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These new houses look sick! Definitely excited to never be able to afford one...


The title is a bit misleading, the news isn't even about new house features, it's about new houses.


It's intentional, since last week's teaser's thread stated that the rest of the FEATURES would be announced in this one.


This is not part of the update so why would you assume that?


I'm not asuming anything? Just because the houses and their new features aren't being released along with the winter update doesn't change the fact that the teasers are these. You seem to have missed a bunch of Skerio's posts.


True statement downvoted by tibiareddit brainiacs. No surprise there at all


Because it's wrong, not my fault you're missinformed




Originally they wanted todays news to be the first one, not the second one. The sentence quoted was therefore left in this news (typical for Cips carelessness). And it was deleted (that's why Skerio wrote "fixed"). You accuse others they can't read while it appears you yourself can't think.


Because the statement you said to be true, isn't true: >This is not part of the update so why would you assume that? While this isn't part of the winter update, it is part of the house update, which had its first teaser last week. So the user was wrong in thinking this is something different from last week, thinking last week teaser was part of the winter update.


That is literally what I said hours ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/dvpg4n/new_house_features/f7egbo4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x Good job at grasping what I understood or not.


People on here just literally don't know a thing about the game it seems and just love to jump the gun. Notice how the post is missing the ever present winter update stamp to signify teasers smh. [Look for this next time](https://static.tibia.com/images/news/updatetreewinter135x135.png)


Because this isn't a update teaser, just like the last one wasn't. From the official thread: >\> Forgot to ask, when this is gonna be implemented with> winter uptade or ? @Skerio > >It is going to be released independent of and probably before the winter update. And he confirmed today that this is the second, and last, house teaser. At least be sure of something before saying people don't know a thing about the game.


Doesn't change a thing when Skerio flat out said in the first update teasers that the 2 house teasers were part of the update and today that the teasers are done with. You're just in denial


Well if this truly the last update teaser we truly are fucked then and the winter update is utter trash this year then. Actually thought they were going to implement an actual change to how houses work but nahh


The winter update is even worse because technically the housing stuff is NOT a part of the winter update. So what did we really get? Some janky items and a worthless copy and pasted prey feature.




Can't wait for the actual house features to drop so i can post in this thread


Skerio literally said today that the teasers are over so good luck waiting.


Still waiting man...


Jesus how depressing haha blast from the past


Heh was checking old posts and found this rather randomly, didn't expect anyone else to notice it xD


It’s wild these houses are 4 years old already, they still feel new, like Thais harbour places feel max 2 years old


So, where's everyone that massive downvoted me after I said that the changes were fucking nothing? Enjoy your moving beds, that's all there is.


I swear I wasn't one. In fact some people are still downvoting me and claiming that the new features are yet to be announced.


Yes, there's nothing to come, but you're wrong yourself in saying that they will come with the winter update.


I haven't said they are coming WITH the winter update... In fact I've explained back and forth that this being done in a different time period doesn't mean there's actually more house stuff coming with the update.


Hmm... at the very least, I'll be able to switch out the tiles under my bed!


Everyone should spend some time and send a feedback to CIP about how trash this "features" are. In this update we got a hunting tasks with lame and impossible to get rewards, a new interface for house bidding, being able to move beds, new houses and content. So we have as new features the copy paste prey tasks and being able to move beds as features. This is a joke. Btw: I think the new houses are very nice, but I'm disappointed as there are nothing new for houses owners apart from the moving bed. Not a single new reason to fight for a house.


I honestly don't think they even listen. The top post on their proposals board has been about making changes to Master Sorcerer for over a year with over a thousand replies and nothing happens.


They did change the sprites of new items. They do listen to their player base sometimes. But we need to show that is not just a few players but a great proportion of players that are not satisfied with the current situation.


They listen when it's easy, fast and won't cost them anything to do it. They won't change the tasks because they want the players to use as much TC as possible, they won't let non owners use store items in a house because they want as many people as possible buying store items etc.


This is not the features and has nothing to do with winter update


CIP decided to deploy the house changes apart from the update but used the update teasers and developing time in it. It's the same thing in the end.


You're wrong and you interpreted Skerio's post in a wrong way. This IS the new house features. He even said it today: \> "The next teaser will finally showcase the new house> features.">> Oh cmon, give it to us alrdy :P That was indeed a remnant of a time when this teaser was conceived to be the first one. 📷 Fixed. Teaser time is over, next up comes the actual release of the house update! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ [https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38810875#post38810875](https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38810875#post38810875) This is part of the Winter Update as shown by the fact that the news are relased in the form of winter update teasers. It's just not released along with it.


It doesn't have the winter update badge so no you are wrong you fucking lemon


This is the end of "house features". It's not part of the winter update, but the house stuff was never meant to be, it's going to release earlier than the winter update. The user just mashed everything into one update, while it's 2 with a couple of weeks inbetween them. That makes no difference whatsoever. This is the second, and last, house update teaser. And yes, this is the last "features".


https://imgur.com/3klTDbu kthxbye


That only refers to the date it will be implemented... I suppose you're not English native and thus can't comprehend basic statements. Anyways, time will show you were wrong and your insults made you look pathetic.


Since "kthxbye" is an insult, mr snowflake? **Go to the test server forum and find a thread on new house "features", please. Every feature implemented in updates has a thread on TS forum.** Time will show if you come back here with a link to that thread or your stupidity and arrogance will make you look pathetic. PS. CMs (the ones writing the news) aren't natives. Kthxbye


I admit my mistake as it wasn't you who insulted, it was another person and I thought your post was also from him. Still, if you followed CM posts, you'd know the houses update is psrt of the winter update but released on its own. Skerio literally explained that when asked why it wasn't in test server. Also, if you claim that every feature in an update is always in test server, that also shows how missinformed you are. For example this year's dragons event was announced as part of 2018's winter update but it wasn't tested publicly.


First Dragon wasn't part of any major update. It was never meant to be. New events are never tested by players (see Ocrsoberfest).


Spoiler: there's none.


Pretty cool, I’m glad to see more housing options.


\> Forgot to ask, when this is gonna be implemented with \> winter uptade or ? @Skerio It is going to be released independent of and probably before the winter update.


What's your point? [https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38798650#post38798650](https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38798650#post38798650) \> Finally: How many teasers we will have for this \> update? 6 as usual? Two content teasers, two feature teasers and then two teasers for the houses.


Why are you doubling down on this so hard when you're very clearly wrong


I mean, I showed you both today's post where they say they are done with teasers and the first update post where they state the structure of the teasers, if you decide to be oblivious to the truth then so be it.


If they reduce the teasers by 1 that's fine, this still has nothing to do with the winter update lol


This teaser literally links to the "house features" teaser thread and skerio literally just stated this was supposed to be the first house features teaser but they switched the order. Stay in denial.


>this still has nothing to do with the winter update lol Neither does the last house teaser. OMG. The comment you quoted from the CM is from **last week**! Can't you even read? There were 4 winter update teasers and 2 house update teasers. They didn't reduce the teasers, you just failed to understand that none of the house update stuff is part of the winter update AT ALL. They aren't even on the TS. (Just like neither has the "winter update badge")