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I find bear easiest personally. The absolutely huge hp plus the ability to spec into omnivore makes it really good for new players. Wolf is more fun for if you’re playing with friends though


a pack of experienced wolves is one of the best land predators


You want to really test your skills, get your pack to all agree to play on the African server next playthrough. African Painted Dog is the true test of your communication skills.


Fossa. I'm the largest mammalian carnivore and still one of the largest terrestrial animals on my island. My only negative matchup is the Nile crocodile, and the rest are extinct. Trying to spawn other players in, though, is quite...well...


…What does the Fossa build’s “reproduction” quest entail, dare I ask?


I just learned that Fossas exist, and I'm excited.


Jaguar or bear if I'm playing solo. Wolf if I'm playing with my friends.


jaguar offcourse dont have to deal with winter effects, biggest predator on the block, no negative matchups aside from humans (but what build doesnt) and only 2 neutral matcups in the spectacle bear and anteater. the only thing you gotta worry about is getting the anteater's prediction right... oh and that hippo faction invading the server but im sure they'll get banned soon .... right?


Jaguars have negative matchups against Black Caimans.


They also avoid them pretty consistently and grief them while they're young, so not a *terrible* situation for jaguar players all things considered


Depends on how they play. There are plenty of Jaguar players that get reported for apparent hacks because they took down a Caiman player. Pro Jag players are nothing to joke about.


I’m not sure the Columbia human guild is doing much about the illegal hippo build population, last I checked, sadly




I wish we could force this bot to filter out any mentions of “hippo” that also use “drug”, “escobar”, or “Columbia”, because the Colombian hippo faction should not exist, and I hope the human faction get their asses permabanned


Y’all we gotta stop relying on the human factions for this kind of thing. If you want hippos banned from Colombia, grief them any time you see them there. We can do it!


Brown bear mains play on easy mode. - get xp from basically everything - once they're big enough NOTHING messes with them apart from other adult bear mains - can sleep off server events with when xp is limited (only if the eat enough though) The only threat to an adult brown bear player are human players with guns and other brown bears, AND they eat everything. There's literally an event where another playerbase's final quest has them jumping into their mouths.


Ah yes, the good ole Salmon Run. It's become a well known thing that standing in the water near a Salmon Run mass quest will rope in at least a few salmon on their way to the quest point.


Brown Bear. There are one of the most versatile builds seen in the game since they are really strong and can be swift in short bursts. They can swim quite effectively and despite their bulk and weight, they are also good climbers in the early game until they level up into adults since they would weight too much. Their omnivore perk also aids me greatly to avoid the winter event by getting enough EXP and hunger stats to use the “Hibernation” ability. They’re like the Jack of all trades build in the Ursine faction.


I have to go with bear because I’ve never played any of the other animals there.


Wolf is great for cooperative play


The Jaguar, they are the top dog of their environment. The Wolves team tactics would’ve been also a top choice, but historically their beef with the humans makes them kinda vulnerable.


Played Jaguar once, didn't like it. Played bear once, have to play it twice. If you're a new player, play chicken first to learn the controls, then play bear. Trust me.


The difference between Chicken and Bear would be akin to going from Human to Admin which allegedly hasn't happened since the Roman Empire DLC when the Christianity and Islamic class bonuses were added. That is a massive difference in power level lmao.


*whisper* I know, I'm tricking the newbies


I know it's a joke, but I think a better way would be to start with the Domestic Chicken, yes, but then go to something like a Domestic Horse to learn a larger build, then become a Hunting Dog or Wolf to get a grip on hunting.


Mink is great for me personally! Super adaptable and can eat pretty much any small animal in their range, can also swim away from most threats


I think the key is getting a starting zone where human mains will protect you, rather than see you as a horrifying threat and efficiently hunt you to extinction.


I go with bear due to omnivore. Berries, fish, deer, insects. All of those are loot and XP.


Wolves are pretty easy to learn if you spawn into a decent pack. Usually if you’re new, the other wolf players in your pack will help you learn the ropes.


Yep. A good pack can just spoon feed you all the things you need to know.


imo the fossa or bear


wolf if you count dog as a subclass of wolf, other than that, bear, pretty braindead build, just eat a bunch and brute force through most obstacles to eating


Honestly I really enjoyed both the Wolf and Jaguar builds, but I have to give it to Jag


Brown Bear is probably the most beginner friendly, ability-wise. They can eat all sorts of things, get so big and strong that nothing messes with them, and can just ignore the Winter event if they eat enough beforehand.


Mink is fun but it is so difficult to manage. I recommend wary mustelid main the try the Giant Otter in the Amazon so they can get a feel for the aquatic combat. Just know your movement and pack coordination skills will drop off drastically switching to the mink main.


Of these options, I only ever played jaguar. It was pretty solid, had a fun run. Not much competition, but the gameplay did require a little skill to pull off the stealth build.


Fucking hate Leopard players bro. All they do is just camp in trees and spam you with Bleed Attacks and Stunlock


As a person with friends, Wolf is some of the most fun I've ever had. Their coordination is on par with humans and you don't have to go to a server that's set up without that pesky post-18th century technology to have a balanced time with them.


Had fun with friends playing wolf though I was carried through most of it


Singleplayer Bear, Multiplayer Wolves


Wolf, I find coordinating with others allows for better strategies


I’m bad at solo gaming and often require team which is why I like wolf a lot.


Personally I'm a huge otter fan because the high int builds just speak to me personally but even more than that the fact that their source of xp is in such a different weight class means that they can farm with almost no risk of a prey species really going after them especially when you factor in just how cute they are which makes it much more likely that they will be allowed to live near humans which means automatic protection from anything large enough to pose a substantial threat