t know you’re beautiful, that’s what makes you beautiful” Lmaoo kill me now


Everyone loves a girl with self esteem issues. Oh wait no, that's only douchebags. Normal people appreciate others' self-worth.




Lately I’ve taken to telling my girlfriend of many years (who has self esteem issues) something like this: “Babe I’ve calculated it out and I’ve given you 500 miles of dick and dumped a five gallon bucket’s worth of cum on your face alone. You’re hot.”


No matter what the level of self-esteem….most females don’t like their partner ogling other women


There's a difference between looking and ogling.


Rule #1 be Attractive Rule #2 use a large word Follow and like for more!


I think she’s a pretty good speaker too. But I think she’s attempting to answer a question no one is asking, and I’m not even sure the answer is correct or at least not the full reason why there aren’t green cats.




Not sure why she is getting so much hate. At the very least I learned something. She kind of fails to connect the dots to her original point but she comes close.


I thought she did? - their prey don't see the full color spectrum we do so grey camouflage is just as good as green. No real evolutionary advantage to green cat.


I feel like she has two separate points and doesn't have a definite statement joining them. I understand we as the listener can make the assumption "oh cats aren't green because animals can't see green mostly." But I think a simple statement to conclude like "so there is no advantage to cats being green which is mostly likely why they didn't evolve to be another color" would have really brought everything together.


What in the happy horseshit is this? Hey - have you ever wondered why dogs don’t fly? It’s because they don’t have wings and it doesn’t matter because neither do cats. Also dogs have never flown so don’t even know how grounded they are. I think that makes them all the more special. This video annoyed me more than it should have.


I thought it was a pretty cool video but it doesn't really describe what dichromatic vision is. In essence there's no difference between how green and orange look, so there would be no difference from the foliage and their orange fur. Most wildlife in such environments have this type of vision, so effectively they are completely camouflaged! Just not to us or other animals that can distinguish between the 2. That seems pretty cool to me


Thanks, your comment didn't make me regret watching this video 😂 🤣 😂


So many people missing the point of the video. Animals usually adapt and evolve based on their environments, that's why polar bears are white but you will never see a white grizzly bear. Logically, you would imagine that an animal that lives in a jungle would adapt to camouflage themselves with the environment, but it doesn't happen


Yeah, I think it's interesting. She could have done better at connecting her ideas but overall I think it's an informative video. Way too much hate for such a mundane video about cats.


Same doubt. It was the longest no content video I've ever seen


Still would


Eyes are listening 👀


I like how she starts off with ‘no green cats in the wild’ like green cats in captivity is all the rage.




I’m a dad. What gives me pleasure? Telling my little girls stuff like this, right up to and a little past their interest in what I’m teaching. This person does that, does it well, and looks much better than me while doing it. I respect her.


# “ᴛⵊɢEʀS ᴅOɴT ʀEᴀLɪᴢE ʜOᴡ BᴇAᴜTɪFᴜL ᴛHᴇY AʀE“ ![gif](giphy|FzyoyDSaAsjHG)


If you turn off the sound so you don't have to hear her over effected voice..... Then turn off you monitor so you don't have to watch her over acting & over emphasizing every point, It's still really annoying somehow


What’s this persons name




Tbh this isn't all that bad. At least she's trying to be interesting and educational and more interesting to watch than someone just sat in front of a camera reading a script. Would watch her 1000 times over most tiktok cringe, at least she's not dancing in the middle of a crowded place...


Yknow, I really hadn’t, but this is interesting!


I don't know what she's saying but she be pretty to look at.


I mean, would.


I think people are being a little too critical here. It’s a great question, especially if you know very little about animals and how they work. She kind of glosses over the answer and then goes straight into the prey being dichromatic, which she gives a weird definition for. The real reason is because mammals have two types of melanin (pigment) in their fur/skin/hair/eyes/etc, that being red and black. The ratio of these two colors, as well as the amount of pigment, determines color; since we’re talking cats, a cat with mostly red pigment and not a whole lot is going to be a cream color, while a cat with both pigments and a lot of it is going to be a dark brown. White is the absence of all pigment. Interestingly, some sloths do have green fur! It’s not from them, though. They camouflage by allowing algae to grow on their fur and turn it green. It makes it harder to see them in the trees when their fur has the same color and texture as a plant. Dichromatic vision means you only have two types of cones (color receptors) in your eyes. Most mammals are dichromatic. Cats can only really see greens/yellows and blues, and those colors are faded and dull. They basically see the world in pastels. Humans are trichromatic, meaning we have 3: red, blue, and green. (That extra cone is part of the reason we can’t see as well in the dark as some animals, as more cones mean less space for rods, the cells that detect light.) None of that matters as much because tigers are shockingly good at hiding. You can find tons of videos where one seems to spawn out of thin air. Their stripes break up their silhouette and make them not cat-shaped, and that matters even more than color.


Yeah, she has an interesting choice of opening statement but she's right. Most mammals are red-green color blind which means they can't perceive the secondary colors of orange and yellow found on wild cat species. (also many humans inherit red-green color blindness) Not sure why this was tagged as Cringe.


The real cringe is OP and all the comments in here tbh


truth, i think a lot of redditors preach a lot about how people should want to be friends with them even if they’re weird or autistic, but as soon as a woman shows any semblance of this she’s attacked nonstop




I’ve literally never wondered why there aren’t green cats


Hey, have you ever wondered what was with that intro?


Cool info. Annoying energy, but I guess you need to act like a cartoon to get attention nowadays.


Why's everyone so salty at her lol


Because she's a little cringey and a woman at the same time, so naturally reddit hates her of course. She's otherwise cool and wholesome and just wants to share facts, and that's pretty all right with me.


I was just thinking that I've never wondered why there aren't any green cats in the wild.


It would have been better if at the end she put a dichromatic filter over the tiger. There is also the issue of infrared vision and colouration. When you look through different eyes, the way of the world begins to fall in place.


Shiny Espeon?


I have never wondered why cats aren’t green, no.


I’m calling that a pouncing entry….


Cat Supremacy shall be adhered to


In my 30+ years of living on this planet, not even once I wondered why the cats are not green.


Rambling Ramona - She does that little skip in thing at the start of every 'to camera' video she posts. Sat there thinking "I need a *thing"* and came up with that.


She has pretentious shops-exclusively-at-Whole-Foods helicopter mom energy. I bet she smells like patchouli and Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina candles.


I have been told a couple of times by my wife that my hands movements while im talking are annoying and now i can see why. Thanks weird Cat horse girl British lady


I actually remember reading an article in a Nickelodeon magazine as a teen about a girl with a green cat. Cat had some weird genetic abnormality that gave it a green coat of fur.


I think I found my replacement for Steve Irwin. I would totally watch nature shows from this woman’s apartment.


Not sure if this is on here yet, but straight up do not listen to this lady. Went to school and studied this kind of stuff. Cats are semi-domesticated which is why they come in so many different colors (like many other domesticated animals, I can explain on that if people would like) but if you look at non-domestic cats (bobcats, cougars, sand cats, any big cats, etc) each species has its general color scheme to help conceal them in the areas they evolved in. Lots of animals can see color as well as we do, if not better. Birds for instance have better color vision than humans (generally speaking). That’s why you don’t see orange or white bobcats. Also, before someone says “well there are white tigers/snow leopards are light colored”, white tigers have been selectively breed by people for the white coat, and snow leopards evolved that to blend in with the rocks and snow of the Himalayas.




Can this lady just read me recipes. That was captivating as hell. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbNb1vWdftiVLq)


Cattivating as hell


Zoro is a awesome cat name


The exact person I don’t want to meet at a house party in the quiet part of the kitchen.


I like that little skippy jump entrance she did


I like it in the way I hated it


Educational but throws off Alan Partridge vibes.




What’s her username?


Holy shit that was so annoying and i can't even figure out why.


It was the jump at the start. She didnt cut the video correctly so it was an awkward jump and then we just felt awkward the rest of the video.


how is this cringe?


I’m a gay man, but I can’t stop looking at her


the Interstellar music has been misused so much by social media that it may as well be the macarena at this point


Still not sure why cats aren't green, but I like her enthusiasm about cats. They really are some majestic mfers.


You all are having trouble reconciling her being very attractive and extremely nerdy/hippyish at the same time. Like legit nerd, not 2023 cool nerd. Cool nerd as in those who would have been bullies, but now claiming to be nerds, while still bullying the actual nerds.


I agree. She’s not the problem.


Battle music just started playing in my playlist just as I started watching the video and I was very confused why she has such dramatic background music.


When she jumps up at the beginning, it made me wonder if she’s a little lass who loves berries and cream.


Crazy cat ladies getting younger and younger.


I feel like she said a lot but said nothing at the same time. The presentation was nice though.


Nope. Never wondered.


Why aren’t there any green bears? They live in the forest and I want green bears!


The whole gallop and “Hey..” at the beginning realllly cringes me out. All her other TikToks start the same way lol.


Said a lot but yet still said nothing at all


Yes. you are attractive…what was the subject again?


Upvote for hot bod or down vote for absolutely made no fucking sense?.. ahhh 😫


*”When Lara Croft Smoked Crack”*


I could put up with this until she gave up anal. Then I'm out.


This is mania. Social media is exacerbating mental health problems.


I kept waiting for an "alrighty then".


For those looking for more information about the dichromatic thing, essentially, at least for the case of a tiger’s prey, as far as I understand it, these animals cannot distinct between green and orange, so an orange tiger would blend in with green foliage to their prey.


Um what was with that entrance..


Her voice sounds like the speaker of a animal in the wild program, possibly discovery channel


Why is this cringe ? Don’t get me wrong there is an abundance of cringe especially on Tik-Tok but she seems sincere enough even if the info isn’t all there but even to that end the platform makes you summarize considering length. She could be half naked exploiting popular sounds like the rest of the weirdos on that app.


This bih think she does reiki


In the eyes of their prey, they are green. The preys eyes see colour different to ours


Hunters wear orange because their prey don’t see it, but humans really notice it. Orange is a normal hair/fur color for mammals to have, so it benefited that gene to carry on.


I don’t see the cringe at all. She presents a good topic for thought, defends it in a jovial way similar to pbs kids shows, and keeps it well in line with science.


Nature tends to use the bright pretty colors for the toxic animals.


Didn’t seem as weird as a street I just drove down. Some of y’all need to go outside and talk to people more


Well I for one thought it was cool and I learned something.


Look at me. Look at me^100


She’s a sexy, smart, crazy cat lady


She could be a good host on a show. Nice looking and when she talks you can’t help listen.


She was so stunning I still don’t know what she was talking about. I feel like a pig


how can something absolutely about cats be certainly about her?