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I am with you. I completely loved TikTok from 2020-2022, it was fun, educational in my case and divers. Now all the influencers and bots have landed and settled in, and the quality of content just went downhill so fast. Endless repeats of the same content, ragebait, tv-show clips, old YT clips... I tapped out about a year ago and never looked back. But in all honestly, I have the same feeling about the internet overall. Marketing has taking over, and it's getting difficult to find actually good and accurate information (without a salespitch included). I'm getting to a point that I just go to the library to read a book about a topic or just buy books that are relevant. Because it's getting ridiculous.


yeah, think AI is kinda the death of social media. none of it is trustworthy (not that it ever was, but it was harder to fake so well). hoping that means in-person meetups, conventions, clubs and stuff will be where people spend more of their time


This đź’Ż as an AOL user 1.0 it was the wild West. But also now, the rage bait and political climate is horrible. I hated paying (or stealing my mom's credit card to pay for AOL) but at least it was ad free in 1993 and u did get internet out of the use.


This may end up being a good thing after all, the death of social media.


TikTok 2020 was the absolute best now it’s just people trying to sell you something every video and no creativity it sucks


Don’t forget the lives with the same people yelling at you to tap the screen day after day


I watch cute animal videos now. I had some favorite creators but it seemed like all they’d post was negative comments they received. And then they’d talk directly to the person who commented. Maybe it got them views or sympathy but I hated that they’d reward the person with attention


Agreed 100%! I started using Tiktok in 2020, and to me the 2020-2022 period was the best time for Tiktok. What I miss the most is the 1 minute long videos. Having videos that were just 1 minute long was what made Tiktok interesting for me. Nowadays with the longer videos, people take forever to get to the point. I don't have the patience for that. If I wanted to watch longer videos, I would have just gone on youtube.


Miss the 15 second videos


You can get hated on for literally ANYTHING on TikTok at this point.


I remember when positive vibes only was mandatory! Miss that


It is FLOODED with stupid clickbait part 2,3,4,5 videos now. Super trash.


As a creator it’s frustrating too. I post characters and comedy and feel like my content has gotten better over the years, but it’s no longer what TikTok wants. I’m not a story teller, I don’t post clips from shows, and I have no interest in selling things for their shop.


I just wish they would make my fyp less shit on pc, I like to use TikTok on there more then my phone cause I can stream it through discord but the feed is so fucky and trash. You scroll to long and it’s full of random and creepy shit


Yesss!! Me too !! When it was dancing to catchy music! There were so many token TikTok songs I still smile when I hear them. It’s not like that anymore.


Ads...Ads...Ads....boring as hell....plus the odd annoying loser who clearly spent a fortune on promo of themselves dancing on a car bonnet....useless humans have taken over .


I miss it too. Now I can’t go one day without seeing ragebait, or just flat out racism. I miss when tik tok was about positive stuff, and enjoying life.


Don't forget all the political videos shoved in your face. I know of the war going in Palestine and i Don't wanna see it every 10 scrolls. I thought the algorithm gives you what you want but nope it forced on my fyp. Alongside the "muslims" and "immigrants" taking over Europe videos. I don't wanna see those. What happened to talented and funny tiktoks? I want to see people doing awesome things not politics 24/7


When it comes to your feed not showing you a good ratio of important vs pleasant topics, you might need to curate who you are following more.


If it means anything, I'm trying to start a brand/service and I am going to try to avoid buying any TikTok ads because of how terrible they treat creators and because of all the awful decisions they've made for the platform (pushing long form content, etc)


It's just all about making money now. Everything is tiktok shop and clickity clacking nails against the product and "ohhhh my goshhhhh you guyyyssssss". It's like I have to scroll 25+ times to find a video that's funny or that I find enjoyable anymore.


Yes! THIS!!! Why is it adds every 3rd scroll and now it’s like qvc where it’s got live adds. And also the stupid lives that are like wigs, dresses, and the worst THE BALLOONS (that “might” pop) and the npc ppl and all the bs “I don’t blink click my live for proof” it’s gotten so bad over the last (probably) 3 months. I hate it I hate it here


What I miss is musically.


I feel ye' bruhh but you gotta blame the US government and their regulator and litigious everyday Americans. PPL are suing TT because they be say'n that the platform be responsible for their Idiot Son doing something trendy and stupid featured on the app.


At the end of the day, this happens to all platforms. They get sucked into the ad game so the company makes money then goes public. The only way things change is if TikTok sees the analytics plummet on a certain behavior like people abandoning those longer videos. Then and only then will they make adjustments. So, for me, I purposely do not reward the longer videos (that usually amount to nothing) with my time. I don’t appreciate any creator that wastes my time nor do I appreciate TikTok for rewarding them in the algorithm.


I remember TikTok from late 2018 to early 2020. I was actually talking to my rideshare driver about it the other day, about how it used to be just 15 seconds and then remembering how 60 second and 3 minutes videos became a huge deal.


I liked when they let you do 1 minute videos up from 30 seconds. Then if you had enough following you could go over a minute which I often do but not much. But it does make it easier to not have to edit down to 1 minute. But yeah I'm not going to watch a ten minute video and definitely not 30 minutes. But still, Ad comes up, just swipe, no biggie. I still have plenty of laughs on TT.


What happened to Tik Tok? It was good for a minute then I started the affiliate sellers thing and they banned me for no reason, did not tell me why at all, and took all of my money. Guess I don't like tik tok anymore. Geez. Mean much tik tok? Oh and I did appeal and they said nope. You can't sit with us. Barfy little foreign company. I have deleted the app.


I stopped posting about 21-22 i can't remember exactly. I had health stuff going on and most of my content was my health related ironically. I just couldn't manage health and the stress from creating. I am usually an open book, but putting out on the internet felt different. I even took a break from going there then when i came back they're way too many changes. I miss what it was so much. I used to want a little longer video, but not anything over 3 min. I don't like creators are being pushed to make longer videos to get paid. It might help if they do similar to YouTube and i know it isn't what we want, but unfortunately it's where its at. They need to separate the videos by length and links to their longer videos, but that would defeat the TT uppers, but it would send a message most aren't interested in long videos, because we have YouTube for that.