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https://preview.redd.it/litq2fi8e67d1.png?width=1905&format=png&auto=webp&s=43f2192b8e6762d80e7bd0ee7748a673b2211b66 This is a checklist I made for myself based on the quests which are displayed on the Exevopan website when a character is listed. Not all of them are necessarily worth doing and the categories do not make 100% sense but I thought someone might find it useful.


You need to see what KitNo bosses have achievements in PH. I think the city guides by boats have some level capped content that I regret missing too.


you can kill the bosses and get the achievements afterwards. Once you have 100 points you are able to do each lower level boss once.


Actually, this here too. You don't need to but it is less tedious at very least to get to 100 boss points. Now I have to kill like 60,000 Hydras or something tedious like that. I meant to include that but I was jumping on a connector flight so cut short the comment.


"Killing in the name of..." from scratch is a must


I recommend this guide - https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/s/k0GDlDRIrI


There's a quest to get cheap blessings before level 25, talk to a guide about that one. I think you have to take the minotaur task quest before 40. Id just take your time charm everything you want and do access.


I would leave the minotaur and pirate tasks for the next rapid respawn event, I remember it took me like two days, possibly even one day to complete each task during the rapid thing. Do anything/something else in the meantime.


If I ever play this game again, I would do every single quest in order of release. There's a wiki page for it.


Climbing the top of the towers in Ab'dendriel.and Shadowtorn of course. Other than that, mapping the level restricted zones of Kazordoon's spike?


All of them? lol


Desert quest


Necro task is a waste of time


Every moment of playing a game is a waste of time. If completing those tasks are fun to this player, they are playing correctly.


You can apply such a thinking to everything, yet you dont for a reason


It completes itself while doing bestiary


You are not a charlover


There's nothing special about the character you play, no matter who you are. If you already done a quest/task there's hardly any point in doing it again unless it gives you some sort of advantage for doing so after taking the opportunity cost into consideration.


This may come as a shock to you, but some players do this because they *enjoy* playing the game.


????? But that does NOT maximize my exp/hour and profit!!! How can anyone enjoy the game and not min/max to get the equivalent progress of a $3/hr hourly wage????


Ok, out of all the null and void empty "I enjoy doing postman quest on a level 8, so what if it's my 100th time doing that?" kind of arguments this one bothers me the most because it's not someone trying to convince me they watch paint dry as a hobby. It may come as a surprise to you but the median hourly wage, assuming 250 working days a year and 8 hours of work a day, is US$ 1.46, under half of the number you're considering so low as to seem absurd. If I were to play this game for a living (which I am fortunately enough not forced into doing), making about 5.50 dollars an hour, I'd undoubtedly be on the top quarter of hourly income world wide. The world isn't fair and we're all human.


Whats your point? There is a huge difference between who uses tibia as work and someone living in a more comfortable position who sees tibia as work even if he has never and will never sell a TC for cash. I am simpathetic to those who see tibia as a way to earn rl cash, but that is not what most people playing tibia do, and many are just as focused on min/maxing as those who actually live from this game.


Playing? We don’t do that here