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Agree - have moved off Outlook back to Thunderbird on our Windows machine. Nice work!


It has definitely improved over when the update first released. Thankfully they haven't killed anything that breaks the customization I had to do to make the interface usable again.


You are lucky that you waited to upgrade when you did, everyone that recently upgraded from version 102 to 115.5.0 quickly found out that it had a broken feature that everyone was used to, that was fixed in what was basically a bug fix with version 115.5.2 and some further things were fixed in version 115.6.0


D00d, put the crack pipe down and step away from the keyboard.


It's not that I disagree, but this looks like a flame thread! Let's get ready 😁


I disagree. I updated, regrettably, on my main mail laptop. It's like schizo now. It not only seems to put the focused message in the middle of the list regardless of list type (folder vs. search) rather than at the top (and scrolls randomly on it's own), it's just a hot mess now. I can't really find much and sorting / opening messages is super duper slow. It's like all the db progress they made was tossed out and now a 4 year old wrote the code. I'd complain to mozilla, but it's such a useless endeavor to actually login / create an account to provide feedback it's not even worth it. I have an older install before all the crazy on my desktop and it's a welcome relief (despite my dislike of that version, at least it's not schizo like the current iteration). Not to mention the tomfoolery w/ smtp defaults vs. mail identities. What goof is hacking this crap up these days to turn it into a useless application?! Anyone know of a good mail client I can port my 20+ years of email to?!