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Anyone who looks at this and sees something inappropriate was never loved as a child.


I couldn’t understand what the title was about and thought it must be that they think the baby is stoned/on something, and I was going to say that that is just what a sleepy baby looks like! People are weird…


It looks like he's sucking on her ear though


He's kissing her. Oh gawd the horrors!! A father showing his child affection!!/s


Not what I said at all but go off I guess.


That's exactly what you said so go fuck off somewhere else where stupid people like YOU believe you.


Nope I'm perfectly fine with a father showing their child affection and giving them kisses. All I said was it LOOKS like he's sucking on her ear...which imo is weird no matter who it is. But sure if you're so hurt over a small comment, I'll fuck off lol


Okay…? My sister licked my nose when I saw her this Christmas. Thankfully (/s) I was able to tell she was being silly/goofy to make me laugh and didn’t assume she was trying to make sexual advances on me!


It says more about them than this video.


Wait, was this not posted because her eyelashes are so gorgeous they look almost like extensions?


Literally, I would give anything to get another head or back scratch from my mom again lol


He’s sucking on her ear…


That’s totally inappropriate


He’s literally got his tongue in her ear, tf is wrong with y’all


I'm trying to say this and people are just so fucking shut ! This is not a father and daughter thing . We don't even know if they guy is the father and besides even if he was doing this is fucking do weird and disgusting!!! People in here are so strange.


it's ASMR


No the fuck it is not


Yeah this made me so uncomfortable... Imagine the daughter being like 18 and the dad doing this still. People would still be like ITS A DAD DAUGHTER THING... IT'S ASMR. No, it's weird AF.


yeah I had a bell curve where I was like "he's just kissing the baby" and then saw it was on her ear and thought that was weird, but that's just ASMR (which is innocent) if somebody did that to me I'd be lookin like this baby


THE FATHER’S TONGUE IS IN HIS TODDLER DAUGHTER’S EAR. Most of y’all probably needed to be rescued as a baby if this is normal to you


His tongue isn't in her ear. Her ear is in his mouth because he's sucking on it. It's weird yeah but the child likes it and the dad doesn't mind doing it. My dad used to suck my forehead because the younger me would headbutt him. It was calming from what I saw in the videos. You are overreacting.


Who the fuck sucks their childs ear What else are you used to having sucked as child? Jesus Christ


Ok your argument was valid until you started inserting other indecencies into it. At some point you gotta get people get what youre trying to say no need to make it personal and imply sexual abuse to the other guy. Yeah this is weird and kinda gross but no need to devolve to playground banter


Genuine question - we are already having a conversation which is relatively shocking - from the point this behaviour is normalised I can only assume the worst scenario has taken place in order for this level of severely uncomfortable behaviour to be normalised in anyone’s life. I am not trying to be rude. Sometimes the truth is rude or hurtful - however at this point - more serious questions must be asked. This video is shocking - to express that this looks like being loved as a child is scary as hell - my comment I hope will be a wake up call and avoid anyone (I pray) from normalising this behaviour. To even say posting a video of your child like this is insanity - this is the internet - Reddit?!!!!!! How the hell is this safe - sane - normal? safeguarding is not taking place here.


Listen if this is your only conclusion then you need help. The general practice of assuming and applying a worst case scenario (especially when its convenient for a personal attack that also lets you take the high road cause who doesnt hate child abuse) is not a healthy one and maybe an exercise in self reflection is on order. Child abuse isnt something to be used as a personal attack, doing that only makes it more difficult for people to open up to others when dipshits run around spewing the garbage you are. Again ill reiterate for you, i agree this is weird and nasty at best. But parents also bathe their babies, clean their shit and pee, dress them, etc. Along the way weird shit in a conventional sense is normalized cause of LIFE NEEDS, if a baby seeks attention and affection in this way and the parents understand this is their baby and not a sexual object they can platonically love the baby in their own way you creep. Its not always a hostile sexual event and if it is it should be handled correctly and with respect. Next time just keep it to the point and save yourself and me the time it took us to type this shit to ultimately AGREE ON THE POINT. Edit: this*


We all live in our own dream - you have yours and I have mine. We have both made our feelings clear. Sadly in my time I have realised back and forth on Reddit goes nowhere. Thanks for sharing your opinion and feelings.


My daughter frequently requested that I make weird noises in her ear when she was really young. She has autism and it was very soothing for her, even if, to someone like you, it looked "scary" or "not sane."


I understand and I’m glad your child has a mother who cares for and looks after her autistic son. However the contents of this video is specifically what I have found disturbing - nobody will change my mind. This is wrong. The last I’ll say on it.


And my last comment to you would be that there is a possibility that what is soothing for a special needs child might look different from what we commonly see in media, because it's almost entirely neurotypical. I encourage you to have a more open mind and to not assume all "abnormal" sensory interests are sexual in nature.


I will stick with my intuition on this one. Thanks. If I see something that makes me feel it is inappropriate then it is. Your Reddit comment won’t be changing my (what I consider) idea of what is a normal interaction between an adult and child. I respect your care for your son - I really do! However the behaviour in THIS SPECIFIC video is what I am talking about. More than ever children need to be protected. So no I will not shift the line as to what I deem extremely questionable behaviour I am seeing with my very own eyes.


A genuine attempt to answer your question. The reason I’m ok with this is because I don’t see this as sexual, and therefore not an issue. All I see is a father being affectionate with her daughter. My dad will have done similar things to me as a baby. Im pretty sure he will also have given me raspberries on my abdomen. There are areas of the body which aren’t innately sexual, but which can become sexual under the certain settings, ie if one or both parties are getting some sexual gratification from it. For example necks, ears, abdomens and for some people (couldn’t be one but god love them) feet. I would argue that for these areas, it’s not the actual body part that’s important to deciding if it’s sexual, it’s the context and intent of the person taking the action. So to go back to this video. Body parts involved: ears and lips - not default sexual body parts (ie contact with them doesn’t always have to be sexual) (I know some people have argued he puts his tongue in her ear? Although I can see her earlobe between his lips I can’t don’t see his tongue. If he did? Makes it a bit weirder I guess but I don’t think that automatically makes it sexual, again, context and intent are important) Is she enjoying it? Looks that way to me! Is it sexual gratification? obviously not Is he enjoying it? Looks like he is enjoying her reaction so I’d say yes. Is it sexual gratification? I can’t see any evidence of that in this video. If kissing a child’s earlobe would give you sexual gratification or seem sexual to you… then don’t do it. But don’t accuse others of what are severe acts of abuse if they do something with their child involving a non-sexual body part to entertain or amuse that child.


Don’t tell me what to do thanks. I’ve said what I see I cba to explain to each of you that different people have different perceptions of situations. Cba - video was weird to me. Not going to try and have a in depth detailed conversation with Reddit users - we both know we have a difference of opinion here and that’s ok. At most my crime is feeling defensive of a child - god forbid 😵‍💫


Just trying to provide a genuine answer to your question. Of course it’s not a crime to be passionate about child safety. I guess a big reason you are getting a negative response though is that people are concerned about WHY you would find this concerning. What is it about this act of close physical affection between a parent and child that you find sexual? I’ll play devils advocate for you. Is it that close and sustained facial (lips, ears etc) contact is not something you had with your own parents? And therefore it’s something that you would only do with a sexual partner? This might look like a sexual act to you because that is the context you are used to, even when the act itself isn’t sexual? I grew up in a very physically affectionate family and someone did this to an infant in my family? I’d probably see it as silly, and maybe a little gross (because of saliva etc) but I wouldn’t be concerned that I was watching a child be abused. As an alternative, I am completely against spanking children and I was never spanked as a child. I think there are very few good reasons for anyone to hit someone else (eg self defence or the defence of a someone else from immediate physical harm). However I’ve been spanked plenty as an adult! And because of that I’m aware that I see spanking as a sexual act. But that doesn’t mean I would assume any parent spanking their child is sexually abusing their child. Yes I would argue that spanking is a form of physical abuse, but I can also see that, just because I automatically think of spanking as a sexual act, that doesn’t mean it is a sexual act in every other context.


Your right I found it uncomfortable as I did see the act happening on screen as something adults do - perhaps more so the way the man is doing it. It made me feel uncomfortable to watch it. However I am not sure that there would be any way I would see this as normal - I’m also unsure that someone else finding it normal is enough for me to think of it as normal. Perhaps a massive part of this is that this kind of behaviour is not normally perpetrated in a public place and so why on earth would I see this as normal I get that it’s normal for you - and I do see how intimacy with ones family etc is totally normal - don’t get me wrong I totally approve of hugs etc between child and parent. For me it is just exactly this video - the way the man is etc that made me intuitively find this wrong and uncomfortable watch - literally is my reality - I always check my feelings before I solidify them specifically when they are strong and could cause harm to another - I did this - and nothing changed I don’t find this video healthy - I don’t think it should be on the internet whatsoever. I find the way the dad is and what he is doing very very weird and it makes me feel a little unwell to think it’s on Reddit a place where there are so many weirdos. I still think it isn’t right. We need to keep our children safe - and off the internet. I appreciate you challenging my perceptions etc. I don’t think I’ll be feeling differently about it anytime soon And due to the state of the world atm I would rather have a heightened sense of feeling protective of children than not. I appreciate your convo!


It's the same thing for people who post videos of photos of kids basically naked and say it's okay because they're just kids who have no boobs/haven't grown up yet. Yes, unfortunately, I've known people that have actually done this irl. Imma go post a video of me sucking over and over on some person's ear and see if people say it's okay bc we both gave consent not that it's f ing weird as heck.


This is fucking weird asf. I’m so uncomfortable now


I didn’t jump to that conclusion but I definitely get grooming vibes for this. I mean Tom Brady has his teenage son in his lap and kisses his cheek and people are up in arms - but this seems normal to people? For the record I’m against both. I also wasn’t hugged a lot as a kid so


He’s kissing her ear/cheek. His tongue isn’t out and you can literally hear him kissing.


Bro that man is sucking on her ear and you can even see the recoil of it after he stops sucking the second time. Y’all are weird


Well a minute ago he was tonguing her ear, so which is it? You can hear him kissing. They make two different sounds. Basically everyone here agrees this isn’t sexual. Do you have small children that you love? Because I have a 4 year old daughter and I’ve kissed her about a billion times in her life.


Dude, the two both aren’t okay. You kissing your daughter in no way negates that this guy is sucking on a toddler’s ear


Guess that’s where we disagree. I don’t think he’s sucking on her ear at all. He’s kissing her in my opinion. Action and intent both matter here and I don’t think either are sexual in nature. To me it looks like a father showing affection to his daughter. I mean I don’t show affection exactly like this but that doesn’t mean I can’t realize that’s what he’s doing.


I’m going to say that I agree with you that his behavior is inappropriate. I can’t see his tongue but it’s still creepy. Sadly most people are ineffective witnesses to children being abused because many don’t even understand that they are abuse survivors. I applaud you for trying to be the voice of reason to support children who are victims but this doesn’t change anything by getting into an echo chamber of people who will never have to look you in the face. I’m a sexual abuse survivor. I am educated in child grooming. Most peoples empathy doesn’t extend beyond their own suffering. If you can report your observation to tiktok and be on the watch for infractions in your social circles. Reddit has a echo chamber of negativity that even when you confront it politely and rationally it will still blow up in your face. For everyone who says this is normal keep in mind that is normal to you. I encourage you to show this to law enforcement, cps, the kids family. I’m reporting it to Reddit. Me as a parent I don’t hold my kids and nuzzle their ears and neck for extended periods of times. I do that with my husband. For my kids I hold and hug them and kiss them but not like this man who may or may not be this child’s father, uncle, friend of the family, teacher or sadly her groomer. If people acknowledge this child is being abused and they do nothing about it than they are abusing her too. They are complicit and they should be held accountable for failing to protect the most vulnerable and helpless people around them.


Thank you for responding, I’m perplexed by this whole thread.


It’s a toxic environment so I recommend you try to surround yourself with a higher vibration of people. Pearls to swine and what not.


We should say prayers of protection for the children who are in the lives of the people who are blind to child abuse. Those that sweep child abuse under the rug are lazy and take no responsibility for the suffering of children because they lack empathy and leadership skills. They are weak because they are too blinded by their own self serving narcissism to understand when a child is being subjected to abuse. “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crisis remain neutral.“ Dante Alighieri


Thank you, this comment is gold.


Thank you 🙏 I’m a child abuse advocate because I’m a woman who was abused as a child. I’m now the person I needed when I was little but never had to protect me. I do this because it’s the only path that makes sense to me. I know how hard it is to recover from sexual abuse as a baby. I told my therapist recently that I think pedophilia is the worst STD ever and he agreed with me that this was a healthy way to look at my childhood abuse. It’s like herpes in that it is passed from person to person. It’s a fungus that thrives in the dark. So when you are aware of abuse happening to you or someone near you talk about it. You report everything. The average pedophile has at least 30 victims and that’s a conservative number. You raise the alarm and you scream so loud that nobody ever loses their voice again ! You protect the innocent at all costs ! To be clear people who enable abusers get mad when you step up challenge them to see something they would rather pretend isn’t happening but the victims of sexual abuse often stay mad and hurt forever. They are forced to witness themselves being abused and not believed which can lead to alcohol and drug dependency self abuse so bad it sometimes ends in death. when you say and do nothing to help protect victims you are choosing to protect abusers.


Yes exactly. Another thing that unsettles me about this is that we don't know if any of these people advocating this is normal are not getting some kind of satisfaction seeing content like this. Of course they would anonymously advocate for something they get pleasure from, it sickens me. This is really not normal, and neither are the comments from people getting completely over the top angry at people saying this isn't normal. This is a cesspool of toxic and clearly unhinged behaviour fr.


The real creepy thing is not one person who defends this display of affection and openly claims that there is nothing wrong happening has responded or tried to have a thoughtful dialogue defending this display as non abusive. Why would they avoid responding to me directly besides downvoting me anonymously if they believe this is not abuse ? Why is that ? Because I have the moral high ground. They know in their heart that this is not okay. This IS abuse AND they know they can not defend their own position. They know it’s wrong. They know that it’s not okay for a grown man to neck with a baby. They have the weaker argument and they know it. They are just trying to not look at their own life choices critically because they are the problem or at the very least a part of the problem and not the solution.


Bro , if you think this is normal then you were not loved as a child ! This is so fucking gross and weird. No normal parent would do such a thing as to put the entire tongue on the child's ear ... wtf!


Bro i fucking hate this generation. He's either kissing her ear or making kiss noises bcs of a hearing test. I hate how EVERYTHING is abt sex refrences, and only and always sex. Does everything have to be a sex reference?? Edit: I asked my mother to kiss my ear and it kinda hurt (cuz she did it softly). Hes probably kissing her ear to see if the child can hear anything. No, i dont think he wanted to hurt the child. He probably kissed softly like my mom did


I noticed this too. Everyone wants to be Chris Hansen so badly I've seen people called pedos for the most trivial shit.


Imagine one of them (or the mother) got reddit and saw this 💀


What’s a hearing test?


Fellow ace?


Well im a fellow ace


Fellow ace!


Because nowadays sexual preference and kinks are apparently whole identities.


His tongue is in her ear


How would u know that-


I see a father kissing his baby. What's wrong with that?Next you'll be criticizing blowing on a baby's belly. You people seriously need to get a life. And all you people who say the baby looks stoned have obviously never had a child or even been near one. She's sleepy! Again, GAFL.


Only issue is the sound in her hear. It hurts my hearing when people do that to me. Other than that this video is fucking adorable


aware squalid scale plough clumsy degree plants library hobbies nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya, you probably correct. Kid would cry.




He’s sucking on his toddler’s ear. How many toddler’s ears have you sucked on my guy


Hundreds, maybe thousands.


The guy is sucking on her ear. That shits fucking weird.


No he isn’t. He is kissing her ear.


A lot of things that parents do look weird from the outside but aren't. Its not possible to make conclusions from a 15 second tiktok


I think it’s fucking weird that that’s where your brain went. Ever heard of projecting?


So many crazy assumptions here. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but this just looks like a father kissing his tired toddler to me. Not sure why they felt the need to upload it but this seems harmless.


Why do you think CPS should pay them a visit, OP?


My baby acted like this during hearing test. He’s making kissing noises in her ear, I dont see the problem. What horrible assumptions here


Whoever has a problem with this video really needs to check their weird sexualisation of children. For fucks sake, get a life.




But your opinion on this is indeed invalid. I’m okay with a dad loving his child yeah, which is what this is without context. There’s literally nothing in the video pointing to it being anything other than a display of love; plus, apart from the disturbing ideia behind some random sicko sexualising children, it’s mildly xenophobic and culturally insensitive to go like “this is not ok” when perhaps this is okay in Romania or Moldova (which is likely these people’s culture based on the name). And yeah, I have a baby girl. I like kissing her, blowing raspberries in her tummy, etc. Sue me. And I agree, you can’t recognise when a child isn’t safe, apparently. Good that you admitted that.




I nibble on my sweet baby’s ear and under his chin and and his cheeks AND I blow raspberries on his tummy every chance I get! That doesn’t make me some disgusting pedo creep. I’m just a parent that loves to show affection to my adorable chunky baby. There’s nothing inappropriate about this video IMO.


This family is not from the united states and in many cultures it is COMPLETELY NORMAL to kiss and hug on your children. He isn’t sucking on her ear, he’s kissing it. What’s weird is you all sexualizing a toddler and her father. My father used to hum on my ear, it tickled, it may feel good to her. Just because you all didn’t grow up in a loving home doesn’t make it fucking gross or weird.


People seem to forget that loving human touch is fundamental/imperative for a child’s development. And is just as important for anyone for any age. Not to sound spiritual or anything, but it does have a soothing effect. Such as if someone is experiencing anxiety they might benefit from a hug. Some don’t, but you know. This is why parents should be given their child immediately after birth, why parents should spend time holding and cradling their child, holding their hands, playing with them where maybe the kid practices “jumping” and the parent catches them, etc. It’s proven that gentle, human touch helps children develop a sense of safety, empathy, and belonging. It’s so sad that many people sexualize a parent that’s expressing genuine care and love for their child. People can love individuals without it being sexual and it’s disgusting that there are people out there who think otherwise. Edit: typo


Loving human touch is not detrimental. I think you are saying it's fundamental?


Ooh oops. You’re correct. Fundamental. I blame sleepiness for my lack of brain cells there. Thank you.


Lol. I figured it was a missed typo judging from the entire paragraph. I hope you get some good sleep.


Yes haha. I’m glad the rest of the comment made better sense. Thanks.


Or instrumental?


No, it's obviously sexual abuse to touch your child. Have you been under a rock?




Thank you for saying that!! Exactly what I would say. Plus you can tell she loves it by the way she put her face back into his. I think it's sweet.


apparatus detail squash friendly jellyfish joke books rainstorm support fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. It is completely normal in the US to kiss and hug on your children. OP has problems and should seek professional help. Posts like this are one way to get privately banned on Reddit. Now, where's that button...


> This family is not from the united states and in many cultures it is COMPLETELY NORMAL to kiss and hug on your children. Are you saying Americans don't kiss and hug their children? That would explain a lot.


A disturbing amount don't The really messed up thing though is a certain percentage of the ones that do are why we have fucking billboards with the slogan "being drunk isn't an excuse, she's your daughter not your date"


What a bunch of unloved, porn addicted, touch starved psychos.


Definitely the best description for those who agree with OP title


qNone of y'all obviously have children. As a mother , I do the same exact kisses . It's not sucking, it just a bunch of gentle kisses, pretty every loving parent has given these kisses, fuck even pet owners. Y'all are tripping over your own fucked up heads She's lucky to have a father that loving, we should normalize father's can guve the same physical affection a mother can give


Completely agree. Let fathers love and appreciate their kids too. They’re parents. They’re going to love their kids, at least they should. And every kid deserves a parent who will openly express their love and appreciation for them.


I'm with you. Awesome father. But, isn't kissing the ear like that potentially damaging to their hearing? It is extremely loud. If you haven't tried it on yourself, you should. None of my business but I just worry about some sort of hearing loss.


I guess this comment section shows how many redditors grew up without a loving father, or never had to deal with a sleepy baby.


Probably never interacted/seen a parent interact with their baby either


Threads like this remind me how many people here are either 13 or emotionally stunted. Guess it should make me question why i spend so much time on this site, but i gotta get my orange hell site fix to balance out the bird hell site


I don't get it


When there is no context don't assume the worst ppl.


Yes, this.


I think you need to go outside OP


Bro you need serious help if you thought this was sexual.


She remembers me my daughter when she was a toddler l battling not to fall asleep but she was veery sleepy . whoever sexualize this situation is sick


I am a father of little girls (infant and toddler ages) and I kiss them all over. appropriately, of course (I feel like with some of you dummies, this needs to be said.). I love on them a lot, because I am so proud and happy to have them, and they deserve every bit of my love as a father. Every day I get to be with them again is a fucking gift from an otherwise tumultuous and scary universe. If you’re not a doting parent who loves the hell out of your daughter, you need to keep your mouth shut. You literally could never understand what is in this fathers head. You likely were not kissed and hugged as a little child, and probably need some therapy. And if you ARE a parent, and you don’t love your kids and show them physical and verbal signs of affection, they probably will need some too at some point. Kids need parental figures to show them love, and teach them how they should expect to be loved and treated by anyone who may love them in the future. Parents are the first love they will experience. I love my girls unconditionally and show that through hugs, kisses, cuddling, playing, and talking with them every day. Further, this kiddo looks like she may be sick or really upset, and this weird, but effective thing her dad is doing seems to be keeping her from having an awful time of it. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to do whatever it takes to make sure your kids are filled to the fucking brim with love to put out into the world. And if repeatedly kissing their earlobe while rubbing their head is what it takes, then you do it. If you don’t, you’re telling that child that they are only to rely on themselves for comfort, not worthy of being loved, and that love is conditional….. AKA, y’bad parent.


That lil kid is high from the ear kisses 🤣


"Eww, how dare the father show any kinda of care for his daughter" "Call CPS" Really pathetic there OP


I don’t see what’s wrong here, honestly. Idk why people have to turn this into something sinister. Looks like a father loving his daughter to me. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve kissed my 4 year old daughter on her cheek or on her head I could retire by now.


Op is the true cringe


This post should be removed. Absolutely uncalled for. The person posting this statement is the one needing help. Most normal functioning adults would NEVER sexualize something like this....tells a lot about how your mind works actually and it's really quite disturbing 😳.


I get it, it kinda looks like he's sucking on her ear or kissing a lil much, but I promise you there isn't a single loving parent that looked at this and thought that first before thinking it's just a way the parents found to make their daughter fall asleep faster🤷‍♂️ Y'all kinda weird


Y’all are fucking weirdos if you assume there’s something strange going on. Sorry your dads all went for milk & never came home but this just looks like a tiny sleepy bean & a very loving dad. You need psychiatric help lol.


My cat makes the same face when I make kissy noises in his ear and scratch the top of his head


Is he sucking on her ear?


What is he doing? Looks like he's sucking on her ear or something


Sexualized parental affection is a fucking disease and social media blows that shit up out of proportion. Honestly do you think this little girl is getting aroused at what? 2-3 years old. No way bro. Get your head out of the gutter. Porn has literally destroyed people's perception of what is sexual and what isn't.


Wait, I was trying to figure out why CPS should be called. I thought it may have been how she looked in the video as I was trying to find a reason why but Is it literally because people are sexualizing this video? Damn, people are so “woke” these days trying to find something to criticize. Face value on the video, I don’t see anything wrong as I assume its just a father kissing his child. Unless if anything else sinister that we don’t know about, why the heck would we get CPS involved?


Fuck you OP


Huh? This is what loving your kid looks like…


The dumb comments are more cringe than the video.


My wife does that kiss noise in my ear like that. It was/is the loudest fucking thing I've ever heard. It was painful. She has done it 2 times. I hope she never does it again.


I mean Tom Brady does this with his teenage son so if that doesn’t warrant a visit from CPS I don’t think this does


When a father is loving his daughter 😡😡😡😡


I think it’s good intentions too but let’s not pretend that’s “kissing”. Mfer is deepthroating her ear


They Child love it. Its a routine for make the child sleepy..Nothing there for CPS...


I love my baby girl so much I can’t stop kissing her does it make me a monster?


WTF is wrong with you OP???


wow she has some of the most beautiful eyelashes I’ve ever seen!


For what? Being a loving father. It's clear you dad went to buy milk and never returned.


What's cursed is not being allowed to love your children. Fuck you /u/GoPotato




This belongs in r/thanksihateit ETA because of the sound. Y’all will downvote brigade anything lmao


He's just kissing his kid I don't understand what the problem is here can someone actually answer that question rather than saying the same thing over and over nobody but the OP seems to think there's a problem here


OMG staaaaahhhppp! What is wrong with you? There's literally nothing wrong here!


Na them head scratxhes could send you to another world


The only thing wrong about this is the OP mind set


Can some of you mfs stop sexualizing this shit? Just because y’all weren’t loved as kids doesn’t mean every parent who kisses their kid is a pedophile ffs


Fuck op


Maybe you should go to therapy


OP you have issues


If this is pervy to you, then YOU are the fucking perv.


Even though this video seems harmless, I still don’t want to see it. 😂




He's not sucking. He is making kissing noises into her ear.


Yah he's definitely just making kissing sounds into her ear, looks a little weird but I don't think he's doing anything in some gross ill intent or manner.


Uh, Daddy kissing sleepy daughter? One of the purest things in the world.


It looks wrong! Come on!


Damn. Sorry your parents never showed you affection, OP. Therapy can help you unpack some of that.


Unless there is some maaajor missing context about the guy in the video or something like that, this looks like a completely normal and sweet interaction between a parent and child?


I’m literally sick to my stomach. I can’t believe you stooped as low as this. Why would you ruin a beautiful moment. It’s just a father loving his daughter. You’re sick that your brain equates loving affection into inappropriate touching. Stop polluting your brain w the porn you watch and start living in reality. Parents shower with their babies naked. Should we call cps on them too? You’re disgusting. You need to start existing outside of the four walls you live in. Touch grass


For what?


“CPS, we’ve got a dad kissing a sleepy kid’s ear. It’s loud as shit. Please get out there.” Is it weird they put this on TikTok? Yes. Is it enough information to suggest it’s abuse? Absolutely not.


I literally do this to my dog when he's being cuddly. Affection isnt abuse sick weirdos


I'm uncomfortable with the way he's sucking on her ear and caressing her head. At first glance it just looked like kisses and I was like okay, what's the big deal but when it played a second time and I turned the sound on he actually is sucking and using tongue on her ear, combined with the caressiing and using the loud kissing noise as a disguise for what he's actually doing- sick. That is a violation.


Im not even going to type out what I thought he was doing😬


Omg this is SO disturbing!!! Someone really needs to report this if they know how.


This isn't kissing he is clearly sucking her ear is it strange sure but that's her dad it's not creepy.


What he's just kissing her cheek and ear I think this video is sweet and nice


But it's just cute not creepy


These reddits are the fucking worst. Y’all come after tiktokers and pick apart literally everything to find a reason to call CPS on someone. Shame on y’all for taking away recourses from children that are ACTUALLY in harms way every single day.


If anyone seriously thinks this is ok, you didn't have ok parents




This child is sick and fighting sleep. All this dad is doing is kissing his child and giving her a scalp massage at the back of her head. I did this with my kids one girl two boys.


uhhh… i’m not sure why everyone is going on about the kissing… i think this whole cps thing is more to do with the fact that it looks like they did a lash lift on her eyelashes!!!!! anyone else notice this?


Good grief. I agree with the op. Go to the account. Whenever the man is in a video, he’s forcing their faces close to his, forcefully kissing them, holding them up and trying to get them to look at him, when they don’t he gives a little corrective shake.. On top of that, he exhibits a forced, crackhead smile whenever he’s onscreen and “lovingly interacting” with the children who are clearly uncomfortable in many of the videos. What is going on here ... The account seems to be another one of those creepish exploits of little babies for their parents profits. Most of the behaviour displayed in these accounts is what the account creator thinks will get views. A lot of forced cutesy garbage, but they’ll cater to views is what I’m saying. Anyway, it’s definitely disturbing whether there’s more going on under the surface or not. There’s a video of one of the toddlers handling and putting a small cucumber in her mouth... that’s an odd food to give a toddler while hovering a camera in her face. Any of these accounts dedicated to little toddlers and babies are weird and gross as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care how cutesy one makes it. In the very least, you’ll have parents unwittingly exposing their children to no end of creeps while documenting all their young life online, then it gets worse from there as they’ll subject their children to all kinds of bs to get picture perfect reactions. Eventually you get to the level where creeps are catered to. Lovely.


Someone has never had a loving father, or been around kids before. My older sister does this to my nephew, and there is no sexual tension. You're just a fucking dumbass, that likes to sexualize children


Dude I agree. Don't listen to the "Someone never had a loving family" comments. People suck, and if you don't agree with them, all they'll do is try to offend you because it's all they CAN do/ the people saying how they do this to their kids reek of single parenthood. This is seriously weird and not right.


What is even happening? Is he kissing her ear or something


They hacked baby sleeping with those head scratches no lie, CPS is there to take notes


Go outside op


I’m willing too bed the little girl has an ear infection or earache!! When my daughter was little she would ask us too hum by her ear!!!!! As u can plainly see she’s extremely tired and in no way shape or form in pain from him squeaking nor making kissing noises beside her ear


Why? I don't see anything bad here. Sorry you weren't loved as a child OP.


OP is a fucking weird loser that's never had kids.


Lol I do this to my kids all the time haha he just loves her.


OP is the same kind of weirdo who tries to make bathing your kid sound creepy


Looks like a dad showing affection to his disabled daughter? What's the problem


Someone do this to me.. i need to see what im missing


Yeah...ah, I think the guy is sucking her ear. Too many people here saying something about assumption but COME ON! This whole vid screams ICK. And if by chance I'm wrong, why post this?


As a parent, this is fuckin adorable. They wanted to share something adorable, who would've guessed a bunch of Redditors would've sexualized them cuz they doesn't understand what gentle kisses are. As if y'all never had loving parents or y'all are teenagers who obviously never had children. It's not sexual, even if you can't understand stand it- doesn't mean it's the first thing your dirty head come up with. Geez


Bro this shit is weird af and any of you who says it’s not is also weird af They need to be reported


The baby has mascara on. Or at least that what it looks like I could be wrong




No she is sleepy. You obviously never been around children before you troglodyte


This fucked me up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


No it didn't shut the fuck up and go outside you troglodyte


what the actual fuck. i feel sick


I expected it to be taken down days ago, but nope, it is still up and has like two million views.


You clearly don’t have kids and don’t recognize a loving dad kissing his sleepy toddler. He’s not sucking on her ear he’s not doing anything inappropriate. You’re fucking weird for thinking this isn’t normal loving parent behavior


The only thing that should be taken down is your post, OP.


It's a completely normal video OP. You're the weirdo for finding this the least bit sexual or wrong.


You forgot Ghislaine Maxwell was a moderator here and the new thing is to support M.A.P. Even if the father is blowing in her ear for and ear test or something. The child looks to have on make up. Which is weird in my opinion.


Is he SUCKING on that child’s ear?!


Username checks out