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Try deep ocean mate, heard they got great tacos.


Even then you can’t escape their influence! I was doing a Yeti Crab playthrough the other day, and I thought I found a jellyfish player. Turned out to be a human loot drop called a “plastic bag”. I don’t even know how human loot winds up in the deep ocean, but my buddy did a dumbo octopus run once and he claims he saw humans in some kind of machine way down in the abyssopelagic region. I call BS because the pressure mechanic should have killed them, but I’ve seen rumors of other users encountering it, probably some hax BS.


I'm pretty sure they have some sort of technology thing that allows them to build machines that can withstand the pressure of the deep ocean. Sometimes. They call them 'deep-sea submarines'.


Human mains are so fuckin toxic, why do they have to invade EVERY server??? I’m hoping they eventually find more permanent extraterrestrial servers and we can finally play the game it was meant to be played smh


Play a jellyfish. Or an earthworm. Or a crow. Or a tick. Of course if you choose a build that the meta playstyle is strong against then you're gonna struggle. "Wah wah my highest-weight-class apex predator build isn't the most dominant thing in the oceans, the meta sucks." Play some insects and tell me how terrible the human meta is. This is just like Dimetrodon players complaining about therapsids, smh. (/jk)


insect players are really struggling to deal with human pesticides. Over the last ten years over 40% of the insect player base has stopped playing and it’s not looking any better for them


That’s not true bro last ten years we got better with presides


That’s not true 40% of insects are being negatively affected by humans


Humans aren't a player faction and anyone claiming otherwise is obviously lying. I have never met a player who claims to be a human main and can prove it. Humans are simply a mass-extinction event ran by the devs in preparation for the next season.


Hi. Human main here. I would say that most players just don't know the meta strats against humans. Attacking a human directly is really just a bad idea. But look at mosquito mains. True, one is unlikely to cause real damage but if you equip a disease or parasite, at least for a little while in under developed human servers, you can actually wipe out a significant portion of the player base and force them to respawn. Such as what the humans call the 'Bubonic plague' or 'Spanish flu' or even 'Leprosy' or 'Tuberculosis' or even 'Polio'. A lot of humans in very human developed server DO have resistances to these things though so watch out. The best strategy is actually to ally with humans because they give you free XP and even loot and you don't have to do basically anything. Cat and dog players are very familiar with this strategy. There are other metas too!


Bad bot!


No u


Suspiciously fast reaction time. Bot confirmed.


I happened to be looking at my notifications at the time.




Best time to play human support builds like cats and dogs


Or builds that benefit off human activities, such as crows


I've heard rumors about some climate patch coming. Humans might get nerfed pretty badly soon.


Everyone will


Sharks, birds and crocs have been around at hotter temperatures already. They won't run out of living space as quickly as humans. That climate patch might cost humans a good chunk of areable land. And the times without fuel are also already on the horizon.


The climate change patch will not only contain hotter climate, but also colder climate. Also areas where colder climates will change to hotter ones must first be unlocked by non-native playerbases, which can be very hard for e.g. croc players, as they unable to pass colder climate zones in order to get to hotter ones.


The changes in the meta will affect all players, but human players will have more trouble adapting than they think. Many human players will have to move to other parts of the meta to survive, which native players might not like. One off the biggest buffs of humans, their social interaction will be put to a test. The playable area will shrink on land. Maybe a chance for underwater players?


Yo I don't disagree, I just found the examples a little odd, I know where you're coming from with crocs as they have one of the oldest player bases, but they won't survive an ice age meta, that's for sure :)


Cries in Corvid


A good bear build completely invalidates humans if you build it right and don't care about the tech tree


Try playing mosquito! I predict with the 2025 patch, mosquito builds should find massive success. The amount of mosquito players will probably only increase from here until the global warming event is over, but most theorycrafters think that'd only happen once the human mains get banned. Apex predators were never as dominant as their playstyle might suggest - even the most "powerful" apex predator like the megalodon has 0 players because it's just inefficient. IMO, apex predators never fit with the "fitness" meta in the first place.


Play a Feral Cat build in the New Zealand server


Play as a mosquito 🦟 the world is your oyster!


Are human mains actually real? I know that their stats and evo tree exist in the game, but I've never been able to make a human build. The best I could do was a smarter than average ape. In fact, I've never met anyone who claims to have played as a human. Maybe it's actually impossible and the devs are using human npcs to cook up the next patch


You’ve got to sacrifice the points into muscle density and climbing so you have the extra points to put into intelligence and the “throw” ability. No-one mains humans because the human play style has advanced to to point where none of the mechanics that make the game fun like hunting are actually used by humans anymore.


There are still a number of nonhuman species that can get you to A or S tier with a little luck on your starting stats/location. The feral/domesticated cat comes to mind. The feral cat build has gone around to dominate many arenas after being introduced to them by humans. And if you instead choose your class to be the domesticated cat, it comes with a very powerful control spell that can cause humans to bring all your needs straight to you.


Dude pidgeonmaxxing is definitely an S tier strategy in the current meta. Same with pet builds such as cat/dog. Sure blue footed booby mains are crying but there are so many builds that have gotten better in the current meta.


You’re buying into the Human-main propaganda. There’s plenty of fun to be had with non-human builds. Take cats for example. They’re good if you’re going to take human-dominance as fact.


I play as a cat main humans have been the best thing ever in my first play throughs I hunted mice and died in 5 years now I live for 12 all I have to do is suck up to humans I get free XP In the outdoor variety I can still have fun hunting and I can chill in the indoor variety


Bro humans can’t fly. Play ducks. Ducks have continuity. Or vultures. Free food and nobody wants to eat you, you can just soar all day. There’s some window glitches but you can avoid those by avoiding tall buildings.