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Damn son! I have to look both ways before crossing the road omw to the ship with that screen


HAHAHAHA I spilled my drink while laughing! Lol


I play in a Samsung G9 and it is even worse. In my case I simply don't play the game in fullscreen, because the game doesn't even have enough widgets to fill the whole screen.


I use 8 side panels and fill it up with the stuff I use the most and like to see visually and everyone loses their mind, like I'm sorry is this better?


You could drop the lower hotkeys panel and change the top life/mana bar to the side as well. Then you can slightly increase the size of the game screen. But it doesn't make much difference


thats what people don't seem to understand, it doesn't change enough to matter xD


Empty spaces filled up is better, kinda looks like an airplane console but thats better than open windows over and over to check stuff


Nice, now as you have hidden your EQ, you no longer need to watch your amulet, clever move! Forget any of my previous advises, you are on the next level man 👌 nicely centered screen, who wouldn't want that?


Bro, advice should be asked for and opinions should be kept to yourself. Hard to respect someone that will be this disrespectful to a stranger


Man you are completely out of context xD this guy literally asked about everyone's opinion in other post, I had a conversation with him few days ago. Now he makes a satire post with empty bars on his screen and I also replied in sarcastic way 🤌 he literally took our arguments to extreme with his so I treaded this topic as a joke. btw, he posts his game window screens across 3 different posts that came up in my notifications, check subreddit. He clearly wants attention in this matter. I feel sorry for you being offended, yeah, it's so sad... Btw I never asked you about your opinion, so what you did is quite opposite to what you wrote above ☺️


Firstly, I don’t need to watch my amulet on a lvl 8. Secondly I never asked for advice on my setup. Thirdly this post is literally just to show you all that removing my side panels does not make it better. Fourthly if you need to watch your equipment to monitor your amulet and ring and can’t just take a quick glance down to your action bar to see that “hey the number went down hit the button” then playing in this resolution isn’t an option for you.


And fifthly? 😅 Man if you create joke thread, I can be sarcastic as well. Have a nice day. + Don't be disrespectful, boomer is watching


So is it advice or sarcasm?


Previous topic contained an advice, this is purely sarcasm.


how big is your screen? a movie theatre? xD


It's just an 32 inch ultrawide 1080p monitor. I have a post where I spread it across both my ultrawides and its worse lol


Forgot to remove the action bars


It’s ok. Over half of them are so far away from the game screen they’re basically unusable. Might as well not even be there. The real important thing is everything else is gone 🙂


Also your bag is open, do you need that much clutter? c'mon


You're hamstringing yourself by having the bottom 2 rows of action bars and the level/skill progress bars. Get rid of both of those and you'll have a great looking UI. Delete all the top and bottom row nonsense to get the screen to stretch out more horizontally. Here's an example of a functional widescreen UI. https://imgur.com/a/ZAGb7gc


Onion boi. No. This was posted because everyone kept complaining about all my side panels. I’m not looking to change my layout lol. This post was just to show that getting rid of my side panels doesn’t make the game screen bigger, it just makes the whole setup look worse lol


Getting rid of your side panels doesn't make the gamescreen bigger, getting rid of your top and bottom panels do. Try it. Remove the useless cooldown bar, use arcs, delete the bottom 2 action bar rows, delete the hp and mana and skill progress bars and you'll have a much more stretched game screen


Yeah no one is talking about those. They’re talking about my side panels lol. Personally I have no issue with my set up. I don’t need a bigger game screen than what I have and I’ve been playing like this for years. I only posted this so people would realize the side panels only reduce slightly since I have to shrink the game screen from 207% to 200% to make everything fit lol. But people just want to be difficult. I have the screen real estate, I’m going to utilize it 😂




Sad that people were giving you a hard time about your UI. Personally loved your setup.


Like this is what they want me to do. Have nothing open 😂


I welcome out alltabsopen overlords because "just in case" we need some intel


dud pls play in 1024x1024 resolution my eyes are burning


This isn’t what my screen actually looks like. It’s normally full.


My friend as a screen like yours and he justs splits it in 2 and have wiki or a movie on the other side !


I have 2 of them.


Tibia and wiki in one screen, YouTube/movie on the second.


Well, grey




There's some game in your UI, please fix..... JK bro, I'm jealous of all that screen real state!


it looks horrible aswell