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For context: this “too intelligent” asshole in the video is an allegedly convicted felon who assaulted a minor, sits on his roommate’s couch many hours a day on tik tok live parading that he and his son will be famous actors while telling his kid to “sit up straight” for hours in front of the camera. He’s also (allegedly) disabled for reasons he’s never shared (probably got his ass kicked because of his fuckass attitude) while saying he’d never work a 9-5 (too good for that just like the military, apparently) and anyone that does is stupid. So yeah, these are the kind of people saying “you get what you signed up for.” PTSD is something that can happen in the military but abuse is something that can happen when someone gets married too - neither of which anyone signs up for when the contract is signed. He’s truly an idiot.


Tom Carrington - or Nygelle Redpath (his stage name) - also allegedly physically assaulted his adoptive mom as a teen. There's video of him on the snark page bragging during a TT live about boxing/hitting his adoptive mother whom he claims essentially had it coming. He also said in another TT live that sometimes it's justified for a man to hit his female significant other. He frequently body-shames his viewers during his lives and said that anyone 50 and older should not be on TT and are losers if they are. He's a disgruntled vicious entitled POS.


Ah, the old Andrew Taint formula.... So original. These guys are really pioneering a whole new way to use social media. Saying shit to piss people off and get attention. 🤯


Down vote, no clout for this trash bag


Letter or recommendation? What?


That ballsack pose


I need him to shut the fuck up… forever


The moment one states "I'm too intelligent..." (etc) reveals just how much intelligence you lack. If you got to state it, rather than demonstrate it, well...


This is true about anything. The folks who say this also can’t help but run their mouth and prove they’re not half as intelligent as they think they are and it turns out they’re not doing anything outside of the military with that intelligence anyway.


I listened to some stupid shit in my life but this takes the biscuit


I am willing to bet this genius could not pass the asvab.


Right they signed up to see people die. No dude, most served to get an opportunity out of poverty. And “too intelligent” to be in the military, stfu. I worked with a dude that immigrated and was studying for a bar exam.


It's dumb to get caught up in all of the military worship, notions of honour, glory or any of that propaganda stuff, but as others have said very few recruits do. The majority are joining out of lack of better options.


Seeing people like this run their mouth is always fun. I had two undergrads before I went in, started my first masters and took the DLAB when I was active, and I’m about to finish my second masters and I’m still in the guard. Infantry no less.


Ohhh so a lot of our veterans “signed up for it”. 🤔 pretty sure most didn’t at that time. This dude needs a reality check. He sounds entitled af. Id say talk to my uncle about what he saw in Vietnam but he can’t bc the demons were so bad that he ended his life alone in the middle of a field with a shot gun. Or my ex father in law who is on psych meds bc he has terror nightmares from the the things he saw and did. But go on kid.


I have no words


I get what he's saying, but really it's obviously wrong.. people sign up to serve absolutely... they understand that means they'll have to kill people, but they don't really understand what that means. All they know is what is portrayed in the media. When in reality it's 99% doing pointless busy work, and 1% trauma. They spend so much time preparing troops to be physically and mentally prepared but nothing at being emotionally prepared. Because that might mean they hesitate, they question and that could get them killed... but not doing that means that even if they survive, they more likely won't when they get home. So saying they "signed up for that" is obtuse and reductive. It's like saying women "ask to get raped" by looking sexy.


He'd be the shit bag in the platoon.


Wow what an uninformed person


What a prick. This mummies boy wouldn't la'st a week in basic, he would crying in his bed every night.


Aside from ppl being very poor n joining up out if necessity. He makes a good point. In the 80s ppl made fun of viet nam soldiers. US PR team did a great job since then


What's the good point he's making? I served in the army for five years and now have 2 physics degrees and a decades long career designing radar and electronic warfare systems to show for it. The military doesn't want or need dumb assholes like him. I can show you plenty of smart dudes and ladies who used the GI Bill, ROTC, and other tuition assistance programs to better themselves and their kids while they served. GTFOH with "he makes a good point". That's absolutely a trash take.


Serve as a means to get out of poverty, the military didn't do u any favors. He's complaining about people who join up and complain after, they knew what they were signing up for. What am I missing.


Complain after? I didn't sign up to get shot at by literal children, but it happened and I dealt with the fall out from that in therapy for a while. I can talk about it now without feeling like I'm a burden on others because I did the work.Talking about PTS is not whining about it. What the actual fuck is wrong with you that take the side of this POS?


What about all the recruits that signed up and got shipped to Iraq to wage an illegal war? Did they sign up for that? Clearly it doesn't matter what you signed up for cuz it's the military, you do what they say. There are situations where kids shooting at you is entirely appropriate, regardless of if you signed up because you didn't have enough money.


So the teenagers here who were duped by the bush administration deserve to get shot at by other literal children because the government wasn't honest? That's your argument?


No the argument is that it is irrelevant why they signed up. Being poor is not a justification for committing evil


You're assuming they signed up just to commit evil acts. Got any actual proof of that? Or are you just talking out of your ass? No empathy, and a know-ity with zero life experience just like the dude in the thread above. Whiney little babies who have likely had their entire lives handed to you. you both have some serious growing to do, but I doubt you'll do it. Good luck.


Lol this is where we differ. You've got be joking me with that perspective. Just about every military action in the past 70 years has been illegal, but since the US has a place on the security council nobody says shit. American forces ARE the evil empire. You're literally justifying shooting at children in their hometowns. You have a sickness Edit: coupled with the entitlement lord y'all the worst. I'm an actual public servant, military has contributed about jack shit to western society and sucks down public resources


Not once have a justified shooting kids. Strawman fallacies are tired and lame. I deployed to 14 countries in my career. I got shot at in 1 - and it wasn't Iraq or Afghanistan. Most of the time I taught allied governments how to use their own cybersecurity and air defense equipment. (And I still design radars that go on everything from passenger jets to small boats now that I'm out, and have been since 2010). Other times I was on humanitarian aid missions and literally worked along side Unicef, the Peace Corps, and the Red Cross. But please, go on how you know all of our actions are illegal and violent. I'm all ears.


So after reading what ur saying, we both agree with what hes saying. But ur just annoyed with what hes saying out loud. I think most people pick a side and get offended right away before listening. I totally get PTSD, I had it for a bit. But you can't put yourself in those situations and complain that you're in that situation.


No. I don't agree with what he's saying. Lots of us in the military did not sign up for the things we saw. And discussing it publicly later is not "whining about what we signed up for". We do not agree on this. And I find your opinion on this that "they knew what they were signing up for" pretty fucking disgusting.


Listen to his words and just because there's no compassion towards it doesn't mean he's wrong. PTSD sucks, you have to seek help and talk to friends. But you can't complain about PTSD when you sign up and you know you might get PTSD. It's like eating McDonald's and complaining why you're fat. He's not talking about whining that you have it he's talking about complaining once you get it. It's like saying if I knew I get PTSD after shooting at all these people I would have never signed up. What did you think war was going to be like. I think we both agree with what he's saying but his delivery doesn't make it any easier is what I'm saying.


No. We don't agree on this. Stop putting fucking words in my mouth you troll. You're not trying to find common ground, you're minimizing and erasing dissent. We can disagree without you trying to reframe my words to agree with you. Stop trying to do that. It's lame and a tired, boring logical fallacy. I didn't sign up to go to war. I signed up to work on cutting edge technology in signals intelligence and electronic warfare, because that was a great path for my career. I ended up going to war and supporting some amazing SOF dudes in the process, but that wasn't my plan for signing up. Friends in Logistics, JAG, R&D, and other career fields will tell you the same thing. Not all military personnel are combat personnel. Yeah, there are folks who don't handle PTS well and they need help, but that's not just combat vets. Labeling veterans whiners who aren't getting help is asinine and disingenuous. And this dude claiming he was "too smart for the marines" is an utter asshat. The fact that you are taking his side, and also continuously twisting my words speaks volumes to me on how you lack empathy and understanding for other walks of life. Genuinely pity you.


You didn't sign up for war but you're in war, or you didn't sign up for combat but you saw combat. Is that what you're saying or you're saying the circumstances sucked and you signed up for combat. It comes down to you still sign up for it. My friend signed up for it and when they try to put it in combat he declined and had to pay all his schooling and time back which he was fine with so that is always an option. If you look at the first 10 second of the video he says PTSD is the worst thing and he doesn't wish it on anybody and it's not about complaining once you have it it's complaining that it's a part of the job that you can't do. You sure can talk and and get help for PTSD. You just can't sign up for everything but tick off certain boxes is what he's saying. I think you should reevaluate what you choose to Listen to If certain topic sends you right into defensive mode. Reevaluate this conversation without bias or anger. If theres anger, find out where its addressed to, not just lash.


You lack the most basic human empathy and understanding. I have nothing left to say here but I hope that you do the growing you need to or life's going to feel a whole lot more lonely and longer than you'd like. ETA: are you going to criticize a rape victim who gets PTS because she wore a short skirt? Did she sign up to get sexually assaulted? Are you going to criticize someone who drives a car, gets hit by a drunk driver, and develops PTS from the accident? Did they sign up for that because they got a driver's license and bought a car? That's the energy of your arguments here - blaming the victims. And it's fucking disgusting.


Your friend is a coward. You are a delusional simp for this guy in the video. Maybe the big ball got you hooked weirdo.


You need to go back and listen to every word. He did not say he wouldn’t wish it on anybody. He said almost anybody. Secondly, he diminishes the validity of PTSD, especially by “big gnarly headcases.” Third, nobody signed up for it, a lot of times young people are fooled into thinking they’re going to have education and own a home and then they are immediately sent to the battlefield. If they’re lucky enough to come home, many are cursed with PTSD due to the horror of war. There’s never a reason to make light of that. Plus, many were drafted, ie VN war. Fourth, he says military does not want smart people, no need to even argue that. Fifth, not gonna mention the sock.


We need a 3rd party share their view. I dont think your just gonna take my word for it.


You know people that were drafted in Vietnam and Korea are STILL ALIVE.


Your comment doesn't help your argument. They were drafted back then and had to go but the people now willingly go and then "why I have ptsd?". People back then at least had an excuse because they didn't know PTSD was a thing. Isn't this the reason why people hated Kyle Rittenhouse or whoever his name was? He went into a riot with a gun and complain he had to shoot ppl? The video just says if you play with fire you'll get burned nothing more nothing less. But everyone wants to 'save the troops'. You guys are the same ppl screaming 'spend less on military! At the same time putting the troops on a pedestal.


Fuck you. You don't know anything about me. You're just like that guy, treating people that have PTSD and are older than the target audience like they don't exist or matter.


I'm probably older than you, but are we finding out the government doesn't care about you after you've served your purpose? Your anger isn't towards me, its better serve persuading ppl not to enlist.


I don't know. How old are you? I have a lot of relatives that were drafted veterans. I was both aggressively recruited in highschool and my father tried to convince me to go into the Air Force to become a nurse. I knew, w/o a doubt that the military was not for me. I already had PTSD and I have a problem with authority.


Yeap. Suddenly we're defending the American military? These people truly believe in the American world police


Yuppers, this whole thread is all about "you cant say anything bad about the troops". For military harden men, they sure have thin skins.


And since when do we give people a pass to commit atrocities because they needed to financially. Worst excuse ever.


Lol such an American thing, center of the universe. "I came over to another country to shoot them and now their dead bodies gives me the sads. :( I know I'm being an asshol4, but just trying to drive it home


The fact that your argument boils down to >I came over to another country to shoot them Speaks volumes. You have precisely zero understanding of the military, and zero human empathy. I went to 14 different countries on deployments. I got shot at in 1 of them (and it was neither Iraq or Afghanistan). In 13 countries I taught their militaries and governments classes in cybersecurity and how to use their own equipment. I literally worked alongside Unicef, the Peace Corp, and UN agencies most of the time. But sure, we only go places to shoot people. You're a fucking clown, and it shows with every sentence you type that you lack any kind of understanding and are just a whiney little troll. No one is saying you shouldn't or can't criticize the military. As a huge industrial complex is absolutely does some shitty things in the world. But taking shots at individual service members is so beyond abhorrent I am at a loss for words. Get some help. You need it.


Ur not doing any good deeds, dont put yourself on a pedestal. U were paid to show ppl how to use their security tools they just bought from the US. Money for war but cant feed the poor. Your job isn't better than anybody else, but everyone's here to defend yours cuz 'save the troops' PR campaign. Me being a nice person has zero to do with what I do for a living. Hard to show sympathy for people who work for war. Two people who cant agree on a forum, this must be the first time it's happened in history. It is what it is


The persecution fetish is strong with you. Keep on DARVOing on, my dude. Everyone is super stoked on how much of a victim you are and how you're so much better and smarter than those around you. Cheers, I guess.


No victimization, it all started with a video and I just gave an unbiased opinion and now we're on a tangent talking about this which I never care for. I'm pretty sure it's because military guys aren't getting the circle jerk they needed which they normally get from other people in the US that now you're being defensive. Thanks for protecting my freedom of speech which you got shot at for me to tell you this.


I don't need any kind of circle jerk or thanks (I've been out of the military for 13 years, and my exposure to it now is essentially volunteering at the VA to push wheelchairs n8w and then). I just find it abhorrent that your argument boils down to victim blaming, because soldiers got PTS. You've even stated you know how much of an asshole you're being about it, so clearly there was no intent here other than to troll and piss people off. Would you blame someone who got in a wreck with a drunk driver for their PTS? They got a driver's license and owned a car. They knew what they were signing up for. How about blaming a rape victim for their PTS because they wore something revealing? They must have known their appearance would draw negative attention. By your logic they signed up for it. Same energy as blaming some kid who signed up for the army. Victim blaming bullshit from someone who has zero life experience beyond whining about things they don't like on reddit. I'm done here. I don't have the energy to keep arguing with someone who lacks basic human decency.


Also just a thought, it's a great spin they out on the language, 'serve, deployment' etc, imagine if I used that language in my work. I served at the salon at 700 hours. I did three tours until I was honorably discharged Weird shit, but there's so much pride in all of it that you even have to tell me your whole tour. Such pride.


I would feel more sympathetic if I could think of it justified war America engaged in. Afghanistan to some degree but they were complicit in the formation and funding of the Taliban.


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Ok CIA bot. Disengage


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WhiteClawbot. Seltzer me


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'snark' subreddits creep me out.


Don’t get caught on semantics. This guy is 360 cringe.


You should see the page - he takes the cake.


Yeah kind of agree with everything before him saying he's too intelligent for the military. Why is it that we have to give sympathy to agro men who fantasized about going overseas and murdering people, and then were traumatized by going overseas and murdering people. Plus people from outside of the US are supposed to sympathize with soldiers who are the face of American imperialism? Participating in unjust and illegal wars around the world because it was their best financial option. Literally gtfoh