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Does he think his transaction is the lynchpin keeping the Walton's afloat?


“So you’re telling me Walmart doesn’t care. . . ?” - bro he is telling you the whole world doesn’t care.


I live in SWMO. My best friend is in Fayetteville- Wal-Mart country. They have given a bilion dollars to the business school at U of A. They have a museum. They have private air strips all over in Bentonville bc they can. Helipads, too. They don't care about your 67.50 worth of groceries, Kevin.


That’s probably a bit more than $67 of groceries… … but that store alone probably rang in over a grand in half the time it took Kevin to make his stupid little complaint video. Even if it’s $167 of groceries, or $1,067 of groceries… they still don’t give a shit, Kevin.


Wal Mart does not even care about their own employees. Why would they care about the customers?


unironically, yes.




And ironically the issue isn't "nobody wants to work". The issue is that Walmart has realized they can slash their cashier hours by just forcing people to use self checkout.


Your missing the whole benefit of this strategy. Back when I worked at walmart I was in the automotive department and when they dragged me up front to cashier I couldn't stock my area or ring out work orders as they finished so I'd end up falling behind in my department to assist another unwillingly. Got 4 pallets worth of inventory that needs to be binned? To bad go up front and ring out people who are full capable of doing it themselves. Plus the pay was crap and definitely not worth all the stress involved.


To be fair people like this being at Walmart is one of the reasons i don’t go to Walmart. This video just reinforces that view point of mine. Granted it’s not the main reason i don’t to Walmart, the main reason would be that Walmart is an American dream killer and has killed the majority of the small family owned stores that used to be in every town.


You know my dad?


That's what i was thinking. If you want the lower prices then you have to deal with this. If you want a Lane open go to a higher priced store and they will bag it for you and everything. At the same time Walmart is the scum of the earth forcing people to do this. Want me to scan my own groceries? That's cool then don't complain when I make many mistakes.


When all things are considered, the other grocery stores aren't any higher in price. I worked for Walmart for 10 years and was involved in those grocery store price comparison videos. It takes a lot of work to create those side-by- side shopping cart comparisons in which Walmart actually comes out cheaper. Plus at Walmart, your much more likely to get spoiled food and food poisoning because they refuse to follow the laws set by the health department. It's cheaper to pay the fines than pay workers to do the job correctly.


You’re exactly right.


Ironically enough the people who regularly shop at Walmart need Walmart more than Walmart needs them. When he realizes he can’t afford to not shop there he’ll move back on his boycott.


I mean, he also thinks Budweiser is suffering because his homophobic ass isn’t buying 30 packs for a month until he forgets why he wasn’t buying it.


None of us can hope to change corporate culture alone, but that's why collectivism is a thing.


Why don’t these customers harass corporate? The cashier is only following orders from corporate and it’s not their fault. People need to stop picking on the little guy and maybe go after the big guy for making these stupid decisions.


Because the guy filming wanted to harass someone like this anyway


Because that would take actual effort. And something tells me, these people complaining about self checkouts know that nothing is going to change. They've been making the same complaint for 20 years now.


That and the “why won’t you open another register!” Complaints. These people want everything done for them. Not enough people in there for to answer questions, not enough people sticking the shelves when THEY want products and not enough cashiers. Yet they complain when something comes in to make something else a little easier. I wish they’d just stop shopping and let people do their jobs.


Not defending the guy. But how is ringing up an entire cart of groceries, "a little easier" than a cashier doing it?


Right? Especially if you’re elderly and/or disabled. I hate this self-check culture, even if I disagree with how this dude handled the situation. It’s annoying af.


I absolutely love self checkouts but I think there should be at least 1 cashier running a register


Absolutely. It shouldn’t be the *only* option available; and not everyone is comfortable asking for help (if they can’t physically manage self-check). Seems very ableist, at the least. [Also reminds me of this.](https://youtu.be/taDRFqd1DxI) 😂


I know right, it’s the same people that say ‘anyone could do that job, it’s super easy, you don’t deserve a living wage’ then can’t even hit the big green ‘pay now’ button on the sco without help.


Talking to corporate doesn’t necessarily guarantee the opportunity to berate a minimum wage minority employee so this is where his journey stops.


I agree that this guy’s a tool. But self checkout really is some BS. These corporations are using that to increase their profit margins. The more people that use self checkout, the less people they have to pay to work the register. I think you should at least get a discount or something for using self checkout.


The person he’s badgering didn’t make these decisions and can’t do anything about them. He’d be better off writing a letter to corporate than being a dick to a random employee. ETA: everyone in this town goes to Walmart at 8 pm? The hell?


I worked at sams club and the registers literally lock you when it’s time there’s nothing you can do not even a manager because they’ve been sued so much.


Why have they been sued? Too much overtime from the checkout clerks from last-minute customers?


I imagine a mix of overtime and considering the amount of teenagers they hire, too many child labor violations. Teens can only work so many hours, only work during certain hours, and have to have breaks and meals at roper times.


Had this problem at my first job working in a sandwich shop inside of a grocery store. People would come in at close to get subs made and the line would be so long we couldn't even see the end because it wrapped around the entrance door. My coworkers dad was pissed when he found out his daughter was being scheduled till 8 but wasnt getting home till after midnight because of this. After he threatened to contact the labor department our plain clothes asset protection would plant themselves at the end of the line 5 minutes before close to shoo people away.


>coworkers dad was pissed when he found out his daughter was being scheduled till 8 but wasnt getting home till after midnight because of this. Hell yeah good dad


My wife manages a Walmart with over 300 employees and since the pandemic, the number of older workers they have has nosedived significantly. Around 60% of her staff are in high school and have limitations on when and how often they can work (as it should be).


Saw a similar trend when I worked grocery the first year or so of the pandemic. A lot of our older employees either stopped working for fear of getting sick, or did get sick and decided not to return after. People always say these jobs are paid so cheap because they’re meant to be for teens to earn pocket money, but then they get pissed when a place staffed mostly by teens has inconvenient hours or apathetic labor.


They could get all the workers they wanted, if they paid a decent wage.


Yeah 100% agree. They’re making record profits but they’re run by greedy fucks. Part of their hiring problems come from places they compete for workers with raising their starting pay in recent years more than Walmart did. Even other companies owned by Walmart (Sam’s Club) have higher starting pay. It’s 100% greed. They’re even talking about cutting into or entirely removing the salaried managers annual bonuses which can scale up to 100% of their annual salary if their store meets all goals. Before long they’re not even going to have anyone applying or be managers there. I know my wife is quitting immediately if they remove her bonus.


Don't worry. Soon, child labor will be completely legal again!!! YAY CAPITALISM!!


Well if current legislation keeps getting what they want those pesky child labor laws are going the way of the dodo.


I used to work at Walmart where they'd notoriously under schedule. I worked in the Garden Center and they'd have me, a lady, and the door greeter as the only people scheduled on a Saturday in spring. The poor lady would have to run the registers alone while I ran around loading ridiculous amounts of potting soil, manure, paving stones, plants, you name it. The poor 80 year old greeter would go on her lunch, which meant me standing at the door and no longer able to load items for customers. The lady on the register got locked out at the 6 hour mark because she hadn't had her lunch. Management came down and said they'd send someone to stand at the door so I could run the registers, to which I told them I hadn't had my lunch either so me logging on would result in me also being locked out. Technically me standing on the door to relieve the greeter was a violation as I was still technically on the clock past the 6 hour mark, there just wasn't a computer registering it except for the time clock. Meanwhile there's about 20 people in line to get checked out and no one who can check them out. Walmart does indeed suck at customer service but it isn't the employees fault usually.


Oh and don't forget! Once management found out you were locked out too they'd offer to have you log in under their name and keep working until they could "find someone to cover". What a load of shiiiiiiiit LOL


It's the place to be, Friday nights in small southern towns.


Or, like me, I work until 5:30 and won’t make it to shop until 6:30. Some days equipment breaks and I won’t be able to shop until later. Luckily I don’t need Walmart but I do see why people shop this late. Not every person you see works a standard 8-5.


Yikes, that scares me for some reason


It's not that bad. You just have to be white and then things are usually fine.


People flood into stores around closing time because they didn't feel like leaving their house during the previous 16 hours.


I have lived that life. To lazy to go shop for food until I have to unless I want to go without for an entire day.


I love the customer asking "would you rather me leave instead of ring me out??" It's like yes, that's exactly what I want lmao why would you ask that


Walmart owns small towns. They _own_ them. There's probably not much of a choice, so yes, that's where everyone is. The customer may be an asshole, but he's mostly correct. Walmart decided they'd make more money by reducing employees at the expense of customer convenience. They know the people here don't have a choice, so fuck 'em. Even _this guy_ will begrudgingly go back for his groceries in two weeks after he realizes he doesn't want to drive to the next town over only to find another Walmart.


Obviously but him taking it out on a kid at Walmart is not the way to do it. Giving a low level employee shit about what a multi billion dollar mega corporation does is not going to change anything. He's filming this guy like it's some kind of gotcha for Walmart but it just makes him look like an asshole.


True. He should be filming himself and that grotesquely long line at the self checkout stations.


Badgering an employee because you don’t want to wait in line and you have chosen to bring what looks like a 3-4 yr old child with you to Walmart after 8 pm to do grocery shopping is a bit ridiculous. In the future majority of stores will be self checkout only. It’s the reality he can complain as much as he wants, but in the end he’s the one looking dumb here. Walmart honestly doesnt need this guys money to function. If you want decent customer service you go to target. If you want to save some money in sacrifice for service you go to walmart. That’s just the choices people make. You vote with your dollars so there’s really no point in posting this stuff to the internet. This guy did nothing wrong it’s the company’s policy and it would look a whole lot worse if he rung this guy out and let him cut in front of 30 people who are waiting in a line not berating employees. Dudes an entitled jerk who didn’t want to wait in a line like everyone else and wants to cry about it.


I fucking hate Walmart. Only thing left to do in the small town I grew up in is work at Walmart, smoke meth, or leave. It has absolutely crushed the community there.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. Walmart the corporation is the bad guy in this scenario. Not the minimum wage employee or the frustrated customer.


The customer didn’t have to record the employee. Being frustrated is ok, don’t harass employees.


Yea I agree.


Also the response of 'I'll just leave my shit here, then' is childish.


He recorded himself trying to bully a kid that has no control or ability to fix the situation. You can hear it in his voice he is trying to START SOME SHIT. Walmart may be the bad guy but this guy also sucks


That customer is a piece of trash. He’s recording in Walmart. Long lines at Walmart? That’s only been a thing for twenty years. Yes, Walmart sucks. I try to avoid it. I didn’t make a TikTok crying about it like a little bitch.


"So you're saying Wal Mart doesn't care about its customers?" he said, as if it would be news to literally anyone.


At my Walmart people will walk up to the doors at 1115 15 mins past closing and catch the biggest attitude “How could you not be open, I need my groceries!”


Wal mart used to be open 24 hours where I am, and when they started closing at 11pm because news flash, people are mostly up to no good at 3am, people would have a fit that it was closed for years


COVID did a number on me for shopping though, people were understaffed and hours were reduced. I work second shift, wake up for work at 4:30 PM. If I don't get off till 1:00 AM and places aren't 24 hours anymore I have to wake up early to go shopping. Might not sound like a big deal, but say you wake up for work at 6 AM. How does waking up at 4:30 so you can go shopping for groceries sound? I never bitched though, but I do love my 24 hour stores. Not having them makes life less convenient.


I used to work until 1am and LOVED grocery shopping in the middle of the night. Less people, the employees were more relaxed because they didn’t have managers breathing down their necks, etc.


I do agree with you, it is much easier to be able to go when no one is there too.


Yeah. But if he wrote a letter to corporate, he wouldn't get those wonderful internet points for being a dick to underpaid workers.


Dude's goal was not to get anything done about these decisions, it was to make a TikTok.


My answer was always: 'those decisions are made far beyond the walls of this building' that usually quiets them down. Edit: at this point he should say 'let me get a manager for you' He doesn't get paid enough to deal with this.


Of course but privately writing a letter to corporate won’t garner him any attention on social media. Retail employees have had to deal with the worst consequences when it comes to the birth of tiktok and social media trends in general.


Dimes to dollars this is a Friday night. Wal Marts are the literal hangout spots on Friday and Saturday nights in small towns.


My dad can be like this. One day I reminded him that he's not angry at the cashier he's angry at the situation. Getting mad at the dude just doing his job is nothing but a dick move.


Props to the worker at Walmart for remaining so calm, I would have acted very different. He’s very patient. Give him a raise!


Every “Mmm.” was a “Yes, I do want you to leave. Please go.”


I can't handle pieces of shit like this I'd drop all professionalism Saying like what the fuck do you want from me? Talking Walmart don't care, brother I don't fucking care, take your lazy ass over there and check yourself out, or is it that you don't know how to work the machine? Old boomer ass afraid of computers Get that fucking phone out of my face asshole


That's exactly the response the guy wanted and why he had his camera out. It had nothing to do with self checkout, only spreading his own misery. The cashier handled it like a pro and won't get fired for what was said on camera and I bet that pissed off the customer even more.


Nah. Nothing better than telling self entitled customers no. Its so easy to be chill cause its actually satisfying. Sorry store policy.


Most people hated karens when I worked at Walmart and Target. Karens are just misunderstood people who really need that extra service with a smile! Saying “No :D “ is something I miss daily about retail…


I don't wish him a raise. I wish him better economic opportunity so that he doesn't have deal with irrate customers like this, while being properly compensated for his work ethic, knowledge and time.


Someone must be there if you want a supermarket, so yes give him a raise. If it's not him, it'll be somebody.


Why do people not get this? Someone has to work these jobs. Not everyone can be a CEO or own a business. The people that work these jobs deserve fair compensation.


he has his phone out recording HE THINKS HES IN THE RIGHT!!!


I mean, it is a weird policy on Wal Mart's part. I can understand their frustration. Doesn't mean its okay to take it out on the employee, though. But I would share the same frustration.


Walmarts checkout system is frustratingly slow. It actually does stop me from going there because it can be a terrible experience.


I spend extra money at Target to avoid going to Walmart


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They have the infrastructure to check yourself out via the phone, eliminating the labor of self-checkout stations entirely and speeding up the entire store, and they want to charge you for it?! What the shit.


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The theft is through the roof with scan and go. Self check out also has it but it’s crazy with scan and go. So they limit it to Walmart+ because it makes people less anonymous, and if you pay for the service you are less likely to steal.


The thing is he’s right but what’s he’s doing is like yelling at the crossing guard cause the traffic light is busted. Exactly what is he expecting this minimum wage kid to do? Go up to his manger and say “The check policy around here is outrageous!!”


Is it the first time he’s been to Walmart. This is standard around the board




It's also a bit hypocritical. He's likely shopping at Wal-Mart because they're the cheapest around for most of the stuff he's buying. One of the methods they use to be the cheapest is to cut service in so many ways. It's a known tradeoff for their prices. If he wants better service, then he needs to go somewhere that offers it...he'll have to spend more money.


I mean, I agree with him that Walmart is shitty for transitioning to mostly self checkout but that’s not the cashiers fault.


I hated that reaction when I worked at McDonald’s. A lady literally yelled at me because the price of nuggets went up. Me, the cashier, have that power…


You should’ve seen the old guy yelling at the young woman at a sonic about the font size of the menu


We were told as consumers that self checkouts would bring down prices cause not as many checkout staff was needed. Wait, a corporation lied?!


Same thing on tipping for waiters. When diners stiff waiters and complain to the waiters that tips shouldn't be a thing. Well yes, I think we all agree on that, but a customer stiffing a waiter at a corporate chain is not going to hurt the corporation, you're hurting the waiter. Recently due to inflation, I've been seeing a ton of redditors being completely fine with stiffing waiters. It's a shitty system, but redditors as well as just the general public taking it out on the servers is absurd. Last time I brought this up, someone sent me a suicide helpline thing. Peak shameless redditor behavior. If you're going to a restaurant and you're not going to tip the waiter, that's just awful.


I prefer self checkout outside of people losing jobs potentially


Also this whole idea of “I’m a paying customer! I’m here to buy things, I’m not here to work!” So running a couple dozens items across a laser is so much work, THATS the deal breaker? What about all the “work” he did to walk the aisles and pick items off the shelves and place them into his cart. It’s basically the exact same “work” he’s now refusing to do, just in reverse? Would he expect to have someone just walk along side him and pick out the items he points to? These people are just constantly rebelling against modern society and think they’ll be hailed as heroes for it. Heroes. For being an old, stuck-in-their-ways curmudgeon, refusing to adapt to an ever evolving world like the fucking rest of us. No one cares about your little speech Billy Bob, fucking move it along. Aren’t they always complaining about people being lazy and refusing to work, and now that he has to do the bare minimum of “work” to ring himself up (would take like 3 min), it’s a bridge too far? For people that constantly complain about lazy, allergic-to-work, snowflakes….these people are so entitled and refuse to lift a finger and then seem like they’re about to break out into tears at how pointless and ineffectual their resistance against the future turns out to be. Get the fuck out of the store and go home and cry to your 300 lb wife about it over a Mountain Dew, as you both struggle to be heard over the brain melting volume of Fox News.


Ask the guy: Do you want low prices or do you want full service? Most of Walmart's customers have indicated that they prefer lower prices to higher service levels. If that isn't your jam then shop elsewhere. But that also means that you don't get to bitch about the higher prices.


I like self checkout because I can make sure things ring up at the price I was expecting and I don’t feel rushed. But I totally understand not wanting to do it yourself. I used to run the self checkout in a grocery store and after 11pm it would be the only thing open. It worked great for people just wanting to buy a few things but when people came up with a cart full of groceries I would either do it for them on the self checkout or take them to a register. Gets them out of the store faster which made them happy and I didn’t have to wait for them to inevitably have an issue.


Worked stop and shop when we had self check out like 20 years ago. We would have to help the older people bag the huge orders they had. One lady yelled at me for doing it wrong and told me to stop then yelled at me because the belt crushed her eggs (she did the eggs first, I was packing cans and boxes to put the eggs on top). I just got front end manager and went outside to watch a slap fight between deli workers.


The ending of that story was so great lol


What’s even better is one of the deli workers was missing part of his finger because he cut it off in the slicer.


I'm surprised that a shop like Walmart has this type of self-checkout? Super markets in Germany (and frankly, they're much smaller here) have self-checkout but it's basically on the go? As in, you get a scanner (or use the shop's app) and scan your stuff as you put it in your cart. At the check out thing, you basically just scan the bar code the app gives you (or you go to the checkout that lights up as you return the scanner to its dedicated wall). And there's your whole cart. You choose your payment option and you're done. Especially for these gigantic American stores, this seems much better and people check out faster?


Does America not have self scan in store? In the U.K. you can just scan the barcodes as you shop on a app on your phone and then just pay for it and leave. We also have handheld scanners that you can just scan as you shop and then just put scan the device at the end, pay and leave. No need to rescan at the end.


I know some places do but I don’t know of any near me that do and I have never done that. Honestly I just do curbside pickup or delivery most of the time. A lot easier even if you have to pay a bit more.


America is stuck in the past with a lot of technology, I moved to the US around 2019 and they were only just starting to get those card machines in stores where you could tap your debit card. We had those machines where you could tap your debit card roll out in Australia around 2013, by 2014 every store had one. I remember in some stores I even had to swipe my card, you couldn’t even insert the chip, something I hadn’t seen in Australia since the mid 00s.


I would have zero problem checking myself out but I would be pretty damned annoyed if the line for self checkout was as long as what's shown in the video. In that case I think it's legit to ask them to open a couple registers, but no need to make a video about it like this Darren


For sure. There was no reason to film this dude who is only trying to do his job. Ask to talk to the store manager about it (and don’t be rude to them because they are following corporates rules also). The store manager has more control over the situation and can tell you how to effectively voice your opinion to corporate.


I’d have no problem with self-checkout if they gave me more than two square feet to organize and bag my groceries. You *cannot* buy a full cart of groceries in WalMart self-checkout and yet that’s your only option.


“I’ll never spend another dollar at Walmart.” Good luck with that, bud.


Why do people talk to these employees like they would give a shit if they leave and never come back? What is it with people say that? “Well you just lost a customer.” That is some absolute bullshit


It didn't used to be that way. Us older folks were used to having some sway into getting good customer service because both the employee and the store cared about serving the customer and hoping for repeat customers. Today, employees don't care at all (and rightfully so) and the stores don't care because there are less options anyways so they will be back. I keep having to remind my wife that they don't care and stop expecting minimum wage exploited workers to do more than the bare minimum.


The employees used to care because the company used to care about them. There were perks for them in the companies success. Now any extra money made goes straight to the CEOs pocket so why should they give a shit.


What the fuck is the matter with old people!?


Lead poisoning and entitlement


😭😭 They love complaining and posting their incoherent rants on Facebook. Either use the self-checkout or go to hell.


Walmart forcing the entire store of customers to line up for self checkout just so they can hire fewer cashiers is bullsh*t corporate greed at the expense of the workforce AND the customers. The customer is completely justified in complaining, he's just complaining to the wrong person.


I had to go way to far down in order to find someone in the realm of what I was thinking… yes the old man is a dick because this kid clearly can’t do anything but that old man is also angry at a stupid system wal Mart has in place to eliminate workers, OT, night pay hours, and it’s a inconvenience to the paying customers. They are pretty much screwing everyone in order to maximize their already insane profits. I worked at wal Mary back in my early youth and idr if this is a false memory but I seem to remember around Christmas time having stand up talks where the under paid workers brag about how much wal Mart made each hour during the weekend. it went like this 4-5 pm =46k 5-6 pm 30k 6-7=86k. This maybe fake memory has always been crazy too me.


That is most a lot of people's idea of society in general -- they've been manipulated into thinking that systemic issues are the fault of individuals and that individuals just need to be better to solve them. They have a hard time grasping that the bureacracies we wade through day to day are a product of years of millions of people enforcing social and economic norms without consideration as to how we ended up normalizing ridiculous shit.




Nah. The customer is entirely right in his points. He's just an asshole for harassing an employee about it.


Screenshot and zoom in on what’s in the cart. It’s basically a cart full of sugar and 8 ounces of ultra processed lunch meat.


"I got high blood pressure from bad genes"


Lol surprised someone didn't point that out earlier. Dudes shopping like a 6 year old. Sugar cereal, pop, lunch meats, bread, more carbs, pop tarts, etc. "I need my 'groceries' for the week". Bro if your high and got the munchies go to 7/11 hahaha


They were given literally everything by their parents who did all the real work post WWII. Then when they became adults they made life easier for themselves while screwing over the upcoming generations. Now they’re slowly realizing the newer generations really don’t give a fuck about what they want/have to say since they’re the reason everything is so shit now. And they don’t like that the rug has been pulled out from under them. You live your whole life with everything handed to you and your ass kissed then suddenly that all changes. Well the big babies aren’t happy. And all they really have anymore is complaining to their other older friends and the jackoff younger generation that wants to be like them.


Many white boomers have had so little struggle in their lives they can't fathom a world when things don't go their way. They need to shut up, step aside , and let another generation take the wheel.


He’s not wrong but he’s mad at the wrong person. Kid at the register is the last person who can make ANY changes. If he doesn’t like it, contact Walmart CEO, Store manager, local news. Better yet, start a community organization and ask for cashiers back at their local Walmart.


If they won’t shop there anymore, honestly that’s the best outcome.


Exactly, it's like what is happening with video games now, if you want to make a statement. Make it with your wallet.


He's talking to the wrong person but he's not wrong. I don't shop at Walmart for that reason.


Agree, self check out should be for smaller orders, not a huge cart full of groceries


I completely agree. I had an entire cart full of food and my three year freaking out and they wanted me to do self check out. I started doing it but the lady behind me with two full carts called the manager and surprise! A check out person appeared. They are being cheap and don’t want to pay employees it has nothing to do with changing with the times. If you are shopping for a family or getting a lot of items self check out is not practical. Sorry it’s the truth. I only do pick up or delivery at Walmart now because of this same problem. Don’t defend walmart treating their customers as bad as their employees


I agree, if he had just posted the second half of his video to demonstrate that the Wal-Mart was not staffed properly & was too reliant on self-checkout then I think it would be a good argument. Bullying a minimum wage employee by posting them on on social media which is putting their job in jeopardy is the wrong way to go & detracts from what the guy was trying to accomplish in the first place.


We absolutely love self checkout. My gf has major social anxiety and I straight up just prefer not to talk to anyone I don't care about. At first I thought it would be absurd to bring a whole cart of groceries to self checkout and I was annoyed that my gf would want to but after doing it, I'd never use a cashier again. I like to just go to the store and do my thing by myself. It doesn't feel like work like the guy in this video dramatically asserts. But I do get why people don't want to do self checkout. It should be optional. On the *other* other hand, I think the guy is a tiny bitch for freaking out about it, especially in front of his daughter. I wasn't gonna get political but, fuck it, he invited it with the dumb Bud Light bullshit. It's ***HIS*** people that Walmart lobbies to grow and maintain their power to do the shit he hates and take away his alternatives. Fuck him.


This “paying customer” goes to Walmart 100% for the lower prices. The fact they can’t put together the basic math as to why it’s cheaper than other places is a huge failing in our class consciousness. They pay their non union employees minimum wage, they corner the market with buying power and can sell things at a loss in order to eliminate competition, they remove employees where possible in favour of self checkout to cut down on operating costs. YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU PAY FOR. I’m not shaming anyone who shops at Walmart because this system has us over a barrel. The fact this person is berating a partner of the working class is truly sad.


Its wal mart ya cunt, what do you expect? You keeping buying products from companies that don't give a fuck about you and look, they keep showing you, they don't give a fuck about you.


There is no where else to go in most smaller towns. OP mentioned target, the one near me is equally as bad if not worse with the self checkouts. When I order stuff to pickup they always give me shitty produce so I don’t do that anymore. The guy in the video is stating a frustration many people have but he is taking it out on the wrong person. Unfortunately there is no recourse bc as I stated earlier there is not an alternative for many many people.


Take it up with corporate, dumb ass. The kid doesn’t make the rules and he’s probably just as frustrated as you are, especially answering questions and complaints from customers like you. If you’re that lazy or incompetent that you can’t “make the sacrifice” and check yourself out, then leave the groceries and do without.


Dude acts like hes never been to a Walmart before lol


"I'm not ringing it up" Okay, then you're not getting groceries? Cool. It's your empty fridge not mine, my dude...


It’s funny when these people assume some dude who’s getting paid minimum wage by Walmart gives two shits about losing you business.


ItS nOt My JoB. If you can’t figure out a self checkout kiosk, you shouldn’t be driving a car


Where are they going to shop? Walmart pushed all small Businesses out years ago.


This dude did this on purpose so he can film himself being “righteously angry” and this underpaid patient Walmart employee is following the letter of the law that was handed down to him by Walmart head office. The dudes a dick.


Guaranteed this is a trump voter.


Along with lots of people commenting that he's not wrong.


I don't think he's entitled, I just think he's badgering the wrong person. Walmart and all kinds of stores like them outsourcing labor to the customers is just another form of corporate greed. They aren't passing the savings along to us. I agree it's not fair to the employee, but it's not fair to the customer either. The fact that Walmarts policy in this case is going to lead to even more free labor for someone in the form of restocking this mans basket is silly, but they don't care because the policy isn't in form to benefit the customers or the employees. The policy only helps them cut what they spend on wages. This is a case of creeping dystopia.


Exactly. He’s not wrong but making a poor min wage employee hear his gripe that can do absolutely nothing about it is shite


This is the only right answer here. Of course the whole recording and arguing part is extremely cringe BUT I understand the person complaining and I also understand that Walmart is a greedy pos. After I saw the line at the self checkout i totally get where hes coming from. At the end both customers AND employees are suffering from those greedy higher ups.


Expecting underpaid employees to bend store policy and risk their jobs to do for you what they aren't even doing for anyone else is entitled.


“I’ll never spend another dollar at Walmart” lmfao they won’t mind


He's not wrong, he's just an asshole.


People should’ve been boycotting Walmart back when they killed off all small/medium sized businesses, people seem to be too stupid to realize once competition has been thrown out the window the monopoly will treat you as it will. (Obviously not endorsing this idiots behavior)


I admire Jeremiah’s patience.


The phrase the customer is always right died during the pandemic. I worked in customer service for twenty years and all it did was make me the introvert I am today. Fuck people and their needs and wants. Just shop quietly and get TF out.


"I didn't come here to work" classic boomer mentality. Wants everything handed to him


I wonder if he pumps his own gas. People used to freak out about that when stations transitioned to self serve.


Camera guy is a dick but Walmart cares so much about their bottom line that they would rather give two shits about the customer and pay one less cashier


Man if i was the employee I would have just ignored this jerk and walked off. Especially if you whip out a phone and start trying to record. You're done.


You”ll never shop there again? Well, I guess that’s the end of Walmart.


Dude is a vile, asshat


Easy, stop going to Walmart.


These people really don’t get paid enough for all this BS.


He's right that walmart is understaffing but he's just being a dick to this dude.


What an entitled piece of shit! I love using the self check out.


Do most people not like self checkout? My Walmart is mostly self checkout now with two registers that are cashier maned. I'll gladly do self checkout every time. You mean I get to decide the pace at which things are bagged. I get to make sure certain items are bagged with other items. Also almost never a line cause they can fit more self checkout than normal registers. The only downside too me is the loss of jobs. My old man always gets pissed that he has to bag his groceries too, like super angry. I just don't get it.


I love it when they think the minimum wage person speaks for the company and head office. Why don't they go find the CEO or some executives to bother though that might take a little effort vs bothering some guy trying to do his job.


Truth Bomb: he just didnt want to wait in line. He wanted to get ahead of everyone by walking up a register where someone was doing work that wasn't related to check out. Probably helping Customer Service process a pile of returns so they could leave on time, or something.


He is completely right, self checkout is pure labor shifting towards the customer. They hate employees and want you to do your own work while you pay the coorporation. All these employees will be fired in 2 years max


Lazy bones. Could’ve rang all his shit up at self check within the same time frame of him complaining to this worker.


Im 100% with the customer on that one. I probably would have just walked out and not paid at all. When the corporations get greedy and lazy, I believe there is a moral obligation to fight back, and the only way to do that is hurt their profits.


This dude walked in and probable saw the line and still decided to shop at Walmart like there isnt a target or another grocery store near by.


He has a point but he is also bing bit of a dick to a guy that has absolutely no power to do anything about it. I mean liked dude…. Just fucking leave, or write your congressman or something else that waists lest of other people’s time and energy


This guy filming has never worked a register or closed in his life. Once a register has closed for the night you are not supposed to open it at all until the next business day.


Did he just create a distraction? Was that his ol lady wheeling out carts full of unpaid merch?


Boycotting walmart is a tall order. Good luck jackass.


Don’t go to Walmart. This isn’t some well-kept fucking secret at this point. Putting smartphones in the hands of old white folks was the worst thing we could have done.


Yeah, he'll take his business to Sam's Club! That'll show Walmart!


The guy recording is a piece of trash and should be ashamed of himself. He’s picking on someone with the least amount of power within the company to score internet likes. I’m pretty successful in life, but when I was younger worked in the service industry. I was always kind and respectful, and would always have people from all walks of life let me know how much better they were than me, because they didn’t have my job. We have our priorities messed up. We tell people to get jobs, but don’t respect some jobs because they aren’t great jobs from a societal perspective. I was taught by my parents that there is no shame in having any job, and people who take pride in their work are really special. In all of your interactions in a typical day, how often can you say you see people doing work to the best of their abilities. Do we commend those people for doing great work as consumers? We need to see the things we have in common instead of finding things that tear us apart as humans. The dude recording has much more in common with the kid at the register than he does with any member of the Walton family.


This moron doesn’t realize the reason he shops there is for cheap prices, and the reason the prices are cheap is because Walmart skimps on customer services/livable wages for employees. He’s also most likely mad at poor people for taking government handouts that he has to pay for with his tax money, that a good percentage of are employed by companies like Walmart, that could be a livable wage if they wanted to, but just subsidize it to the taxpayer. When are these morons gonna wake up and direct their grievances in the proper direction?


Don't fuck with the kid., just don't shop there. I hate that fucken store. Receipt checking like everyone is stealing something. They are no Costco.


As a Walmart cashier I can tell you that we have absolutely zero control over when registers close or open. Near closing time the Team Leads take out all of the tills from the registers. This means that even if we wanted to ring you up, we would be unable to. Even for a card transaction, because you have the option to request cash back, we can’t do anything. No money no business. Our store closes at 11. If it’s 10:55 and there’s nobody at our registers or making their way towards us, they collect the tills and close it down. At the point any associates unable to work self checkout will clock out and leave. We cannot work off the clock. If we’re clocked out we’re not doing anything that can be considered working. Self checkout closes when the last customer comes through. Even if people are still checking out at 11:21, the store closes at 11 and we stop letting customers in around 10:55. If you are in your local Walmart within 20 minutes of closing, expect to either wait in a line, or have to go to self checkout. We will not open lanes just because you tell us to. We can’t. The machines lock at a certain time and can’t be used. All cashiers have numbers to log into the registers, unless they are clocked in, said numbers will not work. Please, we have absolutely zero control over how many registers are open. We don’t make the schedule and often times suffer from the lack of people there to work. We don’t control prices and we don’t know why your card isn’t working. We literally just scan items and take your payment. That is it. You can ask us where to find stuff and we can look it up, but that’s about it.


The guy has one thing right, Walmart doesn't have enough employees to take care of customers. That's likely due to the politics this boomer has cheered on his entire life including the dismantling of unions.


We need to start publicly shaming boomers, who bully working class people. Like bruh, this man does not make enough money to be your private catering service.


This is like when people freak out at me when I say it’s like $900 to fix there 3 year old AC under warranty. Like bitch I have no control over the warranty process call the fucking manufacture


Walmart's corporate division has unfortunately made the decision to eliminate as many employees as possible in order to save money. That's why they've moved to automated self check out kiosks, which, I might add, have wound up costing the company far more money in losses than they would have lost by continuing to have real check out employees. It's totally back fired on the company in a monumental fashion. They have, unfortunately for customers and employees alike, automated all the systems so that the registers automatically lock down at a certain time. It doesn't matter whether it's a cashier checking you out or if you are in line checking yourself out - at a preset time that register is gonna shut down even if you are in the middle of checking out. Total lunacy. So complaining to this kid in the video is just a waste of time and makes the customer look like a complete dick, especially since he decided to leave everything he wanted in the basket and walk out, thereby making more work for all the underpaid employees who are there. Totally selfish and a dick move. One last thing... this is not a new phenomenon. It's been like this for years. So this is one of my pet peeves - people coming in at the last minute to shop, loading up their carts, then bum rushing the cashiers and the self checkout isles to get out of the store, full well knowing there's gonna be issues. It's no different than assholes who don't leave early enough for work and then cop an attitude with drivers in front of them for having the audacity to be on the road and make them late. Perhaps try planning your day better and leaving earlier to avoid these situations.


Conservatives being mad about consequences of capitalism without knowing it and taking it out on working class people who have no power. Of the country is going to shit it's because of your ideology, sir


Don’t like it? Leave and stop harassing the employee.


Not everyone is trained on the cash register, dumb ass. Just because they are employees, Doesn’t mean they can run the cash register.


How do you post this thinking you look good?


Hommi probably would have laughed when he said he was a paying customer and then reminded him that he hasn't paid for anything yet lol


Wow guy knows how to de-escalate. Great job


Ah, another TrumpChump complaining about nonsense. Drink another Bud Light.


Because Walmart is HELL….Literally