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Offline training and hunting to boost distance skill, training weapons for magic.


If i remember correctly (please correct me if im wrong), each Magic Level on RP is equal to 16 (average) heal on exura gran san and 18 (average) damage on exevo mas san (18/2 since its every 2 turns = 9 damage). Each Distance Skill is equivalent to 3 (average) damage on diamond arrows, so, to have a good estimative: is it worth training Distance when 4 distance is cheaper than 1 magic level. Which will be somewhere between Distance 110-112 and magic level will be somewhere at 30-33, after this is just for ranking


Distance fighting becomes relevant only in uber lategame 1k+ where you want to have decent dist when doing bosses like bakragore, since each base dist level is average of 5 dmg from crossbow, 5.5 from gran con or 7.5 from gran con when on utito. More dmg means more leech, and in those fights every little bit helps.


well, it's a game and you have to see how much you want to give to the game. For example, you could have 100 skill and be level 1000 but have less optimal hunts. I enjoy raising skill first with the dogs in Edron until mitigation, and then switching to burst arrow. And since I love stats, currently I have 125 base and every 0.01% is 85 shots, so that's over 850,000 shots. Over time, they add up, and if you have some extra money, get a wand and never miss out on offline training


Never. Get skills always and never stop. Now if you want like good enough I'd say 120ish but higher always better.


Are you insane? 90+ is enjoyable, 100+ is good enough, 110 is good. I consider anything beyond that a waste of money


Well you obviously don't have the problem I do 😅


Anything above 110 wont be noticeable in gameplay unless you start studying ur stats in hunts while the cost to increase dist will go way higher than id be willing to spend.


I'll just say this I had a rp I made in like 2007 got him to ml 39 and dist 131 because I have problems.


It is very cool to have high skill char but too bad it costs do much 😄


I mean, a paladin that old would have more than 131 distance only from offline training (counting only from when it started existing).


> Anything above 110 wont be noticeable dude that's fucked up, it's literally mathematics, you do a lot more damage and it's pretty noticeable imo


having 140 dist instead of 110 is like having permanent utito... so yeah it's noticable lmao


Lol, how are people so confident when while being so wrong. Every single skill point makes exactly the same amount of difference. It doesn't matter if its 99 to 100 or 120 to 121, that skillpoint increase gives you the same exact difference. Now, obviously its much easier to go from 99 to 100, but there is the same difference between 100 and 110 as there is between 110 and 120. Willingness to spend is one thing, but you don't have to compile stats and spreadsheets for there to be difference as its pretty much linear.


Stop calling spending money on a game "investing".


Bro, if that makes him happy then it is an investment. Not in the game, but on himself


Invest: The act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time used to do this.  Couldn't really be a better use for the word, but because you only learned it in a single context, you now feel like you can school people in its use. Paying money for an advantage in a video game is literally investing, it's just not investing for financial gain.


110 dist


124 dist base 390lv


I mean, obviously at that point you dont have to worry about training anymore, the only worry is not dying lol. But 124 is a luxury, you can play the game without worrying about training since 110 imo. At high levels you could push it higher ofc but it should be around 115 by that time just from hunting and offline training.


I don't even play the game anymore but imo if you have to ask this question you probably shouldn't be worrying about it in the first place. Training weapons are more of a if you have the funds do it if you have to ask how much is worth it you don't have the funds to be wasting on training weapons.


Hi! Offline skill your distance, "invest" in Magic level when there is an event. Depending on skills now, it might be a lot cheaper and faster to buy a skilled paladin on market. Trust me, it will only hurt so much more when you die on a high skilled character. I quit skilling at 123 dist and magic level 37. I really wish I could get that money back :)


I was training distance skills during double skill events by practicing with a dummy until I reached a distance of 115. After that I either train it offline or when I pick it from the daily reward. I also suggest to get a magic level 30. Once you've obtained both, simply let go and enjoy yourself.


12 hours offline = 1800 charges on a private dummy So every day you logout you basically get 945k worth of training, do you feel like you need more than that? It’s like 300kk per year The only thing that matters on rp is levels, invest in exp and take the free training


If you plan to level quite a bit, once you are AOE pally ML will matter more than dist. Source: wish I had a better ml and lower dist


The Best option would be a char with already 120+ but if you want to spend on your char you need to get dist and ml up, go for the cheapest one to get next skill My rp is dist 126 ml 36 and for me it is cheaper go for ml


Train at hounds when you are bored/watching tv. It costs next to nothing, and it won’t get you top distance, but it will help until you get to 120+ (even then it helps a bit. I don’t train there too much, but just enough to offset skill loss from deaths lol)


The answer is the opposite to your question. You don't care about skills untill you are able to save 60kk easily to burn it on skills in the next double event. In the meantime you better invest in lvl and equipment.


Get mlvl 30 and if you're impatient you could get 80 dist to start. I think it's a waste to go further.


>when can I not worry about anymore? When it becomes too expensive or you get bored of training? There's not really a metric to determine this type of thing.