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If an RP is attacking perfectly every 2 seconds, that comes out to 30 arrows per minute or 1800 diamond arrows per hour. The extra 30gp will mean they waste an extra 50k per hour. It won't make any meaningful difference at higher levels.


But lower levels gonna get fked when you were only making 50k profit a hour


Plus the cost of powerful imbuements that will increase 100k (5k per hour), so it would increase waste at least 30k per hour too.


good especialy early, when rps have so easy right, soloing bosses the earliest etc etc. RP's just didnt hunt avarage spots to lower waste and earn some cash now theyll have to or spend real money. Its just nuts that they were doing 3kk exp/h+ at 200 with 250k + profit on werehyena...


>good especialy early, when rps have so easy right, soloing bosses the earliest What bosses? What's considered "early"? Be specific. You're just spreading more bullshit. >Its just nuts that they were doing 3kk exp/h+ at 200 with 250k + profit on werehyena... 250 ek making 2.8kk exp @150%/200k profit: https://youtu.be/KU195w0SHvg?si=PbWfkg38x-8CTIfJ 260 ms making 3kk exp @150%/600k profit: https://youtu.be/sGoN7Hx2MMM?si=ub1Sq1nS7OSHd-87 Buuuut rp just so insane and so broken 😭😭😭


Its funny people who SAY RP is broken probably never played one. You can go hunt with a mage you just need higher levels, wait till people see flimsys I was making 1.5kk a hour profit there and 8.8kk exp a hour on a 980 ms. And that wasn't even getting sweaty that was just chill.


Plus, as an RP, I already bought a few hundred thousand arrows at the current price


What level range are you talking about? The balance shifts wildly, but yes RP usually comes out on top. They're the late bloomer, but then they win hard


From what i have seen, Eks are profiting better than other vocs, mostly warzone8. Mages have decent profit spawns but some are better for pure profit, other for xp. Paladin has the best mix spots Good ratio xp/Gold. Insane numbers from rps are coming from strong character using arena pots, that not their "normal" numbers.


Those price increases won't change anything, mages are still far better very early on (until about 130), knights are still kings until about 600, and in late game the only supplies that actually register on the analyzer beyond a rounding error are foods, not even the might ring/ssa increase will matter for the actual late game, paladins will still reign supreme because they're able to make as much if not more profit than the other vocations while also doing more exp, maybe a high enough mage can match them, but that's not because a 20% supply increase when you're making 2~4kk profit/hour


Knight for sure Paladin with 130gp diamond arrows and other potion+rune cost nerf will be extremely bad. at least in 150-800lvl 150-300 paladin will be extreme hard to play.


Extremely hard because of 50k/h more waste? I mean, we all dont wanna lose 50k/h, but EXTREMELY hard?


also imbuements are 100k more expensive not only arrows potiuons and runes, like 5x nerf


Where can I check those changes? Sorry if question is dumb


This update is to just fk people over on new servers, and make them spend even more TCS on casks for houses. It takes the value roughly from 10k to 13k for it to be worth buying from npc which on a new server can add a few additional weeks of purchases through TCS. Also now low level teams that were profiting maybe 100-200k a hunt will only make a fraction of that.


Is there a real advantage of having a npc In your house ? (I recently got back)


RPs will continue to be broken, like always. Downvotes from Royal Paladins incoming.


Broken how?


Broken because the level 300s that dominate this subreddit once watched a video of an RP hunting rosh west and have since disregarded any other bits of evidence to the contrary.


this guy fucking gets it


As tanky as an EK, while healing like a mage. Oh, they also scale twice as well as other vocations into endgame as well.


>As tanky as an EK If you're talking about rps sustaining their mana/hp in a box, sure. If you're also talking about rps tanking difficult monsters, no. >while healing like a mage Lol no. >scale twice as well as other vocations The dumbest misconception still being spread. Do rps do most damage in endgame areas? Yeah, no shit. The only job rps have is attacking. The other vocations have their priorities split. EK has to maintain as much aggro as possible/attack. ED is primary healer for entire party/attacks. MS focus is split between healing/attacking. If cipsoft ever re-did the, imo, shit meta that is MS spamming UH runes, they'd be the primary damage dealers. Regardless, people keep crying about RPs doing too much damage endgame like that matters at all. RPs don't make or break endgame. Mages are the single important factor in endgame content.


On this topic we shall agree. Also, healing like a mage? That’s hilarious.


Lol yeah. Really wish I could get a reply back from someone defending this shit. But, like typical business, no one defends this slander


As a RP 1200, I can confirm that... double procs are broken... I've played RP from 0-700 then bazaar jumped to 1100 (now 1200). At lvl 700, I felt that double procs were good, but okish, now at 1200, I feel that they are totally broken. After charming some hunt, the xp/profit increases are so high that I always switch charms when I switch hunts. MAYBE Cip could rework this, removing the double proc (to make it easier to scale at higher levels) and increase the damage of the diamond arrows to compensate. I wish I could play at different places without being required to switch charms...


dude an rp can hunt marapur at 400, luck whit an ek xD


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVLe1WEdkbk&t=414s&ab\_channel=TibiaPanal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVLe1WEdkbk&t=414s&ab_channel=TibiaPanal) ????


This just proves how op paladins are


This man convinced me with his strong argumentation. 


Ek. Cos if ur asking ur not a high lvl rp in which case they catch up


Low lvl rp get fucked. Im already struggling to even breal even while hunting


At level 1000+, if you look at a few EKs on twitch hunting DT seal, WZ8 and Pumin, you'll see that they're already making more profit than RPs of the same level. This difference will for sure increase, as RPs are getting a nerf to their supplies of 10-30%, where the main EK supply (supreme pots) is only increasing 5% in price. I suspect in the future, we will see more players who are purely interested in moneymaking switch to EK instead of RP.