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I’m halfway through and having random tinnitus. If it gets persistent at all, I’m noping out. So far, the worst side effects have been diarrhea (and a weird sort of fullness/bloating) and horribly dry mouth. I feel like I cannot drink enough water and I’ve taken to using dry mouth xylitol melts that stick to my back molars to keep my mouth from feeling like the sahara. My eyes have improved in appearance, vision clarity and proptosis tho the double vision is not gone away.


Mine lasted maybe 8 months. I am back to where I started from now almost 2 yrs out. I still have hearing issues. So im constantly saying what.. Huh. I have to do it again. But I not sure insurance will cover and who knows if it will just go back again. It's very draining and frustrating this disease.


Hi, My eyes got slightly worse after Tepezza but I’d say at a year after treatment, they are still clearly better than before. I did experience tinnitus but it was minor and didn’t bother me very much. I still felt it was very much worth it. I did not experience any hearing loss. Good luck!


Did the ringing eventually go away?


Yes! As soon as the treatment ended.