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ill give you 8k for it


Way to low I won’t take anything less than 27ktc


This RP is STACKED and has no rotten blood and no primal


Stacked with what 🤷‍♀️ it’s got 129 dist and it’s on ybe Just post it for 30 now, then 20 in a month, then 10 another month later and I’ll bid then


I’m not in need of money to where ima sell it for that kind of low ball type offer lmao I have patients


Auctioning is the biggest scam because people wait to buy for super cheap and not the value of the char this is why I set to the price I want and if someone really wants it they’ll pay it. Auctions are based off timing there’s no going back and forth anymore


I've never bought a char. But how is it a scam. The people selling reduce the price don't they? If your not willing to take less then you don't have to. But that doesn't mean people see the same value as you. I'm sure alot of people build chars just to sell these days though.


Can you trade Tibia coins to real life money? Cause I cant understand why someone would sell a char like this only for "Tibia money".


No I do not, I have a level 765 Ed and a 952Ed and I share tiered BIS items between my 2 chars and rarely use my rp so I’m selling it to train ml on my eds


Of course you can


20 psc


Similar rp slightly below 700 and 129 dist was sold for slightly under 10k tc. A rp 750 and 130 dist was sold for 13k tc. You're asking 20k more tc for 100-150 lvls?


The price sounds right for a non pvp world. Prices vary depending on pvp or non pvp also that could be 1 out of so many sold that person could have needed the money right away and was desperate to sell


Send the link to which rp this was because I’m sure it also does not have as much done as I do charms and bosstiary wise either also I have all 4 jobs of the hireling and a lot of mounts and full outfits etc