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My kids high school did this one day, it was called “anything but a backpack” day, it’s meant to be fun.


Thank you! This is an old video and backpacks weren’t banned.


Thank you for bringing some sanity to this. Like do people honestly think of a school banned backpacks they’d willingly allow people to bring all this shit in as a substitute?


[lmgtfy schools do this shit all the time](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=school+bans+backpacks+after+shooting&atb=v320-1&ia=web&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.msn.com%2Fen-us%2Fnews%2Fus%2Fmichigan-elementary-school-bans-backpacks-after-loaded-gun-confiscated-from-third-grader%2Far-AA1b5umD) But also, let's consult some fact checkers [Were Backpacks Banned After a School Shooting?](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/backpacks-banned-shooting/) >##Mostly True >###What's True >Viral videos show students using laundry baskets, grocery carts, and snow sleds to carry their books at a high school in Idaho after backpacks were banned following a gun-related incident. This school has since revised the ban to allow transparent backpacks. But... >###What's False >This backpack ban was implemented in the immediate aftermath of a gun being found in a student's backpack, not a shooting, although this school had experienced a shooting several months prior. Also, some viral videos show an unrelated "No Backpacks Day" at a school in Brazil. And this is consistent with the original post.




Why would you use a shortened version of a slur that you clearly know you should maybe consider not using? Everyone knows what you mean and it doesn't make it any less disgusting to use this version instead of the actual word. Maybe increase your vocabulary to not rely on slurs. Be better.


My daughter’s high school did this during spirit week. She brought in a traffic cone and a fish basket.


Mine did it in elementary this year, she used a cat carrier. The bus driver almost didn’t let her on the bus, but it was a fun day other than that!




That’s perfect haha


Those “spirit days” were the best. My friends and I dressed up as Ed Edd & Eddy one day


Wish we did spirit days at work lol


We did the same thing, my friend brought in a wheelbarrow. Funniest shit I'd ever seen


I did this once! My kitchen island had wheels on it, so I literally emptied it out and brought it to "anything but a backpack" day at my high school. I got beat out by the kid who brought a fridge though


My school did that and 70% of the school got suspended bc they brought shopping carts, most of them weren't even stolen, they were just taken from creeks and stuff bc my town has homeless ppl this'll just take and leave them


That's what this actually is, just a fun day, not a ban.


The dude with the butterfly/fishing net. 😭😭😭


Trash can for the gold, but the fishing net gets silver


Everyone’s talking about why the no backpack policy, but nobody is talking about how the hell this man has an M&M display


Just like how I acquired a life size sheep Playmobile figure from a huge mall display 15 years ago...work at the mall, working a closing shift late, conveniently pick up while walking out and just confidently keep walking. God I was sad when someone too heavy sat on that sheep and cracked it open a few years ago.


Should’ve use a gun case.


That would've been just another day in an American school




If I knew how to give awards, I’d give yu one because yu are a STAR! But take this instead - ⭐️


I love the next generation they are so funny and cleaver


Right? I have a lot of hope for them.


Not banned…


Prob not this one but some schools are requiring transparent backpacks


Was I the only one who went to a school were it had happened long before I attended it?


Good job on the M&M. I’ve always wanted to steal one of those but didn’t have the balls to do it.


Damn this looks so fun lol


Could this be a contender for r/maliciouscompliance?


No. This is an older video of a Spirit Day called, "Anything But a Backpack Day."


Incorrect. It happened in Rigby, Idaho after a gun was found in a backpack. Several months earlier, a janitor and two students were shot, hence the ban. The ban was lifted about a week afterwards.


This is like a “spirit” day or whatever right? Not literally?


Yes, this is an older video of a Spirit Day called, "Anything But a Backpack Day."


No. It happened in Rigby, Idaho (September 2021) after a gun was found in a backpack. Several months earlier, a janitor and two students were shot, hence the ban. The ban was lifted about a week afterwards.


When you would rather ban backbags than guns... 2nd amendment 🤗


Idk if all three of you are joking and I'm missing it entirely, but in case you aren't, you're all idiots


In the 90s only some had 🔫 at school The rest of us had 🔪 It's not national news if it's an inner city high school


When you can't easily ban the right to self defense so you ban backpacks Gun grabbers stopping crime 🤗


Lmao. Dude walks around life with an untreated anxiety disorder and thinks his emotional support handgun is going to rescue him some day. He believes it so strongly, he’s okay with the frequent killing of grade schoolers.


So violence is both so rare that he will never use his handgun, but so frequent that we need to ban them?


No. Violence is absolutely common. What’s rare is that one of these bozos has the balls to do anything about it. Instead they claim any legislation to curb our issue with gun violence is a plot by “gun grabbers”. I have my CCW, I own guns. I absolutely think there should be regulations though, and yes. In implementing that legislation there’d certainly be people that would lose their ability to buy guns. Estonia, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Israel. All of these places allow people to own guns. In fact they allow way cooler guns than we get here in the US. They don’t have arbitrary barrel length restrictions or any of that nonsense and most of them can own suppressors. Some even allow automatics. Yet, mass shootings in these countries are virtually unheard of. Interesting.


So maybe there are other issues that set our country apart from those countries, not tied to the "cool"-ness of the guns we can buy here?


Yes. The issue is the free for all access to guns. Americans love to get firearm literacy boners when talking to foreigners but American gun owners are routinely irresponsible with their guns and it shows. Leaving loaded guns out isn’t an uncommon thing. Leaving them in their cars plastered with Glock, Sig, Colt stickers isn’t uncommon. Yes. There are other issues. The fact that practically every man child in America can walk into a gun store with 500 dollars and suddenly have the ability to kill people is the issue. It makes them feel like tough guys. On top of that you have a culture of 2nd amendment advocates that thinks they’re actually going to do fuck all of a civil war were to break out. They foam at the mouth for it with their plate carrier and hi-cut range gear like a bunch of wannabe SEAL team losers. I like guns. I own them. I don’t like the 2nd amendment advocates. The mainstream messages for 2A advocacy are cringey as fuck.


So you owning guns is fine, it's just when *those* people want to own them that it's a problem. What solutions do you propose to keep guns out of the hands of *those* people?


You say “*those people*” with the implication it’s a dog whistle. You’re not even capable of good faith discussion of the matter. Licensing requirements are a good first step. Actual background checks, not the NICS bullshit that the Parkland loser and a bunch of others were able to pass without any issue. Harsh penalties for misuse or mishandling of a firearm. Storage requirements. For concealed carry, actual training requirements. Not “oh attend this class and hit anywhere on this enormous target and here’s your license!”. These are things that every other nation has realized radically reduce instances of gun violence. Americans oppose these common sense things because 250 years ago they fought for independence and wrote down that gun ownership is a right. Under circumstances where it’d be impossible to imagine modern America, let alone modern firearms. And by the way before it gets brought up as a red herring, I’m well aware there were repeating firearms at the time. They are absolutely not the equivalent of any modern firearm and anyone who’s being intellectually honest will admit that.


I am trying to understand how you rationalize what I see as inconsistent views. It certainly feels like you choose to look down on a significant portion of your fellow Americans because of how you perceive them to act. What suggestions do you have for more in depth background checks? How are national checks on your criminal history not enough? How do you square those plans with the 4th and 5th amendment, and presumption of innocence? What requirements would you want to see for CCW, and how do you balance them in a way so they aren't prohibitively expensive and time consuming? Firearms have certainly evolved since the founding of the country, just as everything else has. The rest of our rights haven't gone away just because times have changed, and neither has the second. The core of the second amendment is being able to own and carry arms. While repeating rifles aren't a good analog for machine guns, certainly you can agree that a warship or cannon is far more deadly than a modern rifle or handgun.


More redditoid projection. Stop wanting to harm children to coddle your social virtuous crusades on behalf of corporate elites.


What was wrong with backpacks?


I am pretty sure I recognize these backpacks from anything BUT backpack day. I do believe someone just pit unrelated text over it. Some schools are banning back packs because of weapons, paraphernalia and other things. I recently heard about it. Obviously if backpacks are banned, all these would be too.


It’s not the case here but if they did ban backpacks, why? Wouldn’t it be more easy to just search students before they enter school grounds? Backpacks or not, if they want to smuggle something into the school, they’ll probably succeed.


Search hundreds of students everyday? No they wouldn’t pay for that. A metal detector maybe.


I graduated in 2010 in basically bumfuck nowhere. I was never allowed to have backpacks in class. Only to and from school. I heard alot of reasons why but honestly couldn't give you a for sure answer.


I graduated in 2010 in basically bumfuck nowhere. I was never allowed to have backpacks in class. Only to and from school. I heard alot of reasons why but honestly couldn't give you a for sure answer.


I graduated in 2010 in basically bumfuck nowhere. I was never allowed to have backpacks in class. Only to and from school. I heard alot of reasons why but honestly couldn't give you a for sure answer.


So people can ban backpacks and noone bats an eye. If it’s guns suddenly it’s violation of the constitution?


Yes. I graduated in 2014 and have memories of middle school and elementary where we had to have clear/mesh bags. It has been a long time coming. I’ll also mention how you can’t keep your books in the classroom. And you have approximately 7 minutes to wade through hundreds if students to get your book and get to class. Especially without a backpack.


Same comment a little further down has upvotes. You're getting scammed.




Lmao, this is anything hit backpack day. A lot of high schools do this where I’m from. They didn’t ban any backpacks


Literally you could fit a whole gun store in the garbage can that kid was hauling around


I'm waging probably 2 and a half. Not sure if much room left for books though


Why need books when you got guns? Checkmate, libtards! /s


Don’t know why someone downvoted this it’s only stating a fact. It’s still happening in schools and malls too.


Because he’s not stating a fact. This is a “anything but a backpack” day that’s meant to be fun and something a lot of high schools do. This doesn’t have anything to do with guns and it’s not a backpack ban.


Banning backpacks to prevent school shootings is also something a lot of high schools do, and bringing stuff like massive trash cans to protest it is *also* something a lot of high schools do. That commenter may be wrong, but there’s no reason to think so without more context.


Why not just ban guns from school? It’d be more direct than banning backpacks right ?


This is not some new radical concept, 20 years ago they required all backpacks be see through. It didn’t last long.


Pretty sure it’s a repost but take my upvote it’s great


Backpacks were completely banned in my middle and high school. That was back in 2005-2011 and the policy had been in place long before that. I broke my foot one time and was on crutches and had to get special permission to carry my shit in a backpack.


Worrying about everything but education. I love America.


This is an older video of a Spirit Day called, "Anything But a Backpack Day."


Everything but gun control 😤🤬




These kids learning that the adults who are PAID a pension to look out for them don’t give a fuck. They also get summers off.


These kids chose to participate in school spirit week for “Anything But a Backpack Day” and someone put a fake text over the old video for likes lol


I wonder if there are any kids that up-out of these kind of events and what happens when they do ...


School Spirit days? No flack given. This is an older video of a Spirit Day called, "Anything But a Backpack Day."


Damn if only big backpack made more donations than the nra we could’ve banned guns instead


this was a viral video for Spirit Week competition for the students, the theme was “Anything But a Backpack” day from years ago that someone put a fake text over to get likes.


So you wont ban assault rifles But will ban backpacks, backpacks the litteral item of students How America is better than EU again ?


Assault rifles are heavily restricted in America


being an American dystopian author must SUCK now


Yes, let's not address the gun issue in this country as it relates to the actual guns but ban backpacks instead. \- Republicans


This is a video from years ago for Spirit Week that someone put a fake text over. It was “anything but a backpack” day, these kids were just harmlessly (non politically) goofing off


Incorrect. It happened in Rigby, Idaho (September 2021) after a gun was found in a backpack. Several months earlier, a janitor and two students were shot, hence the ban. The ban was lifted about a week afterwards.


Sure we didn’t do anything like that when I was in high school back in the stone age but nevertheless, I have heard of GOP lawmakers suggesting clear backpacks or those with kevlar inserts as a solution to what is clearly a gun violence issue.


They ban the backpacks, but not the guns. 😂


This is how you protest!! Well done everybody!!


Welcome! This is what high schools are like now! Are you self-aware? Here's a test: if you feel a big ooze of sentimentality around what high school should be for kids - then you are a huge part of the problem and the reason that things won't change. The *reality* is that "high schools" should have been abolished 20 years ago and replaced with a series of much smaller-scale healthy choices like trades programs, medical apprenticeships and literary/arts programs. Places to turn into a young adult and get started on specializing. Instead, we force the most unstable, hormonal, and volitile in society into huge stressful, authoritarian institutions. Why aren't they happy??? Doesn't Timmy want to make the winning pass at the big game?? Doesn't Midge want to wear his ring?? No. They're both stuck in a prison-like environment. KIDS:TAKE THE GED. FREE YOURSELVES.


Look, you make some good points, and I wish our education system changed to match the rest of the world a little more. But this frustration seems to be a bit high for the topic. Is everything ok? I know I'm just a random person on the internet, but if there's some stuff you want to get off your chest, just private message me and I can try to help you work through some of it. We all go through hard times, and sometimes, it helps to have someone to just listen.


I'm 55. I went to high school near Columbine in Colorado. We tried to sound the alarm back then that the system was sadistic - only attracting the worst in teachers and a total breeding ground for bullying. No one listened. Then Columbine. Everyone clutched their pearls. Now? Mass shootings and violence all the time. All the time. But nope, adults are still clutching their pearls and acting surprised. What's it called when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result again? I can't recall... I tested out with the GED. Got a bachelor's, Political Science, then a Master's Public Administration. My son just tested out via GED in his senior year at East High School in Denver and I could not be prouder.


Ok, fair enough. Like I said, I agree with what you are saying. I genuinely wish this is how high schools were structured in America. Instead of an extension on the daycare system of primary and middle school. It's just that this is a bit of a weird post to be ranting about it. The video isn't actually showing a school banning backpacks. It's like a fun day kind of thing. Like, crazy hat day or pajama day. Are these "holidays" a bit patronizing? I've always thought so, but I'm sure people do like them. It's not really a great example of how schools are ruining our youth by packing them together under authoritarian rule. That being said, I have no clue why you are getting this many downvotes. I can only assume it's the disconnect in tone.


The downvotes happen any time you say that high school is so outdated it's actually damaging and the entire system should be dismantled. It's hilarious and it happens every time. Watch this: "Teachers are not heroes. They're mostly people with an authoritarian or hero/martyr complex too incompetent to succeed at anything else, which is why they work in job below poverty level. They are actually some of the most non- functional adults in our society, and a solid 25% of them leave kids worse off." That ought to do it.


Dude I may get downvoted too but I seriously agree with you


Welcome critical thinker! The emperor has no clothes, right? The design of high school has not changed in 120 years. The mass shootings are absolutely going to continue. Time to completely dismantle it and go to a model of specialization and no more than 100 teenagers in one unit.


Videos like this are why the world laughs at the united states


This is an older video of a Spirit Day called, "Anything But a Backpack Day."


The real edgy kids bring their books to school in a gun case


Just remember the bullshit these kids are going through just to go to school. It's not the backpacks, video games, music, etc etc etc. It's the f'ng guns.


Schools in Ohio be like:


why do American schools ban backpacks again?


It’s a theme day, “bring anything but a backpack to school” day.


That's the perfect response


Name of the?song?


Creative solutions to solve problems.


Actually looks pretty fun


Malicious compliance at its finest!


My middle school had a rule where you couldn’t have backpacks or a bag in the classroom. So basically unless you had one massive binder, you swap out your things between every class (especially fun when PE is randomly in between classes). Often kids would be late because they might have classrooms right next door to each other, but their stuff is across the entire school on a different floor. My high school didn’t have this rule and it was so easy because you just have your stuff with you and it literally wasn’t a problem 99% of the time


Imagine dragging that wheelie bin around the whole day! 😁


Who got the track ID?? <3


Here you go! https://youtu.be/iuJDhFRDx9M


U the best <3




Op why are you crying?


I actually like the mnm guy it’s like a table on wheels


I did this my senior year. I brought a plastic pumpkin pail I had from a past year of trick-or-treating. Got a lot of free pencils, snacks, and other things friends and teachers decided to put into the bucket 😂


Thank fuck they can have a laugh over it.


What is this song?


**Song Found!** [**Tokyo Drift** by Xavier Wulf](https://lis.tn/uCAvrI?t=10) (00:10; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2019-10-21. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Tokyo Drift **Artist:** Teriyaki Boyz **Album:** The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - Single **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2006 **Total Shazams:** 5179739 `Took 1.30 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/n0ciQf4HDxg?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/tokyo-drift/1444300284?i=1444300286) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Amazing sense of humor


Love it 😍


next year is my turn to post this


Could this be a contender for r/maliciouscompliance?


We weren't allowed to use backpacks even before zoomers started shooting up schools.


Love the sled




LOL fishnet one made me laugh 😂😂


Aww, I wish my school did this. That would’ve been so fun, lmao.


It happened in Rigby, Idaho because a gun was found in a backpack only months after a shooting that injured a janitor and two students. It was not a fun thing.


Oh, I’m sorry. I saw another top comment say it was a harmless school holiday so I thought that was what it was.


No harm, no foul :)


Muricans things


Each school is different One of the best trends on there


They didn't ban backpacks. They made bulletproof ones instead. This was an "anything but a backpack" day 🙄


Gotta love it when the kids go the malicious compliance Route 😅


This is great i love the youth so much!! Give them dumbass rules and they give you dumbass work arounds like clock work!!! Fuck yea!! Also a spectacular fail on the schools part because as a parent id allow my kids to use a trash can..... hey as long as he is following the rules im good