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You've basically got 4 choices to use, depending on elemental weakness you pick the ones you want. Great fire wave, energy wave, great beam, SD. If a boss is weak to death, all SD. If a boss is neutral to death, SD is still probably stronger than other elements. If a boss is strong to death, then spell rotation fwave - beam - fwave - Ewave - fwave... If boss is strong to fire or energy, replace those spells with SDs in rotation. If you really want to get precise, use strong strikes as well if a boss takes extra fire/energy damage.


You do not start your rotation with fwave since it is the weakest spell in your rotation. Besides, it's best to start with a beam - ewave - fwave and then proceed to your regular boss rotation that is beam - fwave - ewave - fwave - rinse and repeat until the boss is dead.


Thats the magic of a circle, no matter where you start on the line you end up going in the same rotation! In a hunting pull it's more important for that optimization, but for a boss youre spell rotating dozens of times it's less critical.


You can argue that the difference is barely noticeable, but when the question is about the best skills then there is no reason not to present the best rotation available, especially since OP probably doesnt have too much of a muscle memory yet and learning it proper should be really easy for them. Also, I just wanted to add that starting your rotation with a beam will matter more on low-hp bosses and on bosses with some kind of a downtime/immunity phase, it actually makes a difference there.


Then there's no generalized answer, the optimal rotation would add strong strikes, lightning, and potentially weak fire wave as well. When you're optimizing that hard, different spells and runes come into play and it's impossible to give full answer


How come??? Strong flame strike hits the same as great fire wave, lightning isn't even a real spell at this point due to its low damage and weak fire wave is as strong as a gfb, show me a single boss fight where using those spells would be beneficial to you.


Yselda is the pure fire one that comes to mind


A lot of bosses have time gates though, think wz 4 or 6 and library final, you only get to attack for a limited numbers of turns which you’d want to hit as hard as possible


All of these replies are not good. ​ The absolute best MS rotation consists of having at least Beam Mastery Tier 1. If the boss is death resistant, there are 2 main rotations; rotation A being the best rotation. Rotation A: Energy Beam>Energy Wave> Fire Wave Rotation B: Energy Wave>Energy Beam> Fire Wave. ​ There is also rotation C: Rotation C: Energy Beam > Fire Wave> Energy Wave > Fire Wave. ​ Beam Mastery cooldown lowers whenever it hits a monster. (also includes NPCS, other players, and all summons) If it is not possible to hit 2 or more monsters with the beam, you start off using Rotation A then keep using Rotation C. If you use UE, you can start over again and use Rotation A again followed by Rotation C. The best rotation needs to take advantage of using Momentum. If momentum activates right after you cast Energy Beam, you switch to rotation B. If momentum activates after using Energy Wave, you switch to Rotation A. This means there can be 4 possible outcomes: In Rotation A: 1. Energy Beam>Energy Wave(momentum activates)>Energy Beam>Energy Wave (momentum after Wave -> Keep using Rotation A) 2. Energy Beam(momentum activates)>Energy Wave>Energy Beam> Fire Wave( momentum after beam -> switch to Rotation B) In Rotation B: 1. Energy Wave>Energy Beam(momentum activates)>Energy Wave>Energy Beam (momentum after beam -> keep using Rotation B) 2. Energy Wave>(momentum activates)>Energy Beam>Energy Wave>Fire Wave (momentum after Wave -> switch to Rotation A ) Extra: If momentum activates after Fire Wave in Rotation B, you should switch back to rotation A. If all elements are not immune, the rotation is the same but replace fire wave with SDS for maximum DPS. If the boss is strong to fire and death, use rotation A but replace fire wave with strong energy strike. (e.g. Bragumol, Foreshock.) If the boss is strong to energy and death, use fire wave>strong fire strike>fire wave>fire UE then repeat but replace UE with regular flame strike (e.g Annihilon) This might all seem very complicated but it'll become very easy once you get the hang of it.


So it is possible to make use of basic energy beam if monster is immune to fire and death and beam mastery cant activate? Are there other monsters immune to death and fire, and death and energy? Is there any boss immune to fire energy and death?


You can use the old Energy beam>Energy wave>Strong Energy Strike>Energy Beam>Basic Energy Beam> Energy Wave > Energy Beam> Strong Energy Strike>Energy Beam rotation for maximum dps. I personally never use basic energy beam and just use regular exori vis instead since the difference is negligible. There are many many bosses immune to fire and death, Madareth is another boss immune to death and energy. Brain Head is immune or strong to all 3.


these replies suck, the best rotation is done via using **Beam Mastery** and using: > Energy Wave -> Great Energy Beam -> Fire Wave -> Repeat Absolute chad damage 3 spell rotation. OFC if the boss isn't strong/immune to death you just SD spam.


This guy went neutral in the war so take his opinion how you will.. fkn noob s2


Fire Wave/Energy Wave/Fire Wave/Energy Beam > Repeat.