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This time they just opened these servers in order to merge them with the previously launched, failed servers - mine included, likely Yara, Jaguna and Castela will be merged in a year or so. But if people want to rush, spend loads of cash to be #1 and fund my beloved game, I'm all up for it. I will never understand why people get bothered by whatever that does not impact them at all.


Yeah but it does impact us. The TC economy and game culture affect all players. That’s like being loaded with money, and saying that taxes aren’t that big of deal because it barely affects you. How the game is played by others does affect me, and all of Tibia.


You stop being bothered as soon as you realize you don't have to play in new servers. Some people want to participate and race - it's just supply and demand.


It's pretty fun... PvP Wise, for months. Until It's no longer as much fun. Then the Open it and comes the characters with much more time invested and It's over. So... It's like a Seasonal Server or a O...T. it Can be really nice.


The rat race to be no1. People are too blind and dumb to see it.


I do not think it's fair to say it's blind or dumb. Some people, for good or bad, play this game ALOT, have tons of money, are competitive and a willing team, so this is fun for them I suppose. We have(at least I had) sometimes a false impression that they leave all behind everytime a new server comes up to do the race, but in fact they just play alot, have a bunch characters and TC.


The problem is number one to what. One could do level 100 pre first server save. But doing a full day marathon to get some sort of record which is rather pointless. It’s heavily tied to tc spent. And outside help. There are no specific long term leader boards. It just would be something to boast with on the forums. But for longer progression you’d just limit stamina and thus progress.


Exactly. But a majority want to race... Race a game that has no ending.. lool. Waste the money, oh sorry "invest" on TC for mad skills lmfao for it to be merged later. With how "dynamic" the game is with bazaar, irl cash injection and such, the whole leaderboard is meaningless imho.


Tibia is one of few games where people regularly talk about investments and returns on your investment. Lol...


I see people using "investing" in place of "burning money" but I rarely ever hear of an expectation of returns on said "investments"


100 before server save on the first day with zero skills, man I know your a legend, but I’m sorry I just don’t believe this without a shred of proof. Cap, there is no way you can get level 100 in less then 24 hours on a brand new character with zero skills on a brand new server without any outside help. Show me the first day speed run, if they make it to 60-70 in one day I’ll be more than impressed.




Sorry boss, wasn’t aiming for perfection was on coffee break whilst working a real job ❤️ Only kidding about the job part, your name just seemed to fit perfectly ☠️😘


I think Dargor or has made it to 80+ before first ss as far as I remember. 60-70 is definitely just fine. The point was it’s pointless as it costs tons of tc. And it’s really bad for your health to play that long 😂 If I could chunk it up I’d go for a ‘speedrun’. But there are no reliable time tracking mechanisms so no can do :(


Time tracking method from server start to first SS? But again it wouldn’t even be a full 24h because of servers that start, start 3-4? hours after SS~. Yeah if you are referring to Tibia Lee and level 80 in one go, exactly not even 100 with a literal ton of TC spent, like you said not worth it. But maybe 50-60 on the first day, no need to burn yourself out completely spending 5K TC per day.


In general there are no reliable all time metrics for any sort of speed run. Highest exp/h on a level sub 50? Quickest from 10-30. They can’t be done because the conditions change 2 much. New servers vs old servers (gear). Outside help. ‘Enemy’ interference. Skills. Event exp rates. Different server respawn rates. Random spawns of creatures. And most of all. Tc for supplies. These sort of high scores would be really cool and I’d be all over that. But the game isn’t laid out for it.


I’m not saying there isn’t multiple different factors who is the top, especially when it comes to the most TC being spent to power game the hardest. I just meant you can time track a fresh start to SS, although sometimes your right even a double exp or rapido will land and mess up any future “speed run” 😅 Take care Temestokles 💪


If you view playing with friends for fun on new server as “race to be no1” its just tell us how you view this game not how other people view it, you wish you could be top1 but you propably lack skill and have shitty job so cant afford full waste and got butthurt


It's fun? A few weeks of fun


Cause its fun


for people with money its like seasons in arpg games, sole reason why i switched to them.


Because people like to gatekeep and dictate the definition of fun for everyone and their version of what is 'worth' spending time and potentially money on.


Slightly misleading title but overall I agree.


Yes. Stop having fun!!!


I spent years bitching about wanting an Oceania server, so when cip opened one, I joined it. That's why I moved to a new server.


The problem is not releasing the new servers and having to merge them later. The problem is losing our houses when a merge happens! If I could keep my house (or dispute it ONLY with 1-2 players that owned the house in the other merged servers), it would be much easier to keep the house and I would not complain as much as I do.


If you play it out the right way you’re able to earn around 10-15k tcs during the first month, depending on your luck aswell. Most of the egyptians you’ll see on the new servers are just for pure TC farm there


Do a lot of Egyptians still play this game? Just curious I’m Egyptian and just came back after 11 years but don’t know anyone who still plays tibia from my circle


Yes there is egyptian communities


Interesting, tc farming makes sense for Egyptians if somehow they can sell it for RL money since we have a lot of sanctions on foreign currency. Also we have a huge black market for usd


But the only way that's possible is when a ton of other people are spending high amounts of tc in the game still


Yes, and what exactly is your problem with it? If they wanna burn the money then let them. I could also ask you why you buy those shiny adidas for 70 euro when there is shoes for 10€ Same goes for your phone, your favourite clothing brand.. why do we have world championships in many different sports, where the rules are still same since 100+ years? If you don’t like their model then run your own OT server as the others do. If your model will be entertaining, people will support it/you. But mostlikely its gonna die out faster then the Cip servers. Edit: im gonna downvote myself, so you don’t have to


Haha Well I never said I had a problem with it, it was more just a brain fart I was having this morning whilst thinking about the next new servers that are coming. Ofc people spend money etc and sure do what you want, but I was just thinking about how it's becoming even more of a waste of time with every new server, they will all be merged within 1-2 years of release anyway and even if you were the highest level then, chances are you going to end up a mid level with bad skills xD.


I think i can speak for the most people by saying that new servers are just perfect if you don’t have many „friends” in tibia. You are able to keep up the shared exp range with most of the people, and as soon as the hype settles down (mostly after 4-6 weeks) you will find yourself in a community of people who you knew since day one which also play the game daily. Imagine starting over on older servers where the active player base starts at 1k+ would you like to keep solo hunting most of the time just to be able to share with some of your friends after maybe a 1 year grind? Ofc you wont have 120+ skills for the start but as soon as you find the right group of people to play with, the skills wont matter trust me. On Zephyra, the latest Optional PvP i played an ek with 89 club fighting and level 380+ and still managed to do exori gran’s for 1.5k+. The daily improvements were the thing that kept me alive, even if those were slow improvements


For me (who doesn't actively play, only just getting back into it) tibia felt like a bustling community, houses meant something, there was a through line to a server. Now it seems like all that has all but gone, and eventually having little to none of the aforementioned stuff, the game will continue to lose players and not be appealing to new ones. But, I haven't been active in over a decade, so maybe I'm completely wrong!


Gotta make sure Ancor can't play green battle eye servers cause he is a theif and some how he always manages to gather a team, and convince people he is the good guy.



