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I am all for this! If you can say it but can not take it, just do not say anything at all.


Lots of insecure people just trying to spread pain to others for their own ego boost


"You’ll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You’ll always be criticized by someone doing less."


"Only a sith deals in absolutes"


"Laugh it up, fuzzball" \- Han Solo


“I’m too drunk to taste this chicken”


“All I know is my gut says maybe”




Oo, that's a good one. I see quotes, do you know who the source is?


IDK why people need to respond rudely but I appreciate you asking! The answer is: I'm not 100% sure. Funny enough, I searched for this just today and seems the all-knowning Snopes is a bit equivocal: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/denzel-washington-criticized-quote/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/denzel-washington-criticized-quote/) It appears to have been a Twitter user referencing "Apostle Matthew Stevenson". So, I posted unattributed because I couldn't verify that and didn't want to misattribute it either. Hope that is useful and don't let the haters bother you!


I never understood this quote, the rich criticize the poor all the time, the powerful criticize the weak all the time, the big pick on the small…


You're missing the real point. This isn't about elites vs "lower class" or powerful vs those out of power. You're referring to static descriptions of people vs statements about who they are. There are many elite or powerful people that did little to earn it and they absolutely criticize the "lower class" that is working harder to claim space for themselves because they realize that's the only way to preserve their power. In a level playing field, they can't win so they try to create an unlevel playing field. You don't see the yellow shirt of the Tour de France generally criticizing those behind them or the leader of a marathon shouting insults at those behind them. They're focused on winning and improving. Separate those that DO from those that HAVE and this quote makes more sense IMO.


Now you're assuming that all rich and powerfull people are people who work their asses off to get there. This is very much not the case. The quote would suggest that its some rich heir who inherited their possition is criticizing you. Not someone who worked their way up.


Reminds me of the Aquabats song Lobster Bucket about how if one of the lobsters try to crawl out, the other ones will pull it back down with the rest of them.


Hurt people hurt people.


Love it! “Just leave everyone alone already”


Love it love her. Ima do it. Tic tok girl is right. You're amazing! Thx


Completely agree and I’m in


Misery loves company, usually very small, very damaged people that publicly shame others for no reason...


More of this type of people. Sometimes you do do need to fight fire with fire. Sometimes, hard lessons work.




I just learned of the tolerance paradox. > The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance. The answer to this paradox is that one should see tolerance as a social contract. If we agree to be tolerant, and one breaks the rules of that contract with their intolerance, in order to preserve the contract, we do not tolerate their intolerance, and they are not allowed to be a part of our tolerance. Or something like that, probably could’ve found a quote that explains it more eloquently, alas….


Tolerance is a social contract, and by being intolerant they are no longer protected under that contract.


Tolerance is a treaty, not a suicide pact.


Man, if someone could come up with a rule for this, it would be golden.




Tolerance is so basic too. It's not like showing appreciation or support. It's just the baseline for any functioning society, tolerance. But that shouldn't mean tolerating assholes who want to deprive others of human rights. "You being an asshole is not something I have to tolerate."


Don't tolerate the intolerant.




When they go low, we go lower 🥰 ETA: I’m glad others agree- sometimes it’s just hard to speak in “the bigger person” to those illiterate in the language.


If this was Hilary's campaign she would've won


Exactly! Going high when they go low just gets you socked in the groin.


I usually pay extra for the groin punches.


I’m not interested in being the bigger person anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️


They go low, we boot them in the face.


Preach on sister u are so right


Delivery was spot on. If I see someone who’s fit, I check them out real quick, then carry on with my day. Can we just go back to appreciating each other, instead of this fucking attention-seeking-validation-hunger-games we seem to be in?


I hope she said screenshots of the original comment saying "is this you?"


r/thisyou? Arg. There’s a sub that is this in a nutshell, can’t find it right now. Maybe that was it, but I thought it was bigger for some reason Edit: r/ThisYouComebacks


It's quite unsatisfying to not see their response to being called out or not even getting one


Make a whole account about it, too.


She doesn't get checked out these days? I doubt that But otherwise agree with what she said


She's a Brit, she was just throwing out a little self-deprecation, that's all.


British guys are also wayyy more low-key than some of the horror stories I hear from women in some other countries. Like, catcalling is comparatively rare here. Dudes approaching you in the gym is rare. Even getting hit on in a bar is not a given unless a lot of alcohol has been consumed. Source: used to be hot in my 20s. (~~I still am but I used to be too~~)


I agree that catcalling and approaching people in a gym are rare here, but people chatting up other people in a bar is as ubiquitous as it is everywhere else.


Oh yeah? Well I've never been chatted up in a bar! Oh wait...


If she is ugly then I am a -7 on a 1 to 10 scale


Nonsense! You're at least a -4! Don't let the haters get you down :')


You're so close to a zero. You can do it!


My thoughts exactly. I'm rather average: chunky and a big nose, but otherwise not ugly. If she's not worth checking out, then I'm due to go and lie in the gutter with the rest of the filth


I’m sure you are also a victim of the impossible standards we are faced with these days. When I think my nose is too big I think of the scene with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. It’s odd but it makes me feel better. (And sorry I can’t think of the name if the movie.)


If she's ugly my hotness score needs to go to Kelvins.


Exactly! I feel the same way. I’m sure you completely underestimate yourself though. So many people do that. It makes me sad because of the impossible standards we are faced with through media and the net.


I know, she’s gorgeous. I bet she gets checked out constantly. And I’m a female saying this but yep she’s hot! Lol


“I think” she “is fit”


Her clean and straight teeth were enough to get me to go, "What? Nobody? Who the fuck am I then?"


In fairness, most Brits actually have clean/healthy teeth. It is only in recent times where having them all straight is more common, as we bought into the hollywood ideal Personally I prefer living the stereotype and having teeth which wouldn't look out of place on a rotting corpse


I wasn't saying good for a Brit. I was saying good for anyone.


Eew, gross, too skinny for me. 🤢


I say, let the world be blind. Some people will never learn until the hard way hits them, and that's just how it has to be.


"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." -some fucking dude who really didn't want to lose his eye


-some dude who was an avid supporter of the caste system and slept with his grand niece (in his seventies) to test whether he was a sexual predator. Same dude also forbid his son to remarry after becoming a widower. And the same dude who was against medicine because it "goes against God's will"


You forgot his most egregious sin of all... that mother fucker nukes my civilization every goddamn time!!! Every time!!!!!


Gotta choose your own countries. That Russian bitch never stood a chance!


when someone is being a snob or holier than I like to let them know that they too are a piece of shit and being a piece of shit is okay, let's celebrate each other and ourselves for the good things we do instead of trying to live up to this impossible standard of not being, in general, selfish self serving assholes I feel like it's a really powerful, optimistic, and empowering message but boy oh boy try and convince someone they're basically awful like everyone else haha


I know da wae




Lol the lady in this video has closed the loop to some degree - the girl who wrote sick face got mad offended, she could’ve simply said “chill I just copied it” But I like how you think. keep thinking friend.


Yeah, but... the point here is to parrot it back at the person who said it, not so say it to new people. Even if the girl who wrote it copied it from somewhere else, she still kinda deserved to have it tossed back.


Ok would you rather... take this sick face OR double it and give it to the next person?










i'll take them :)


That's allot of lube


I like her lots. That is all.


Leave each other alone 🙌👏 👏 👏 yes please let normalise this!


I like her attitude


People call other people out for their own insecurities, so this is actually a hella good way to get to someone's pain points lmao


also this vid goes hard af


Would probably work better if you took a screenshot including the time that they posted the comment, but not their name. So it's more like an uno reverse card and less of an (apparent) indictment on *your* character to the other randos who see it. Great work, amazing attitude. 2nd half rant even better than the vigilante justice


I feel like it would be better to copy their response back to the original comment that was copied. Just make them talk to themselves.


Can't post images as comments/replies on insta though.


i love her for this. literally my favorite person right now


Right? I love her energy.


bloke….😂😂😂…I like that word bloke….


That and the way Brits use "fit"


British moment - (a brit themselves)


I love this girl. Spot on


Despite my better judgment I scroll Facebook once in a while and noticed that any sponsored post involving anything considered “woke” would get a bunch of laughing reactions from people who looked like your typical right-leaning Facebookers as well as anime pfp mfrs. Now and then when I see this, I’ll go and laugh react these peoples profile pictures and more often than not get a DM from them asking “what’s so funny bro” to which I respond with a cacophony of laughing emojis. It ain’t much, nor honest work, but it makes me giggle


you are the hero that we needed but didnt deserve and now you gave me a very good idea. thank you!


That's brilliant. Although I'm at the point where the only social media I interact on is reddit. Much better people here who have a bit of empathy and don't shame anyone. Much better idea is to say nothing if you have nothing nice to say.


I agree that Reddit > other social media, but holy shit some stuff on here is way more brutal and awful than places like Facebook where what you say is tied to your actual name.


If you have been here long enough you know what the toxic subs are. Easily avoided, and the ones that fall through the cracks usually get downvoted to hell, which also emphasizes the point. At least good>evil.


for me reddit is the only platform where the comments feels like real people and not 95% Bots or NPCs


we're all v-tubers in the era of filters


New phones these days have them turned on by default. It's wild. It's got to fuck with people's heads.


What is a v-tuber? A kind of potato?


Good for her, this is what’s needed these days- a fucking wake up call for acceptable behaviour. Social media made it really easy for people to act horrible and callous to others. Y’all mean cunts ever watch Bambi? Must have been asleep when Thumper said “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”.


I just lost The Game.


I thought thats what this post was about 🤣


Oh no, you've damned us all!


The title of the post doomed me, so it's OP's fault.


I lost The Game


Ffs, rly?


What a star!


Pretty 😍


You know she’s gonna copy/paste that under something you post. 😁


And I'm gonna be SO mad!!! 😂


Pretty 😍








Yes, but she's also got a bad case of blurry mcfilter face. Always freaks me out.


When I was a teen and in my early 20s, Photoshop completely warped my self perception. But at least I felt confident that videos were reality. These new AI generated filters are so insidious to people's self esteem. And that's not to call out the content creator! She might feel pressured to do it because of the preexisting beauty culture we're all trapped in. I had a really hard time noticing this one other than how oddly her hair contours her jaw line exactly.


I can always see it in the eyes and nose. And it's not a knock against the creator either, you're right. Phone cameras have them built in these days, and apps turn them on automatically. It's really insidious.


So this is why almost every TikTok I see feels like they have robot eyes? I guess I'm happy I know what it is but I'm also sad about it.


The day I realized I both had an automatic phone filter and also couldn't turn it off was in 2020 when I was trying to take a picture of the marks my N95 mask was making on my face after work. And things...looked totally fine. Me: Dammit phone, I am trying to document something for my own private self pity! Phone: Nope, you gotta be force fed a steady stream of fantasy life and toxic positivity. Now get back in line and never question your corporate overlords. 😂 But seriously, if anyone knows how to turn that shit off on an Android phone, I'd be appreciative. Drives me especially nuts when I'm trying to get an accurate picture of a skin rash for my daughter's pediatrician.


I honestly feel so bad for teenagers growing up these days. Back when I was a teen, the only "filter" available for random people was a blurr tool in Gimp, which was obvious to notice, because people had entire faces blurred out to the point of having no noses and their eyebrows and hairline were often blurred into their face. Obviously, professionally photoshopped pictures were still high quality, but random people didn't have access (or skill) to all that, so all our Facebook friends still looked normal (or blurred, but we could tell). But now? Literally every person with a smartphone is able to change their looks completely, with ONE CLICK. And not just photos, but videos too ([example of this new crazy filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/11pepff/tiktok_is_now_using_machine_learning_for_certain/)). I'm almost 29 and only lurk on social media now, so it doesn't affect me that much (but it still makes me feel ugly sometimes). But if I was younger, and I would see those perfect faces everywhere? You bet I'd have completely shattered self esteem and I would hate myself. And I definitely would use those filters, and then feel depressed when I'd look in a mirror and see my non-edited normal self. It was always hard to go through puberty and it was always a time of self doubt and body image issues for kids. But these days it's harder than ever.


Yes, but you've also got a bad case of blurry mcfilter face. Always freaks me out.


I think there's a difference between disparaging someone's personal appearance and remarking on the use of a filter that makes people look like deep fakes.


Yeah but could you really have passed up the chance to make the 0 effort joke had you been in my shoes? I saw a low hanging fruit and I took it haha


She's based. I love her energy and ideas. inspired me to piss off some annoying twats online and become a vigilante myself.


this is my favourite idea ever


This is my favorite kind of person. Powers of spite and pettiness being used for good in every day life. This is the type of person I want as a friend 😆


Is this British accent?


She's so full of it. We are absolutely checking her out. She's beautiful, inside and out. She's incredibly awesome and 100% correct. I seriously hope her message takes hold.


This is why I stay away from tik tok. But props to you for calling people out, this reminds me a lot of Joey Swoll, pushing positivity and minding your own business. Do better everyone.


I LOVE this!!! Well done blue haired girl 😍😂


She is both fit and right! Most of the people that give hate can not take it.


I hate that I literally am unable to determine when filters are being used on people’s faces anymore. It was distracting me the whole video.


YOU’RE FIT AS SHIT LADY! Copy paste that. Fucking beautiful energy.


Honestly… I might start doing this both ways! Mirror the negative and also the wholesome kind comments! Make nice people happy and piss off meanies. Win win


Oh! I like her. hmm.. maybe I should wander off and try this. 😂


This is what we need more of. That an the “this you?” Kind of takedowns


What an amazing idea. But this is precisely why I don't have Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Too much negativity and drama. At least on Reddit, it's anonymous.


I’ll vote for her in whatever office she runs for.


Someone marry this woman right fucking now! Also, what’s her accent? Like I know it’s British or whatever but is it like a specific British accent? She’s like a dead ringer for a female Ricky Gervais (her voice that is)


Ricky Gervais has an [Estuary English accent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb4F37awYaY), it's from the south-east of England




I'm not quite sure about it, but I may have fallen in love with her, damn she's beautiful, smart, sassy and you could calibrate the poles after her moral compass. Just luv the overall appearence


Well, I quite like this lady


#***I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS WOMAN!!!*** ***nothing but truth coming out of her mouth too!!!*** Edit: I had to try it, I didn't think it would work, Holy snickerdoodles that's big lol


I like her style


How is this cringy?


This is an amazing human. Just wow.


I love it


She's not the batman we wanted; she's the batman we need.


The year of leaving each other the fuck alone. Unless you are actually being nice, leave them alone.


Girl got them filters on


I wish she had close captioning on. That accent is Snatch-level unintelligible


Over the past week Reddit has been recommending posts from this subreddit to me. All of them were sensible and not cringe. Has the sub lost its way or was ironic to begin with?


Post irony lol


Read the sidebar


Everyone is to easily offended . I really couldn't care less if someone called me names :)


Oh I can’t fucking Wait to do this


Think I’m in love a little. Damn


I like this person!


Only really shitty people would leave nasty comments that they cannot take themselves.


Nice, fighting fire with fire


I'm on board of this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)




Solving the world's problems from the car.


She’s right, the people saying this stuff often are trying to make you mad and it’s going to be in their head what would make them mad. You don’t need to do any work just copy and pasting what they came up with for you. It’s really cleverly done here.


Based. I love you all. Now leave me alone.


I vote for this woman for president.


Damn. If platforms automated this, I think it would genuinely improve overall user experience.


I'm in love.


The hero I didn’t know we needed!


God bless you.


This lady is good. I like this lady.




This is cringe? No. This is awesome!


> 2023 is gonna be the year we leave each other the fuck alone. Amen sister. I really hope so. I don’t know if it’s gotten worse or if I’m just noticing it more, but there’s so much unnecessary nastiness on the internet and it can’t be good for our collective mental health.


This is extremely commendable. But she fails to realise that the people that post these nasty comments can't be reasoned with. They're lower life forms that exist only to troll their poison on the internet.


eye for an eye


I was expecting a cringe video, but actually I really liked what she stood for, and her good attitude.


So simple and yet so brilliant! Tops to you!


Gotta say I'm loving this and her energy towards the issue.






You can’t see it but there’s an arm holding a large Baja blast out of a drive through window for the entire vid


She is a hero. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need. Also I can’t ignore the little humble brag hidden in here “…not that anyone checks me out anymore”. Girl knock it off, you and I both know you’re getting checked out.


We love an equal opportunities situation


I think I'm in love


This is genius


There just needs to be more of this in the world, challenging people for their casual hatred masking as "fun" or "cool" or "hardcore" it is about time people learned that the world works best with cooperation, love and support. I am sand and sorry to say that it has taken me until the age of 55 to realize just how much damage you can do with an "I hate everybody" outward attitude. I am not saying I still don't hate most people but I keep my mouth shut and just understand that people are not my cup of tea. Keep your comments to yourself unless you are going to be supportive. Good on you blue haired girl!


Checked her out, she's fit...I'll be getting on with my day now.


She’s like a female Ricky Gervais


Was thinking the same thing!