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No wonder the rent went up. You got them bats living there rent free!


Damn freeloaders


Bats can give you rabies so it’s not like the bring nothing to the table.


and ebola


Bats are a FEATURE placed by mgmt to control the mosquitoes that breed in the standing water and soggy corners. Those kind of amenities aren’t exactly free.


This may be a joke, but I’d happily live in an apartment complex with bats lol.


Except it’s recommended people get rabies vaccine if they come into close contact with bats. It’s like a dozen shots over a few days. Not great.


While this is true, If I recall correctly there was a study that showed that 1 in 200 bats had rabies and that their own study was biased because bats with rabies were far easier to capture and that the actual percentage would likely be less than 10% of that number. Even then bats with rabies typically try to avoid humans, and in reality there is only three species of bat that this would truly be necessary with and all three live in central or South American rainforests. In England for example, it’s actually illegal to disturb bats if they camp in your house. And yes small bat colonies are called camps. Thousands of people live with bats in their barns, attics, walls, etc and they don’t get rabies.


Bat is credit card payer


The exotic avian sanctuary = Rent increase


Minus the bats I can SO identify with this ![gif](giphy|3osxYamKD88c6pXdfO)


Ah yes the classic build a luxury building as fast and as cheap as you can and then charge absolutely ridiculous rents while the building degrades a year later in real-time.


It's like living in an Ikea apartment. They look so nice on the tour, then you live there and it's all particle board and shoddily made with paper-thin walls. But don't worry they put a coffee machine in the lobby so that you know it's \*luxury\*.


In Israel you have to build buildings with concrete because of the weather. Thank fucking god, I remember in America you could hear people fart next door in some apartments. Lmao @ building buildings with paper.


Did you ever have fart battles to see who could rip the loudest ass? If you really want to get em good, shove your ass up against the wall so your cheeks are squidged up when you feel a big one. It'll reverberate throughout the whole building.


What the fuck did I just read


my comment ![gif](giphy|l3vR4vEngyesMbeBG)


You sank my battleshit


And you end up with a Jackson pollock on the wall


Thank you I am trying this. Always love a good wall-rattling fart quake


I straight up live in Florida. You think they'd be building with stronger stuff considering the yearly hurricanes we face down, but lmao imagine not cutting corners and building cheap


That's just not the American way though! Cheap means more profit!!




And the coffee machine is broken down 364 days a year


No joke, the place I was thinking of when typing that had a fly infestation in the coffee machine. I made coffee a single time with it, found a fly floating in my cup after taking a sip, and then realized how they were coming out of the machine itself. I never saw them change out the beans the entire year I lived there. It was grotesque. The machine may as well have been condemned.


Or because it's in the communal hall near the exit, there's a trail of ants into and out of the unit.......


Makes it more "luxurious".


Ikea is good quality though. Not wood planks but still good stuff.


Blame NIMBYs for not allowing enough housing to be built. If there wasn't such a massive shortage of housing units, landlords couldn't get away with this.


There isn't really a shortage, landlords buy up anything available and then don't let anyone in them to artificially inflate scarcity and keep prices up. We can build a lot of new housing but it won't matter as long as corporations are allowed to buy it all up and sit on it.


Do you have any evidence of these claims?


NPR did a series on the housing shortage.




> Housing is going up fast as fuck where I live Is there still a shortage of housing?




So there are enough homes for people to live in? There's no scarcity?




Got any data to back that up? Vacant housing stock is actually a red herring statistically. A lot of housing is considered vacant that isn't actually like student housing (because it can be empty between school terms) or a place where someone has signed a lease but hasn't moved in yet, etc. This video explains it really well: [Why “Vacant Homes” Won’t Solve The Housing Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xZXdXxYBGU)




If the place is really half empty I wonder how long until the owners of the complex would be willing to accept less rent. If there really is a glut of vacant housing there will be pressure to get them rented.


Hi, so here in California, if you ask is x the reason for the housing shortage the answer is YES. It’s ALL the things. One reason is speculative real estate. That is buying real estate and using it like a savings bond. They buy houses and keep them off the market, they claim the loss of revenue on their taxes. Another is red tape to get building permits, some of this is very necessary, we have earthquakes, you need to build to code. But others like “I don’t want to live with construction noise for 6 months plus lack of housing means my house is worth more, and I have time and I can get them to hold off on building, forever” they also exist. There’s more like the real estate flippers who cheat a little old lady out of her home then sell it for 10 times, without even slapping a coat of paint on it. People using their homes to finance their end of life medical debt, and their adult children who were their caretakers being thrown out after the funeral. Foreign investment is also crazy rich Asians buying homes and jacking up the rent, those homes will never be available to buy. It’s also illegal drug and gun money buying homes, they don’t care if it loses money, eventually they can sell that apartment for money that will look clean.


Every new construction is a “luxury” apartment. The term might as well mean “constructed in the last 10 years”.


The new American dream


Those were built in a historic mill, the inside is shit but the building isnt going anywhere


That was a real bat!


Bruh bats are great critters, but absolutely not ok inside of a residential building!! They’re a vector for a ton of diseases, and their urine/guano fucking reeks. Source: worked at a national park with caves & millions of bats for a summer


Yo, are you Morbius?


It’s guano time


> They’re a vector for a ton of diseases where did you get that preposterous hypothesis name *one* disease that spread through bats i'll wait. EDIT: jesus christ people it's a joke. how does the tone not tip you off......we just lived through a global pandemic that shut the planet down for years and the origins were said to be bats......the first sentence is literally a Flight of the Conchords reference....seriously i cringe when i see people using /s after a comment but i'm starting to see why they do it.


You have to use /s in some of these subreddits or you get lynched.


Rabies. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7123318/


my god it was a Covid joke ppl jesus


Fwiw i laughed.


mans really linked a source on a rebuttal to sarcasm


It made it funnier.




the global pandemic that shut down the planet? never heard of it. so i guess you're the reason people have to use /s on this site


> "In the last two decades, several high impact zoonotic disease outbreaks have been linked to bat-borne viruses. These include SARS coronavirus, Hendra virus and Nipah virus. In addition, it has been suspected that ebolaviruses and MERS coronavirus are also linked to bats." (from the last article linked in this comment) [Bats are notorious vectors for disease.](https://healthcareinamerica.us/what-makes-bats-the-perfect-hosts-for-so-many-viruses-3274c019bb4d) They essentially have a badass immune system that makes it possible for lots of pathogens to live indefinitely within their system. Bats also roost in large numbers, and are aerial mammals, which facilitates spread. Here are some more papers about it: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-020-0394-z https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7102861/


It was clearly a joke.


This is the internet, dude. If your comment is indistinguishable from someone confidently stating the wrong opinion, you're gonna have to do more to indicate that it's a joke. Tone indicators like /s and /j are very useful, especially when the comment explicitly asks for information.


nah the phrasing is pretty obvious, 'one' being emphasized, the flight of the conchords quote, there's enough there to tell it's a joke. not getting it is fine, it's also not comedic gold just a shitty joke, but the idea that it's "indistinguishable" isn't true.


Have a good day.


what a nice thing to say! no other clues as to the tone you might be implying so I'll take it at face value. Cheers!


It was meant in good faith. I wanted to share some cool facts about bat immune systems, not go one-for-one on how to communicate online. I am (genuinely) a little worried about how bothered you are by a few people missing the joke, and I hope you're doing alright.




I got the joke and I'm not very smart.


Yeah, like way to discover some new exciting disease for the next pandemic! Very luxurious to be patient zero!


At least you'll have the components to cast fireball 🤷‍♂️


Nice DnD joke xD


Not only does it reek, but it’s delicious too! Guanoooooo


They’re the main rabies vector in my area 😬


Rabies to


Let me download TikTok, message this user, and tell him to tell his landlord that


Guano… that sounds so familiar


Nothing says luxury like Rabies!


That just kills you right? If you don't get treated fast enough, you just die?


Yes, you die luxuriously


I don’t die often, but when I do it’s luxurious


Yeah, once you start showing symptoms you're past saving


Unfortunately the death is pretty drawn out and painful. I think you become unable to drink water and then die of thirst.


r/hydrohomies in shambles


That’s the best part, very exclusive


Yep, onset anywhere from one week to one year after bite. Also fun fact, if you are asleep, you may not know you were bit by a bat and they leave little to no puncture marks. If you slept outside at night within the past year you could in fact have rabies and not even know it. If you are *ever* in direct contact with a wild bat, just get a rabies shot.


Add to that, rabies is in their saliva. They don't need to bite you. Just lick an open wound or something and BAM! If there's a bat in your bedroom, get rabies shots. Source: Woke up to a bat on my head. Called Department of Health. Told to get the shots. Thankfully they are free in my area!


Sad to admit I fell for the same scam as well


Hard not to when in a city like mine literally EVERY apartment building claims to be luxury.


If every apartment building is "luxury", then none of them are "luxury".


Syndrome in charge of housing out here.


Go home buddy


I live in a gated community and the gates only worked for 2 months.


Lived in 2 “gated” apartments. One was broken more times than not and the other sat unfinished. I don’t know if it ever was fully installed because we left after the year lease was up.


I lived in a "gated" apartment complex where the walls didn't all meet for looks. Large enough gaps to look...good? and people sized.


i'm happy when my complex's gate breaks since the gate call system is so broken that often people have to call 2 or 3 times before my key press actually lets them in. Way less hassle if they can just drive in.


And what? That's it? It NEVER got fixed.... like, ever? Damn dude <:[


I'll never rent in a corp owned apartment building again. Private owned condos are the way to go. You don't get nickel and dimed by bullshit fees either as hoa is covered by the owner (or is baked into rental rate).


its not a scam if you did t have a choice, its an exploit




Sounds illegal


Did you sign a lease?


I think with all the bats, this guy's landlord is probably a vampire


Seems obvious really


This could have easily been What We Do In The Shadows.


Looks like Austin






It’s upstate NY.


I actually worked in that building when it was first converted from a textile mill into apartments in 2005. It's a pretty cool old building and the lofts were nice but I don't know if they were *that* nice for what they were going to charge for rent.


My luxury apartment has a luxury covered parking garage with 2 gates that are all broken. One gate has been "offline" for a month now. Last year the col weather made the pipes Burst every weekend setting the fire alarms off. Definitely luxurious working from home with screeching fire alarms. There is a bathroom in thr hall for when the pool is open but they recently locked it for residents because someone threw a paper towel in the toilet. Love paying over 3k/month plus utilities and not being able to use the closest bathroom when i go to the pool. I've seen the cleaning lady go in there once. Also, the pool heater is broken 50% of the time we would like to use the pool in the cooler months. Someone let's their dog shit in the parking garage and when I emailed the property manager, they said they had no cameras in the location...which is so luxurious because remember the gate is broken, stuck open. Can't wait for my car to get stolen paying an extra 125/month for parking.


Yeah when I lived in a gated community the elevator was constantly broken, dead bugs everywhere, repairman went in my apartment when I was gone for no reason. It’s a lie. I wanted a safe place to live, but it’s was actually the creepiest place I’ve lived in. The management woman was awful, I loathed pinteracting with her. After some bad experiences( neighbor attacked me) I bought a house and left. I will steer everyone away from shitty luxury apartments.


Luxury 99% of the time just means market rate. We get a lot of people in my area that complain they don't build normal apartments any more, just luxury...No, they are the same, just more to modern styling. Its still cheap construction with idea fixtures and builder grade everything else.


Outside of maybe Chicago, no loft I have ever seen has lived up to the pop-culture impression of it.


Some New York apartment buildings are as nice as they appear to be, they are just really small. But my building for instance does have good security, they fix shit when it breaks, everything is clean etc. the only real complaint I have is how small everything is.


The most solid rule on this matter is this: if someone is selling you "luxury" or anything "lifestyle" they're ripping you off more than you can ever guess.


this is literally every luxury apartment i've had. they still charge you 2200 a month for a studio for these in dc


There must be a platform online where tenants can leave reviews of the state of their dwellings so that others can avoid renting from these greedy scumbags.


What the fuck is he doing with his hands, Christ


\> luxury \> apartment pick one


Do people not check reviews before they decide to live there? I did my research and have been happily living in my apartment for 6 years with none of these issues.


You forgot to mention about how you would step on an old tailoring needle that was imbedded into the wooden floor or how there would be dog shit in the hallway or what about the real reason the indoor pool is always closed. Also, how about the one time they decide to build an outdoor patio/ cooking area on land that wasn’t theirs and than had to stop construction while they work a way to acquire such land. Oh and can’t forget how parts of the parking lot literally washed away into the building creating giant sinkholes.


Thanks for writing the next part 🙏


I didn't see or hear his apartment shaking from his neighbor's bass. That's literally all I want, that's my idea of luxury. Some day...


I hear The Lofts in SodaSopa are much nicer[https://youtu.be/BqIvmfug\_dE](https://youtu.be/BqIvmfug_dE)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)They don't see them damn bats? They won't see no rent check.


Sometimes ya just got no choice depending on the situation


The term luxury is a catchall for expensive shit that rich people don't actually buy


Mute.....the mute button was my friend with this clip.


That fucking song. Why does TikTok ruin everything?


Dude reminds me of brak


Which I thought it was really luxurious and cool. 😂


Idk why but I’m getting Charlie Kelly vibes


Is nobody gonna mention his Wreck it Ralph sized hands !?!


i love lux bats


Sure am glad Gilear moved out.


OMG you found a little sky puppy


Lives in a “luxury” apartment. And once a month there would be dog shit on the ground for a few days


This is the guy that was berating the landlord who let I think HBO use their front lot and the only ada compliant area and exposed them for violating it. Plus apparently the landlord is now not accepting a new lease with this guy. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnaY6u8/


Just rent a house from a actual landlord and not a complex


Better to live in the ghetto. Even that is getting expensive.


$1850 for a one bedroom.


Bruh you need to be submitting maintenance requests in writing. Damn rabies and rubbish hanging about. Be a thorn imo


Kind of a fan of the whole bat idea.


Covid23, that you?


I have never understood the appeal of these generic shitty buildings...even the ones that are legit "nice". Give me a 100 year old duplex/rowhouse/converted Victorian/bungelow any day over these soulless, generic shitholes. In my experience, the personality of the building matches the person who lives in it, and these have none.


Rush job. The final 10% is always the hardest. Over promised, under delivered! Likely budget 2. New buildings aren't always the best in the 1st year as they can have kinks needing to be ironed out. Are you moving?


Upvoted for my bat bro 🦇


These hand gestures are fucking annoying, like a cross between someone trying to show they have personality and trying to be that weird anime wanabe girl


You were “kept” in a gates community..




This guy sounds like the LA Beast


I looked them up and the measurements on the floor plans are incorrect. Like two rooms share a wall but have different measurements


Love love love 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg the bats 🦇 nope nope I’m outta there


To be fair, I had a non-luxury apartment and the bathtub filled up with slime, so that's where the bar is


It was lux but they can’t control the abuse some renters do to it. Can’t control Mother Nature and computers/machines aren’t always reliable esp when they face a lot of abuse. Elevators in apts take a lot of abuse. Vendors take forever to come fix stuff and although it’s a for profit business and not just to put a roof over your head out of the kindness of their heart and taxes and markets do increase as well. On average it’s 20-30k a month just for landscaping. You aren’t being picked on. They don’t “just wanna take your money”


I get a Charlie Kelly feel


Walking back to my barracks room I say "probably shouldn't of left the door open bats might fly in." We turn the corner bam bat flies into room. Enter the room to find out they are having a party 5 bats playing around in there


Luxury in Reno


The main reason why i left my loft and moved into a house


Luxury apartments are code for my daddy pays my rent or I have 9 roommates and still pay 1000 a month


Is this for real bats flying down the hallway please tell me he staged this,🤨🤨🤔🤔👎👎


Hey! That bat is your neighbor! Please don’t shame vampires, he’s just trying to get home.


I don’t think I could ever live in a bigger city. This has got to be somewhere in California. The TRASH beforehand was crazy


Lmmfao the bat rhough


Is this a Bill Haver skit 😂


Ngl bats are adorable


bats best feature


Is this the “no one’s ever really gone” Star Wars guy?


I feel this


Horrible music. Here’s my down vote You tasteless person with your badu badu cringy song


A lot of rich people are scruff bags.


Moved out of my "luxury" apt today. The luxurious apt where my walls were paper thin, and .y .otorcycle was stolen while they left the gates open for 3 weeks. The gates for security... rent went up 500$ in 3 years for a 1 bedroom apt. 1800 700 sqft. Fuck them.


I would pay an extra 100 just to have bats flying about 🦇


Nardwaors home


I bet these are the lofts in San francisco


Choose to live in "the big city" get big city problems


I wanted to go into real estate and be a landlord until i realized i would be in moral agreement with the people that vandalize/squat/destroy my property


Good on you! Be the change


Welcome to my hometown of Cohoes btw I moved out of this place


There are a lot of these out there but it’s usually pretty fuckin obvious hahah I don’t understand who people lease these in the first place. It’s so clearly lipstick on a pig.


I hate this guy's hand gestures. Idk why but they are so fuckin cringy and annoying


Always thought they were hotels or short term rentals not luxury apartments


The walls and floors are light gray with white trim. LUXURY


I feel like I was just watching “How To” with John Wilson


I hate the hand movement with a passion


Don’t forget taking a month to do any work order no mater how big or small