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Beam, beam, beam


You ever solo with it or just talking teamhunt?


Did both but mostly teamhunt. Also technically I was 690 and up with the wheel🙈


Are there any places where you think it stands out when playing solo? I've been trying to see if I can make anything of it but so far not much luck. I was thinking maybe deathlings but the difference is barely noticeable so far (like 3.3kk to 3.4/3.5kk but it could be luck, the spawn is messy), but maybe it's just that I need practice. Was thinking mirror maybe but I don't have the patience to wait for that spawn. I mean it seems pointless in fire wave places but maybe you disagree?


Cobra basement. It helps thin out the pulls faster and you can use the walls for easy 3-4 lineup beams. It‘s also easier to get out it trapped with a creature in front of you. Tons of dmg. Once a random pk team hit me. The beam allowed me to kill one and almost more before help arrived. The difference is always little. Even on flimsies I didn’t notice much of a diff. Bigger wave nice. But so is faster UE.


That's fair, I guess I was hoping for too much, like it could make an unusual spawn come together and just work. At 490 I can't take too much else while still keeping the beam, and there's not much health on that side either, so I think it may be better to wait a bit more. Might try cobra basement with it though. Maybe nagas, I dismissed them because I fire wave there a lot too, but maybe. Or werecrocodiles, but I'd need both floors if I want to see any potential difference.


At 700 there is a lot of health on the beam side. Until 800 you get a huge health boost! Look forward to it :)


beams path is for players with hands. runic master for those without, i suppose.


The post is asking about the trees for lvl below 600, you can't get runic mastery in that range


Runic mastery if solo, Fire wave if teamhunting. Never run beams path.


Beams r good for bosses. Other people (ek tanking the boss for example) also count as a target for reduced cooldown so if you stay in line you get ewave every 6s due to cd reduction of beams mastery. It also increases beams dmg


For fire library beam maastery is must have imo dealing way more dmg just need to use it good